fractal Changelog
1.0.0 - 2019-12-09
- [DPOS] allow contract asset transfer (#525)(#528)
- [FEE] other people pay transaction fee (#531)(#533)(#536)
- [FEE]fee transfer internal record (#495)
- [BLOCKCHIAN] fixed export blockchain error (#498)
- [GAS] modify gas price (#501)
- [MINER] add setcoinbase check (#500) and fix miner bug (#499)(#511)(#512)(#513)(#514)(#516)
- [P2P] fixed bug that may close a nil channel (#503)and fixed ddos check error (#519)
- [DOWNLOAD]add node into blacklist if it had too much errors(#519)(#523)
- [CMD] add version cmd compile date info (#505)(#521)
- [CMD] cmd/ft: add method 'seednodes' into sub-cmd 'p2p' (#497)
- [CMD] add txpool cmd gettxsbyaccount (#502)
- [P2P] p2p,rpc: add rpc to query seed nodes from db(#496)
- [TEST] add each code module unit test or note (#492)(#493)(#504)(#508)(#507)(#509)
0.0.30 - 2019-09-20
- [DOWNLOADER] blockchain/downloader: if there were two different blocks in same height, it may cause download error (#481)(#490)
- [BLOCKCHAIN] blockchain: fixed bug that use nanosecond compared with second (#474)
- [RAWDB] modify fractal db interface (#487)
- [BLOCKCHAIN] modify the blockchain code (#489)
- [GASPRICE] returns the recommended gas price (#486)
- [TEST] add each code module unit test or note (#471)(#472)(#473)(#475)(#476)(#478)(#482)(#483)(#485)
0.0.29 - 2019-09-04
- [P2P] blockchain/downloader: fixed bug that may don't download the new block (#469)
- [CMD] add chain command forkstatus (#468)
- [TEST] add each code module unit test or note.(#467)(#466)
0.0.28 - 2019-09-04
- [P2P] bootnode in genesis is ft finder.(#439)
- [DPOS]dpos api epoch add url. (#437)
- [INTERNALTX]modify internal tx log hash. (#441)
- [FILTER]fix rpc output format. (#440)
- [RPCAPI] modify setStatePruning rpc private (#464),modify blockchain misspelling and change ft_getTransactions (#457)
- [RPCAPI] add rpc api ft_forkStatus.(#463)
- [TEST] add each code module unit test or note.(#442)(#446)(#447)(#448)(#450)(#451)(#454)(#455)(#456)(#458)(#459)(#461)(#462)(#465)
0.0.27 - 2019-08-16
- [VIM] vm fix stack valid (#416)
- [RPC] add rpc interface: ft_getTransBatch
0.0.26 - 2019-08-14
- [LOG] fix vendor log bug, patch for version 0.0.25
0.0.25 - 2019-08-07
- [DPOS] fork3: reduce CandidateAvailableMinQuantity (#416)
- [MINER] fixed some bugs (#421)(#422)
- [TXPOOL] fixed txpool add remotes not check the same tx was exist (#423)
- [TXPOOL] fixed txpool rpc send same tx err (#430)
- [ACCOUNT] fix internal action bug (#424)
- [RPCAPI] modify api get account by name and id (#428)
- [GASPRICE] modify gas price oracle (#417)
- [ACCOUNT] modify account fliter balance zero (#414)
- [FILTERS] add filters rpc (#431)
- [MOD] support go mod (#429)
- [VM] add timeout func (#419) and add callwithpay (#425)
0.0.24 - 2019-07-30
- [BLOCKCHAIN] blockchain store irreversible number
- [TXPOOL] fixed txpool test failed in travis CI
- [DPOS] update some dpos apis
- [LOG] add some log print
- [RPC] add rpc dpos_snapShotStake and fixed GetActivedCandidate
0.0.23 - 2019-07-15
- [RPC] fixed getTxsByAccount rpc arg check and uint infinite loop
- [BLOCKCHAIN] modify blockchain start err
- [TXPOOL] move TxPool reorg and events to background goroutine
- [P2P] ftfinder: add cmd flag that can input genesis block hash
- [P2P] txpool.handler: add config of txs broadcast
- [RPC] add some dpos rpc api for browser
0.0.22 - 2019-06-24
- [ACCOUNTNAME] forkID=1: modify account verification rules,asset contains account prefix
- [DPOS] modify dpos getepoch api
- [GENESIS] fix SetupGenesisBlock func return result
- [GENESIS] start node with fork id
0.0.21 - 2019-06-15
- [DOWNLOADER] fixed bug that may casue dead loop
- [BLOCKCHAIN] fixed state store irreversible number bug
- [DPOS] fixed replace rate for candiate
- [TXPOOL] removed some unused variable in txpool/handler.go
- [RPC] removed invalid code
- [TXPOOL] limited the amount of gorouting not greater 1024
- [GENESIS] add use default block gaslimit and update genesis.json
0.0.20 - 2019-06-12
