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Change log for Splitties

Version 3.0.0-alpha06 (2019-05-03)

Compiled with Kotlin 1.3.31.


Handle empty grantResults for permission request (#191).

Version 3.0.0-alpha05 (2019-04-29)

Compiled with Kotlin 1.3.31.

This release introduces 3 new splits:

The most important change though, is how simpler integrating Splitties in your Android projects has become starting from this release, thanks to the new grouping artifacts.

See their content and their maven coordinates in the dedicated part of the README.

There is also new features and changes in existing splits, as detailed below.

Alert Dialog & Alert Dialog AppCompat

The alert functions have been deprecated in favor of a more accurate naming: alertDialog. These alertDialog functions are now usable on Context (vs previously only on Activity), and they have optional parameters to specify the title, the message and even an icon (using a resource id or a Drawable.

Also, the title and the message properties are now nullable, in respect to their accepted value.


The show and showAsync extension functions allow you to show a DialogFragment without fearing the infamous IllegalStateException if the state has already been saved, because it will wait for the lifecycle to be in the RESUMED state before showing the DialogFragment. These 2 extension functions are defined for FragmentManager, FragmentActivity and Fragment.

show is a suspending function that resumes after the lifecycle was resumed and the DialogFragment was shown. showAsync is when you are outside of a coroutine but it is marked as experimental because it has "async" in its name while not returning a Deferred. Feel free to suggest a better name in the issues or in the #splitties channel of Kotlin's Slack.

Lifecycle Coroutines

New suspending inline extensions functions for Lifecycle have been added for convenience: awaitResumed, awaitStarted & awaitCreated.

They can replace code like awaitState(Lifecycle.State.RESUMED) for improved readability.

Material Lists

A new IconTwoLinesCheckBoxListItem class has been added. What it does is self-explanatory.

Also, all the list items are now fully xml friendly.


The colorSL and appColorSL extension functions no longer return the nullable version of ColorStateList.

Views DSL ConstraintLayout

All the ConstraintLayout.LayoutParams extension functions now have overloads that allow specifying the margin.

For example, the following code:

horizontalMargin = dip(16)

can now be written on one line: centerHorizontally(margin = dip(16)).

That improves readability as the word "horizontal" is no longer repeated, and it is still explicit.

Views Material

Two set-only extensions properties have been added for MaterialButton: iconResource and iconTintAndTextColor.

Version 3.0.0-alpha04 (2019-03-03)

Compiled with Kotlin 1.3.21.

New features

  • The wrapContent and matchParent extensions for ViewGroup now apply for View too.
  • Add wrapInScrollView and wrapInHorizontalScrollView extension functions for View.
  • Add experimental multiplatform support with initial Kotlin/JS support for the Bit Flags and Collections splits.


  • Rename LifecycleOwner.coroutineScope to lifecycleScope. This change is binary compatible.
  • Make wrapInRecyclerView lambda inline. This change is not binary compatible.


  • Remove contract in the Intents split that would cause compilation to fail when used.

Version 3.0.0-alpha03 (2019-02-05)

Compiled with Kotlin 1.3.20.

This release introduces a new split: Views Coroutines.

New features

  • Added radioGroup { ... } functions in Views DSL.
  • Added first class support for ConstraintLayout barriers, guidelines and groups.
  • New styledView function for use when making an API for xml styles usage in Kotlin. See an example in AppCompatStyles.
  • The MaterialComponentsStyles class brings access to all the xml styles defined in Google's Material Components library for Android in a typesafe way.
  • Add materialCardView { ... } functions in Views DSL Material.
  • Add navigationView { ... } functions in Views DSL Material.
  • Make EditText inputType typesafe with the set only type extension property and the InputType inline class.
  • Views DSL IDE Preview now supports CoroutineContext and CoroutineScope as constructor parameters for Ui subclasses.
  • Added contracts for all the lParams functions from Views DSL and variants. Also added to the roomDb function from Arch Room as well as the verticalListLayoutParams and horizontalListLayoutParams functions from Views DSL RecyclerView.
  • Add support for unsigned numbers in Bit Flags (i.e. UByte, UShort, UInt and ULong).


