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Workbench 4.21

The workbench is the configuration tool for GeneavaERS. It is a Java application that can be run on Windows or a Mac.

It support both Db2 (under license) and PostgreSQL database connections under Windows or MacOS. To use DB2 or MacOS, follow the build procedures below. To use Postgres on Windows, create the database before downloading or building the Workbench.

PostgreSQL Database Install

Install PostgreSQL as per its instructions ...

Add Environment variable PATH values for both PostgreSQL directories for bin and lib  

On windows the typical location depending on your installed version is

C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\12\bin

Note the admin username and password you create as part of the install to be used later. We used the user postgres and the password postgres. The database is intended to be a locally run only. If you are sharing it then apply some more rigourous security measures :-)

Open a command prompt and run the following to ensure that Postgres and the associated psql are installed.

$ psql --version
psql (PostgreSQL) 12.4

The from the cloned directory change to the SQL resources as below.

cd database/postgres/

And run psql to create and populate your database.

psql -h localhost -p 5432 -U postgres -v dbname=genevaers -v schemaV=gendev -f runall.sql


psql is the postgres command line app  
-h the host ip address  
-p the port number. 5432 is the default at the install  
-U postgres is the name of the postgres admin user you created at install. Change the name if you chose something different when you installed PostgreSQL.  
-v dbname=genevaers This creates a script variable called dbname and assigns it the value “genevaers”. That will be the name of the database.  
-v schemaV=gendev is a script variable and assigns it the value “gendev”. That will be what the schema is named.  
You can choose something else if you want.
-f runall.sql Means run this file. This will create the database called genevaers, create the tables needed, perform an initial set up of those tables, install some stored procedures, and create a GenevaERS user called “postgres”.  

Download the Workbench

Releases of GenevaERS can be found on the left of this document under "Releases."

  1. Download the zip file
  2. Extract all files to a directory
  3. Double click on the GenevaERS.exe

Database Connection Parameters

Start the postgres database (see Postgres documentation).

For Postgres, many of the values used in creating the database are used in the GenevaERS Connection Manager.

- Select "Manage" and enter the following if you used the command above:
  - Database Type: PostgesQL
  - Database Name: genevaers
  - Server: localhost
  - Port: 5432
  - Scheme Name: gendev
  - User ID: postgres
  - Password: postgres
- Select "Save" and on the GenevaERS Login screen enter:
  - User ID: postgres
  - Password: postgres
- Click "Login"
- Click the "Environment" dropdown
  - Select the "Development" environment
- Click "OK"

Build Processes

To build the GenevaERS workbench do the following:

Build PreRequisite

You will need to have installed Java and a version of Maven.
The Maven version used for development was 3.9.4.

Your version of Java must be higher than 1.8. The development version was 17.0.6.

The final optional step of the build adds a JRE to the distributable zip. To do this the build script assumes you have 7Zip installed and available on your path. If you want to use a different zip utiltity edit the shell script postbuild/

Environment Variables

There are two key environment variables used by the build. You do not need to set either of them if you simply want a Postgres only version to run with your installed Java.


This environment variable is used to provide the location of additional jars to be added to the build.

In particular to add licensed Db2 driver jars.

Ensure that your system sets the environment varable to the path of jars. Or for example within git bash you can enter

export GERS_JARS=~/gersjars


If you wish to point to a custom location for GenevaERS Grammar and the GenevaERS Run Control Apps, pre-requisites for the Workbench, set this environment variable to the location of your desired repo.

export GERS_GRAMMAR=""


If you wish to execute a custom script prior to or after the build process, set either of these environment variable to the location of your desired scripts.

export GERS_PRE_SCRIPT="C:\"


If you wish to include a runtime JRE into the distributable Windows zip set this environment variable to the location of your desired JRE. The JRE version should be greater than 8.

A suitable location from which to download a JRE is

Assume you downloaded your JRE to a directory 'Users/me/Java' then you could for example enter.

export GERS_JRE=/Users/me/Java/OpenJDK17U-jre_x64_windows_hotspot_17.0.7_7/jdk-17.0.7+7-jre

Executing the Build

With both Java and Maven installed enter


Once the build has completed successfully to test the workbench;

if on Windows enter

if on Mac enter

The distributable zips are located in.


Use the Postgres Database connection parameters under the Download section to connect to the database.

License Checking

In order to run the Apache license checker enter

mvn validate -Prat