diff --git a/references.bib b/references.bib new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..e2417e800a3 --- /dev/null +++ b/references.bib @@ -0,0 +1,12583 @@ +@string{jcp = {J.~Comp.~Phys.}} +@string{jgr = {J.~Geophys.~Res.}} +@string{epsl = {Earth~Planet.~Sci.~Lett.}} +@string{grl = {Geophys.~Res.~Lett.}} +@string{pepi = {Phys.~Earth.~Planet.~Inter.}} +@string{g3 = {Geochem.~Geophys.~Geosyst.}} +@string{gji = {Geophy.~J.~Int.}} +@string{ijnmf = {Int.~J.~Num.~Meth.~Fluids}} +@string{ijnme = {Int.~J.~Num.~Meth.~Eng.}} +@string{se = {Solid Earth}} +@string{ajs = {American Journal of Science}} +@string{cmame = {Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering}} +@string{pnas = {Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences}} +@String{IWR = {IWR, Universit{\"a}t Heidelberg}} +@String{SFB = {SFB~359, Universit{\"a}t Heidelberg}} +@String{IAM = {Institut f{\"u}r Angewandte Mathematik, Universit{\"a}t Heidelberg}} +@String{UMSI = {University of Minnesota Supercomputing Institute}} +@String{IMA = {Institute for Mathematics and its Applications, Minneapolis}} +@String{EastWest = {East-West J. 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Sciences and Engrg.} +} + +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% + + + + + + +@InProceedings{BBR98, + author = {Becker, R. and Braack, M. and Rannacher, R.}, + title = {Adaptive finite elements for reactive flows}, + bootitle = {ENUMATH 97}, + pages = {206--213}, + year = 1999 +} + + +@InProceedings{BBR98a, + author = {Becker, R. and Braack, M. and Rannacher, R.}, + title = {An adaptive finite element method for combustion problems}, + booktitle = {ENUMATH 97}, + pages = {206--213}, + year = 1998, + editor = {Bock, H. G. et al.}, + publisher = {World Scientific Publ., Singapure} +} + +@Article{BBR99a, + author = {Becker, R. and Braack, M. and Rannacher, R.}, + title = {Numerical simulation of laminar + flames at low {M}ach number by adaptive finite elements}, + journal = {Combust. Theory Modelling}, + year = {1999}, + volume = {3}, + pages = {503--534} +} + + +@InProceedings{BBR99b, + author = {Becker, R. and Braack, M. and Rannacher, R.}, + title = {Adaptive finite element methods for + flow problems}, + booktitle = {Proc. FoCM'99, Oxford, July 18-27}, + year = {1999}, + editor = {A. Iserles} +} + +@Article{BBRW99b, + author = {Becker, R. and Braack, M. and Rannacher, R. and Waguet, C.}, + title = {Fast and reliable + solution of the {N}avier-{S}tokes equations including chemistry}, + journal = {Comput. Visual. Sci.}, + year = {1999}, + volume = {2}, + pages = {107--122} +} + + + +@Article{BGH04, + author = {Bangerth, W. and Grote, M. and Hohenegger, C.}, + title = {Finite Element Method For Time Dependent Scattering: + Nonreflecting Boundary Condition, Adaptivity, and + Energy Decay}, + journal = {Comp. Meth. Appl. Mech. Engrg.}, + year = {2004}, + volume = {193}, + pages = {2453--2482} +} + +@TechReport{BHK06, + author = {Bangerth, W. and Hartmann, R. and Kanschat, G.}, + title = {{deal.II} -- a General Purpose Object Oriented Finite Element Library}, + institution = {Institute for Scientific Computation, Texas A\&M University}, + year = 2006, + number = {ISC-06-02-MATH} +} + + +@Article{bangerth:etal:2007, + author = {Bangerth, W. and Hartmann, R. and Kanschat, G.}, + title = {{deal.II} -- a General Purpose Object Oriented Finite Element Library}, + journal = {ACM Trans. Math. Softw.}, + year = 2007, + volume = 33, + number = 4, + pages = {24} +} + + + +@Article{BJ08, + author = {Bangerth, W. and Joshi, A.}, + title = {Adaptive finite element methods for the solution of + inverse problems in optical tomography}, + journal = {Inverse Problems}, + year = 2008, + volume = 24, + pages = {034011/1--22}} + + + +@Article{BJR95, + author = {Becker, R. and Johnson, C. and Rannacher, R.}, + title = {Adaptive error control for multigrid finite element methods}, + journal = {Computing}, + year = 1995, + volume = 55, + pages = {271-288} +} + + +@Article{BJS05, + author = {Bangerth, W. and Joshi, A. and Sevick-Muraca, E. M.}, + title = {Adaptive finite element methods for increased + resolution in fluorescence optical tomography}, + journal = {Progr. Biomed. Optics Imag.}, + year = 2005, + volume = 6, + pages = {318--329} +} + + +@InProceedings{BJS07b, + author = {Bangerth, W. and Joshi, A. and Sevick-Muraca, E. M.}, + title = {Inverse biomedical imaging using separately adapted meshes + for parameters and forward model variables}, + booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on + Biomedical Imaging, Arlington, VA, 2007}, + pages = {1368--1371}, + year = 2007, + publisher = {IEEE} +} + +@Manual{bangerth:etal:2012, + title = {{deal.{I}{I}} Differential Equations Analysis Library, + Technical Reference}, + author = {Bangerth, W. and Heister, T. and Kanschat, G.}, + year = {2012}, + note = {{http://www.dealii.org/}} +} + + +@Manual{deal.ii-publications, + author = {Bangerth W. and Kanschat, G.}, + title = {Publications based on the {deal.{I}{I}} library}, + note = {{http://www.dealii.org/developer/publications/toc.html}} +} + + +@TechReport{BK99tr, + author = {Bangerth, W. and Kanschat, G.}, + title = {Concepts for Object-Oriented Finite Element Software -- the + {deal.II} library}, + institution = {IWR Heidelberg}, + year = 1999, + type = {{P}reprint 99-43 ({SFB} 359)}, + month = oct +} + + +@Article{BKMPW05, + author = {Bangerth, W. and Klie, H. and Matossian, V. + and Parashar, M. and Wheeler, M.}, + title = {An Autonomic Reservoir Framework for the Stochastic + Optimization of Well Placement}, + journal = {Cluster Computing}, + year = 2005, + volume = 8, + pages = {255--269} +} + +@Article{BKR00, + author = {Becker, R. and Kapp, H. and Rannacher, R.}, + title = {Adaptive Finite Element Methods for Optimal Control + of Partial Differential Equations: {B}asic Concept}, + journal = {SIAM J. Contr. Optim.}, + year = 2000, + volume = 39, + pages = {113--132} +} + + + + + +@TechReport{BKS96, + author = {Becker, R. and Kanschat, G. and Suttmeier, F.-T.}, + title = {Optimality Criteria for Adaptive Finite Element + Meshes}, + institution = IWR, + year = 1996, + note = {to appear}, + nolist = 1 +} + + + +@Article{BKWSS06, + author = {Bangerth, W. and Klie, H. and Wheeler, M. F. and + Stoffa, P. and Sen, M.}, + title = {On optimization algorithms for the reservoir oil + well placement problem}, + journal = {Comp. Geosciences}, + year = 2006, + volume = {10}, + pages = {303--319} +} + +@article{BR01, + author = {Becker, R. and Rannacher, R.}, + title = {An optimal control approach to error estimation and mesh adaptation +in finite element methods}, + journal = {Acta Numerica}, + year = 2001, + volume = 10, + pages = {1-102} +} + + +@Article{BR01a, + author = {Bangerth, W. and Rannacher, R.}, + title = {Adaptive Finite Element Techniques for the Acoustic Wave Equation}, + journal = {J. Comput. Acoustics}, + year = 2001, + volume = 9, + number = 2, + pages = {575--591} +} + + + +@Book{BR03, + author = {Bangerth, W. and Rannacher, R.}, + title = {Adaptive Finite Element Methods for + Differential Equations}, + publisher = {Birkh{\"a}user Verlag}, + year = 2003 +} + + + +@InProceedings{BR95, + author = {Becker, R. and Rannacher, R.}, + title = {Weighted A Posteriori Error Control in {FE} Methods}, + booktitle = {ENUMATH 95}, + pages = {621--637}, + year = 1998, + editor = {Bock, H. G., et al.}, + address = {Paris}, + month = sep, + publisher = {World Scientific Publ., Singapure}, + note = {in \cite{enumath97}} +} + + + +@InProceedings{BR95short, + author = {Becker, R. and Rannacher, R.