State | Min | Max | Unit | Mult | Name |
f32ShowSoc | 0 | 100 | % | 1 | SOC |
designCap | 0 | 80000 | mAh | 1 | Design capacity |
remainCap | 0 | 80000 | mAh | 1 | Remaining capacity |
temp | 0 | 80 | °C | 1 | Temperature |
maxCellTemp | 0 | 80 | °C | 1 | Maximum cell temperature |
vol | 0 | 60 | V | 0.001 | Voltage |
amp | 0 | 50 | A | 0.001 | Current |
outputWatts | 0 | 4000 | W | 0.1 | Output power |
soc | 0 | 100 | % | 1 | Remaining battery percentage |
minCellTemp | 0 | 80 | °C | 1 | Minimum cell temperature |
maxMosTemp | 0 | 80 | °C | 1 | Maximum MOS temperature |
tagChgAmp | 0 | 100 | A | 0.0001 | Target charging current |
maxCellVol | 0 | 60 | V | 0.001 | Maximum cell voltage |
inputWatts | 0 | 4000 | W | 0.1 | Input power |
minMosTemp | 0 | 80 | °C | 1 | Minimum MOS temperature |
remainTime | 0 | 143999 | min | 1 | Time remaining |
minCellVol | 0 | 60 | V | 0.001 | Minimum cell voltage |
fullCap | 0 | 80000 | mAh | 1 | Full capacity |
cycles | 0 | 6000 | 1 | Number of cycles | |
diffSoc | 0 | 100 | % | 1 | SOC difference |
targetSoc | 0 | 100 | % | 1 | Target SoC |
actSoc | 0 | 100 | % | 1 | Actual SoC |
maxVolDiff | 0 | 500 | V | 0.001 | Maximum cell voltage difference |
State | Name |
bmsFault | BMS permanent fault |
soh | Health status |
sysVer | System version |
bqSysStatReg | BQ hardware protection register |
num | BMS number |
openBmsIdx | Battery pack enable state |
cycleSoh | cycle Soh |
realSoh | real Soh |
bmsHeartbeatVer | bms Heartbeat Version |
productDetail | Product Detail |
sysLoaderVer | sysLoaderVer |
totalDsgCap | Total Discharge Capacity |
totalChgCap | Total Charge Capacity |
ecloudOcv | ecloudOcv |
State | Name | values |
type | BMS type | {1:Lithium battery,2:Oil-powered} |
errCode | Global error code | {0:OK?} |
cellId | Battery capacity type | {1:2.5 Ah per battery,2:2 Ah per battery} |
chgDsgState | chg Dsg State | {0:0?,1:1?,2:2?} |
productType | Product Type | {14:Delta Pro?} |
calendarSch | Calendar Schedule | {0:0?,1:1?} |
sysState | sys State | {0:0?,1:1?} |
allErrCode | all Err Code | {0:0?,1:1?,2:2?} |
allBmsFault | all Bms Faulttype | {0:0?,1:1?,2:2?} |
mosState | MOS state | {0:0?,1:1?,2:2?,3:3?} |
balanceState | Balance State | {0:0=OK?,1:1?,2:2?} |
State | Name |
packSn | Pack SN |
cellVol | Cell voltage |
cellTemp | Cell temperature |
hwEdition | HW edition |
State | Name | values |
chgCmd | Charge switch | {0:off,1:on,2:2?} |
bmsWarningState | BMS warning state | {0:no warning?,1:hi_temp,2:low_temp,4:overload,8:chg_flag} |
emsIsNormalFlag | Energy storage state: 0: sleep; 1: normal | {0:sleep,1:normal} |
bms0Online | BMS0 online signal | {0:not online?,1:HW online,2:SW online,3:HW-SW online} |
bms1Online | BMS1 online signal | {0:not online?,1:HW online,2:SW online,3:HW-SW online} |
dsgCmd | Discharge switch | {0:off,1:on,2:2?} |
chgState | Charging state | {0:disabled,1:CC,2:CV,3:UPS,4:PARA 0x55: Charging error} |
bms2Online | BMS2 online signal | {0:not online?,1:HW online,2:SW online,3:HW-SW online} |
State | Min | Max | Unit | Mult | Name | cmd |
minDsgSoc | 0 | 30 | % | 1 | Discharge lower limit | {from:Android,operateType:TCP,id:38454960,lang:en-us,params:{id:51,minDsgSoc:25},version:1.0} |