  • When using the button function from Views DSL, MaterialButton is now automatically used in place of AppCompatButton if you also use Views DSL Material.
  • Make mainHandler async by default to avoid vSync delays. It is used for Dispatchers.MainAndroid, so it will result in speed improvements when using Lifecycle Coroutines. If you really need sync behavior, you can use the new mainHandlerSync top level property instead.
  • Make Dispatchers.MainAndroid of type MainCoroutineDispatcher so the immediate property is available.
  • Make the awaitState function from Lifecycle Coroutines safe to use off the main thread, and document it.
  • Call validate() from the lParams { ... } function for ConstraintLayout.
  • Make xml styles related classes inline again (thanks to compiler bug fixed in Kotlin 1.3.20).
  • The reified generic variant of view from Views DSL is now an internal API.
  • ViewFactory and related symbols are now an internal API.
  • Mark some SystemServices as nullable to be instant app tolerant. That includes WallpaperManager,WifiManager, WifiP2pManager, UsbManager, DevicePolicyManager, FingerprintManager,ShortcutManager and WifiAwareManager.
  • The Views DSL IDE Preview documentation now states that running the compileDebugKotlin gradle task is enough to update the preview. This is faster than a full build.


  • Make viewFactory from Views DSL internal API compatible with IDE Preview.


  • The illegal top level function from Exceptions has been deprecated in favor of error from Kotlin stdlib.

New artifact

This release has the following new artifact:


Version 3.0.0-alpha02 (2019-01-06)

This release introduces a new split: Lifecycle Coroutines.

New artifact

This release has the following new artifact:


Version 3.0.0-alpha01 (2018-12-21)

This release is compiled with Kotlin 1.3.11.

It is a breaking release (more details in the changes section), and the API is subject to changes as it is back to an alpha stage. APIs that are likely to change have an experimental annotation that triggers a warning (which can be removed by opt-in), to prevent you from using them unintentionally.

Migration to AndroidX

All the old support library artifacts have been replaced by AndroidX ones.

If your project has not migrated to AndroidX yet, please follow the quick steps below.

Migrating your project to AndroidX in a `fun` way. (Click to expand)

Theoretically, migrating a project to AndroidX is easy: you just select "Migrate to AndroidX" from the "Refactor" menu. Unfortunately, in addition to being unacceptably slow, it didn't work properly for Splitties (except for a past attempt which had to be abandoned for API stability reasons). Our experience was waiting minutes with an unresponsive IDE, then giving up with no other choice than force closing Android Studio, and finally getting a broken project, with some dangling fully qualified references (instead of proper import replacement). We reverted and looked for an alternative that would work properly, and perform faster.

The solution has been a Kotlin script that is a white box, and runs in a matter of seconds. You can use it for your project too, so you can migrate to AndroidX quickly, and in a fun way.

It is available here, and depends on this csv file.

Note that this script doesn't migrate the dependencies, because we changed the way we define dependencies (using constants defined in buildSrc), and it would have been harder to handle all the edge cases, and doing it by hand with Replace in Path from IDE was quick enough for us. If you prefer to have it, you are free to contribute and reach out in the issues or elsewhere.

To use it in your project, follow these simple steps:

  1. Replace the support libraries dependencies by AndroidX dependencies (and update Splitties ones if you already used it).
  2. Copy paste the two files linked above at the root of the gradle project.
  3. Edit the expectedNumberOfModules property defined in the AndroidX-migrator.gradle.kts file to match the number of modules that your project has.
  4. Make sure you have kotlinc 1.3+ available (see easy installation in official docs here).
  5. Open a terminal at the root of the gradle project.
  6. Run kotlinc -script AndroidX-migrator.gradle.kts and wait for completion.
  7. Sync gradle project.
  8. Build the project to ensure everything has migrated properly, or fix and try again.