}, + title = {Weighted A Posteriori Error Control in {FE} Methods}, + booktitle = {Proc. of ENUMATH 95, in Proc. of ENUMATH 97}, + year = 1998, + editor = {Bock, H. G. and others}, + address = {Singapore}, + publisher = {World Scientific}, +} + +@TechReport{BR96k, + author = {B{\"o}ttcher, K. and Rannacher, R.}, + title = {Adaptive error control in solving ordinary + differential equations by the discontinuous {G}alerkin + method}, + institution = sfb, + year = {1996}, + OPTkey = {}, + type = {Preprint}, + OPTnumber = {}, + OPTaddress = {}, + OPTmonth = {}, + OPTnote = {}, + OPTannote = {} +} + + + +@Article{BR96r, + author = {Becker, R. and Rannacher, R.}, + title = {A Feed-Back Approach to Error Control in Finite + Element Methods: {B}asic Analysis and Examples}, + journal = EastWest, + year = 1996, + volume = 4, + pages = {237--264} +} + + + + +@InProceedings{BR98, + author = {Becker, R. and Rannacher, R.}, + title = {A General Concept of Adaptivity in Finite Element + Methods with Applications to Problems in Fluid and + Structural Mechanics}, + booktitle = {Grid Generation and Adaptive Algorithms}, + year = 1999, + editor = {Bern, M. and Flaherty, J. E. and Luskin, M.}, + volume = 113, + series = {IMA Volumes in Mathematics and its Applications}, + publisher = {Springer} +} + +@Article{BR99b, + author = {Bangerth, W. and Rannacher, R.}, + title = {Finite element approximation of the acoustic wave equation: {E}rror + control and mesh adaptation}, + journal = {East--West J. Numer. Math.}, + year = 1999, + volume = 7, + number = 4, + pages = {263--282} +} + + +@InProceedings{BR99c, + author = {Braack, M. and Rannacher, R.}, + title = {Adaptive finite element methods for + low-{M}ach-number flows with chemical reactions}, + booktitle = {30th Computational Fluid Dynamics}, + year = 1999, + editor = {Deconinck, H.}, + volume = 3, + series = {Lecture Series}, + publisher = {von Karman Institute of Fluid Dynamics, Brussels} +} + + +@Article{BS00, + author = {Blum, H. and Suttmeier, F.-T.}, + title = {Weighted Error Estimates for Finite Element Solutions + of Variational Inequalities}, + journal = {Computing}, + year = 2000, + volume = 65, + pages = {119--134} +} + + +@Misc{BV02, + author = {Becker, R. and Vexler, B.}, + title = {Mesh adaptation for parameter identification problems}, + howpublished = {Proceedings of ENUMATH 2001}, + year = 2002, + note = {submitted} +} + + +@Article{BV03, + author = {Becker, R. and Vexler, B.}, + title = {A posteriori error estimation for finite element + discretization of parameter identification problems}, + journal = {Numer. Math.}, + year = 2003, + volume = 96, + pages = {435--459} +} + +@MastersThesis{Bac97, + author = {Backes, E.}, + title = {{G}ewichtete a posteriori {F}ehleranalyse bei der adaptiven + {F}inite-{E}lemente-{M}ethode: Ein {V}ergleich zwischen {R}esiduen- und + {B}ank-{W}eiser-{S}ch{\"a}tzer}, + school = {Institut f{\"u}r Angewandte Mathematik, Universit{\"a}t Heidelberg}, + year = 1997, + type = {Diplomarbeit} +} + +@InProceedings{Ban00i, + author = {Bangerth, W.}, + title = {Using Modern Features of {C}++ for Adaptive Finite Element Methods: + {D}imension-Independent Programming in deal.{I}{I}}, + booktitle = {Proceedings of the 16th IMACS World Congress 2000, Lausanne, + Switzerland, 2000}, + year = 2000, + editor = {Deville, M. and Owens, R.}, + note = {{D}ocument Sessions/118-1} +} + +@TechReport{Ban00mt, + author = {Bangerth, W.}, + title = {Multi-threading support in {deal.II}}, + institution = SFB, + year = 2000, + type = {{P}reprint}, + number = {2000-11}, + month = apr +} + +@InProceedings{Ban00w, + author = {Bangerth, W.}, + title = {Mesh Adaptivity and Error Control for a Finite Element + Approximation of the Elastic Wave + Equation}, + booktitle = {Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Mathematical + and Numerical Aspects of Wave Propagation (Waves2000), Santiago + de Compostela, Spain, 2000}, + pages = {725--729}, + year = 2000, + editor = {Berm\'udez, A. and G\'omez, D. and Hazard, C. and + Joly, P. and Roberts, J. E.}, + publisher = {SIAM} +} + +@PhdThesis{Ban02, + author = {Bangerth, W.}, + title = {Adaptive Finite Element Methods for the Identification + of Distributed Parameters in Partial Differential + Equations}, + school = {University of Heidelberg}, + year = 2002 +} + +@Article{Ban03cuj, + author = {Bangerth, W.}, + title = {Starting threads in a {C}++ compatible fashion}, + journal = {C/C++ Users Journal}, + year = 2003, + month = Oct, + pages = {21--24} +} + + +@TechReport{Ban03ip1, + author = {Bangerth, W.}, + title = {A framework for the adaptive finite element solution of + large inverse problems. {I}. {B}asic techniques}, + institution = {Institute for Computational Engineering and Sciences (ICES), University of Texas at Austin}, + year = 2004, + number = {2004-39} +} + + +@TechReport{Ban04, + author = {Bangerth, W.}, + title = {A framework for the adaptive finite element solution of + large inverse problems. I. Basic techniques}, + institution = {Institute for Computational Engineering and Sciences, The + University of Texas at Austin}, + year = 2004, + number = {2004-39} +} + + + + +@Article{Ban08ip, + author = {Bangerth, W.}, + title = {A framework for the adaptive finite element solution of + large inverse problems}, + journal = {SIAM J. Sc. Comput.}, + year = 2008, + volume = 30, + pages = {2965--2989} +} + + + +@MastersThesis{Ban98, + author = {Bangerth, W.}, + title = {{A}daptive {F}inite-{E}lemente-{M}ethoden zur {L}{\"o}sung der + {W}ellengleichung mit {A}nwendung in der {P}hysik der {S}onne}, + school = {Institut f{\"u}r Angewandte Mathematik, Universit{\"a}t Heidelberg}, + year = 1998, + type = {Diplomarbeit} +} + + +@Misc{Bec01, + author = {Becker, R.}, + title = {Adaptive finite elements for optimal control problems}, + howpublished = {Habilitation thesis, University of Heidelberg}, + year = 2001 +} + + +@PhdThesis{Bec95, + author = {Becker, R.}, + title = {An Adaptive Finite Element Method for the + Incompressible {N}avier-{S}tokes Equations on + Time-dependent Domains}, + school = {Universit{\"a}t Heidelberg}, + year = 1995, + type = {Dissertation} +} + + +@TechReport{Bec98, + author = {Becker, R.}, + title = {Weighted error estimators for finite element approximations of the + incompressible {N}avier-{S}tokes equations}, + institution = {SFB 359, Universit{\"a}t Heidelberg}, + year = 1998, + type = {Preprint}, + number = {98-20} +} + + + +@Article{Bel05, + author = {Bell, W.}, + title = {Good prospects}, + journal = {Access, the quarterly journal of NCSA}, + year = 2005, + volume = 18, + number = 1, + pages = {1--4}, + note = {\\This article also appeared in the \textit{GRIDSTART + Business Newsletter}, March 2005, pp. 6-8, as well + as \textit{GRID + today}, edition of March 28, 2005.} +} + + + +@InCollection{Boc81, + author = {Bock, H. G.}, + title = {Numerical treatment of inverse problems in chemical reaction kinetics}, + booktitle = {Modelling of Chemical Reaction Systems}, + publisher = {Springer}, + year = {1981}, + editor = {Ebert, K. H. and Deufl\-hard, P. and J{\"a}ger, W.}, + volume = {18}, + series = {Springer Series in Chemical Physics}, + address = {Heidelberg} +} + +@Book{Boc87, + author = {Bock, H. G.}, + title = {Randwertproblemmethoden zur Parameteridentifizierung in + Systemen nichtlinearer Differentialgleichungen}, + publisher = {University of Bonn}, + year = {1987}, + volume = {183}, + address= {Bonn}, + series = {Bonner Ma\-the\-ma\-tische Schriften} +} + + + +@PhdThesis{Bra98, + author = {Braack, M.