- Windows 便携版禁用应用内更新
- 支持代理组 Hidden 选项
- 支持 URL Scheme(MacOS & Linux)
- 更新 Clash Meta(mihomo) 内核到 v1.18.0
- 支持 URL Scheme(暂时仅支持 Windows)
- 添加窗口置顶按钮
- UI 优化调整
- 修复一些编译错误
- 获取订阅名称错误
- 订阅信息解析错误
- 更新 MacOS 托盘图标样式(@gxx2778 贡献)
- Windows 下更新时无法覆盖
的问题(需要卸载重装一次服务,下次更新生效) - 窗口最大化按钮变化问题
- 窗口尺寸保存错误问题
- 复制环境变量类型无法切换问题
- 某些情况下闪退的问题
- 某些订阅无法导入的问题
- 支持 Windows aarch64(arm64) 版本
- 支持一键更新 GeoData
- 支持一键更新 Alpha 内核
- MacOS 支持在系统代理时显示不同的托盘图标
- Linux 支持在系统代理时显示不同的托盘图标
- 优化复制环境变量逻辑
- 修改 PID 文件的路径
- 优化创建窗口的速度
- 更改配置文件路径到标准目录(可以保证卸载时没有残留)
- 更改 appid 为
- 建议卸载旧版本后再安装新版本,该版本安装后不会使用旧版配置文件,你可以手动将旧版配置文件迁移到新版配置文件目录下
- 移除页面切换动画
- 更改 Tun 模式托盘图标颜色
- Portable 版本默认使用当前目录作为配置文件目录
- 禁用 Clash 字段过滤时隐藏 Clash 字段选项
- 优化拖拽时光标样式
- 修复 windows 下更新时没有关闭内核导致的更新失败的问题
- 修复打开文件报错的问题
- 修复 url 导入时无法获取中文配置名称的问题
- 修复 alpha 内核无法显示内存信息的问题
- update clash meta core to mihomo 1.17.0
- support both clash meta stable release and prerelease-alpha release
- fixed the problem of not being able to set the system proxy when there is a dial-up link on windows system #833
- support new clash field
- support random mixed port
- add windows x86 and linux armv7 support
- support disable tray click event
- add download progress for updater
- support drag to reorder the profile
- embed emoji fonts
- update depends
- improve UI style
- update clash meta core to newest 虚空终端(2023.11.23)
- delete clash core UI
- improve UI
- change Logo to original
- update clash meta core to newest 虚空终端
- delete clash core, no longer maintain
- merge Clash nyanpasu changes
- remove delay display different color
- use Meta Country.mmdb
- update dependencies
- small changes here and there
- update clash meta core
- add default valid keys
- adjust the delay display interval and color
- fix connections page undefined exception
- update clash and clash meta core
- profiles page add paste button
- subscriptions url textfield use multi lines
- set min window size
- add check for updates buttons
- add open dashboard to the hotkey list
- fix profiles page undefined exception
- add russian translation
- support to show connection detail
- support clash meta memory usage display
- support proxy provider update ui
- update geo data file from meta repo
- adjust setting page
- center the window when it is out of screen
- use
not found (Linux) - reconnect websocket when window focus
- The current version of the Linux installation package is built by Ubuntu 20.04 (Github Action).