Improved API to use xml styles defined in Android or AppCompat

Now, you pass the Context only once to the AndroidStyles or AppCompatStyles constructor, and you no longer have to pass it to the subsequent functions call. It is advised to obviously cache this instance to reduce boilerplate and avoid overhead. This is a breaking change.

Package name changes and replaced artifacts

The design support library no longer exists in AndroidX. It is replaced by several AndroidX artifacts and the Google Material Components library.

Consequently, the package names no longer reference "design" but "coordinatorlayout" and "material" instead.

As you can see below, the design support library dependent artifacts have been replaced. Note that Views DSL Material has a transitive dependency to Views DSL CoordinatorLayout, so you don't need to add an explicit dependency for the latter if you already use the former.

New artifacts

This release has the following new artifacts:


Removed artifacts

This release removes these two artifacts: "com.louiscad.splitties:splitties-views-design-styles:2.1.1" "com.louiscad.splitties:splitties-views-dsl-design-styles:2.1.1"

Version 2.1.1 (2018-11-25)

This release is compiled with Kotlin 1.3.10.


  • Enforce read-only in the withExtras extension function for Activity. Any attempt to mutate a property inside it will result in an IllegalStateException to be thrown, because this should be done in putExtras instead. You can see more info in the updated KDoc of these functions.
  • Add a withExtras extension function for Intent (previously only available for Activity).
  • Add a putExtras extension function for Activity (previously only available for Intent).
  • Fix nullability warning in FragmentArgDelegate.
  • Add KDoc to all public symbols from the Activities split.
  • Add KDoc to all public symbols from the AlertDialog split.
  • Add KDoc to all public symbols from the AlertDialog AppCompat split.

Version 2.1.0 (2018-11-13)

This release targets Android SDK 28, and splits depending on support libraries use version 28.0.0.


  • System Services from API 28 are now included into the same named split.
  • Update ConfigChangesHandlingCollapsingToolbarLayout from View DSL Design to be compatible with design support library version 28.0.0.
  • Update for nullability warnings brought by SDK 28.

Version 2.0.0 (2018-11-13)

This release targets Android SDK 27, and splits depending on support libraries use version 27.1.1.


  • Room updated to version 1.1.1 in Arch Room.
  • Lambdas of onCreate and onOpen functions in Arch Room are now crossinline.
  • The LifecycleObserver class is now marked as experimental.

Version 2.0.0-beta1 (2018-11-13)

This release breaks binary and source compatibility.

Kotlin 1.3.0

This is not just a compiler update for Splitties. This release already takes advantage of Kotlin 1.3 features, beyond stable coroutines:

  • The XmlStyle class from Views DSL is now inline, for minimal footprint at runtime.
  • SuspendPrefsAccessor from Preferences is no longer experimental as coroutines graduated.
  • Functions that take a lambda in Views DSL (except lParams functions) have a contract. This directly translates to more freedom in your UI code as you can initialize a property later.
  • withExtras, putExtras and with from Bundle have a contract. This allows to initialize local variables from contents of a Bundle passing through a BundleSpec naturally!
  • Symbols that could change are marked as experimental, for less surprises in the future when they are replaced, renamed or removed (still with a deprecation cycle whenever possible). Only verticalListLayoutParams and horizontalListLayoutParams extension functions for RecyclerView.LayoutManager are experimental for now, but this could change, especially in alpha, or beta stage.

Version 2.0.0-alpha9 (2018-11-13)

This release breaks binary and source compatibility.

It renames several package names and modules, for more consistency across the project.

View DSL has a new name: Views DSL. That also applies to its additional modules.

Just like an extra s can make a new generation of smartphones, it can also make a new version of Splitties.

The artifact names of all Selectable Views and View DSL changed, and so did the package names.