minOpenOilEbSoc | 0 | 30 | % | 1 | The upper threshold of smart generator auto on Range: 0~100 | {from:Android,operateType:TCP,id:878666957,lang:en-us,params:{id:52,openOilSoc:0},version:1.0} |
maxChargeSoc | 50 | 100 | % | 1 | Charge upper limit | {from:Android,operateType:TCP,id:38461351,lang:en-us,params:{id:49,maxChgSoc:95},version:1.0} |
maxCloseOilEbSoc | 50 | 100 | % | 1 | The lower threshold of smart generator auto off Range: 0~100 | {from:Android,operateType:TCP,id:878673259,lang:en-us,params:{id:53,closeOilSoc:84},version:1.0} |
State | Min | Max | Unit | Mult | Name |
paraVolMax | 0 | 60 | V | 0.001 | Maximum parallel voltage |
f32LcdShowSoc | 0 | 100 | % | 1 | SOC on LCD |
lcdShowSoc | 0 | 100 | % | 1 | SOC on LCD |
chgRemainTime | 0 | 143999 | min | 1 | Remaining charging time |
paraVolMin | 0 | 60 | V | 0.001 | Minimum parallel voltage |
dsgRemainTime | 0 | 143999 | min | 1 | Remaining discharging time |
chgVol | 0 | 150 | V | 0.001 | Charging voltage |
chgAmp | 0 | 100 | A | 0.0001 | Charging current |
State | Name |
openBmsIdx | Open BMS index |
maxAvailableNum | Maximum available quantity |
bmsModel | BMS model |
openUpsFlag | UPS mode enable flag |
fanLevel | Fan level |
State | Min | Max | Unit | Mult | Name |
dcInVol | 0 | 60 | V | 0.001 | DC input voltage |
dcInAmp | 0 | 13 | A | 0.001 | DC input current |
outputWatts | 0 | 4000 | W | 1 | Discharging power |
dcInTemp | 0 | 80 | °C | 1 | DC temperature |
invOutFreq | 0 | 62 | Hz | 1 | Inverter output frequency |
cfgFastChgWatts | 200 | 2900 | W | 1 | Maximum charging power for AC fast charging (W) |
acInAmp | 0 | 13 | A | 0.001 | Inverter input current |
outTemp | 0 | 90 | °C | 1 | Inverter temperature |
invOutVol | 0 | 250 | V | 0.001 | Actual inverter output voltage |
acInVol | 0 | 250 | V | 0.001 | Inverter input voltage |
inputWatts | 0 | 4000 | W | 1 | Charging power |
acInFreq | 0 | 62 | Hz | 1 | Inverter input frequency |
invOutAmp | 0 | 13 | A | 0.001 | Inverter output current |
State | off | on | Name | cmd |
cfgAcWorkMode | full power | mute | AC charging mode | |
cfgAcEnabled | off | on | AC discharge (INV) switch setting | {from:Android,operateType:TCP,id:554272649,lang:en-us,params:{id:66,enabled:1},version:1.0} |
cfgAcXboost | off | on | X-Boost switch | {from:Android,operateType:TCP,id:602507362,lang:en-us,params:{id:66,xboost:1},version:1.0} |
State | Name |
cfgAcOutVoltage | Inverter output voltage (V): 0xffffffff: ignored |
errCode | Global error code |
invType | PSDR model code |
sysVer | System version |
State | Min | Max | Unit | Mult | Name | cmd |
cfgStandbyMin | 0 | 1440 | min | 1 | AC standby time /min 0 Never standby 1440 Default value | {from:Android,operateType:TCP,id:153750799,lang:en-us,params:{id:153,standByMins:360},version:1.0} |
cfgSlowChgWatts | 200 | 2900 | W | 1 | Maximum charging power for AC slow charging (W) | {from:Android,operateType:TCP,id:747329085,lang:en-us,params:{id:69,slowChgPower:300},version:1.0} |
State | Name | values |
cfgAcOutFreq | Inverter output frequency (Hz) | {1:50 Hz,2:60 Hz,255:ignored} |
chargerType | Charger type | {0:no charging,1:AC charging,2:DC adapter charging,3:solar charging,4:CC,5:BC} |