- update clash core
- fix blurry system tray icon (Windows)
- fix v1.3.4 wintun.dll not found (Windows)
- fix v1.3.4 clash core not found (macOS, Linux)
- update clash and clash meta core
- optimize traffic graph high CPU usage when window hidden
- use polkit to elevate permission (Linux)
- support app log level setting
- support copy environment variable
- overwrite resource file according to file modified
- save window size and position
- remove fallback group select status
- enable context menu on editable element (Windows)
- update clash and clash meta core
- show tray icon variants in different system proxy status (Windows)
- close all connections when mode changed
- encode controller secret into uri
- error boundary for each page
- update clash and clash meta core
- fix import url issue
- fix profile undefined issue
- update clash and clash meta core
- fix open url issue
- fix appimage path panic
- fix grant root permission in macOS
- fix linux system proxy default bypass
- update clash and clash meta
- support opening dir on tray
- support updating all profiles with one click
- support granting root permission to clash core(Linux, macOS)
- support enable/disable clash fields filter, feel free to experience the latest features of Clash Meta
- deb add openssl depend(Linux)
- fix the AppImage auto launch path(Linux)
- fix get the default network service(macOS)
- remove the esc key listener in macOS, cmd+w instead(macOS)
- fix infinite retry when websocket error
- update clash
- adjust macOS window style
- profile supports UTF8 with BOM
- fix selected proxy
- fix error log
- update clash meta
- recover clash core after panic
- use system window decorations(Linux)
- flush system proxy settings(Windows)
- fix parse log panic
- fix ui bug
- update clash version
- proxy groups support multi columns
- optimize ui
- fix ui websocket connection
- adjust delay check concurrency
- avoid setting login item repeatedly(macOS)
- update clash meta version
- support to change external-controller
- support to change default latency test URL
- close all connections when proxy changed or profile changed
- check the config by using the core
- increase the robustness of the program
- optimize windows service mode (need to reinstall)
- optimize ui
- invalid hotkey cause panic
- invalid theme setting cause panic
- fix some other glitches
- the system tray follows i18n
- change the proxy group ui of global mode
- support to update profile with the system proxy/clash proxy
- check the remote profile more strictly
- use app version as default user agent
- the clash not exit in service mode
- reset the system proxy when quit the app
- fix some other glitches
- optimize clash config feedback
- hide macOS dock icon
- use clash meta compatible version (Linux)
- fix some other glitches
- add rule page
- supports proxy providers delay check
- add proxy delay check loading status
- supports hotkey/shortcut management
- supports displaying connections data in table layout(refer to yacd)
- supports yaml merge key in clash config
- detect the network interface and set the system proxy(macOS)
- fix some other glitches
- update clash and clash.meta
- only script profile display console
- automatic configuration update on demand at launch
- reimplement profile enhanced mode with quick-js
- optimize the runtime config generation process
- support web ui management
- support clash field management
- support viewing the runtime config
- adjust some pages style
- fix silent start
- fix incorrectly reset system proxy on exit
- update clash core and clash meta version
- support switch clash mode on system tray
- theme mode support follows system
- config load error on first use
- save some states such as URL test, filter, etc
- update clash core and clash-meta core
- new icon for macOS
- supports for switching clash core
- supports release UI processes
- supports script mode setting
- fix service mode bug (Windows)
- adjust default theme settings
- reduce gpu usage of traffic graph when hidden
- supports more remote profile response header setting
- check remote profile data format when imported
- service mode install and start issue (Windows)
- fix launch panic (Some Windows)
- update clash core
- optimize traffic graph animation
- supports interval update profiles
- supports service mode (Windows)
- reset system proxy when exit from dock (macOS)
- adjust clash dns config process strategy
- sort proxy node
- custom proxy test url
- logs page filter
- connections page filter
- default user agent for subscription
- system tray add tun mode toggle
- enable to change the config dir (Windows only)
- enable to use clash config fields (UI)
- remove the character
- fix some icon color
- supports custom theme color
- tun mode setting control the final config
- fix transition flickers (macOS)
- reduce proxy page render
- silent start
- profile editor
- profile enhance mode supports more fields
- optimize profile enhance mode strategy
- fix csp restriction on macOS
- window controllers on Linux
- update clash core version
- app updater error
- display window controllers on Linux
If you can't update the app properly, please consider downloading the latest version from github release.
- Connections page
- add wintun.dll (Windows)
- supports create local profile with selected file (Windows)
- system tray enable set system proxy
- open dir error
- auto launch path (Windows)
- fix some clash config error
- reduce the impact of the enhanced mode
- i18n supports
- Remote profile User Agent supports
- clash config file case ignore
- clash
only port