This documents the steps to establish a development environment. At present it does not cover:
- Git, to replicate the repo
- Postgres or DB2 for the database
This document was created on a Mac, but attempts to be inclusive of multiple platforms.
- Download "Eclipse IDE for RCP and RAP Developers"
- Build the project with Maven (mvn install) to generated required jar files
- When opening Eclipse and asked for a workspace, choose a DIFFERENT workspace than the GIT repository for the code.
- Import Project: Select the local Git WB420 Repo and the plugin/genevagui and the plugin/nebulagrid directory
- Go to buildpath/libraries and add external jars, and then find jar files generated by step 2. They are contained in ...wb420/products/
- Add Jars button as well, expand GenevaERS and expand lib directory, and select all Jars in that directory
- The build process in Eclipse should build the project correctly with no errors
- Select debug config
- Select "Eclipse application" and then select "new" button (top left hand corner) to make a new configuration.
- Select "run a product" and select GenevaERS from drop down box
- Select Java 1.8 for execution environment
- Perhaps allow incoming connections
- In build path, added test directory to source folder
- In build path, added the wb420/plugins/genevagui/bin as an External Class Folder.