Consequently, after updating the artifact names and the version, you'll need to update the imports. Fortunately, this is easily done with the "Replace in Path" IDE option present in IntelliJ IDEA and Android Studio.

All you need to do is find an old import (import splitties.viewdsl.), select it, select the "Replace in Path" option paste (import splitties.views.dsl.) in the second input field, and validate.

Then, you just have to do the same for Selectable Views with import splitties.selectableviews. and import splitties.views.selectable.… and voilà! You just migrated to latest Splitties version!

New artifacts

Here are all the artifacts added in this version. Just use the ones you need. (Click to expand)

All the lines above assume you defined the splitties_version ext property in your root project's build.gradle file to 2.0.0-alpha9 as shown in this snippet:

allProjects {
    ext {
        splitties_version = '2.0.0-alpha9'

Removed artifacts

This release removes all these artifacts:

implementation("com.louiscad.splitties:splitties-selectableviews:$splitties_version") implementation("com.louiscad.splitties:splitties-selectableviews-appcompat:$splitties_version") implementation("com.louiscad.splitties:splitties-selectableviews-constraintlayout:$splitties_version") implementation("com.louiscad.splitties:splitties-viewdsl:$splitties_version") implementation("com.louiscad.splitties:splitties-viewdsl-appcompat:$splitties_version") implementation("com.louiscad.splitties:splitties-viewdsl-constraintlayout:$splitties_version") implementation("com.louiscad.splitties:splitties-viewdsl-design:$splitties_version") debugImplementation("com.louiscad.splitties:splitties-viewdsl-ide-preview:$splitties_version") implementation("com.louiscad.splitties:splitties-viewdsl-recyclerview:$splitties_version")

Version 2.0.0-alpha8 (2018-11-12)

This release breaks binary compatibility.

It removes all deprecated symbols that had their deprecation level raised to error in 2.0.0-alpha7.

Make sure you don't rely on any library that uses an old version of a Splitties artifact that relies on these previously deprecated and now removed symbols, or your app is likely not build, or to crash at runtime because of not found classes.

Version 2.0.0-alpha7 (2018-11-12)

Raise all deprecated symbols deprecation level to error.

Use this version to make sure you don't use them in your projects, next version will remove them!

Version 2.0.0-alpha6 (2018-11-11)

Version 2.0.0-alpha5 broke the API, this version fixes this.

Like version 2.0.0-alpha5, but without breaking the API from 2.0.0-alpha4

This release is mostly the same as 2.0.0-alpha5, but also has 2 very important things:

  • binary compatibility (minor change in Preferences experimental API excluded)
  • source compatibility, except an overload resolution ambiguity in View DSL, see the migration guide for a smooth migration.

Removed splits and versions sync

Version 2.0.0-alpha5 technically removed 2 splits (one was actually a renaming, the other one a merging).

Consequently, you have to make sure your dependencies no longer reference these removed artifacts. Easily done.

Problems arise when you depend on libraries that themselves depend on Splitties, which may be older versions. These libraries may bring transitive dependencies to old modules that will clash with ones from newer versions, and the versions they rely on may also mismatch with the ones you need, and these older versions will take precedence if they are in library modules of your project that don't depend explicitly on a newer version.

Fortunately, Gradle dependency resolution strategy allows to easily fix these issues all over your project.

All you need to do is to make sure you have the following snippet into your root project's build.gradle file:

allprojects {
    ext {
        splitties_version = '2.0.0-alpha6'
    configurations.all {
        resolutionStrategy.eachDependency { DependencyResolveDetails details ->
            def req = details.requested
            if ( != "com.louiscad.splitties") return
            if ( == "splitties-uithread") {
                        name: "splitties-mainthread",
                        version: splitties_version
                details.because("Splitties uithread has been renamed to mainthread")
            } else if ( == "splitties-viewdsl-appcompat-styles") {
                        name: "splitties-viewdsl-appcompat",
                        version: splitties_version
                details.because("[Splitties] Split merged and removed")
            } else {
                details.useTarget(group:, name:, version: splitties_version)
                details.because("Transitive dependencies could take precedence otherwise")