- [DOWNLOADER] fixed bug of find ancestor and use random station
- [BLOCKCHAIN] fixed blockchain irreversible number
- [DPOS] add thread test for rand vote candidate
- [BLOCKCHAIN] add refuse bad block hashes
- [BLOCKCHAIN] sync block with a specified block number
0.0.19 - 2019-06-11
- [ASSET] modify subasset decimals
0.0.18 - 2019-06-06
- [ACCOUNT] modify children check function
- [CONTRACT] contract add getassetid api
- [MINER] fix should counter & add delay duration for miner
0.0.17 - 2019-06-05
- [GENESIS] modify blockchain sys account name
- [BLOCKCHAIN] modify blockchain.HasState function
- [RPC] fix GetDelegatedByTime rpc interface
0.0.16 - 2019-06-04
- [MAKEFILE] fixed bug of target build_workspace
- [ACCOUNT] account author lenght should not exceed 10
- [VM] modify gas distribution
- [DPOS] add min available quantity of candidate for vote
- [CMD] add read yaml and toml test
- [SDK] add sdk contract test
- [TYPES] support parentIndex when sign
- [TXPOOL] add txpool resend pending txs
- [P2P] broadcast txs to atleast 3 peers
- [BLOCKCHAIN] downloader disconnected peers which has to much wrong blocks
- [DPOS] fix calc should counter of candidate
- [ALL] fixs some bugs
0.0.15 - 2019-05-21
- [VM] change withdraw type to transfer
- [P2P] add flow control,some quit channel
- [P2p] periodic remove the worst peer if peer connections is full, but default is disabled.
- [RPC] add dpos rpc api for info by epcho
- [DPOS] fix bug when dpos started
- [ALL] fixs some bugs
0.0.14 - 2019-05-20
- [GENESIS] fix genesis bootnodes prase failed not start node
0.0.13 - 2019-05-18
- [GPO] add add gas price oracle unit test
- [VM] move gas to GasTableInstance
- [PARAMS] change genesis gas limit to 30 million
- [VM] opCreate doing nothing but push zero into stack and distributeGasByScale distribute right num
- [ACCOUNT] add check asset contract name, check account name length
- [ALL] fixs some bugs
0.0.12 - 2019-05-13
- [CMD] add p2p miner txpool command.
- [RPCAPI] modify account and blockchain return result
- [DOC] add jsonrpc, cmd, p2p docs in wiki
0.0.11 - 2019-05-06
- [ASSET] modify asset and account action struct
- [ACCOUNT] modify account detail to description
- [DPOS] add dpos reward interface for solidity
0.0.10 - 2019-05-06
- [ASSET] get asset object return panic
- [VM] fix contract issue asset bug
0.0.9 - 2019-05-06
- [BLOCKCHAIN] add gensis block account
- [FEE] the distributed gas will add to fractal.fee's balance
- [COMMON] add json unmarshal for author
- [ASSET] check valid for modifing about contract asset
- [VM] execWithdrawFee return err when fm.WithdrawFeeFromSystem fail
- [BLOCKCHAIN] fix fork contracl init err
- [GENESIS] genesis block action repeat
- [DPOS] fix updateElectedCandidates bug when dpos is false
- [ALL] fixs some bugs
- [COMMON] modify name for support more scenes and modify subaccount/subasset name
- [ASSET] modify issue asset return assetID
0.0.8 - 2019-04-30
- [DEBUG] add debug pprof,trace cmd flags and rpc
- [FEE] add fee manager and some rpc interface
- [TXPOOL] add bloom in transaction P2P message
- [TYPES] types/action.go add remark field
- [TXPOOL] fixed txpool queue and pending don't remove no permissions transactions
- [VM] fix bug that distribute more gas than given when internal call happens
- [BLOCKCHAIN] fixed restart node missmatch genesis block hash
- [ACCOUNTMANAGER] generate author version when account create
- [DPOS] solve infinite loop for getvoters
- [ALL] fixs some bugs
0.0.7 - 2019-04-23
- [WALLET] removed wallet module,the local node not support store private key
- [VM] add opt for opSnapBalance and destroyasset for contract
- [BLOCKCHAIN] support import/export block
- [RPC] add get the contract internal transaction
- [VM] add opt for opSnapBalance
- [TYPES] fixs the base types
- [ALL] fixs some bugs
0.0.6 - 2019-04-04
- [CRYPTO] add btcd secp256k1 crypto
- [MAKEFILE] fixed cross platform
0.0.5 - 2019-04-04
- [README] add license badge
- [SCRIPTS] add
- [MAKEFILE] add check fmt tag_release release command