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57 lines (52 loc) · 2.27 KB

File metadata and controls

57 lines (52 loc) · 2.27 KB


running app

spago run -a '--help'


Building for nodejs

spago bundle --platform=node


  1. make a split between app code and library code. The main part of the code runs on DOMParser so could run in the browser too
  2. consider integration with
  3. Add support for properties
  • min, max -> Number (float)
  • step -> StepValue
  • height, width -> CSSPixel (just an int)
  • scope -> scopeValue
  • method -> FormMethod
  • enctype -> MediaType
  • accept -> InputAcceptType
  • preload -> PreloadValue
  • type_ -> ??
  • height, width -> CSSPixel .. have to investigate if HTML only allows 'px' here
  1. Fix stuff coming up from test.html (see below)

program output on test.html

error[invalid HTML] Input type was set in invalid value "datetime"
error[invalid HTML] Input type was set in invalid value "datetime-local"
error[no halogen equivalent] Found node "#document", continuing with it's child nodes.
error[no halogen equivalent] Found node "BODY", continuing with it's child nodes.
error[no halogen equivalent] Found node "HTML", continuing with it's child nodes.
error[no halogen equivalent] Found node "head", skipping.
error[no halogen equivalent] Found node "html" with no children, this is probably the doctype.
error[no halogen equivalent] Found node "s", skipping.
error[no halogen equivalent] Property "value" on tag "meter" is broken.
error[unimplemented] Attribute "cite" on "Q"
error[unimplemented] Attribute "data" on "OBJECT"
error[unimplemented] Attribute "datetime" on "TIME"
error[unimplemented] Attribute "height" on "EMBED"
error[unimplemented] Attribute "height" on "IFRAME"
error[unimplemented] Attribute "height" on "OBJECT"
error[unimplemented] Attribute "label" on "OPTGROUP"
error[unimplemented] Attribute "max" on "INPUT"
error[unimplemented] Attribute "max" on "METER"
error[unimplemented] Attribute "min" on "INPUT"
error[unimplemented] Attribute "min" on "METER"
error[unimplemented] Attribute "role" on "DIV"
error[unimplemented] Attribute "type" on "BUTTON"
error[unimplemented] Attribute "type" on "OL"
error[unimplemented] Handling of node "canvas" when it has children.