}, + title = {An Adaptive Finite Element Method for Reactive Flow Problems}, + school = {Universit{\"a}t Heidelberg}, + year = 1998, + type = {Dissertation} +} + + +@Article{CBWKACB04, + author = {Carey, G. F. and Barth, W. and Woods, J. A. + and Kirk, B. and Anderson, M. L. and Chow, S. + and Bangerth, W.}, + title = {Modeling error and constitutive relations in simulation + of flow and transport}, + journal = {International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids}, + year = 2004, + volume = 46, + pages = {1211--1236} +} + + +@Article{CKPS01, + author = {Cockburn, B. and Kanschat, G. and Perugia, I. and + Sch{\"o}tzau, D.}, + title = {Superconvergence of the Local Discontinuous {G}alerkin + Method for Elliptic Problems on Cartesian Grids}, + journal = {SIAM J. Numer. Anal.}, + year = 2001, + volume = 39, + number = 1, + pages = {264--285} +} + + +@article{CKSS, + author = {Cockburn, B. and Kanschat, G. and Sch{\"o}tzau, D. and Schwab, C.}, + title = {Local discontinuous {G}alerkin methods for the {S}tokes + system}, + journal = {SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis}, + volume = {40}, + number = {1}, + pages = {319-343}, + year = {2002}, + doi = {10.1137/S0036142900380121}, + URL = { https://doi.org/10.1137/S0036142900380121}, + eprint = { https://doi.org/10.1137/S0036142900380121} +} + + + +@Inbook{DBS01, + author = {Diehl, M. and Bock, H. G. and Schl{\"o}der, J. P.}, + editor={Di Pillo, G. and Murli, A.}, + title={Newton-Type Methods for the Approximate Solution of Nonlinear Programming Problems in Real-Time}, + bookTitle={High Performance Algorithms and Software for Nonlinear Optimization}, + year={2003}, + publisher={Springer US}, + address={Boston, MA}, + pages={177--200}, + abstract={An efficient numerical method for the real-time solution of optimal control problems in optimal feedback control is presented, which is based on the direct multiple shooting method, and the contractivity of this real-time iteration scheme is proven.}, + isbn={978-1-4613-0241-4}, + doi={10.1007/978-1-4613-0241-4_8}, + url={https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4613-0241-4_8} +} + + +@Manual{DEAL, + title = {{deal.II} Homepage}, + author = {Bangerth, W. and Kanschat, G.}, + address = {{{http://gaia.iwr.uni-heidelberg.de/\~{}deal/}}} +} + + + + +@PhdThesis{Die01, + author = {Dieses, A.}, + title = {Numerical Methods for Optimization Problems in Water Flow and Reactive Solute Transport Processes of Xenobiotics in Soils}, + school = {University of Heidelberg}, + year = 2001, + number = {SFB Preprint 2001-07}, + note = {Ph.D. Thesis}, + url = {http://www.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/archiv/1431}, + doi = {10.11588/heidok.00001431} +} + + + +@Article{FK97, + author = {F{\"u}hrer, C. and Kanschat, G.}, + title = {A Posteriori Error Control in Radiative Transfer}, + journal = {Computing}, + year = {1997}, + volume = {58}, + number = {4}, + pages = {317--334} +} + + +@Article{FR96, + author = {F{\"u}hrer, C. and Rannacher, R.}, + title = {Error Analysis for the Finite Element Approximation + of a Radiative Transfer Model}, + journal = {M$^2$AN}, + year = {1996}, + key = {FR94}, + volume = {30}, + number = {6}, + pages = {743--761} +} + + +@Article{FR97, + author = {F{\"u}hrer, C. and Rannacher, R.}, + title = {An adaptive streamline--diffusion finite element method for hyperbolic + conservation laws}, + journal = EastWest, + year = 1997, + volume = 5, + number = 3, + pages = {145--162} +} + + +@MastersThesis{Fuh93, + author = {F{\"u}hrer, C.}, + title = {{F}inite--{E}lemente--{D}is\-kre\-ti\-sie\-run\-gen + der {2D}--{S}trah\-lungs\-trans\-port\-gleich\-ung}, + school = {Universit{\"a}t Heidelberg}, + year = 1993, + type = {Diplomarbeit} +} + + + + +@PhdThesis{Fuh97, + author = {F{\"u}hrer, C.}, + title = {Adaptive Error Control for Hyperbolic Problems}, + school = IAM, + year = 1997, + type = {Dissertation} +} + +@Article{GK, + author = {Gopalakrishnan, J. and Kanschat, G.}, + title = {A Multilevel Discontinuous {G}alerkin Method}, + journal = {Numer. Math}, + year = {2003}, + volume = 95, + pages = {527-550}, + url = {https://doi.org/10.1007/s002110200392} +} + +@Article{hartmann:houston:2002:conservation-laws, + author = {Hartmann, R. and Houston, P.}, + title = {Adaptive Discontinuous {G}alerkin Finite Element Methods + for Nonlinear Hyperbolic Conservation Laws}, + journal = {SIAM J. Sci. Comput.}, + year = 2002, + volume = 24, + pages = {979--1004} +} + +@InProceedings{houston:hartmann:2001, + author = {Houston, P. and Hartmann, R.}, + title = {Goal--Oriented A Posteriori Error Estimation for Compressible Fluid Flows}, + booktitle = {Proceedings of ENUMATH 2001}, + note = {Submitted}, + year = 2001 +} + +@Article{hartmann:houston:2002:compressible-euler, + author = {Hartmann, R. and Houston, P.}, + title = {Adaptive Discontinuous {G}alerkin Finite Element Methods for the Compressible {E}uler Equations}, + journal = {J. Comput. Phys.}, + year = 2002, + volume = 183, + pages = {508--532} +} + +@InProceedings{HH02a, + author = {Hartmann, R. and Houston, P.}, + editor={Hou, T. Y. and Tadmor, E.}, + title={Goal-Oriented A Posteriori Error Estimation for Multiple Target Functionals}, + booktitle={Hyperbolic Problems: Theory, Numerics, Applications}, + year={2003}, + publisher={Springer Berlin Heidelberg}, + address={Berlin, Heidelberg}, + pages={579--588}, + abstract={In many applications the quantities of interest are a series of target functionals of the solution to the governing system of partial differential equations rather than the solution itself. For example, in the field of aerodynamics, examples include the drag and lift coefficients of an airfoil immersed into a fluid, the pressure difference between the leading and trailing edges of the airfoil and point evaluations of the density or pressure on the profile of the airfoil. While traditionally these quantities are measured in wind tunnel experiments, nowadays these experiments are increasingly replaced by numerical simulations aiming to predict these quantities to a high level of accuracy.}, + isbn={978-3-642-55711-8} +} + + +@Misc{HH02b, + author = {Hartmann, R. and Houston, P.}, + title = {A posteriori error estimation for nonlinear hyperbolic conservation +laws involving discontinuous solutions}, + note = {In preparation} +} + +@Article{HH06, + author = {Hartmann, R. and Houston, P.}, + title = {Symmetric Interior Penalty {DG} Methods for the Compressible {N}avier-{S}tokes Equations {II}: Goal-Oriented A Posteriori Error Estimation}, + journal = {Int. J. Numer. Anal. Model.}, + year = 2006, + volume = 3, + pages = {141--162} +} + +@InProceedings{HHS01, + author = {Houston, P. and Hartmann, R. and S{\"u}li, A.}, + title = {Adaptive Discontinuous {G}alerkin Finite Element Methods for compressible Fluid Flows.}, + booktitle = {Numerical methods for Fluid Dynamics VII, ICFD}, + pages = {347--353}, + year = 2001, + editor = {Baines, M.} +} + +@Article{HPJRBS06, + author = {Hwang, K. and Pan, T. and Joshi, A. and + Rasmussen, J. C. and Bangerth, W. and Sevick-Muraca, E. M.}, + title = {Influence of excitation light rejection on + forward model mismatch in optical + tomography}, + journal = {Phys. Med. Biol.}, + year = 2006, + volume = 51, + number = 22, + pages = {5889--5902} +} + +@Article{HR00a, + author = {Hujeirat, A. and Rannacher, R.