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582 lines (451 loc) · 26.6 KB


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

This is the combined CHANGELOG for all packages: iai-callgrind, iai-callgrind-runner and iai-callgrind-macros. iai-callgrind and iai-callgrind-runner use the same version which is the version used here. iai-callgrind-macros uses a different version number but is not a standalone package, so its changes are also listed here.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.


[0.12.0] - 2024-07-24


  • (#160): Add --separate-targets (env: IAI_CALLGRIND_SEPARATE_TARGETS). Using this option causes the compilation target to be included in the iai-callgrind output directory tree to mitigate issues when running benchmarks on multiple targets. For example, instead of having all output files under target/iai, using this option puts all files under the directory target/iai/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu if running the benchmarks on the x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu target.
  • (#188): Add the option --home (env: IAI_CALLGRIND_HOME) to be able to change the default home directory target/iai.
  • (#192): The #[bench] attribute now accepts a setup parameter similarly to the #[benches] attribute. The #[bench] and #[benches] attribute accept a new teardown parameter. The teardown function is called with the return value of the benchmark function. The #[library_benchmark] attribute now accepts a global setup and teardown parameter which are applied to all following #[bench] and #[benches] attributes if they don't specify one of these parameters themselves.
  • (#194): Add --nocapture (env: IAI_CALLGRIND_NOCAPTURE) option to tell iai-callgrind to not capture callgrind terminal output of benchmark functions. For all possible values see the README.
  • (#201): Add support for generic benchmark functions fixing #198 (Generic bench arguments cause compilation failure).


  • Update locked dependencies: syn -> 2.0.72, cc -> 1.1.5, serde -> 1.0.204
  • Update minimal version of syn -> 2.0.32
  • (#201): The BinaryBenchmarkConfig::entry_point and Run::entry_point functions now use glob patterns as argument with * as placeholder for any amount of characters.
  • (#203): Improve error messages during the initialization phase of the iai-callgrind-runner, get rid of a lot of unwraps and include a solution hint. These errors mainly happen if the iai-callgrind library has a different version than the iai-callgrind-runner binary.


  • (#192): Fix a wrongly issued compiler error when the setup parameter was specified before the args parameter and the number of elements of the args parameter did not match the number of arguments of the benchmark function.
  • (#192): Fix the error span of wrong user supplied argument types or wrong number of arguments. The compiler errors now point to the exact location of any wrong arguments instead of the generic call-site of the #[library_benchmark] attribute. If there is a setup function involved, we leave it to the rust compiler to point to the location of the setup function and the wrong arguments.

[0.11.1] - 2024-07-05


  • (#169): Clearify documentation about the scope of uniqueness of benchmark ids. Thanks to @peter-kehl
  • (#175): Mark iai-callgrind build dependencies required only by the client_request_defs feature as optional. Solve cargo's --check-cfg warnings if currently active rust version is >= 1.80.0. Thanks to @DaniPopes
  • Update some locked dependencies

[0.11.0] - 2024-05-09

The default EventKind for RegressionConfig and FlamegraphConfig changed, to EventKind::Ir so, if you're updating from a previous version of iai-callgrind, please read carefully!


  • (#71): Add a DHAT cost summary similar to the summary of callgrind events in the benchmark run output. Thanks to @dewert99.
  • (#80): Add pre-built iai-callgrind-runner binaries for most valgrind supported targets to the github release pages. iai-callgrind-runner can now also be installed with cargo binstall.
  • (#88): Support filtering benchmarks by name. This is a command-line option only and the filter can be given as positional argument in cargo bench -- FILTER. Specifying command-line arguments in addition to the FILTER still works.
  • (#144): Verify compatibility with latest valgrind release 3.23.0 and update client requests to newly supported target arm64/freebsd.
  • (#152): Support comparison of benches in library benchmark functions by id.
  • (#158): Support environment variable IAI_CALLGRIND_<TRIPLE>_VALGRIND_INCLUDE with <TRIPLE> being the hosts target triple. This variable takes precedence over the more generic IAI_CALLGRIND_VALGRIND_INCLUDE environment variable. Thanks to @qRoC


