Name | Type | Description | Notes |
time | number | Position close time | [optional] [readonly] [default to undefined] |
contract | string | Futures contract | [optional] [readonly] [default to undefined] |
side | string | Position side, long or short | [optional] [readonly] [default to undefined] |
pnl | string | PNL | [optional] [readonly] [default to undefined] |
pnlPnl | string | PNL - Position P/L | [optional] [readonly] [default to undefined] |
pnlFund | string | PNL - Funding Fees | [optional] [readonly] [default to undefined] |
pnlFee | string | PNL - Transaction Fees | [optional] [readonly] [default to undefined] |
text | string | Text of close order | [optional] [readonly] [default to undefined] |
maxSize | string | Max Trade Size | [optional] [readonly] [default to undefined] |
accumSize | string | 累计平仓量 | [optional] [readonly] [default to undefined] |
firstOpenTime | number | First Open Time | [optional] [readonly] [default to undefined] |
longPrice | string | When 'side' is 'long,' it indicates the opening average price; when 'side' is 'short,' it indicates the closing average price. | [optional] [readonly] [default to undefined] |
shortPrice | string | When 'side' is 'long,' it indicates the opening average price; when 'side' is 'short,' it indicates the closing average price | [optional] [readonly] [default to undefined] |
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