- Sample
- Default SCSS-Lint configuration
- This configuration aligns with our team-wide guides below. It does not,
however, enforce a particular class naming structure (
), which is a team decision to be made on a per-project basis.
- This configuration aligns with our team-wide guides below. It does not,
however, enforce a particular class naming structure (
- Use the SCSS syntax.
- Use hyphens when naming mixins, extends, classes, functions & variables:
. - Use one space between property and value:
width: 20px
. - Use a blank line above a selector that has styles.
- Prefer hex color codes
. - Avoid using shorthand properties for only one value:
background-color: #ff0000;
, notbackground: #ff0000;
- Use
for comment blocks not/* */
. - Use one space between selector and
. - Use double quotation marks.
- Use only lowercase, except for hex or string values.
- Don't add a unit specification after
values, unless required by a mixin. - Use a leading zero in decimal numbers:
- Use space around operands:
$variable * 1.5
, not$variable*1.5
- Avoid in-line operations in shorthand declarations (Ex.
padding: $variable * 1.5 variable * 2
) - Use parentheses around individual operations in shorthand declarations:
padding: ($variable * 1.5) ($variable * 2);
- Use double colons for pseudo-elements
- Use a
unit for the amount/weight when using Sass's color functions:darken($color, 20%)
, notdarken($color, 20)
- Use alphabetical order for declarations.
- Place
at the top of your declaration list. - Place media queries directly after the declaration list.
- Place concatenated selectors second.
- Place pseudo-states and pseudo-elements third.
- Place nested elements fourth.
- Place nested classes fifth.
- Don't use ID's for style.
- Use meaningful names:
. - Use ID and class names that are as short as possible but as long as necessary.
- Avoid using the direct descendant selector
. - Avoid nesting more than 3 selectors deep.
- Use HTML tags on vague classes that need a qualifier like
. - Avoid using the HTML tag in the class name:
. - Avoid using HTML tags on classes for generic markup
. - Avoid using HTML tags on classes with specific class names like
. - Avoid using comma delimited selectors.
- Avoid nesting within a media query.
- Use Bourbon for a Sass library.
- Use Neat for a grid framework.
- Use Bitters/
directory for styling element selectors, global variables, global extends and global mixins. - Use Normalize for browser rendering consistency, rather than a reset.
- Use HTML structure for ordering of selectors. Don't just put styles at the bottom of the Sass file.
- Avoid having files longer than 100 lines.