  • (#94): Support running iai-callgrind benchmarks without cache simulation (--cache-sim=no). Previously, specifying this option emitted a warning. Note that running the benchmarks with --cache-sim=no implies that there is also no estimated cycles calculation.
  • (#106): Due to #94, the default EventKind for RegressionConfig and FlamegraphConfig changed from EventKind::EstimatedCycles to EventKind::Ir.
  • Updated locked dependencies to their most recent version
  • Due to backwards incompatible changes to the summary schema the schema version was updated v1 -> v2. The current schema file is stored in iai-callgrind-runner/schemas/summary.v2.schema.json


  • (#86): Fix positional arguments meant as filter as in cargo bench -- FILTER cause iai-callgrind to crash.
  • (#110): Fix example in README. Thanks to @jembishop
  • (#145): Fixed an error on freebsd when copying fixtures in binary benchmarks.

[0.10.2] - 2024-01-25


  • Update locked dependencies


  • (#84): Fix an error when --load-baseline loads the dataset from the --baseline argument. This error led to a comparison of the --baseline dataset with itself.

[0.10.1] - 2024-01-22


  • Update env_logger and which dependencies in Cargo.toml
  • Update locked dependencies


  • (#81): Fix security advisory RUSTSEC-2024-0006 of shlex dependency and update shlex to 1.3.0. Use shlex::try_join instead of deprecated shlex::join.

[0.10.0] - 2024-01-09


  • (#42): Support valgrind client requests. The client requests are available in the iai-callgrind package and can be activated via feature flags (client_requests and client_requests_defs).
  • (#38): Add support for specifying multiple library benchmarks in one go with the #[benches] attribute. This attribute also accepts a setup argument which takes a path to a function, so the args are passed as parameter to the setup function instead of the benchmarking function.


  • (#48): Update MSRV from 1.60.0 to 1.66.0. Make use of new language features.
  • (#48): Update dependencies. Use latest possible versions (with our MSRV) of which, cargo_metadata, indexmap, clap and others.


  • (#48): Change our implementation of black_box to wrap std::hint::black_box which is stable since 1.66.0. The usage of iai_callgrind::black_box is deprecated and std::hint::black_box should be used directly.


  • (#48): The lazy_static dependency of iai-callgrind-runner is now optional and not unnecessarily installed with the iai-callgrind package.

[0.9.0] - 2023-12-09


  • (#31): Machine readable output. This feature adds an environment variable IAI_CALLGRIND_SAVE_SUMMARY and command line argument --save-summary to create a summary.json next to the usual output files of a benchmark which contains all the terminal output data and more in a machine readable output format. The json schema for the json summary file is stored in iai-callgrind-runner/schemas/*.json. In addition to --save-summary and saving the summary to a file it's possible with --output-format=default|json|pretty-json to specify the output format for the terminal output.
  • Add command line arguments --allow-aslr, --regression and --regression-fail-fast which have higher precedence than their environment variable counterparts IAI_CALLGRIND_ALLOW_ASLR, IAI_CALLGRIND_REGRESSION and IAI_CALLGRIND_REGRESSION_FAIL_FAST
  • (#29): Add support to compare against baselines instead of the usual *.old output files. This adds command-line arguments --save-baseline=BASELINE, --load-baseline=BASELINE and --baseline=BASELINE and their environment variable counterparts IAI_CALLGRIND_SAVE_BASELINE, IAI_CALLGRIND_LOAD_BASELINE and IAI_CALLGRIND_BASELINE.
  • (#30): Add environment variable IAI_CALLGRIND_CALLGRIND_ARGS as complement to --callgrind-args


  • Like discussed in #31, the parsing of command line arguments for iai-callgrind in cargo bench ... -- ARGS had to change. Instead of interpreting all ARGS as Callgrind arguments, Callgrind arguments can now be passed with the --callgrind-args=... option, so other iai-callgrind arguments are now possible, for example the --save-summary=... option in #31 or even --help and --version.
  • The names of output files and directories of binary benchmarks changed the order from ID.BINARY to BINARY.ID to match the file naming scheme FUNCTION.ID of library benchmarks.
  • (#35): The terminal output of other valgrind tool runs (like Memcheck, DRD, ...) is now more informative and also shows the content of the log file, if any. If not specified otherwise, Memcheck, DRD and Helgrind now run with --error-exitcode=201. If any errors are detected by these tools, setting this option to an exit code different from 0 causes the benchmark run to fail immediately and show the whole logging output.
  • The output file names of flamegraphs had to change due to #29.
  • All output not being part of the summary terminal output now goes to stderr. This change affects the logging output at info level and the regression check output.