}, + title = {Towards implicit methods in computational astrophysics}, + journal = {New Astronomy Review}, + year = {2000}, + OPTvolume = {}, + OPTnumber = {}, + OPTpages = {}, + OPTmonth = {}, + note = {to appear}, + OPTannote = {} +} + + +@Inbook{HR00b, + author= {Rannacher, Rolf and Heuveline, Vincent}, + editor= {J{\"a}ger, Willi and Krebs, Hans-Joachim}, + title = {A Numerical Tool for Flow Simulation in a Wankel Motor}, + bookTitle= {Mathematics --- Key Technology for the Future: Joint Projects between Universities and Industry}, + year= {2003}, + publisher= {Springer Berlin Heidelberg}, + address= {Berlin, Heidelberg}, + pages= {33--42}, + abstract= {We describe the main steps in the development of a new numerical tool for simulating gas flow and heat transfer in a rotary engine (``Wankel motor''). Our approach comprises a 2D/3D grid generator for the Wankel motor geometry, an implicit finite element discretization for coping with the stiff pressure-velocity coupling and robust multigrid solvers on strongly distorded meshes. These components are implemented within a new FE-software package named Hi-Flow++ which is presently under development.}, + isbn= {978-3-642-55753-8}, + doi= {10.1007/978-3-642-55753-8_3}, + url= {https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-55753-8_3} +} + + +@Article{HR82, + author = {Heywood, J. G. and Rannacher, R.}, + title = {Finite Element Approximation of the Nonstationary {N}avier-{S}tokes + Problem. {I}. {R}egularity of Solutions and Second-Order Error + Estimates for Spatial Discretization}, + journal = {SIAM J. Numer. Anal.}, + year = {1982}, + volume = {19}, + pages = {275--311} +} + +@Article{HR98, + author = {Hujeirat, A. and Rannacher, R.}, + title = {A Method for Computing Compressible, Highly + Stratified Flows in Astrophysics Based on Operator + Splitting}, + journal = {Int. J. Num. Meth. Fluids}, + year = 1998, + volume = 28, + pages = {1--22} +} + + +@Article{HR99, + author = {Hebeker, F. -K. and Rannacher, R.}, + title = {An adaptive finite element method for unsteady convection--dominated flows + with stiff source terms}, + journal = {SIAM J. Sci. Comp.}, + year = {1999}, + volume = {21}, + pages = {799--818}, +} + +@Misc{HRS98, + author = {Houston, P. and Rannacher, R. and S{\"u}li, E.}, + title = {Adaptive finite + element methods for stationary conservation laws}, + OPThowpublished = {}, + OPTmonth = {}, + year = {1998}, + note = {Preprint in prep.}, + OPTannote = {} +} + + +@Article{HRS99, + author = {Houston, P. and Rannacher, R. and S{\"u}li, E.}, + title = {A posteriori error analysis for stabilised finite + element approximations of transport problems}, + journal = {Comput. Meth. Appl. Mech. Engrg.}, + year = {2000}, + volume = {190}, + number = {11-12}, + pages = {1483-1508}, +} + + +@Article{HRT96, + author = {Heywood, J. and Rannacher, R. and Turek, S.}, + title = {Artificial boundaries and Flux and Pressure + Conditions for the Incompressible {N}avier-{S}tokes + equations}, + journal = {Int. J. Comp. Fl. Mech.}, + year = 1996, + volume = 22, + pages = {325--352} +} + + +@InProceedings{Har00a, + author = {Hartmann, R.}, + title = {Adaptive {FE} {M}ethods for {C}onservation {E}quations}, + booktitle = {Hyperbolic Problems: theory, numerics, applications: eighth international conference in {M}agdeburg, February, March 2000}, + year = 2001, + editor = {Freist{\"u}hler, H. and Warnecke, G.}, + volume = 2, + series = {International series of numerical mathematics; Vol. 141}, + publisher = {Birkh{\"a}user, Basel}, + pages = {495--503} +} + +@TechReport{Har00b, + author = {Hartmann, R.}, + title = {A comparison of adaptive {SDFEM} and {DG}(r) method for linear + transport problems.}, + institution = {Institut f{\"u}r Angewandte Mathematik, Universit{\"a}t + Heidelberg}, + year = 2000, + note = {In preparation} +} + +@PhdThesis{Har02, + author = {Hartmann, R.}, + title = {Adaptive Finite Element Methods for the Compressible {E}uler Equations}, + school = {University of Heidelberg}, + year = 2002 +} + +@Article{Har06, + author = {Hartmann, R.}, + title = {Adaptive discontinuous {G}alerkin methods with shock-capturing for the compressible {N}avier-{S}tokes equations}, + journal = {International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids}, + volume = {51}, + number = {9-10}, + pages = {1131-1156}, + keywords = {finite element methods, discontinuous Galerkin methods, compressible Navier-Stokes equations, shock-capturing}, + doi = {10.1002/fld.1134}, + url = {https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/fld.1134}, + eprint = {https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/pdf/10.1002/fld.1134}, + abstract = {Abstract We present the Interior Penalty discontinuous Galerkin method for the compressible Navier-Stokes equations. Shock-capturing is used to reduce over-shoots at discontinuities and sharp gradients. This stabilization introduces artificial viscosity at places of large local residuals, but preserves conservation and Galerkin orthogonality of the DG method. Based on this discretization we derive a posteriori error estimates for the error measured in terms of arbitrary target functionals, like, e.g. the drag and lift coefficients of an airfoil immersed in a viscous or inviscid fluid. The performance of the nonlinear solution process, the a posteriori error estimation and an adaptive mesh refinement specially tailored for the accurate computation of the force coefficients are demonstrated for supersonic laminar flows around the NACA0012 airfoil.}, + year = {2006} + } + +@MastersThesis{Har98, + author = {Hartmann, R.}, + title = {A posteriori {F}ehlersch{\"a}tzung und adaptive {S}chrittweiten- und + {O}rtsgittersteuerung bei {G}alerkin-{V}erfahren f{\"u}r die + {W}{\"a}rmeleitungsgleichung}, + school = {Institut f{\"u}r Angewandte Mathematik, Universit{\"a}t Heidelberg}, + year = 1998, + type = {Diplomarbeit} +} + +@Article{JBHRS06a, + author = {Joshi, A. and Bangerth, W. and Hwang, K. and Rasmussen, J. C. + and Sevick-Muraca, E. M.}, + title = {Plane wave fluorescence tomography with adaptive finite elements}, + journal = {Optics Letters}, + year = 2006, + volume = 31, + pages = {193--195} +} + +@Article{JBHRS06b, + author = {Joshi, A. and Bangerth, W. and Hwang, K. and Rasmussen, J. C. + and Sevick-Muraca, E. M.}, + title = {Fully adaptive {FEM} based fluorescence optical + tomography from time-dependent measurements with area + illumination and detection}, + journal = {Med. Phys.}, + year = 2006, + volume = 33, + number = 5, + pages = {1299--1310} +} + + +@Article{JBS04, + author = {Joshi, A. and Bangerth, W. and Sevick-Muraca, E. M.}, + title = {Adaptive finite element modeling of optical + fluorescence-enhanced tomography}, + journal = {Optics Express}, + year = 2004, + volume = 12, + number = 22, + pages = {5402--5417}, + month = nov +} + + +@InProceedings{JBS06, + author = {Joshi, A. and Bangerth, W. and Sevick-Muraca, E. M.}, + title = {Non-contact fluorescence optical tomography with scanning + area illumination}, + booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on + Biomedical Imaging, Arlington, VA, 2006}, + pages = {582--585}, + year = 2006, + publisher = {IEEE} +} + + +@Article{JBS06a, + author = {Joshi, A. and Bangerth, W. and Sevick-Muraca, E. M.}, + title = {Non-contact fluorescence + optical tomography with scanning patterned illumination}, + journal = {Optics Express}, + year = 2006, + volume = 14, + pages = {6516--6534} +} + + +@InProceedings{JBSWS07, + author = {Joshi, A. and Bangerth, W. and Sharma, R. and + Wang, W. and Sevick-Muraca, E. M.