The snippet above, for all sub-projects (aka. modules):

  1. defines Splitties version in an ext property so it can be used in all build.gradle files.
  2. sets a resolution strategy for all configurations (like implementation or api) which:
  3. redirects any usage of the old splitties-mainthread artifact to the new splitties-mainthread one.
  4. redirects any usage of the old splitties-viewdsl-appcompat-styles artifact to the one it has been merged into: splitties-viewdsl-appcompat.
  5. makes sure all splitties artifacts versions are in sync, across all sub-projects.

If you don't do this but have a library using an old artifact in your dependencies, you'll encounter gradle sync issues, or runtime issues, and the real cause may not appear clearly (because of bugs in tooling).

Changes per module

Checked Lazy

uiLazy has been deprecated in favor of mainThreadLazy.

View DSL RecyclerView

The wrapInRecyclerView extension function now accepts an optional lambda to configure the wrapping RecyclerView easily.

Version 2.0.0-alpha5 (2018-11-02)

This release is breaking if you come from version 2.0.0-alpha4, especially if you were using View DSL. It's highly recommended to directly migrate from version 2.0.0-alpha4 to 2.0.0-alpha6, which has a smoother migration path, and a guide to do so.

Project wide changes

  • Add consumer proguard rules for splits with optional dependencies.
  • Update to Kotlin 1.2.71
  • Update kotlinx.coroutines to version 0.30.2

Changes per module


Add allocation-free reverse List forEach extensions: forEachReversedByIndex and forEachReversedWithIndex.


Add toPendingActivities() extension function for Array<Intent>.

Material Lists

  • The following previously deprecated classes have been removed:
    • SingleLineIconListItem (use IconOneLineListItem instead)
    • TwoLinesIconListItem (use IconTwoLinesListItem instead)
    • TwoLinesIconSwitchListItem (use IconTwoLinesSwitchListItem instead)
  • All the xml files (except view_ids.xml) have been removed.


  • The preferences are now loaded in Dispatchers.IO when using SuspendPrefsAccessor.
  • Fix clash with private property name and non imported extension for Preferences. (#96).
Breaking changes (in experimental API)

The SuspendPrefsAccessor constructor parameter of type CoroutineDispatcher has been removed now that Dispatchers.IO is always used. If you didn't specify a custom dispatcher, you don't need to do anything.

Selectable Views (all variants)

All the final methods have been opened up, and now have the @CallSuper annotation instead. This makes the classes more useful to develop custom views, like the extended Floating Action Button with SelectableConstraintLayout where you need to clip the view in onDraw(…).

The dispatchDrawableHotspotChanged overridden method in the classes of the Selectable Views splits family was annotated with @TargetApi, but is not correctly annotated with @RequiresApi. This likely caused no issue as you usually don't call this method directly but let Android do, but now, it's fixed!

UI Thread -> Main Thread

The UI Thread split has been renamed to Main thread (for the same reasons kotlinx.coroutines replaced UI by Dispatchers.Main).

While the artifact has been changed, the old symbols have only been deprecated in favor of new ones defined in new package, with new names (ui->main).

If you use a library that depends on the old artifact, see "Removed splits and versions sync" in version 2.0.0-alpha6 release notes.

View DSL (and additional modules)

The API of View DSL (and its additional modules) has been improved, and there's some new features, along with some deprecations.

However, this release (2.0.0-alpha5) is breaking when updating from previous versions. This has been fixed in 2.0.0-alpha6, so please skip this release if you are upgrading, and follow thoroughly the migration guide.

Regardless, there has been improvements in View DSL additional modules. Please, review them below.

View DSL AppCompat Styles -> View DSL AppCompat

The View DSL AppCompat Styles split has been merged into View DSL AppCompat.