  • The iai-callgrind-runner dependencies regex and glob were removed from the iai-callgrind dependencies.
  • The stderr output from a valgrind run wasn't shown in case of an error during the benchmark run because of the change to use --log-file to store valgrind output in log files. However, not all valgrind output goes into the log file in case of an error, so it is still necessary to print the stderr output after the log file content to see all error output of valgrind.
  • Update the yanked wasm-bindgen 0.2.88 to 0.2.89

[0.8.0] - 2023-11-10


  • (#6): Show and fail benchmarks on performance regressions. Configuration of regression checks can be done with RegressionConfig or with the new environment variables IAI_CALLGRIND_REGRESSION and IAI_CALLGRIND_REGRESSION_FAIL_FAST
  • (#26): Show event kinds which are not associated with callgrind's cache simulation if available. For example, running callgrind with flags like --collect-systime (SysCount, SysTime, SysCpuTime), ...
  • (#18): Add support for DHAT, Massif, BBV, Memcheck, Helgrind, DRD. It's now possible to run each of these tools for each benchmark (in addition to callgrind). The output files of the profiling tools DHAT, Massif and BBV can be found next to the usual callgrind output files.


  • The output format was reworked and now shows the old event counts next to the new event counts instead of just the new event counts.
  • The output format now shows the factor in addition to the percentage difference when comparing the new benchmark run with the old benchmark run. The factor can be more intuitive when trying to estimate performance improvements.
  • The output format also received some small improvements in case a cost is not recorded either in the new benchmark run or in the old benchmark run.
  • The percentage difference is now a digit shorter to equalize the widths of the different other string outputs within the parentheses.
  • Due to the additional possible output files from tools like DHAT, Massif, etc. (but also flamegraphs), the output of benchmark runs is now nested one level deeper into a directory for each benchmark id instead of putting all output files into the group directory.
  • Passing short options (like -v) to LibraryBenchmarkConfig::raw_callgrind_args, BinaryBenchmarkConfig::raw_callgrind_args, Run::raw_callgrind_args Tool::args is now possible
  • The output of iai-callgrind when running multiple tool was adjusted
  • --log-file for callgrind runs is now ignored because the log files are now created and placed next to the usual output files of iai-callgrind
  • -q, --quiet arguments are now ignored because they are known to cause problems when parsing log file output for example for DHAT.


  • Fix examples README to show the correct summary costs of events
  • Fix error handling if valgrind terminates abnormally or with a signal instead of an exit code
  • Fixed missing flamegraph creation when running setup, after, before and teardown functions in binary benchmarks if bench is set to true.
  • Running callgrind with --compress-pos=yes is currently incompatible with iai-callgrind's parsing of callgrind output files. If this option is given, it will be ignored.
  • Running iai-callgrind with valgrind's options --help, -h, --help-debug, --help-dyn-options, --version may cause problems and these arguments are now ignored.

[0.7.3] - 2023-10-24


  • Update repository to use github organization iai-callgrind/iai-callgrind
  • Lower the locked inferno dependency to 0.11.12 to workaround yanked ahash version 0.8.3

[0.7.2] - 2023-10-18


  • (#23): Create regular and differential flamegraphs from callgrind output.


  • (#22): Clearify how to update iai-callgrind-runner
  • Some small fixes of parsing callgrind output files in the event that no records are present.

[0.7.1] - 2023-09-27


  • (#20): Clearing the environment variables with env_clear may break finding valgrind.

[0.7.0] - 2023-09-21

The old api to setup library benchmarks using only the main! macro is deprecated and was removed. See the README for a description of the new api.

