FLEDGE has been renamed to Protected Audience API. To learn more about the name change, see the blog post
FLEDGE is a proposed API intended to serve remarketing ads without the usage of third party identifiers such as cookies or AdIDs. FLEDGE facilitates the auction between the buyers and the sellers, and when the auction executes, the Chrome or Android client will call the Key/Value server to retrieve real-time data.
There are two Key/Value server modes for FLEDGE: demand-side platform (DSP) and sell-side platform (SSP). The DSP Key/Value server is called during bid time and the SSP Key/Value server is called during ad score time.
On Chrome and Android, FLEDGE and Key/Value server integration involves general steps listed below:
- Configure the interest group and add users.
- Set the DSP Key/Value server URL as
. - Set the keys to be queried as
- Set the DSP Key/Value server URL as
- Configure the auction. 3. Set the SSP Key/Value server URL as
. - Execute the auction. 4. The values for
are available in thegenerateBid()
function for the buyers. 5. The values fortrustedScoringSignals
are available in thescoreAd()
function for the sellers.
The following sections describe platform-specific instructions.
The DSP Key/Value server is registered when a user is added to an
interest group. The Key/Value
server URL is set as trustedBiddingSignalsUrl
and the queried keys are set as
as properties in the
interest group object.
For example:
// const customAudience for Android
const interestGroup = {
owner: 'https://dsp.example',
trustedBiddingSignalsUrl: 'https://dsp.example/kv/v1/getvalues',
trustedBiddingSignalsKeys: ['key1', 'key2'],
// ...and other interest group properties
navigator.joinAdInterestGroup(interestGroup, 7 * kSecsPerDay);
The ad interest group properties can be inspected in DevTools. Open the Application tab and select Interest Group from the sidebar.
When the auction is executed at a later time, the browser will use the keys defined when the user was added to an interest group to query the Key/Value server. The trusted bidding signal values will be available to the bidding function when the auction is executed by the seller.
The values will be in the trustedBiddingSignals
of the generateBid()
generateBid(interestGroup, auctionSignals, perBuyerSignals, trustedBiddingSignals, browserSignals) {
const {key1, key2} = trustedBiddingSignals['keys'];
return {
// ...
The SSP Key/Value server is registered when the
auction is executed. The SSP Key/Value
server URL is set as trustedScoringSignalsUrl
in the
auction config.
const auctionConfig = {
seller: 'https://ssp.example',
trustedScoringSignalsUrl: 'https://ssp.example/scoring-signal/v1/getvalues',
// ...and other auction config properties
const auctionResult = await navigator.runAdAuction(auctionConfig);
When the auction is executed, the browser calls the SSP Key/Value server with the render URL of each
creative in the ad interest group to retrieve the trusted scoring signals. The seller can use the
trusted scoring signals to make a decision about which ad to render to the user. The values from the
SSP Key/Value server will be available in the scoreAd()
scoreAd(adMetadata, bid, auctionConfig, trustedScoringSignals, browserSignals) {
const {renderUrl1, renderUrl2} = trustedScoringSignals['renderUrls'];
return desirabilityScoreForThisAd;
The DSP Key/Value server is registered when a user is added to a custom audience. The Key/Value
server URL is set using the fields trustedBiddingUri
and the keys using trustedBiddingKeys
the trustedBiddingData
property of the custom audience object.
CustomAudience customAudience = return new CustomAudience.Builder()
// ...
new TrustedBiddingData.Builder()
.setTrustedBiddingKeys(ImmutableList.of("key1", "key2"))
final ListenableFuture<Object> joinCaFuture =
joinCaFuture.addListener(() -> {
//handle success or failure in joining CA
The SSP Key Value server is registered when an ad selection is initiated. It should be set in the AdSelectionConfig object used to configure the selectAds function.
AdSelectionConfig myAdSelectionConfig = new AdSelectionConfig.Builder()
.setAdSelectionSignals("{\"min_price\": 10,\"auction_attempts\": 3}")
.setSellerSignals("{\"seller_type\": \"news\", " +
"\"content_category\": \"sports"," +
"\"mature_ads_accepted\" :\"false\"}")
"buyer1Name", AdSelectionSignals.fromString("{"key1" : "value1"}"),
"buyer2Name" , AdSelectionSignals.fromString("{\"key1\" : \"value1\", \"key2\" : \"value2\" }"))
// Invoke ad services API to initiate ad selection workflow.
ListenableFuture<AdSelectionOutcome> adSelectionOutcomeFuture =
adSelectionOutcomeFuture.addListener(() -> {
// Handle result
When the auction is executed, the browser calls the SSP Key/Value server with the render URL of each
creative in the ad interest group to retrieve the trusted scoring signals. The seller can use the
trusted scoring signals to make a decision about which ad to render to the user. The values from the
SSP Key/Value server will be available in the scoreAd()
scoreAd(adMetadata, bid, adSelectionConfig, sellerSignals, trustedScoringSignals,
contextualSignals, customAudienceSignals) {
const {renderUrl1, renderUrl2} = trustedScoringSignals['renderUrls'];
return desirabilityScoreForThisAd;
Bidding & Auction services is a way to allow FLEDGE computation to take place on cloud servers in a trusted execution environment, rather than running locally on a user's device. Bidding & Auction system include:
- BuyerFrontEnd service and Bidding service operated by Buyer / DSP. BuyerFrontend service will send RPC to DSP Key/Value service to fetch real-time bidding signals.
- SellerFrontEnd service and Auction service operated by Seller / SSP. SellerFrontend service will send RPC to SSPKey/Value service to fetch real-time scoring signals.