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The YOLOv6 deployment is based on YOLOv6 and Pre-trained Model Based on COCO.
- (1)The *.onnx provided by Official Repository can directly conduct deployemnt;
- (2)Personal models trained by developers should export the ONNX model. Refer to Detailed Deployment Documents to complete the deployment.
For developers' testing, models exported by YOLOv6 are provided below. Developers can download them directly. (The accuracy in the following table is derived from the source official repository)
Model | Size | Accuracy | Note |
YOLOv6s | 66MB | 43.1% | This model file is sourced from YOLOv6,GPL-3.0 License |
YOLOv6s_640 | 66MB | 43.1% | This model file is sourced from YOLOv6,GPL-3.0 License |
YOLOv6t | 58MB | 41.3% | This model file is sourced from YOLOv6,GPL-3.0 License |
YOLOv6n | 17MB | 35.0% | This model file is sourced from YOLOv6,GPL-3.0 License |
- Document and code are based on YOLOv6 0.1.0 version