Also, the api to setup binary benchmarks only with the main! macro is now deprecated and was removed. Please use the builder api using the binary_benchmark_groups! and Run. The old binary benchmark api lacked the rich possibilities of the builder api and maintaining two such different apis adds a lot of unnecessary complexity.

Additionally, the scheme to setup binary benchmarks and specifying configuration options was reworked and is now closer to the scheme how library benchmarks are set up. It's now possible to specify a BinaryBenchmarkConfig at group level:

    name = some_name;
    config = BinaryBenchmarkConfig::default();
    benchmark = ...

BinaryBenchmarkConfig and Run received a lot of new methods to configure a binary benchmark run at all levels from top-level main! via binary_benchmark_group down to Run.


  • (#5): Use a new attribute macro (#[library_benchmark]) based api to setup library benchmarks. Also, bring the library benchmark api closer to the binary benchmark api and use a library_benchmark_group! macro together with main!(library_benchmark_groups = ...)
  • BinaryBenchmarkConfig has new methods: sandbox, fixtures, env, envs, pass_through_env, pass_through_envs, env_clear, entry_point, current_dir, exit_with
  • Run has new methods: pass_through_env, pass_through_envs, env_clear, entry_point, current_dir, exit_with, raw_callgrind_args
  • It's now possible to specify a BinaryBenchmarkConfig at group level in the binary_benchmark_group! macro with the argument config = ...
  • IAI_CALLGRIND_COLOR environment variable which controls the color output of iai-callgrind. This variable is now checked first before the usual CARGO_TERM_COLOR.


  • The output line L1 Data Hits changed to L1 Hits and in consequence now shows the event count for instruction and data hits
  • (#7): Clear environment variables before running library benchmarks. With that change comes the possibility to influence that behavior with the LibraryBenchmarkConfig::env_clear method and set custom environment variables with LibraryBenchmarkConfig::envs.
  • (#15): Use IAI_CALLGRIND prefix for iai-callgrind environment variables. IAI_ALLOW_ASLR -> IAI_CALLGRIND_ALLOW_ASLR, RUST_LOG -> IAI_CALLGRIND_LOG.
  • Callgrind invocations, if IAI_CALLGRIND_LOG level is DEBUG now runs Callgrind with --verbose (This flag isn't documented in the official documentation of Callgrind)
  • The signature of Run::env changed from env(var: ...) to env(key: ... , value: ...)
  • The signature of Run::envs changed from envs(vars: [String]) to envs(vars: [(Into<OsString>, Into<OsString>)])
  • The signatures of Arg::new, Run::args, Run::with_args, Run::with_cmd_args changed their usage of AsRef<[...]> to [IntoIterator<Item = ...>]


  • The old api from before [#5] using only the main! is now deprecated and the functionality was removed. Using the old api produces a compile error. For migrating library benchmarks to the new api see the README.
  • Run::options and theOptions struct were removed and all methods of this struct moved into Run directly but are now also available in BinaryBenchmarkConfig.
  • BinaryBenchmarkGroup::fixtures and BinaryBenchmarkGroup::sandbox were removed and they moved to BinaryBenchmarkConfig::fixtures and BinaryBenchmarkConfig::sandbox


  • (#19): Library benchmark functions with equal bodies produce event counts of zero.
  • If the Callgrind arguments --dump-instr=yes and dump-line=yes were used together, the event counters were summed up incorrectly.
  • The Callgrind argument --dump-every-bb and similar arguments causing multiple file outputs cannot be handled by iai-callgrind and therefore --combine-dumps=yes is now set per default. This flag cannot be unset.
  • --compress-strings is now ignored, because the parser needs the uncompressed strings or else produces event counts of zero.
  • Some debugging output was printed to stdout instead of stderr
  • Adjust parsing of yes/no values from LibraryBenchmarkConfig and BinaryBenchmarkConfig raw callgrind arguments to callgrind's parsing of command-line arguments. Now, only exact matches of yes and no are considered to be valid command-line arguments.