}, + title = {Molecular tomographic imaging of lymph nodes with {NIR} + fluorescence}, + booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on + Biomedical Imaging, Arlington, VA, 2007}, + pages = {564--567}, + year = 2007, + publisher = {IEEE} +} + + +@InProceedings{JBTS04, + author = {Joshi A. and + Bangerth, W. and Thompson, A. B. and Sevick-Muraca, E. M.}, + title = {Adaptive finite element methods for + fluorescence enhanced frequency domain optical + tomography: Forward imaging problem}, + booktitle={2004 2nd IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging: Nano to Macro (IEEE Cat No. 04EX821)}, + year={2004}, + volume={}, + number={}, + pages={1103-1106 Vol. 2} +} + + +@Article{JBTS05, + author = {Joshi, A. and Bangerth, W. and Thompson, A. B. and + Sevick-Muraca, E. M.}, + title = {Experimental fluorescence optical tomography using + adaptive finite elements and planar illumination with + modulated excitation light}, + journal = {Progr. Biomed. Optics Imag.}, + year = 2005, + volume = 6, + pages = {351--358} +} + + +@Article{JRB95, + author = {Johnson, C. and Rannacher. R. and Boman, M.}, + title = {Numerics and Hydrodynamic Stability: Towards Error Control + in Computational Fluid Dynamics}, + journal = {SIAM J. Numer. Anal.}, + year = {1995}, + volume = {32}, + pages = {1058--1079} +} + + +@InProceedings{JTSB04, + author = {Joshi, A. and Thompson, A. B. and Sevick-Muraca, E. M. + and Bangerth, W.}, + title = {Adaptive finite element methods for forward modeling in + fluorescence enhanced frequency domain optical tomography}, + booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2004 OSA Biomedical Topical Meetings}, + year = 2004 +} + + +@Article{KBGWSSPCSK05, + author = {Klie, H. and Bangerth, W. and Gai, X. and + Wheeler, M. F. and Stoffa, P. L. and Sen, M. and + Parashar, M. and Catalyurek, U. and Saltz, J. and + Kurc, T.}, + title = {Models, methods and middleware for {G}rid-enabled + multiphysics oil reservoir management}, + year = {2006}, + month = {12}, + pages = {349-370}, + volume = {22}, + journal = {Engineering with Computers}, + doi = {10.1007/s00366-006-0035-9} +} + + +@InProceedings{KBWPM04, + author = {Klie, H. and Bangerth, W. and Wheeler, M. + and Parashar, M. and Matossian, V.}, + title = {Parallel well location optimization using stochastic + algorithms on the Grid computational framework}, + booktitle = {Proceedings of the 9th European Conference on the + Mathematics of Oil Recovery (ECMOR IX), Cannes, France}, + year = 2004 +} + + +@TechReport{KR98, + author = {Kanschat, G. and Rannacher, R.}, + title = {A posteriori error analysis for the dual-mixed discontinuous finite + element {G}alerkin approximation of transport-dominated advection-diffusion + problem}, + institution = SFB, + year = {1998}, + OPTkey = {}, + type = {Preprint}, + OPTnumber = {}, + OPTaddress = {}, + OPTmonth = {}, + note = {in prep.}, + OPTannote = {} +} + + +@InProceedings{KS00dgm, + author = {Kanschat, G. and Suttmeier, F. -T.}, + title = {A Posteriori Error Estimates in the Case of Insufficient + Regularity of the Discrete Space}, + booktitle = {Discontinuous {G}alerkin Methods: + Theory, Computation and Applications}, + pages = {349--354}, + year = 2000, + editor = {Cockburn, B. and Karniadakis, G. and Shu, C. -W.}, + volume = 11, + series = LNCSE, + publisher = {Springer} +} + +@Unpublished{kanschat:suttmeier:1992, + author = {Kanschat, G. and Suttmeier, F. T.}, + title = {{D}atenstrukturen f{\"u}r die {M}ethode der finiten {E}lemente}, + note = {unpublished, Bonn-Venusberg}, + OPTkey = {}, + OPTmonth = {}, + year = {1992}, + OPTannote = {} +} + +@Article{KS99c, + author = {Kanschat, G. and Suttmeier, F. -T.}, + title = {A Posteriori Error Estimates for Nonconforming + Finite Element Schemes}, + journal = {Calcolo}, + year = 1999, + volume = 36, + number = 3, + pages = {129--141} +} + + + +@InProceedings{Kan00ima, + author = {Kanschat, G.}, + title = {Solution of Multi-Dimensional Radiative Transfer + Problems on Parallel Computers}, + booktitle = {Parallel Solution of Partial Differential Equations}, + pages = {85--96}, + year = 2000, + editor = {Bj{\o}rstad, P. and Luskin, M.}, + volume = 120, + series = {IMA Volumes in Mathematics and its Applications}, + address = {New York}, + publisher = {Springer}, +} + + + +@InProceedings{Kan95, + author = {Kanschat, G.}, + title = {Parallel Adaptive Algorithms for Radiative Transfer + Problems}, + booktitle = {Parallel Programming and Applications}, + organization = {ZEUS}, + year = 1995, + editor = {Fritzson, P. and Finmo, L.}, + publisher = {{IOS} {P}ress}, + address = {Amsterdam}, + pages = {238--243}, + volume = 45, + series = {Transputer and OCCAM Engineering Series} +} + +@PhdThesis{Kan96, + author = {Kanschat, G.}, + title = {Parallel and Adaptive {G}alerkin Methods for Radiative + Transfer Problems}, + school = {Universit{\"a}t Heidelberg}, + year = 1996, + type = {Dissertation} +} + + + +@InProceedings{Kan97i, + author = {Kanschat G.}, + title = {New Algorithms for Radiative Transfer in Accretion + Disks and Surroundings}, + booktitle = {IAU Colloquium 163: Accretion Phenomena and Related + Outflows}, + year = {1997}, + editor = {Wickramasinghe, D. T. and Bicknell, G. V. and + Ferrario, L.}, + publisher = {Astronomical Society of the Pacific}, + address = {San Francisco, California}, + pages = {736-737} +} + +@InProceedings{Kan97m, + author = {Kanschat, G.}, + title = {Efficient and Reliable Solution of Multi-Dimensional + Radiative Transfer Problems}, + booktitle = {Multiscale Phenomena and Their Simulation}, + year = 1997, + editor = {Karsch, F. and Monien, B. and Satz, H.}, + publisher = {World Scientific}, + address = {Singapore}, + pages = {245--249} +} + +@Article{Kan98e, + author = {Kanschat, G.}, + title = {A robust finite element discretization for + radiative transfer problems with scattering}, + journal = EastWest, + year = 1998, + volume = 6, + number = 4, + pages = {265--272} +} + + +@InProceedings{Kan99f, + author = {Kanschat, G.}, + title = {Parallel Computation of Multi-dimensional Neutron + and Photon Transport in Inhomogeneous Media}, + booktitle = {High Performance Scientific and Engineering + Computing}, + pages = {431--440}, + year = 1999, + editor = {Bungartz, H.-J. and Durst, F. and Zenger, Chr.}, + volume = 8, + series = LNCSE, + publisher = {Springer} +} + +@Article{Kan04, + author = {Kanschat, G.}, + title = {Multilevel methods for discontinuous {G}alerkin {FEM} on locally refined meshes}, + number = {28}, + pages = {2437--2445}, + volume = {82}, + journal = {Computers \& structures}, + publisher = {Elsevier}, + year = {2004}, +} + +@Article{LR81, + author = {Luskin, M. and Rannacher, R.}, + title = {On the Smoothing Property of the {G}alerkin Method for + Parabolic Problems}, + journal = {SIAM J. Numer. Anal.}, + volume = 19, + year = 1981, + pages = {93--113} +} + +@Article{LR82, + author = {Luskin, M. and Rannacher, R.}, + title = {On the Smoothing Property of the {C}rank-{N}icolson + Scheme}, + journal = {Applic. Anal.}, + volume = 14, + year = 1982, + pages = {117--135} +} + +@InProceedings{MPRT95, + author = {M{\"u}ller, S. and Prohl, A. and Rannacher, R. and Turek, S.}, + title = {Implicit time-discretization of the nonstationary incompressible + {N}avier-{S}tokes equations}, + booktitle = {Fast Solvers for Flow Problems, Proceedings of the tenth + GAMM-Seminar, Kiel January 14--16, 1994}, + editor = {Hackbusch, W. and Wittum, G.