If you use a library that depends on the old artifact, see "Removed splits and versions sync" in version 2.0.0-alpha6 release notes.

View DSL ConstraintLayout

Probably the best change in this split is that now, you no longer need to specify any View id. If there's none and you add a constraint using extension functions from this split, an id that can't clash with aapt/xml ids will be generated and assigned to the view so constraints work. Keep in mind you may still want to use stable ids defined in xml or elsewhere in cases where you use views that need to have their state saved, like a RecyclerView, an EditText or a CheckBox.

Added support for chains with the two horizontalChain and verticalChain new extension functions for ConstraintLayout. Also added horizontalMargin and verticalMargin extension properties for List<View> that are designed for use in a ConstraintLayout when you made a chain with the two new methods that take a list of views.

View DSL Design

When instantiating an AppBarLayout or a CollapsingToolbarLayout with the new appBarLayout and collapsingToolbarLayout functions, you'll automatically get instances that have known bugs in the design support library fixed, including config changes handling (supports rotation or layout changes without recreating the Activity).

View DSL RecyclerView

The setSingleView extension function for RecyclerView has been deprecated. Use the wrapInRecyclerView extension function for View instead, it is simpler to use and supports horizontal scrolling.


  • Deprecated View visibility extension properties and functions in favor of Android KTX ones.
  • Added lines write only extension property for TextView.
  • Change the signature of the lambda of the onClick extension function for View. It no longer passes the clicked view. This is to avoid it shadowing when you nest lambdas, and has been done because this parameter is almost never used.
  • Add 1 extension function, 1 extension property and 1 top level function, related to View id generation: View.assignAndGetGeneratedId(), View.existingOrNewId and generateViewId().

Upcoming APIs preview in the sample

The sample of Splitties is a place where you can preview several extensions or other work that can be integrated into Splitties as a library later.

In addition to what was already present in the sample, there has been an important addition: An example of how to request a dangerous permission with a single suspend call, plus a try/catch to handle user deny.

New artifact

This release has a new artifact:


Removed artifacts

This release removes these two artifacts:

implementation("com.louiscad.splitties:splitties-uithread:$splitties_version") implementation("com.louiscad.splitties:splitties-viewdsl-appcompat-styles:$splitties_version")

Version 2.0.0-alpha4 (2018-07-09)

  • Provide ReplaceWith migrations for add methods deprecated in version 2.0.0-alpha2.
  • Add default empty lambda for startActivity(action: String…) methods.
  • Compiled with Kotlin 1.2.51

Version 2.0.0-alpha3 (2018-06-09)

New features


There are 2 new methods: bundleOrDefault(…) and bundleOrElse { … } to allow default values in BundleSpec delegated properties.

Fragment Args

Like for BundleSpec, there are 2 new methods: argOrDefault(…) and argOrElse { … } to allow default values in Fragment delegated argument properties.

Breaking changes


  • The delegates previously returned by bundle() and bundleOrNull() are no longer part of the public API and have been replaced by the ReadWriteProperty interface.

Fragment Args

  • The arg() and argOrNull() functions have moved out of the support subpackage as there's no longer any ambiguity since platform Fragments are deprecated and going away. Auto-import should import the versions from the new package for you.
  • The delegates previously returned by arg() and argOrNull() are no longer part of the public API and have been replaced by the ReadWriteProperty interface.

Version 2.0.0-alpha2 (2018-05-21)

9 new library modules (amounting to a total of 42 splits):

  • Activities: Start activities with minimal boilerplate
  • Collections: forEach for Lists without Iterator allocation
  • Fragments: Start activities from fragments and do transactions with minimal boilerplate
  • Intents: Transform companion objects into powerful typesafe intent specs
  • Material Colors: 2014 Material Design color palettes as color resources
  • View DSL RecyclerView: RecyclerView extension of View DSL
  • Views CardView: CardView extension of Views. Provides a contentPadding property
  • View Design: Design Support library extension of Views
  • Views RecyclerView: RecyclerView extension of Views

Other changes:


The consume { … } utility function from the splitties.init package has been deprecated. Replace it with true.also { _ -> … } or false.also { _ -> … }.

