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Solving Snake with Deep RL



pipenv install --skip-lock

in the top-level directory to create a Python virtualenv with the required dependencies. Run

pipenv shell

to start a shell in the virtualenv.

Human-playable Mode


python -m snake.human

to play-test the Snake gym environment, controlling the snake by entering "l", "r", "u", or "d" for left, right, up, or down commands, respectively. The snake's head (blue) is moved by the player. The body (green) follows suit, and grows in length by 1 block each time a fruit (red) is consumed.

Solving Snake with Online Advantage-Weighted Regression

Advantage-Weighted Regression (AWR) is a recent algorithmic contribution to the reinforcement learning literature, applicable in on- or off-policy settings. Assuming randomly initialized value (V_\theta) and policy (\pi_\phi) function approximators, the on-policy version of the method consists of only a few simple steps iterated many times over:

  1. Sample a batch of trajectories {(s_t, a_t, r_w, s_{t + 1})}_{t = 1}^T under policy induced by policy network.
  2. Fit the value network to the sampled trajectories using TD(\lambda) (possibly with multi-step returns).
  3. Fit the policy network to the scaled, per-action advantages using policy gradient.

Here, s refers to states, a to actions, r to rewards, and T to the maximum number of steps in an episode.

During training, trajectories are sampled using actions sampled from the distribution induced by the policy network (namely, a multivariate Gaussian will diagonal covariance matrix). However, at evaluation time, actions are computed as the mode of the distribution induced by the policy network. This is a common strategy for implementing exploration vs. exploitation in RL.

To run AWR on the Snake environment, run

python -m snake.awr --job-dir [path/to/job/directory]

This will train a 3-layer MLP agent with ReLU activations to solve the 8x8 board version of Snake. To train a convolutional neural network (CNN) agent, simply supply the --conv flag to the above command. To render the game during training / evaluation, use the --render flag. Other important flags include --seed [integer] (random seed for reproducibility purposes), --n-iters [integer] (no. of training iterations), --batch-size [integer], (no. of parallel training / evaluation episodes), and --max-steps [integer] (maximum no. of time steps per episode). Consult the source code for the use of additional command-line arguments.


Below is an example video of the snake (blue head, green body) playing Snake on a 5x5 board nearly perfectly by collecting enough fruit (red) to almost completely fill the board.


  • Add support for n-step returns. At present, returns are computed from entire trajectories. This computation will be intractable with increasing --side-length, which requires larger --max-steps to beat the game.
  • Add support for off-policy and batch mode versions of the algorithm. Both require a replay buffer to store experience, and the latter additional requires saving + loading said buffer from disk.
  • Add option to use egocentric observations; i.e., observations that have a finite extent around the agent, meant to encourage the agent to search for the fruit when it is out-of-frame.
  • Add option for dynamic sizing of Snake env. The idea is that an agent trained to play well on small Snake boards should generalize to play well on larger boards, and vice versa.