- C-f1 to toggle the visibility of the menu bar
- redefin C-k for the result to be perfect at the end of line (see C-h k C-k)
- C-z : toggle full screen
- F8 : display the current buffer file name (if applicable)
- C-u F8 : insert the current buffer file name (if applicable)
- S-f8 : display the current buffer file name and push it into the kill ring
- C-next et C-prior : select another window in cyclic/counter-cyclic ordering of windows (alias of C-x o, C-u C-x o) Try “C-x 3 C-x 2” then “C-next” 3 time, “C-prior” 3 time. End with “C-x 1”.
- S-TAB : complete the name of a file directly from the current buffer Try to type in a buffer “~/ema” and presse “S-TAB” just after the letter ‘a’.
- C-x b : visit the link under the cursor with your favorite browser.
- C-S-TAB : indent the whole buffer without changing the cursor position (respect <pre></pre> in html-mode). One can use the special keyword #–noimdent– (where # is the comment character(s)) to not indent a line (useful in a javascript file).
- M-up ou M-down : transposes the line with the previous/next.
- C-x c-r : open a file as root
- ‘home’ : Move cursor at beginning of line or to the first non blank character depending where the cursor is.
- M-q : Use fill line or region as auto-fill-mode does.
- C-% : comments or uncomment the current line or region and indented code.
- C-; : as C-% but not indent the code.
- C-* et C-µ : to insert special comments section (in yellow) and sub-section (white) in Elisp code.
- Scroll_Lock ou Num-Défil : toggle the page scrolling mode.
- C-$ | C-” | C-{ | C-( : in some modes $, {, (, [ execute `skeleton-pair-insert-maybe’, these shortcuts by-pass this feature.
- C-: : redo (undo is C-/ by default)
- C-< : to return to the previous position
- C-> : to return to the next position
- C-x up | C-x down | C-x right | C-x left to resize the windows (“return or space” for finish sizing)
- C-’ insert apostrophe in utf8 : ’ preceded by C-u, insert the last modified date at the beginning of the file.
- F3 : complete the “tempo” symbol befor the cursor. See http://www.emacswiki.org/cgi-bin/wiki/TempoMode
- S-F4 : starts recording a macro.
- F4 : finished recording a macro if there is one being recorded, otherwise executes the last recorded macro.
Example: open a file containing text, go to the beginning of the buffer, press S-F4, down 3 lines, press the “Enter” key, press F4. The macro is recorded, repressing F4 to run this macro anywhere.
- F7 : toggle abbrev-mode.
- F9 : Seeking a makefile recursively in directories above the current directory and execute it when it’s found
- F10 : toggle inverse-video fir the current column
- F11 : updates the last modification of information if it exists : a line with exactly this syntax “$Last Modified on XXX”
- F12 : closes the current file AND the window (replace the keys’ sequence C-x k C-x 0).
- C-b To visit the link under the cursor in the browser defined in the variable `user`-web-browser
- C-S-b to pass the selected region to an url. The url is defined by
a keyword (See http://www.emacswiki.org/cgi-bin/wiki/BrowseAproposURL) :
- gw for Google Web
- gg for Google Groups
- gt for Google Translate
- dic the Treasury of the French Language computerized
- M-left : return to the previous “tempo” mark.
- M-right : return to the next “tempo” mark.
- F1 : toggle auto-complete : http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/AutoComplete
- S-F1 : toggle company-mode : http://nschum.de/src/emacs/company-mode/
- C-S-f8 : insert the php namespace clause based on first upper case letter naming convention.
- C-; : insert a semicolon at the end of the line if it does not exist
- C-, : insert a comma at the end of the line if it does not exist
- C-c <down> : py-end-of-block-or-clause
- C-c <up> : py-beginning-of-block-or-clause
- <ESC> M-x : execute menu items as commands, with completion
- C-f2 : Add/Remove a bookmark.
- f2 : Go to the next bookmark.
- S-f2 : Toggle if a buffer has persistent bookmarks or not.
- f6 : switch French/American
- M-$ : to check the word at point
- C-up and C-down : scroll the text without changing the cursor position.
- C-M-up and C-M-down : to scroll the whole page.
- f1 : if etags is available, create the files TAGS for Asymptote
- C-c C-p : to force the viewing in pdf
- C-c C-a : to make an animation with beamer of Asymptotes code
- C-; : insert a semicolon at the end of the line if it does not exist
- C-, : insert a comma at the end of the line if it does not exist
C-= : Expand region increases the selected region by semantic units. Just keep pressing the key until it selects what you want. See https://github.com/magnars/expand-region.el
C-c y : Open a fancy buffer to show the kill-ring