diff --git a/PSReadLine/Cmdlets.cs b/PSReadLine/Cmdlets.cs
index 305ddb7f..d3686b1e 100644
--- a/PSReadLine/Cmdlets.cs
+++ b/PSReadLine/Cmdlets.cs
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
namespace PSConsoleUtilities
+#if NEVER
public class PSConsoleUtilitiesInit : IModuleAssemblyInitializer
@@ -19,6 +20,7 @@ public void OnImport()
[Cmdlet("Set", "PSReadlineOption")]
public class SetPSReadlineOption : PSCmdlet
diff --git a/PSReadLine/PSReadLine.csproj b/PSReadLine/PSReadLine.csproj
index bf899329..d9436d28 100644
--- a/PSReadLine/PSReadLine.csproj
+++ b/PSReadLine/PSReadLine.csproj
@@ -9,8 +9,9 @@
- v4.5
+ v4.0512
+ Clienttrue
diff --git a/PSReadLine/PSReadLine.format.ps1xml b/PSReadLine/PSReadLine.format.ps1xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..68e32544
--- /dev/null
+++ b/PSReadLine/PSReadLine.format.ps1xml
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+ PSConsoleUtilities.KeyHandler
+ PSConsoleUtilities.KeyHandler
+ 20
+ 22
+ Key
+ BriefDescription
+ LongDescription
diff --git a/PSReadLine/PSReadLine.psd1 b/PSReadLine/PSReadLine.psd1
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5f0690c1
Binary files /dev/null and b/PSReadLine/PSReadLine.psd1 differ
diff --git a/PSReadLine/PSReadLine.psm1 b/PSReadLine/PSReadLine.psm1
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3468d650
--- /dev/null
+++ b/PSReadLine/PSReadLine.psm1
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+# This function is called by the console host when reading input to execute commands.
+function PSConsoleHostReadline
+ [PSConsoleUtilities.PSConsoleReadLine]::ReadLine()
diff --git a/PSReadLine/PSReadLineResources.Designer.cs b/PSReadLine/PSReadLineResources.Designer.cs
index c3515ade..6ff40dcd 100644
--- a/PSReadLine/PSReadLineResources.Designer.cs
+++ b/PSReadLine/PSReadLineResources.Designer.cs
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
// This code was generated by a tool.
-// Runtime Version:4.0.30319.18033
+// Runtime Version:4.0.30319.18046
// Changes to this file may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if
// the code is regenerated.
diff --git a/PSReadLine/en-US/PSReadline.dll-help.xml b/PSReadLine/en-US/PSReadline.dll-help.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..30054ec4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/PSReadLine/en-US/PSReadline.dll-help.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,727 @@
+ Get-PSReadlineKeyHandler
+ Gets the key bindings for the PSReadline module.
+ Get
+ PSReadlineKeyHandler
+ Get-PSReadlineKeyHandler
+ Set-PSReadlineKeyHandler
+ Changes key bindings
+ Set
+ PSReadlineKeyHandler
+ Set-PSReadlineKeyHandler
+ Key
+ Specifies the key to be bound.
+ ConsoleKeyInfo
+ Set-PSReadlineKeyHandler
+ Handler
+ Specifies a ScriptBlock to be called when the bound key is pressed.
+ Action
+ Set-PSReadlineKeyHandler
+ BriefDescription
+ A brief description of the key binding. Used in the output of cmdlet Get-PSReadlineKeyHandler.
+ String
+ Set-PSReadlineKeyHandler
+ LongDescription
+ A more verbose description of the key binding. Used in the output of the cmdlet Get-PSReadlineKeyHandler.
+ String
+ Set-PSReadlineKeyHandler
+ CtrlXPrefix
+ SwitchParameter
+ Key
+ Specifies the key to be bound.
+ ConsoleKeyInfo
+ ConsoleKeyInfo
+ Handler
+ Specifies a ScriptBlock to be called when the bound key is pressed.
+ Action
+ Action
+ BriefDescription
+ A brief description of the key binding. Used in the output of cmdlet Get-PSReadlineKeyHandler.
+ String
+ String
+ LongDescription
+ A more verbose description of the key binding. Used in the output of the cmdlet Get-PSReadlineKeyHandler.
+ String
+ String
+ CtrlXPrefix
+ SwitchParameter
+ SwitchParameter
+ -------------- Example 1 --------------
+ PS C:\> Set-PSReadlineKeyHandler -Key UpArrow -BriefDescription HistorySearchBackward -Handler {
+ [PSConsoleUtilities.PSConsoleReadLine]::HistorySearchBackward()
+ This command binds the up arrow key to the function HistorySearchBackward which will use the currently entered command line as the beginning of the search string when searching through history.
+ Set-PSReadlineOption
+ Customizes the behavior of command line editing in PSConsoleReadline.
+ Set
+ PSReadlineOption
+ The Set-PSReadlineOption cmdlet is used to customize the behavior of the PSReadline module when editing the command line.
+ Set-PSReadlineOption
+ EditMode
+ Specifies s the command line editing mode. This will reset any key bindings set by Set-PSReadlineKeyHandler.
+ EditMode
+ Set-PSReadlineOption
+ ContinuationPrompt
+ Specifies the string displayed at the beginning of the second and subsequent lines when multi-line input is being entered. Defaults to '>>> '. The empty string is valid.
+ String
+ Set-PSReadlineOption
+ ContinuationPromptForegroundColor
+ Specifies the foreground color of the continuation prompt.
