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349 lines (248 loc) · 13.5 KB


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.


[2.0.1] - 2024-09-07


  • Bump MSRV from 1.64.0 to 1.66.0

[2.0.0] - 2023-08-07


  • Option to parse numerals. Numerals can occur where usually a number would be expected (#23)


  • BREAKING: Rename of the function allow_delimiter to allow_time_unit_delimiter
  • BREAKING: The 4 different delimiters are now unified into an inner and outer delimiter. The functions allow_ago, allow_sign_delimiter and allow_time_unit_delimiter now use the inner delimiter and don't take a definition of a Delimiter anymore. The parse_multiple now uses the outer delimiter and doesn't take an argument for the definition of a Delimiter anymore. The inner and outer delimiters can be defined with extra functions, instead. (#34)
  • Improve the general parsing speed, especially for input with fractions

[1.2.0] - 2023-07-09


  • fundu's Duration has now additional methods: as_weeks, as_days, as_hours, as_minutes, as_seconds, as_millis, as_micros, as_nanos, subsec_millis, subsec_micros, subsec_nanos, extract_weeks, extract_days, extract_hours, extract_minutes, extract_seconds
  • Optionally allow a delimiter between the sign and a number, time keyword etc with the configuration option allow_sign_delimiter (#28)


  • When parse_multiple is set, a sign character can now also indicate a new duration (#24)
  • Increase performance of parsing time keywords and time units without a number when number_is_optional is set
  • Development dependencies are updated:
    • pprof v0.11.1 -> v0.12.0
    • criterion v0.4.0 -> v0.5.1
    • rstest v0.17.0 -> v0.18.1
    • rstest_reuse v0.5.0 -> v0.6.0
  • Bump fundu-core dependency from v0.1.0 to v0.2.0


  • When parse_multiple together with number_is_optional was set, then a single sign character was interpreted as a duration of 1 second (#32)

[1.1.0] - 2023-06-26


  • fundu has a new feature base which provides greater freedom than the custom feature
  • Implementation of Clone andHash for ParseError and TryFromDurationError


  • Big internal restructuring which splits fundu into a fundu-core and fundu package
  • Internal refactor of fundu-core
  • Bump MSRV from 1.61.0 to 1.64.0
  • The optional time dependency was updated from 0.3.16 to 0.3.20

[1.0.0] - 2023-05-29

If upgrading from an previous version, there are some breaking changes, most notably parsing negative durations has been completely revised. The negative feature was removed and the parsers now return fundu's own Duration, which can represent negative Durations, instead of a std::time::Duration (or time::Duration).


  • A new configuration option allow_negative to enable parsing negative Durations without parsing error
  • chrono feature to provide methods to convert from fundu's Duration to chrono::Duration and vice versa
  • time feature to provide methods to convert from fundu's Duration to time::Duration and vice versa
  • serde feature to be able to serialize, deserialize the some important structs and enums with serde: ParseError, TryFromDurationError, Multiplier, Duration
  • New trait SaturatingInto which provides a method to convert from fundu's Duration into another Duration saturating at the maximum or minimum of the other Duration instead of returning a TryFromDurationError.
  • A new error type TryFromDurationError which is returned when the conversion from fundu's Duration to std::time::Duration, time::Duration or chrono::Duration fails.
  • Add a new struct TimeKeyword to the custom feature. TimeKeywords (like yesterday) are similar to CustomTimeUnits but don't accept a number in front of them in the input string.
  • The CustomDurationParser and CustomDurationParserBuilder have two new methods keyword and keywords which store TimeKeyword(s) in the parser.
  • A new configuration option allow_ago was added to enable parsing the ago keyword in the input string after a duration to negate the previously parsed duration
  • CustomTimeUnit::with_default: This method creates a CustomTimeUnit with the default multiplier of Multiplier(1, 0)
  • Implementation of the standard trait Hash for CustomTimeUnit, TimeUnit and Multiplier
  • New methods for Multiplier: is_negative, is_positive, checked_mul, saturating_neg and the getters coefficient for the first component and exponent for the second


  • Fundu's thus far internally used Duration is now public and implements most standard arithmetic traits like Add, Sub etc. It can also be converted to std::time::Duration and if the feature is activated time::Duration, chrono::Duration

  • BREAKING: The DurationParser::parse and CustomDurationParser::parse methods now return fundu's own Duration instead of std::time::Duration

  • BREAKING: The Multiplier changed from (u64, i16) to (i64, i16) to allow negative Multipliers

  • BREAKING: The parse_multiple configuration option now optionally allows conjunction words (like and) between durations in the input string in addition to a Delimiter

  • BREAKING: The DurationParserBuilder can now build the DurationParser in const context at compile time. To be able to do so, the methods signatures of the DurationParserBuilder changed from (&mut self) -> &mut Self to (mut self) -> Self

  • BREAKING: Rename DurationParserBuilder::custom_time_units -> DurationParserBuilder::time_units

  • BREAKING: The SYSTEMD_TIME_UNITS, DEFAULT_TIME_UNITS and DEFAULT_ALL_TIME_UNITS constants from the custom feature now use CustomTimeUnits instead of a tuple.

