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Federico Fissore edited this page Jan 1, 2013 · 20 revisions

Simple blog tutorial with expressjs and OrientDB

In this tutorial we assume that you already have an understanding about how web sites works, about how javascript works and that you are interested about what and how OrientDB works with nodejs.


In order to complete this tutorial, you need to have installed and working:

  • nodejs: check it with the command node -v (on my computer it prints v0.8.16). In order to install nodejs on your computer, follow the instructions.
  • expressjs: check it with the command express -V (on my computer it prints 3.0.5). In order to install express, type npm install -g express (may required root access).
  • OrientDB: we assume that it's running on your computer. In order to install it, follow the instuctions. This tutorial uses version 1.3.0.

The basics

First, let's make a bare minimum express js app. Open up a console/terminal and type

express --sessions tutorial


cd tutorial
npm install -d
node app.js

Express will report

Express server listening on port 3000

head over here and see express working as expected.

Introducing OrientDB

Create an blog database on OrientDB: you can do that using OrientDB Studio or using the OrientDB console with the command

create database local:/home/federico/materiale/works_My/orientdb-graphed-1.3.0/databases/blog admin admin local

(don't forget to adjust the path)

Edit file package.json and add the following snippet to the list of dependencies:

"orientdb": "*"

Edit file app.js and add this require:

orientdb = require('orientdb')

Right after it, add the following code

// previous code omitted

var dbConfig = {
    user_name: 'admin',
    user_password: 'admin'
var serverConfig = {
    host: 'localhost',
    port: 2424

var server = new orientdb.Server(serverConfig);
var db = new orientdb.GraphDb('blog', server, dbConfig); {
    if (err) {
        throw err;
    console.log("Successfully connected to OrientDB");

// subsequent code omitted

Go back to the terminal, interrupt node with CTRL+C, run npm install -d again to download OrientDB nodejs driver, then restart the app with node app.js. You'll now see:

Express server listening on port 3000
Successfully connected to OrientDB

Well done!

Making the routes use OrientDB

Right below the console.log statement in callback, add this snipped

routes.init(db, function(err) {
    if (err) {
        throw err;

Then open index.js in routes folder. At its top, add the line module.db = null;. Then put the following function at the end of the file

exports.init = function(orient, callback) {
    module.db = orient;

Preparing the schema

We are going to programmatically add some classes to our blog database, IF they are missing.

Open file index.js in routes folder and add the following function

function ensureSchemaIsSetup(db, callback) {
    if (db.getClassByName("Post") === null) {
        db.createClass("Post", "OGraphVertex", callback);
    if (db.getClassByName("Tag") === null) {
        db.createClass("Tag", "OGraphVertex", callback);
    if (db.getClassByName("User") === null) {
        db.createClass("User", "OGraphVertex", callback);

Now go the exports.init function and below module.db assignement, call that function so that init now looks like this:

exports.init = function(orient, callback) {
    module.db = orient;
    ensureSchemaIsSetup(orient, callback);

Listing blog posts

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