fanState | Fan state | {0:disabled,1:Level 1,2:Level 2,3:Level 3} |
acDipSwitch | AC fast/slow charging dip switch | {0:unknown,1:fast charging mode,2:slow charging mode} |
acPassByAutoEn | acPassByAutoEn | {0:0?,1:1?} |
chgPauseFlag | AC charging pause flag | {0:no pause?,1:charging stopped} |
dischargeType | Discharging type | {0:no discharge?,1:AC discharging,2:PR,3:BC} |
State | Min | Max | Unit | Mult | Name |
wattsInSum | 0 | 4000 | W | 1 | Total input power |
typec2Watts | 0 | 500 | W | 1 | Typec2 output power |
usb1Watts | 0 | 500 | W | 1 | Common usb1 output power |
chgPowerDc | 0 | 65000 | kWh | 0.001 | Cumulative DC power charged (adapter) |
dsgPowerDc | 0 | 65000 | kWh | 0.001 | Cumulative DC power discharged |
typccUsedTime | 0 | 9999999 | min | 0.0166 | Type-C use time |
typec2Temp | 0 | 80 | °C | 1 | Type-C 2 temperature |
carUsedTime | 0 | 9999999 | min | 0.0166 | Car use time |
typec1Watts | 0 | 500 | W | 1 | Typec1 output power |
soc | 0 | 100 | % | 1 | Displayed SOC |
wattsOutSum | 0 | 4000 | W | 1 | Total output power |
invUsedTime | 0 | 9999999 | min | 0.0166 | Inverter use time |
typec1Temp | 0 | 80 | °C | 1 | Type-C 1 temperature |
dsgPowerAc | 0 | 65000 | kWh | 0.001 | Cumulative AC power discharged |
dcInUsedTime | 0 | 9999999 | min | 0.0166 | DC charging time |
chgPowerAc | 0 | 65000 | kWh | 0.001 | Cumulative AC power charged (wall socket) |
remainTime | 0 | 143999 | min | 1 | Time remaining (min) > 0: remaining charging time; time remaining (min) < 0: remaining discharging time |
chgSunPower | 0 | 65000 | kWh | 0.001 | Cumulative solar power charged |
carTemp | 0 | 80 | °C | 1 | CAR temperature |
qcUsb2Watts | 0 | 500 | W | 0.1 | Quick charge usb2 output power |
qcUsb1Watts | 0 | 500 | W | 1 | Quick charge usb1 output power |
usbqcUsedTime | 0 | 9999999 | min | 0.0166 | USB QC use time |
usbUsedTime | 0 | 9999999 | min | 0.0166 | USB use time |
mpptUsedTime | 0 | 9999999 | min | 0.0166 | MPPT use time |
carWatts | 0 | 500 | W | 0.1 | CAR output power |
usb2Watts | 0 | 500 | W | 1 | Common usb2 output power |
minAcoutSoc | 0 | 255 | % (0-255?) | 1 | minimum AC out SOC |
acautooutPause | 0 | 255 | s (0-255?) | 1 | AC Auto out Pause |
State | Name |
wifiVer | Wi-Fi version |
wirelessWatts | Wireless charging output power (W) |
model | Product model |
lcdBrightness | delta max special |
sysVer | System version |
wifiRssi | Wi-Fi signal intensity |
relayswitchcnt | relayswitchcnt status or cnt? |
hysteresisAdd | Hysteresis SOC |
State | Min | Max | Unit | Mult | Name | cmd |
standByMode | 0 | 5999 | min | 1 | Device standby time /min 0 Never standby 5999 Max value | {from:Android,operateType:TCP,id:119032574,lang:en-us,params:{id:33,standByMode:360},version:1.0} |
lcdOffSec | 0 | 1800 | s | 1 | LCD screen-off duration: 0: never off | {from:Android,operateType:TCP,id:93980337,lang:en-us,params:{id:39,lcdTime:1800},version:1.0} |
bppowerSoc | 0 | 100 | % | 1 | Backup Power SOC | {from:Android,operateType:TCP,id:834553333,lang:en-us,params:{id:94,isConfig:1,bpPowerSoc:0,minDsgSoc:20,maxChgSoc:100},version:1.0} |
State | Name | values |