  • BREAKING: Remove CustomDurationParserBuilder::time_unit and rename CustomDurationParserBuilder::custom_time_unit -> CustomDurationParserBuilder::time_unit

  • BREAKING: Remove CustomDurationParserBuilder::time_units and rename CustomDurationParserBuilder::custom_time_units -> CustomDurationParserBuilder::time_units

  • BREAKING: CustomDurationParser::with_time_units now uses CustomTimeUnits instead of the Identifier type

  • BREAKING: Rename CustomDurationParser::custom_time_unit -> CustomDurationParser::time_unit

  • BREAKING: Rename CustomDurationParser::custom_time_units -> CustomDurationParser::time_units

  • BREAKING: If the setting number_is_optional is enabled the exponent must have a mantissa. The exponent is now a part of the number

  • Panic in CustomTimeUnit::new when creating a CustomTimeUnit with a Multiplier and TimeUnit. A multiplication of the additional Multiplier and the inherent multiplier of the TimeUnit would otherwise overflow (and panic) during the parsing

  • Refactorings of the internal parser improve the parsing speed for all input sizes


  • BREAKING: The negative feature and DurationParser::parse_negative, CustomDurationParser::parse_negative
  • BREAKING: The Identifier type is redundant and was removed


  • Parsing with the configuration option allow_delimiter enabled changed, so that an input ending with a Delimiter is an error now
  • The exponent must always consist of at least one digit
  • Input starting with a delimiter should result in a ParseError similar to input ending with a delimiter

[0.5.1] - 2023-05-01

This version introduces a slight performance regression in favour of the new parse_multiple method.


  • New method parse_multiple to parse multiple durations in the source string at once.
  • New method disable_infinity to disable parsing inf or infinity.
  • The new methods above make it possible to build a systemd time span parser as defined by systemd
  • An example for a fully functional systemd time span parser


  • Parsing infinity values was improved, so that time unit identifiers can now start with an i or in.
  • Running the benchmarks was improved, so that iai (feature = with-iai) and flamegraph (feature = with-flamegraph) benchmarks need to be activated via their features.
  • Make TimeUnit::multiplier method public
  • Make custom::Identifiers type public


  • In the parser module an invocation of ParseError::TimeUnit error was pointing to a wrong position in the source string.
  • Use a workaround on s390x systems because parsing negative durations produced wrong results when using time::Duration::MIN.saturating_add. The source of this bug is maybe the time crate or rust itself.

[0.5.0] - 2023-03-29


  • negative feature: parse negative durations to a duration from the time crate
  • The number format is now customizable:
    • allow one ore more delimiter between the number and the time unit by setting a Delimiter
    • disable parsing an exponent
    • disable parsing a fraction
    • make numbers in front of time units and exponents optional
  • DurationParser::builder method and DurationParserBuilder
  • CustomDurationParser allows now creating completely new CustomTimeUnits
  • CustomDurationParser::builder method and CustomDurationParserBuilder
  • An example for the custom feature


  • Bump MSRV from 1.60.0 to 1.61.0
  • Some internal changes and refactorings improved the overall performance
  • Improve and enhance the README and public api documentation


  • DurationParser::time_unit and DurationParser::time_units: Use DurationParser::with_time_units or the DurationParserBuilder instead
  • CustomDurationParser::get_current_time_units

[0.4.3] - 2023-03-21


  • Change from iai to iai-callgrind and use the new features to improve the iai benchmarks


  • Building the docs on should use all features

[0.4.2] - 2023-03-07


  • Internal changes to improve the overall performance but especially for large inputs. Parsing large inputs is now faster than the reference function.

[0.4.1] - 2023-02-26


  • The exponent maximum/minium changed to i16 bounds.
  • Make most initialization methods of DurationParser applicable in const context
  • Some internal refactors improved the initialization and parsing speeds


  • Apply cfg attributes in builder This fixes the warnings when not all features were given.

[0.4.0] - 2023-02-24


  • The custom feature adds fully customizable identifiers for time units in a new struct CustomDurationParser
  • Add cachegrind based benchmarks in the github CI


  • Organize project into features: standard (default) and custom
  • Include more error types in ParseError and make ParseError non exhaustive
  • Improve performance of time unit parsing
  • Improve and add more benchmarks


  • The DurationParser::parse method used self mutable although this was not necessary

[0.3.0] - 2023-02-11


  • New builder method DurationParser::default_unit to set the default time unit to something different than seconds.
  • New method DurationParser::get_time_units which returns the current set of time units.
  • More runnable examples/recipes in the examples folder.


  • Improve the api and crate level documentation
  • Update the README and api documentation to better document the handling of values close to zero no matter the sign.


  • Remove TimeUnit::multiplier from the public api. It's still used internally.


  • Parsing the exponent if there is no number must return a ParseError
  • Negative values exceeding u64::MAX returned Duration::MAX. Now a ParseError is returned.

[0.2.2] - 2023-02-06

  • Fix panic in parser when the whole and fraction part of the input number are missing but a dot is given

[0.2.1] - 2023-02-05


  • New method TimeUnits::get_time_units which returns all currently active time units
  • PartialOrd, Ord traits implementation for TimeUnit


  • Improve overall performance by 10-20%
  • Improve performance of parsing with time units by a factor of ~15 (before ~800ns -> after ~55ns)
  • tests: Improve test coverage. Reach full coverage.
  • tests: Increase accuracy of benchmarks
  • CI: Use grcov for coverage report creation with the more accurate source-based coverage

[0.2.0] - 2023-02-03


  • More tests
  • Add a simple example in examples directory


  • Updated the README, library documentation and provide more examples
  • Rename DurationParser::with_no_time_units -> DurationParser::without_time_units
  • Change to Julian year calculation: 1 year = 365.25 days and 1 month = year / 12
  • Refactor test structure
  • Make the default ids of time units available


  • Unneeded constants SECONDS_MAX and NANOS_MAX


  • Fix a possible overflow when multiplying attos with the time unit multiplier
  • Export error::ParseError and make this enum public

[0.1.0] - 2023-02-01


  • Basic working implementation of the duration parser
  • Tests and benchmarks
  • Basic api documentation
  • This Changelog
  • CI setup with github actions