[0.6.2] - 2023-09-01


  • The dependency version requirements in all packages are loosened and more openly formulated. Especially, the upper bounds were updated to include the latest versions. However, the Cargo.lock file locks the dependencies to versions which are compatible with the current MSRV 1.60.0.


  • The iai-callgrind package was unnecessarily using all the dependencies of the iai-callgrind-runner although only dependent on the api feature of the runner. Also, the direct serde dependency was removed because serde is already part of the api feature of the runner.
  • Changed the license from Apache-2.0 AND MIT to Apache-2.0 OR MIT in Cargo.toml files of all packages

[0.6.1] - 2023-08-25


  • (#4): The destination directory of iai callgrind output files changes from /workspace/$CARGO_PKG_NAME/target/iai to /workspace/target/iai/$CARGO_PKG_NAME and respects the CARGO_TARGET_DIR environment variable

[0.6.0] - 2023-08-20


  • (#3): builder api for binary benchmarks


  • BREAKING: an id for args in the macro api is now mandatory
  • binary benchmarks: The filename of callgrind output for benchmarked setup, teardown, before and after functions changed to callgrind.$id.$function.out.
  • binary benchmarks: The filename of callgrind output for benchmarked binaries does not include the arguments for the binary anymore.


  • The filename for callgrind output files is now truncated to a maximum of 255 bytes
  • library benchmarks: Fix event counting to include costs of inlined functions

[0.5.0] - 2023-08-07


  • (#2): Benchmarking binaries of a crate. Added a full description of this benchmarking scheme in the README
  • IAI_CALLGRIND_RUNNER environment variable which may specify the path to the iai-callgrind-runner binary


  • The error output changed and double information was removed when running the iai-callgrind-runner fails
  • The architecture detection changed from using uname -m to use rust's std::env::consts::ARCH


  • The cfg_if dependency was removed


  • If running with ASLR disabled, proccontrol on freebsd was missing to run the valgrind binary

[0.4.0] - 2023-07-19

BREAKING: Counting of events changed and therefore event counters are incompatible with versions before 0.4.0. Usually, event counters are now lower and more precise than before.


  • Instead of counting all events within the benchmarking function, only events of function calls (cfn entries) within the benchmarking functions are attributed to the final event counts.
  • MSRV changed from v1.56.0 -> v1.60.0
  • Bump log dependency 0.4.17 -> 0.4.19


  • Counting of events was sometimes summarizing the events of the main function instead of the benchmarking function

[0.3.1] - 2023-03-13


  • Add output of Callgrind at RUST_LOG=info level but also more debug and trace output.


  • The version mismatch check should cause an error when the library version is < 0.3.0

[0.3.0] - 2023-03-13

This version is incompatible to previous versions due to changes in the main! macro which is passing additional arguments to the runner. However, benchmarks written with a version before v0.3.0 don't need any changes but can take advantage of some new features.


  • The toggle-collect callgrind argument now accumulates multiple occurrences instead of replacing them. The default toggle-collect for the benchmark function cannot be replaced anymore.
  • A version mismatch of the iai-callgrind library and the iai-callgrind-runner is now an error.
  • Fix, update and extend the README. Add more real-world examples.


  • The main! macro has two forms now, with the first having the ability to pass arguments to callgrind.
  • More examples in the benches folder
  • Use the RUST_LOG environment variable to control the verbosity level of the runner.
  • Add colored output. The CARGO_TERM_COLOR variable can be used to disable colors.


  • A cargo filter argument which is a positional argument resulted in the the runner to crash.

[0.2.0] - 2023-03-10

This version is mostly compatible with v0.1.0 but needs some additional setup. See Installation in the README. Benchmarks created with v0.1.0 should not need any changes but can maybe improved with the additional features from this version.


  • The repository layout changed and this package is now separated in a library (iai-callgrind) with the main macro and the black_box and the binary package (iai-callgrind-runner) with the runner needed to run the benchmarks
  • It's now possible to pass additional arguments to callgrind
  • The output of the collected event counters and metrics has changed
  • Other improvements to stabilize the metrics across different systems

[0.1.0] - 2023-03-08


  • Initial migration from Iai