}, + year = {1994}, + publisher = {F. Vieweg \& Sohn Verlagsgesellschaft mbH, Braunschweig/Wiesbaden} +} + +@Article{MV07, + author = {Meidner, D. and Vexler. B.}, + title = {Adaptive Space-Time Finite Element Methods for Parabolic + Optimization Problems}, + journal = {SIAM J. Contr. Optim.}, + year = 2007, + volume = 46, + pages = {116--142}} + + + +@Article{PKCKBMSW05, + author = {Parashar, M. and Klie, H. and Catalyurek, U. + and Kurc, T. and Bangerth, W. and + Matossian, V. and Saltz, J. and Wheeler, M. F.}, + title = {Application of Grid-enabled Technologies for Solving + Optimization Problems in Data-Driven Reservoir Studies}, + journal = {Future Generation Computer Systems}, + year = {2005}, + volume = {21}, + pages = {19--26} +} + + +@InProceedings{PMBKRKCSW05, + author = {Parashar, M. and Matossian, V. and Bangerth, W. + and Klie, H. and Rutt, B. and Kurc, T. and + Catalyurek, U. and Saltz, J. and Wheeler, M. F.}, + title = {Towards dynamic data-driven optimization of oil well + placement}, + booktitle = {Computational Science -- ICCS 2005: 5th International + Conference, Atlanta, GA, USA, May 22-25, 2005. + Part II}, + pages = {656--663}, + year = 2005, + editor = {Sunderam, V. S. and van Albada, G. D. and + Sloot, P. M. A. and et al.} +} + + +@InCollection{RS02, + author = {Rannacher, R. and Suttmeier, F.-T.}, + title = {Error estimation and adaptive mesh design for FE models in elasto-plasticity}, + booktitle = {Error-Controlled Adaptive FEMs in Solid Mechanics}, + publisher = {John Wiley}, + year = 2002 +} + + + +@Article{RS97, + author = {Rannacher, R. and F.-T. Suttmeier, F.-T.}, + title = {A Feed-Back Approach to Error Control in Finite + Element Methods: Application to Linear Elasticity}, + journal = {Comp. Mech.}, + year = 1997, + volume = 19, + number = 5, + pages = {434--446} +} + + +@InProceedings{RS98b, + author = {Rannacher, R. and Suttmeier, F.-T.}, + title = {An adaptive finite element method for problems in perfect plasticity}, + booktitle = {GAMM-Conference 1998, Bremen, April 6-9, 1998}, + OPTcrossref = {}, + OPTkey = {}, + OPTpages = {}, + year = {1998}, + OPTeditor = {}, + OPTvolume = {}, + OPTnumber = {}, + OPTseries = {}, + OPTaddress = {}, + OPTmonth = {}, + organization = {ZAMM}, + OPTpublisher = {}, + note = {to appear}, + OPTannote = {} +} + + +@Article{RS98c, + author = {Rannacher, R. and Suttmeier. F.-T.}, + title = {A Posteriori Error Control in Finite Element Methods + Via Duality Techniques: Application to Perfect + Plasticity}, + journal = {Comp. Mech.}, + year = {1998}, + volume = 21, + number = 2, + pages = {123--133} +} + +@InProceedings{RS98p, + author = {Rannacher, R. and Suttmeier, F.-T.}, + title = {A Posteriori Error estimation and Mesh Adaptation in + Elasticity and Elasto-Plasticity}, + booktitle = {Advances in Adaptive Computational Methods in + Mechanics}, + OPTcrossref = {}, + OPTkey = {}, + editor = {Ladev\`eze, P. and Oden, J. T.}, + volume = {176}, + OPTnumber = {}, + OPTseries = {}, + year = {1998}, + OPTorganization ={}, + publisher = {Elsevier}, + address = {Amsterdam}, + OPTmonth = {}, + pages = {275--292}, + OPTnote = {}, + OPTannote = {} +} + +@Article{RS99, + author = {Rannacher, R. and Suttmeier, F.-T.}, + title = {A Posteriori Error Control and Mesh Adaptation + for Finite Element Models in + Elasticity and Elasto-Plasticity}, + journal = {Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg.}, + year = 1999, + pages = {333--361} +} + +@Article{RSWODW96, + author = {Rannacher, R. and Segatz, J. and Wichmann, J. and + Orlemann, C. and Dreier, T. and Wolfrum, J.}, + title = {Detailed numerical simulations in flow reactors -- + A new approach in measuring absolute rate constants}, + journal = {J. Phys. Chem.}, + year = 1996, + volume = 22, + pages = {9323-9333} +} + +@Article{RT92, + author = {Rannacher, R. and Turek, S.}, + title = {Simple nonconforming Quadrilateral {S}tokes Element}, + journal = {Num. Meth. PDE}, + year = 1992, + volume = 8, + number = 2, + pages = {97--111}, + month = mar +} + + + +@InProceedings{RZ94, + author = {Rannacher, R. and Zhou, G.}, + title = {Mesh adaptation via a predictor-corrector strategy in the +streamline diffusion method for nonstationary hyperbolic systems}, + booktitle = {Proceedings Workshop Adaptive Methods}, + pages = {236--250}, + year = 1994, + editor = {Hackbusch, W. and Wittum, G.}, + volume = 46, + series = {NNFM}, + publisher = {Vieweg} +} + + +@TechReport{RZ97, + author = {Rannacher, R. and Zhou, G.}, + title = {Local {$L^2$}-error analysis and + superconvergence of the streamline-diffusion finite element method for stationary + convection--diffusion problems}, + institution = SFB, + year = {1997}, + OPTkey = {}, + OPTtype = {}, + OPTnumber = {}, + OPTaddress = {}, + OPTmonth = {}, + OPTannote = {} +} + + +@InProceedings{Ran00a, + author = {Rannacher, R.}, + title = {The dual-weighted-residual method for error control and + mesh adaptation in finite element methods}, + booktitle = {Proc. MAFELAP 1999}, + pages = {97--116}, + year = 2000, + editor = {Whiteman, J. R.}, + publisher = {Elsevier, Amsterdam} +} + +@Article{Ran00b, + author = {Rannacher, R.}, + title = {Adaptive {G}alerkin finite element methods for partial + differential equations}, + journal = {Special Millenium 2000 Issue of J. Comput. Appl. Math.}, + year = {2000}, + note = {to appear} +} + + +@InProceedings{Ran00c, + author = {Rannacher, R.}, + title = {Adaptive finite element discretization of optimization problems}, + booktitle = {Proc. Conf. Numer. Analysis 1999}, + year = 2000, + editor = {Griffiths, D. F. and Watson, G. A.}, + publisher = {Chapman\&Hall/ CRC, London} +} + +@InCollection{Ran00d, + author = {Rannacher, R.}, + title = {Numerical Methods for the Incompressible {N}avier-{S}tokes Equations}, + booktitle = {Fundamental Directions in Mathematical Fluid Mechanics}, + pages = {191--293}, + publisher = {Birkh{\"a}user, B.}, + year = 2000, + editor = {P. Galdi and J. Heywood and R. 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Heidelberg}, + type = {Preprint}, + number = {92--12}, + year = 1992 +} + +@InProceedings{Ran98a, + author = {Rannacher, R.}, + title = {Error Control in Finite Element Computations}, + booktitle = {Proc. {NATO} Summer School: ``Error Control and + Adaptivity in Scientific Computing'', Antalya, Turkey, Aug. 9-12, 1998}, + pages = {247--278}, + year = 1999, + editor = {Bulgak, H. and Zenger, C.}, + series = {NATO Science Series}, + publisher = {Kluwer Academic Publ., Dortrecht/Boston/London} +} + + +@Article{Ran98c, + author = {Rannacher, R.}, + title = {A posteriori error estimation in least-squares + stabilized finite element schemes}, + journal = {Comput. Meth. Appl. Mech. Engrg.}, + year = {1998}, + volume = {166}, + pages = {99--114}, +} + +@TechReport{Ran98d, + author = {Rannacher, R.}, + title = {A Posteriori Error Estimates for Dual-Mixed Finite + Element Approximations}, + year = 1998, + institution = SFB, + type = {Preprint}, + OPTnumber = {} +} + + + +@InProceedings{Ran99a, + author = {Rannacher, R.}, + title = {Adaptive finite element methods for flow problems}, + booktitle = {Proc. 88th Int. Symp. on Comput. Fluid Dynamics, Bremen, + Sept. 5-10, 1999}, + OPTcrossref = {}, + OPTkey = {}, + OPTpages = {}, + year = {1999}, + OPTeditor = {}, + OPTvolume = {}, + OPTnumber = {}, + OPTseries = {}, + OPTaddress = {}, + OPTmonth = {}, + OPTorganization = {}, + publisher = {J. Japan Society of CFD (CFD Journal)}, + note = {to appear}, + OPTannote = {} +} + + +@InProceedings{Ran99b, + author = {Rannacher, R.