Arch Lifecycle

  • New mapNotNull, switchMap and switchMapNotNull extension functions for LiveData.
  • activityScope and fragmentScope extension functions to get a ViewModel now accept an optional lambda (which creates a ViewModelProvider under the hood. This allows to pass arguments to your ViewModel when it's first created.
  • observe and observeNotNull now return the created Observer so it can be unregistered manually later if needed.

Arch Room

  • The new inTransaction { … } extension function for RoomDatabases does the same as transaction { … } but also returns the value of the last expression of the lambda.
  • New onCreate { … } and onOpen { … } extension functions for RoomDatabase.Builder.


  • BundleHelper has been renamed to BundleSpec, but a typealias keeps the source compatibility. However, there's no binary compatibility, which means you'll need to recompile any library using it.
  • BundleSpec and the methods relying on it can now be used safely on any thread!

Material Lists

Allow disabling default icon tint on list items with optional constructor parameter.


A new experimental SuspendPrefsAccessor for coroutines users allows you to ensure you can't load the preferences (which does I/O) on the UI thread.


The str extension functions formatArgs now accept null arguments.

View DSL

The higher order function add has been deprecated because it went in the way of promoting a view to a property easily.

View DSL AppCompat styles

Added flatButton, imgActionButton and largeProgressBar.

View DSL ConstraintLayout

Add baselineToBaselineOf(…) extension function for ConstraintLayout.LayoutParams.

View DSL IDE Preview

UiPreView injects a valid value into appCtx so your Uis can depend on it (probably indirectly) without breaking preview!


  • New Gravity flags aliases (e.g. gravityStartCenter instead of Gravity.START or Gravity.CENTER_VERTICAL).
  • Change case of imageBitMap to imageBitmap to make it more consistent with the class name Bitmap

Views AppCompat

tooltipTxt now accepts null to remove any tooltip previously set on the view.

New artifacts

Here are all the artifacts added in this version. Just use the ones you need. (Click to expand)

All the lines above assume you defined the splitties_version ext property in your root project's build.gradle file to 2.0.0-alpha2 as shown in this snippet:

allProjects {
    ext {
        splitties_version = '2.0.0-alpha2'

Version 2.0.0-alpha1 (2018-03-11)

26 new library modules (amounting to a total of 33 splits):

  • Alert Dialog: Create simple alert dialogs with simple code
  • Alert Dialog AppCompat: AppCompat version of Alert Dialog
  • Arch Lifecycle: Extensions to get ViewModels, use LiveData and observe Lifecycles
  • Arch Room: Room helpers to instantiate your DB and perform transactions in Kotlin
  • Bit Flags: hasFlag, withFlag and minusFlag extensions on Long, Int, Short and Byte
  • Bundle: BundleHelper to use Bundle with property syntax for Intent extras and more
  • Dimensions: Android dp extensions for View and Context. Particularly handy when using View DSL
  • Exceptions: illegal(…) and similar functions that return Nothing, handy for impossible or illegal when branches
  • Fragment Args: Fragment arguments without ceremony thanks to delegated properties
  • Init Provider: Base class for ContentProviders used for automatic initialization purposes
  • Main Handler: Top-level mainHandler property to stop allocating multiple Handlers for main Looper
  • Resources: Extensions to get resources like strings, colors or drawables easily, with support for themed attributes
  • Selectable Views AppCompat: Selectable Views for AppCompatTextView
  • Selectable Views ConstraintLayout: Selectable Views for ConstraintLayout
  • Snackbar: Grab a snack without ceremony with snack(…) and longSnack(…)
  • System Services: No more context.getSystemService(NAME_OF_SERVICE) as NameOfManager
  • Toast: Show a toast by just calling toast(yourText), and dodge API 25 BadTokenException
  • UI Thread: Properties related to Android UI thread, and checkUiThread() precondition checker
  • View DSL: Create UIs with readable Kotlin code
  • View DSL AppCompat: AppCompat extension of View DSL
  • View DSL AppCompat styles: AppCompat styles for View DSL
  • View DSL ConstraintLayout: ConstraintLayout extension of View DSL
  • View DSL Design: Design Support Library extension of View DSL
  • View DSL IDE preview: Preview View DSL UIs in the IDE
  • Views: Extensions function and properties on Views
  • Views AppCompat: AppCompat extension of Views. Includes helpers for ImageView tinting, ActionBar and tooltip