extRj45Port | RJ45 port | {0:NULL,1:RC(BLE_CTL)} |
ext3p8Port | Infinity port / 3+8 ports | {0:NULL,1:CC,2:PR,3:SP (BC)} |
carState | CAR button state | {0:off,1:on} |
wifiAutoRcvy | Wi-Fi auto mode | {0:default mode (STA),1:The Wi-Fi network is automatically restored to the last mode (STA/AP) after powering on} |
ext4p8Port | Extra battery port. Only the status of the leftmost port can be identified. | {0:NULL,1:Extra battery,2:Smart generator} |
iconRechgTimeMode | Charge icon mode | {0:normal,1:blinking} |
sysChgDsgState | Charging/discharging state on screen | {0:discharged,1:charged} |
errCode | Global error code | {0:OK?} |
watthisconfig | Power management configuration | {0:disable,1:enable} |
State | off | on | Name | cmd |
beepState | normal | quiet | Beep status | {from:Android,operateType:TCP,id:834553333,lang:en-us,params:{id:38,enabled:1},version:1.0} |
dcOutState | off | on | DC button state | {from:Android,operateType:TCP,id:689699572,lang:en-us,params:{id:34,enabled:1},version:1.0} |
acautooutConfig | off | on | AC auto out Config | {from:Android,operateType:TCP,id:834553333,lang:en-us,params:{id:95,acautooutConfig:1},version:1.0} |
State | Min | Max | Unit | Mult | Name |
carOutVol | 0 | 15 | V | 0.1 | Car charging output voltage |
carTemp | 0 | 80 | °C | 1 | Car charging temperature |
outWatts | 0 | 1600 | W | 0.1 | PV output power |
carOutAmp | 0 | 13 | A | 0.01 | Car charging output current |
outAmp | 0 | 31 | A | 0.01 | PV output current |
dcdc12vWatts | 0 | 500 | W | 0.1 | DC12V30A output power, which is valid only for DELTA Pro |
inWatts | 0 | 1650 | W | 0.1 | PV input power |
dcdc12vVol | 0 | 60 | V | 0.1 | DC12V30A output voltage, which is valid only for DELTA Pro |
inAmp | 0 | 16 | A | 0.01 | PV input current |
inVol | 0 | 150 | V | 0.1 | PV input voltage |
carOutWatts | 0 | 500 | W | 0.1 | Car charging output power |
mpptTemp | 0 | 120 | °C | 1 | MPPT temperature |
outVol | 0 | 60 | V | 0.1 | PV output voltage |
dcdc12vAmp | 0 | 13 | A | 0.01 | DC12V30A output current, which is valid only for DELTA Pro |
dc24vTemp | 0 | 80 | °C | 1 | DCDC24V temperature |
State | off | on | Name | cmd |
carState | off | on | Car charger switch setting | {from:Android,operateType:TCP,id:639503104,lang:en-us,params:{id:81,enabled:1},version:1.0} |
State | Name | values |
faultCode | Error code | {0:OK?,1:mppt_fault,2:car_fault,4:dc24v_fault} |
xt60ChgType | XT60 charging type | {0:not detected,1:adapter,2:MPPT} |
dc24vState | DCDC24 switch state | {0:off,1:on} |
chgPauseFlag | PV charging pause flag | {0:not stopped ?,1:charging stopped} |
chgType | Actual charging type | {0:null,1:adapter (adapter/DC source),2:MPPT (solar),3:AC (mains supply),4:gas,5:wind} |
cfgChgType | Configured charging type: This parameter is valid when xt60_chg_type is 0. | {0:auto,1:MPPT,2:adapter} |
chgState | Charging state | {0:disabled,1:charging,2:standby (DC charging stopped during AC charging)} |
State | Name |
swVer | Version number |
State | Min | Max | Unit | Mult | Name | cmd |
cfgDcChgCurrent | 4 | 13 | A | 0.001 | On-board charging current | {from:Android,operateType:TCP,id:787426012,lang:en-us,params:{id:71,currMa:6000},version:1.0} |