- Fix a bug in the isochoric line calculation, when filtering out suspicious values. The software crashed, when checking for non-rising temperature values on a single isochoric, when no more values were left due to being filtered out by the hampel filter earlier.
- Fix a couple of bugs introduced by v3.4 and smoothen the isochorics with the help of a hampel filter, thanks to @matzech.
- Refactor the generators for the isolines to make them more resilient and distribute points better within the given range of each isoline.
- Add a method that allows the creation of isolines only within a specific range of the fluid properties.
- Make fluprodia compatible with numpy version 2.0.
- A class method to construct a FluidPropertyDiagram from the to_json data export is available.
- The draw_isolines method is now compatible with matplotlib darkmode style.
- You can export the underlying data of your diagram using the to_json method.
- The API changed in a way, that you have to create the figure and axes externally using matplotlib. These are then passed to the draw_isolines method. See the README or in the examples for the new API version.
- Remove upper Python version limit.
- Update documentation on pressure units.
- Improve error message for not available units.
- Add kPa to pressure unit system.
- Fix TESPy API calls in the example usage.
- Reduce the number of datapoints for isolines to 200 for faster performance.
- Fix minimum volume value for iterators.
- Change the iterator for isobaric, isenthalpic and isentropic to specific volume.
- Adjust individual isoline plotting iterators and isolines accordingly.
- Add method to calculate datapoints of individual isolines and isolike lines.
- Minor bug fixes for isochoric drawing.
- Change in default values for isobarics.
- Catch exceptions in calculation of minimum specific volume for default isoline generation.
- Allow Python 3.8 usage.
- First release on PyPI.