1 renamed module:

  • "Checked Lazy" replaces the "Concurrency" module.

Other changes:

  • The groupId of the library changed from xyz.louiscad.splitties to com.louiscad.splitties. Check dependencies list below.
  • All previous modules migrated to Kotlin, excepted the ViewHolder class from the Typesafe RecyclerView module that can't be written in Kotlin at the moment due to hiding super fields not being supported.
  • App Context module has a new, memory leak safe injectAsAppCtx() method, that uses the new canLeakMemory() extension function on Context that is also public.
  • Preferences StringPref and stringPref don't allow null values anymore. Use StringOrNullPref and stringOrNullPref if you need nullable strings. Same for StringSetPref and stringSetPref.
  • The isUiThread property moved from the old "Concurrency" module to the "UI Thread" module.
  • Material Lists are now written in Kotlin with View DSL, fixing icon tinting support on day/night themes and behavior on long texts. Also, the naming has been improved. Old named items are now deprecated.
  • Checked Lazy does no longer depend on Timber but is now more configurable, allowing to write reporting behavior if needed.
  • Selectable Views has been split in base module (that includes only dependencies on Android platform), AppCompat module and ConstraintLayout module.
  • Selectable Views don't support the foreground xml attribute from app namespace anymore, but there's a new foregroundSelector property.

New artifacts

Here are all the artifacts added in this version. Just use the ones you need. (Click to expand)

All the lines above assume you defined the splitties_version ext property in your root project's build.gradle file to 2.0.0-alpha1 as show in this snippet:

allProjects {
    ext {
        splitties_version = '2.0.0-alpha1'

Version 1.3.0 (2017-04-17)

5 new library modules:

  • App Context: Have a Context everywhere
  • Concurrency: Single thread lazy implementations, with reporting via Timber support
  • Material Lists: List Items for RecyclerView implementing Material Design Guidelines
  • Preferences: Property syntax for Android's SharedPreferences
  • Stetho init: Have Stetho without writing any code!

1 renamed module:

  • Selectable Views replaces Selectable ViewGroups

Other changes:

  • Selectable Views now has a SelectableTextView. Made to use it on simple, single-line list items.
  • Typesafe RecyclerView now depends on Kotlin
  • Typesafe RecyclerView has a new ItemViewHolder helper class for simple but common use cases.

Version 1.2 (2016-09-19)

This version adds the setHost(Host host) method in ViewWrapper.Binder interface where Host can be any type you want you can use from the implementing item View to communicate with your Activity, Fragment, Presenter, or whatever. Note this adds a third type parameter to the ViewWrapper class, and a second one for the ViewWrapper.Binder class.

Version 1.1 (2016-09-11)

This version adds the setViewHolder(ViewWrapper holder) method in ViewWrapper.Binder interface so list item Views can now get a reference to their ViewHolder, and call getAdapterPosition() on it for example.

Version 1.0 (2016-08-24)

This is the first release of Splitties. It includes two independent modules:

  • Typesafe RecyclerView
  • Selectable ViewGroups

For gradle projects from jcenter() repo:

compile 'xyz.louiscad.splitties:selectableviewgroups:1.0'
compile 'xyz.louiscad.splitties:typesaferecyclerview:1.0'