+ ConsoleColor
+ Set-PSReadlineOption
+ ContinuationPromptBackgroundColor
+ Specifies the background color of the continuation prompt.
+ ConsoleColor
+ Set-PSReadlineOption
+ HistoryNoDuplicates
+ Specifies that duplicate commands should not be added to PSReadline history.
+ SwitchParameter
+ Set-PSReadlineOption
+ AddToHistoryHandler
+ Specifies a ScriptBlock that can be used to control which commands get added to PSReadline history.
+ Func`2[Boolean]
+ Set-PSReadlineOption
+ HistorySearchCursorMovesToEnd
+ SwitchParameter
+ Set-PSReadlineOption
+ MinimumHistoryCommandLength
+ Specifies the minimum length command to save in PSReadline history. Note that PSReadline history is separate from PowerShell history.
+ Int32
+ Set-PSReadlineOption
+ MaximumHistoryCount
+ Specifies the maximum number of commands to save in PSReadline history. Note that PSReadline history is separate from PowerShell history.
+ Int32
+ Set-PSReadlineOption
+ MaximumKillRingCount
+ Specifies the maximum number of items stored in the kill ring.
+ Int32
+ Set-PSReadlineOption
+ ResetTokenColors
+ Restore the token colors to the default settings.
+ SwitchParameter
+ Set-PSReadlineOption
+ ShowToolTips
+ When using Bash style completion, show tooltips in the list of completions.
+ SwitchParameter
+ Set-PSReadlineOption
+ ExtraPromptLineCount
+ Use this option if your prompt spans more than one line and you want the extra lines to appear when PSReadline displays the prompt after showing some output, e.g. when showing a list of completions.
+ Int32
+ Set-PSReadlineOption
+ DingTone
+ When BellStyle is set to Audible, specifies the tone of the beep.
+ Int32
+ Set-PSReadlineOption
+ DingDuration
+ When BellStyle is set to Audible, specifies the duration of the beep.
+ Int32
+ Set-PSReadlineOption
+ BellStyle
+ Specifies how PSReadLine should respond to various error and ambiguous conditions.
+ BellStyle
+ Set-PSReadlineOption
+ TokenKind
+ Specifies the kind of token when setting token coloring options with the -ForegroundColor and -BackgroundColor parameters.
+ TokenClassification
+ Set-PSReadlineOption
+ ForegroundColor
+ Specifies the foreground color for the token kind specified by the parameter -TokenKind.
+ ConsoleColor
+ Set-PSReadlineOption
+ BackgroundColor
+ Specifies the background color for the token kind specified by the parameter -TokenKind.
+ ConsoleColor
+ EditMode
+ Specifies s the command line editing mode. This will reset any key bindings set by Set-PSReadlineKeyHandler.
+ EditMode
+ EditMode
+ ContinuationPrompt
+ Specifies the string displayed at the beginning of the second and subsequent lines when multi-line input is being entered. Defaults to '>>> '. The empty string is valid.
+ String
+ String
+ ContinuationPromptForegroundColor
+ Specifies the foreground color of the continuation prompt.
+ ConsoleColor
+ ConsoleColor
+ ContinuationPromptBackgroundColor
+ Specifies the background color of the continuation prompt.
+ ConsoleColor
+ ConsoleColor
+ HistoryNoDuplicates
+ Specifies that duplicate commands should not be added to PSReadline history.
+ SwitchParameter
+ SwitchParameter
+ AddToHistoryHandler
+ Specifies a ScriptBlock that can be used to control which commands get added to PSReadline history.
+ Func`2[Boolean]
+ Func`2[Boolean]
+ HistorySearchCursorMovesToEnd
+ SwitchParameter
+ SwitchParameter
+ MinimumHistoryCommandLength
+ Specifies the minimum length command to save in PSReadline history. Note that PSReadline history is separate from PowerShell history.
+ Int32
+ Int32
+ 3
+ MaximumHistoryCount
+ Specifies the maximum number of commands to save in PSReadline history. Note that PSReadline history is separate from PowerShell history.
+ Int32
+ Int32
+ MaximumKillRingCount
+ Specifies the maximum number of items stored in the kill ring.
+ Int32
+ Int32
+ ResetTokenColors
+ Restore the token colors to the default settings.
+ SwitchParameter
+ SwitchParameter
+ ShowToolTips
+ When using Bash style completion, show tooltips in the list of completions.
+ SwitchParameter
+ SwitchParameter
+ ExtraPromptLineCount
+ Use this option if your prompt spans more than one line and you want the extra lines to appear when PSReadline displays the prompt after showing some output, e.g. when showing a list of completions.
+ Int32
+ Int32
+ DingTone
+ When BellStyle is set to Audible, specifies the tone of the beep.
+ Int32
+ Int32
+ DingDuration
+ When BellStyle is set to Audible, specifies the duration of the beep.
+ Int32
+ Int32
+ BellStyle
+ Specifies how PSReadLine should respond to various error and ambiguous conditions.
+ BellStyle
+ BellStyle
+ TokenKind
+ Specifies the kind of token when setting token coloring options with the -ForegroundColor and -BackgroundColor parameters.
+ TokenClassification
+ TokenClassification
+ ForegroundColor
+ Specifies the foreground color for the token kind specified by the parameter -TokenKind.
+ ConsoleColor
+ ConsoleColor
+ BackgroundColor
+ Specifies the background color for the token kind specified by the parameter -TokenKind.
+ ConsoleColor
+ ConsoleColor
\ No newline at end of file