- Polish LSP completion capability (4cc24ed3, 16db8dd4, 905e5433, 9ffdad0f, d3a27933, cad54358, 439c4933)
- Upgrade clarity vm (fefdd1e0)
- Upgrade stacks-node next image (492804bb)
- Expose stacks-node settings wait_time_for_microblocks, first_attempt_time_ms, subsequent_attempt_time_ms in Devnet config file
- Improve Epoch 2.1 deployments handling
- Improve
- Updated documentation to set clarity version of contract (b124d96f)
1.3.1 (2023-01-03)
- Introduce use_docker_gateway_routing setting for CI environments
- Improve signature help in LSP (eee03cff)
- Add support for more keyword help in REPL ([f564d469](https://github.com/hirosystems/clarinet/commit/f564d469ccf5e79ab924643627fdda8715da6a1d, 0efcc75e)
- Various Docker management optimizations / fixes (b379d29f, 4f4c8806)