}, + title = {Adaptive {FEM}}, + booktitle = {Proc. 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Mech.}, + year = 2001, + volume = 27, + pages = {317-323} +} + + +@Book{Sut01a, + author = {Suttmeier. F.-T.}, + title = {Error Analysis for Finite Element Solutions of Variational Inequalities. Professorial Dissertation}, + publisher = {University of Dortmund}, + year = 2001 +} + + + +@Article{Sut02, + author = {Suttmeier, F.-T.}, + title = {Error bounds for finite element solutions of elliptic + variational inequalities of second kind}, + journal = {East-West J. Numer. Math.}, + year = 2002, + volume = 9, + pages = {307--314} +} + + +@PhdThesis{Sut96, + author = {Suttmeier, F.-T.}, + title = {Adaptive Finite Element Approximation of Problems in + Elasto-Plasticity Theory}, + school = {Universit{\"a}t Heidelberg}, + year = 1996, + type = {Dissertation} +} + + +@TechReport{Sut97, + author = {Suttmeier, F.-T.}, + title = {An Adaptive Finite Element Scheme for a Benchmark + Problem in Perfect Plasticity}, + institution = {IWR, Universit{\"a}t Heidelberg}, + year = 1997, + type = {Preprint} +} + + +@TechReport{TW94, + author = {Turek, S. and Wehrse, R.}, + title = {Spectral Appearance of Dust Enshrouded Stars: A + Finite Element Approach to {2D} Radiative Transfer}, + institution = {IWR, Universit{\"a}t Heidelberg}, + year = 1994, + type = {Preprint}, + number = {94--43}, + month = jul, + note = {submitted to A~\&~A} +} + + + +@Article{Tur93, + author = {Turek, S.}, + title = {An Efficient Solution Technique for the Radiative + Transfer Equation}, + journal = {Imp. 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Vexler}, + doi = {10.1088/0266-5611/24/2/025025}, + url = {https://doi.org/10.1088%2F0266-5611%2F24%2F2%2F025025}, + year = 2008, + month = mar, + publisher = {{IOP} Publishing}, + volume = {24}, + number = {2}, + pages = {025025}, + title = {Efficient computation of the Tikhonov regularization parameter by goal-oriented adaptive discretization}, + journal = {Inverse Problems}, + abstract = {Parameter identification problems for partial differential equations (PDEs) often lead to large-scale inverse problems. For their numerical solution it is necessary to repeatedly solve the forward and even the inverse problem, as it is required for determining the regularization parameter, e.g., according to the discrepancy principle in Tikhonov regularization. To reduce the computational effort, we use adaptive finite-element discretizations based on goal-oriented error estimators. This concept provides an estimate of the error in a so-called quantity of interest, which is a functional of the searched for parameter q and the PDE solution u. Based on this error estimate, the discretizations of q and u are locally refined. The crucial question for parameter identification problems is the choice of an appropriate quantity of interest. A convergence analysis of the Tikhonov regularization with the discrepancy principle on discretized spaces for q and u provides a possible answer: it shows, that in order to determine the correct regularization parameter, one has to guarantee sufficiently high accuracy in the squared residual norm-which is therefore our quantity of interest-whereas q and u themselves need not be computed precisely everywhere. This fact allows for relatively low dimensional adaptive meshes and hence for a considerable reduction of the computational effort. In this paper, we study an efficient inexact Newton algorithm for determining an optimal regularization parameter in Tikhonov regularization according to the discrepancy principle. With the help of error estimators we guide this algorithm and control the accuracy requirements for its convergence. This leads to a highly efficient method for determining the regularization parameter.} +} + + +@Article{GM78, + author = {P. E. Gill and W. Murray}, + title = {Algorithms for the solution of the nonlinear least-squares problem}, + journal = {SIAM J. Numer. Anal.}, + year = 1978, + volume = 15, + pages= {977--992} +} + +@Article{GMPS92, + author = {P. E. Gill and W. Murray and D. B. Ponceleon and M. A. Saunders}, + title = {Preconditioners for indefinite systems arising in optimization}, + journal = {SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl.}, + year = 1992, + volume = 13, + pages = {292--311} +} + +@Article{GRWN03, + author = {E. E. Graves and J. Ripoll and R. Weissleder and + V. 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Oldenburg}, + title = {A {GCV} based method for nonlinear ill-posed problems}, + journal = {Computational Geosciences}, + year = 2000, + volume = 4, + pages = {41--63} +} + + +@Article{HO97, + author = {E. Haber and D. Oldenburg}, + title = {Joint inversion: a structural approach}, + journal = {Inverse Problems}, + year = 1997, + volume = 13, + pages = {63--77} +} + + + +@Article{HP01, + author = {G. J. Hicks and R. G. Pratt}, + title = {Reflection waveform inversion using local descent methods: Estimating attenuation and velocity over a gas-sand deposit}, + journal = {GEOPHYSICS}, + volume = {66}, + number = {2}, + pages = {598-612}, + year = {2001}, + doi = {10.1190/1.1444951}, + URL = {https://doi.org/10.1190/1.1444951}, + eprint = {https://doi.org/10.1190/1.1444951}, + abstract = { Prestack seismic reflection data contain amplitudes, traveltimes, and moveout information; waveform inversion of such data has the potential to estimate attenuation levels, reflector depths and geometry, and background velocities. However, when inverting reflection data, strong nonlinearities can cause reflectors to be incorrectly imaged and can prevent background velocities from being updated. To successfully recover background velocities, previous authors have resorted to nonlinear, global search inversion techniques. We propose a two-step inversion procedure using local descent methods in which we perform alternate inversions for the reflectors and the background velocities. For our reflector inversion we exploit the efficiency of the back-propagation method when inverting for a large parameter set. For our background velocity inversion we use Newton inverse methods. During the background velocity inversions it is crucial to adaptively depth-stretch the model to preserve the vertical traveltimes. This reduces nonlinearity by largely decoupling the effects of the background velocities and reflectors on the data. Nonlinearity is further reduced by choosing to invert for slownesses and by inverting for a sparse parameter set which is partially defined using geological reflector picks. Applying our approach to shallow seismic data from the North Sea collected over a gas-sand deposit, we demonstrate that the proposed method is able to estimate both the geometry and internal velocity of a significant velocity structure not present in the initial model. Over successive iterations, the use of adaptive depth stretching corrects the pull-down of the base of the gas sand. Vertical background velocity gradients are also resolved. For an insignificant extra cost the acoustic attenuation parameter Q is included in the inversion scheme. The final attenuation tomogram contains realistic values of Q for the expected lithologies and for the effect of partial fluid saturation associated with a shallow bright spot. The attenuation image may also indicate the presence of fracturing. } +} + + + +@Article{HS94, + author = {B. Hofmann and O. 