Strategy Description
Strategy Arguments
Argument | Default | Description |
strRobotParams | ["175708,14:55:33-15:10:33"] | 机器人定时参数 |
isPushMsg | false | 是否推送到微信 |
accessKey | $$$enc$$$ | FMZ平台扩展API的ACCESS KEY |
secretKey | $$$enc$$$ | FMZ平台扩展API的SECRET KEY |
Source (python)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import time
import json
import md5
import urllib2
from urllib import urlencode
import hashlib as md5
import urllib.request as urllib2
from urllib.parse import urlencode
def api(method, *args):
d = {
'version': '1.0',
'access_key': accessKey,
'method': method,
'args': json.dumps(list(args)),
'nonce': int(time.time() * 1000),
d['sign'] = md5.md5(('%s|%s|%s|%d|%s' % (d['version'], d['method'], d['args'], d['nonce'], secretKey)).encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()
return json.loads(urllib2.urlopen('', urlencode(d).encode('utf-8')).read().decode('utf-8'))
RobotParams = json.loads(strRobotParams)
def main():
global RobotParams
arrParams = []
nowDay = 0
strPush = ""
if isPushMsg:
strPush = "@"
for i in range(len(RobotParams)):
param = {}
arr = RobotParams[i].split(",")
if len(arr) != 2:
raise Exception("字符串配置错误:分隔符号,")
param["id"] = arr[0]
param["isProcessOpenThisDay"] = False
param["isProcessCloseThisDay"] = False
arr = arr[1].split("-")
if len(arr) != 2:
raise Exception("字符串配置错误:分隔符号-")
begin = arr[0]
arrBegin = begin.split(":")
if len(arrBegin) != 3:
raise Exception("字符串配置错误:起始时间分隔符号:")
param["begin"] = {}
param["begin"]["hour"] = float(arrBegin[0])
param["begin"]["min"] = float(arrBegin[1])
param["begin"]["sec"] = float(arrBegin[2])
end = arr[1]
arrEnd = end.split(":")
if len(arrEnd) != 3:
raise Exception("字符串配置错误:结束时间分隔符号:")
param["end"] = {}
param["end"]["hour"] = float(arrEnd[0])
param["end"]["min"] = float(arrEnd[1])
param["end"]["sec"] = float(arrEnd[2])
# 测试
Log("输出参数", arrParams, "#FF0000")
while True:
nowTime = time.localtime(time.time())
nowHour = nowTime.tm_hour
nowMin = nowTime.tm_min
nowSec = nowTime.tm_sec
tbl = {
"type" : "table",
"title" : "msg",
"cols" : ["id", "begin", "end", "今天是否执行过启动", "今天是否执行过停止"],
"rows" : []
for i in range(len(arrParams)):
tbl["rows"].append([arrParams[i]["id"], json.dumps(arrParams[i]["begin"]), json.dumps(arrParams[i]["end"]), arrParams[i]["isProcessOpenThisDay"], arrParams[i]["isProcessCloseThisDay"]])
if nowDay != nowTime.tm_mday:
arrParams[i]["isProcessOpenThisDay"] = False
arrParams[i]["isProcessCloseThisDay"] = False
if arrParams[i]["isProcessOpenThisDay"] == False:
if nowTime.tm_hour == arrParams[i]["begin"]["hour"] and nowTime.tm_min >= arrParams[i]["begin"]["min"] and nowTime.tm_sec >= arrParams[i]["begin"]["sec"]:
ret = api('RestartRobot', int(arrParams[i]["id"]))
arrParams[i]["isProcessOpenThisDay"] = True
Log("机器人ID:", arrParams[i]["id"], "执行启动,请登录平台检查是否启动成功", "扩展API返回值:", ret, strPush)
if arrParams[i]["isProcessCloseThisDay"] == False:
if nowTime.tm_hour == arrParams[i]["end"]["hour"] and nowTime.tm_min >= arrParams[i]["end"]["min"] and nowTime.tm_sec >= arrParams[i]["end"]["sec"]:
ret = api('StopRobot', int(arrParams[i]["id"]))
arrParams[i]["isProcessCloseThisDay"] = True
Log("机器人ID:", arrParams[i]["id"], "执行停止,请登录平台检查是否停止成功", "扩展API返回值:", ret, strPush)
if nowDay != nowTime.tm_mday:
nowDay = nowTime.tm_mday
LogStatus(_D(), nowTime, "\n`" + json.dumps(tbl) + "`")
Last Modified
2020-05-08 10:47:52