Strategy Description
这个策略基于Bollinger Bands指标展开短线交易,利用Bollinger Bands的上下轨提供突破买入和卖出信号,属于简单型动量追踪策略。主要适用于短线追踪,追捧价格趋势的交易策略。
该策略主要依赖Bollinger Bands指标,Bollinger Bands包括中轨、上轨和下轨3条线。中轨线代表收盘价的N日简单移动平均线,上轨线由中轨线加2倍标准差计算,下轨线由中轨线减2倍标准差计算。当价格从下轨向上突破时生成买入信号;当价格从上轨向下突破时生成卖出信号。
使用sma()函数计算收盘价的N日(默认20日)简单移动平均线作为Bollinger Bands的中轨线
中轨线±2倍标准差构成Bollinger Bands的上下轨
调整Bollinger Bands的参数,优化移动平均线周期及标准差的倍数
This strategy conducts short-term trading based on the Bollinger Bands indicator, utilizing the upper and lower rails of Bollinger Bands to provide breakthrough buying and selling signals. It belongs to a simple momentum tracking strategy. It is mainly suitable for short-term tracking and chasing price trends.
The strategy relies mainly on the Bollinger Bands indicator. Bollinger Bands includes middle rail, upper rail and lower rail. The middle rail represents the N-day simple moving average of the closing price. The upper rail is calculated by the middle rail plus 2 times the standard deviation. The lower rail is calculated by the middle rail minus 2 times the standard deviation. When the price breaks through the lower rail upwards, a buy signal is generated. When the price breaks through the upper rail downwards, a sell signal is generated.
The main trading logic of this strategy is:
Use the sma() function to calculate the N-day (default 20-day) simple moving average of the closing price as the middle rail of Bollinger Bands
Use the stdev() function to calculate the N-day (default 20-day) standard deviation based on the closing price
The upper and lower rails of Bollinger Bands are composed of the middle rail ± 2 times the standard deviation
When the closing price breaks through the lower rail upward, a buy signal is generated
When the closing price breaks through the upper rail downward, a sell signal is generated
Use functions like plotshape to mark buy and sell signals on the candlestick chart
The strategy logic is simple and easy to understand and use
Less indicator parameters, easy to optimize and adjust
Can effectively track market trends and chase momentum
Relatively small pullback risk
Prone to missing reversal risks
Improper parameter settings may lead to excessively high trading frequency
Breakthrough judgements of upper and lower rails are quite sensitive to market fluctuations
The effect is highly related to parameter settings. Careful testing and optimization is needed.
Adjust parameters of Bollinger Bands, optimize moving average period and times of standard deviation
Add filters with other indicators to avoid wrong trades
Add stop loss mechanisms to control single loss
Different products and cycles need different parameter settings. Separate testing is needed.
Overall, this is a very typical and practical short-term momentum tracking strategy. It can grasp market trends through a simple indicator framework and suits short-term operations. But there are also some disadvantages like sensitivity to parameters, insufficient signal filtering, etc. Further optimizing indicator parameters or adding other auxiliary indicators can improve the stability and profitability of the strategy.
Strategy Arguments
Argument | Default | Description |
v_input_1 | 20 | Bollinger Bands Length |
v_input_2 | 2 | Multiplier |
Source (PineScript)
start: 2024-01-01 00:00:00
end: 2024-01-31 23:59:59
period: 1h
basePeriod: 15m
exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}]
strategy("arasmuz2.0", overlay=true)
// Bollinger Bands Parametreleri
length = input(20, title="Bollinger Bands Length")
mult = input(2.0, title="Multiplier")
// Bollinger Bands Hesaplamaları
basis = sma(close, length)
upper_band = basis + mult * stdev(close, length)
lower_band = basis - mult * stdev(close, length)
// Long (Alım) Koşulları
longCondition = crossover(close, lower_band)
// Short (Satım) Koşulları
shortCondition = crossunder(close, upper_band)
// Long (Alım) Giriş
strategy.entry("Long", strategy.long, when=longCondition)
// Short (Satım) Giriş
strategy.entry("Short", strategy.short, when=shortCondition)
// Al sinyalini mumun altına koy
plotshape(series=longCondition, title="Buy Signal",, style=shape.triangleup, location=location.belowbar, size=size.small)
// Sat sinyalini mumun üstüne koy
plotshape(series=shortCondition, title="Sell Signal",, style=shape.triangledown, location=location.abovebar, size=size.small)
// Bollinger Bands'ı Grafik Üzerinde Görüntüle
plot(upper_band,, title="Upper Bollinger Band")
plot(lower_band,, title="Lower Bollinger Band")
Last Modified
2024-02-29 11:07:35