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The overall optimization technique is applied to several example problems involving geological models with multiple geostatistical realizations and with different reliability scenarios for the control devices. It is shown that there is significant variation in the level of improvement attainable using inflow control devices and that this improvement varies with both the valve reliability and the particular geological realization. Decision-making techniques are used to quantify the benefits obtained using optimized smart wells under different risk attitudes.} +} + +@Article{YPNM03, + author = {P. Yu and L. Peng and D. D. Nolte and M. R. Melloch}, + title = {Ultrasound detection through turbid media}, + journal = {Optics Letters}, + year = 2003, + volume = 28, + pages = {819--821} +} + +@Article{YW00, + author = {G. Yao and L. V. 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Engrg., submitted}, + volume = {58}, + number = {1}, + pages = {186 - 200}, + year = {2007}, + issn = {0920-4105}, + doi = {10.1016/j.petrol.2006.12.008}, + url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0920410507000101}, + keywords = {Optimal control, Bang-bang control, Singular arcs, Reservoir flooding}, + abstract = {Over the past few years, dynamic optimization of reservoir flooding using optimal control theory has received significant attention. Various studies have shown that dynamic (time-varying) injection and production settings can yield a higher Net Present Value (NPV) than conventional reactive settings. In these studies, the optimization procedure itself is always gradient-based, where the gradients are obtained with an adjoint formulation. However, the shape of the optimal injection and production settings is generally not known beforehand. The main contribution of this paper is to investigate why and under what conditions reservoir flooding problems can be expected to have bang-bang (on-off) optimal solutions. A major practical advantage of bang-bang controls is that they can be implemented with simple on-off valves. Furthermore, there are sufficient optimality conditions that are tailor-made for bang-bang solutions, meaning we can actually check whether a solution is locally optimal or not. These results are illustrated by a water flooding example of a 3-dimensional reservoir in a fluvial depositional environment, modeled with 18.553 grid blocks. The valve settings of 8 injection and 4 production wells are optimized over the life of the reservoir, with the objective to maximize NPV. It turns out that optimal settings are sometimes bang-bang, and sometimes bang-bang in combination with so-called singular arcs. For the latter situations, however, bang-bang solutions are found that are only slightly suboptimal.} +} + + +@Article{Zar09, + author = {C. A. Zarzer}, + title = {On {T}ikhonov regularization with non-convex sparsity + constraints}, + journal = {Inverse Problems}, + year = 2009, + volume = 25, + pages = {025006/1--13}} + +@Article{RBSHBRN09, + author = {R. Ziegler and B. Brendel and A. Schipper and R. Harbes + and M. van Beek and H. Rinneberg and T. Nielsen}, + title = {Investigation of detection limits for diffuse optical + tomography: {I}. {T}heory and experiment}, + journal = {Phys. Med. Biol.}, + year = 2009, + volume = 54, + pages = {399--412}} + +@Article{RBRN09, + author = {R. Ziegler and B. Brendel and H. Rinneberg and T. Nielsen}, + title = {Investigation of detection limits for diffuse optical + tomography: {II}. {A}nalysis of slab and cup geometry + for breast imaging}, + journal = {Phys. Med. 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The p-adaptive version of the scheme is useful in complex 3-D models with small-scale features which have to be meshed with reasonably small elements to capture the necessary geometrical details of interest. Using a constant high polynomial degree of the basis functions in the whole computational domain can lead to an unreasonably high CPU effort since good spatial resolution at the surface may be already obtained by the fine mesh. Therefore, it can be more adequate in some cases to use a lower order method in the small elements to reduce the CPU effort without loosing much accuracy. To further increase computational efficiency, we present a new local time stepping (LTS) algorithm. For usual explicit time stepping schemes the element with the smallest time step resulting from the stability criterion of the method will dictate its time step to all the other elements of the computational domain. In contrast, by using local time stepping, each element can use its optimal time step given by the local stability condition. Our proposed LTS algorithm for ADER-DG is very general and does not need any temporal synchronization between the elements. Due to the ADER approach, accurate time interpolation is automatically provided at the element interfaces such that the computational overhead is very small and such that the method maintains the uniform high order of accuracy in space and time as in the usual ADER-DG schemes with a globally constant time step. However, the LTS ADER-DG method is computationally much more efficient for problems with strongly varying element size or material parameters since it allows to reduce the total number of element updates considerably. This holds especially for unstructured tetrahedral meshes that contain strongly degenerate elements, so-called slivers. We show numerical convergence results and CPU times for LTS ADER-DG schemes up to sixth order in space and time on irregular tetrahedral meshes containing elements of very different size and also on tetrahedral meshes containing slivers. Further validation of the algorithm is provided by results obtained for the layer over half-space (LOH.1) benchmark problem proposed by the Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center. Finally, we present a realistic application on earthquake modelling and ground motion prediction for the alpine valley of Grenoble.}, + year = {2007} +} + +@Article{ELV92, + author = {R. E. Ewing and R. D. Lazarov and A. T. Vassilev}, + title = {Adaptive techniques for time-dependent problems}, + journal = {Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg.}, + year = 1992, + volume = 101, + pages = {113--126} +} + +@Article{EM77, + author = {Bjorn Engquist and Andrew Majda}, + title = {Absorbing Boundary Conditions for the Numerical Simulation of Waves}, + journal = {Math. 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I.}, +title = {On the Implementation and Usability of Crystal Preferred Orientation Evolution in Geodynamic Modeling}, +journal = {Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems}, +volume = {22}, +number = {10}, +pages = {e2021GC009846}, +keywords = {crystal preferred orientation, CPO, LPO, D-Rex, ASPECT}, +doi = {10.1029/2021GC009846}, +url = {https://agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1029/2021GC009846}, +eprint = {https://agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/pdf/10.1029/2021GC009846}, +note = {e2021GC009846 2021GC009846}, +abstract = {Abstract Flow in the Earth's mantle causes the preferred orientation of crystals called lattice/crystal preferred orientation (LPO or CPO). This preferred orientation is one of the main reasons why seismic anisotropy is observed. Seismic anisotropy observations could therefore be used to constrain the mantle flow in geodynamic models through tracking CPO evolution, and computing the resulting elastic tensor and the anisotropy predicted at the surface. 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