From 165d9cb52613dca66462bcdf109438d9ce48adaa Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: flauschtrud <> Date: Fri, 22 Nov 2024 18:13:07 +0100 Subject: [PATCH] New translations strings.xml (Italian) --- app/src/main/res/values-it/strings.xml | 726 +++++++++++-------------- 1 file changed, 331 insertions(+), 395 deletions(-) diff --git a/app/src/main/res/values-it/strings.xml b/app/src/main/res/values-it/strings.xml index f255d8fa..9bee8868 100644 --- a/app/src/main/res/values-it/strings.xml +++ b/app/src/main/res/values-it/strings.xml @@ -136,880 +136,816 @@ Per favore accedi al Google Play Store. Vota l\'app Condividi l\'app - + Melanzane melanzana, melanzane - + Cavolfiore cavolfiore, cavolfiori - + Fave fave, fagioli di fava - + Fagioli fagioli comuni, fagioli francesi, fagioli verdi - + Broccoli broccoli - + Cavolo cinese cavolo di Pechino, cavoli di Pechino, pe tsai, petsai, cavolo cinese, cavoli cinesi, cavolo napa, cavoli napa - + Piselli piselli - + Finocchio finocchio - + Cavolo riccio cavolo riccio, cavoli ricci, cavolo nero, cavoli neri - + Cetrioli cetriolo, cetrioli - + Sedano rapa sedano rapa - + Cavolo rapa cavolo rapa - + Zucca zucca, zucche, hokkaido - + Porro porro - + Mais mais, granoturco - + Bietola bietola, bietole, bieta, biete - + Carote carota, carote - + Peperoni peperone, peperoni - + Pastinaca pastinaca, pastinache - + Cavoletti di Bruxelles cavolini di bruxelles, cavoletti di bruxelles - + Barbabietola barbabietola, barbatietole - + Cavolo rosso cavolo rosso, cavoli rossi, cavolo cappuccio rosso, cavoli cappuccio rossi - + Scorzonera scorzonera, salsefrica - + Asparagi asparago, asparagi - + Spinaci spinacio, spinaci - + Sedano sedano - + Rape rapa, rape - + Pomodori pomodoro, pomodori - + Cavolo bianco cavolo bianco, cavoli bianchi, cavolo verde, cavoli verdi - + Verza verza, cavolo verza, cavoli verza, cavolo cappuccio, cavoli cappuccio - + Zucchine zucchina, zucchine, zucchino, zucchini - + Aglio orsino aglio orsino, aglio selvatico - + Mele mela, mele - + Albicocche albicocca, albicocche - + Pere pera, pere - + Fragole fragola, fragole - + Ciliegie ciliegie, ciliegie - + Rabarbaro rabarbaro - + Prugne prugna, prugne - + Avocado avocado - + Patate dolci patata dolce, patate dolci, patata americana, patate americane, batata, batate - + Limone limone, limoni - + Arance arancia, arance - + Lime lime - + Zucchine estive zucchina estiva, zucchine estive, zucchini estivi - + Zucchine invernali zucchina invernale, zucchine invernali, zucchini invernali - + Melograno melograno, melagrana, melograni, melagrani - + Mirtilli mirtillo, mirtilli - + Lamponi lampone, lamponi - + More mora, more - + Mirabelle mirabella, mirabelle - + Ribes ribes - + Valeriana valeriana, valerianella, lattughino, soncino, molesino, dolcetta, gallinella, pasqualina - + Cavolo cappuccio cavolo cappuccio - + Champignon champignon, champignons, fungo prataiolo, funghi prataioli - + Abalone - + abalone - + Angelica Keiskei - + angelica keiskei - - - + Bamboo shoots - + bamboo shoots - + Barracuda - + barracuda, barracudas - + Basket clams - + basket clam, basket clams - - - + Bean sprouts - + bean sprouts - + Bigfin reef squid - + bigfin reef squid, bigfin reef squids - + Bitter melon - + bitter melon, bitter melons - + Black rockfish - + black rockfish - - - + Bok choy - + bok choy - - - - - + Buckwheat - + buckwheat - - - - - + Cavolo cavolo - + Castagne castagna, castagne - - - + Chinese onions - + chinese onion, chinese onions - + Cloud ear mushrooms - + cloud ear mushrooms - + Cod roe - + cod roe - - - + Common figs - + common fig, common figs - - - + Common octopus - + common octopus, common octopuses - + Common oriental clams - + common orients clams - + Conger eel - + conger eel - + Devil\'s tongue - + devil\'s tongue - + Doggertooth pike conger - + doggertooth pike conger - + Eddo - + eddo - + Anguilla - + anguilla - + Uova - + uovo, uova - + Egg cockle - + egg cockle - + Firefly squids - + firefly squid, firefly squids - + Flat lemons - + flat lemon, flat lemons - + Flounder - + flounder, flounders - + Flying fish - + flying fish - - - + Garland chrysanthemum - + garland chrysanthemum - + Aglio aglio - + Garlic chives garlic chives - + Giant butterbut - + giant butterbur - + Giant butterbur flower buds - + giant butterbur flower buds - + Gingko nuts - + ginkgo nuts - + Gizzard shad - + gizzard shad - + Golden cuttlefish - + golden cuttlefish - + Goosefish - + goosefish - + Uva uva - + Great burdock - + great burdock - + Greater amberjack - + greater amberjack - - - + Green soybeans - + green soybeans - + Green thea - + green tea - + Hair crab - + hair crab, hair crabs - - - + Hen of the woods - + hen of the woods - + Herring roe - + herring roe - + Hijiki - + hijiki - + Honewort - + honewort - + Honey honey - + Horse mackarel - + horse mackerel - + Horseradish - + horseradish - + Icefish - + icefish - + Iyokan - + iyokan - + Japanese amberjack - + japanese amberjack - + Japanese butterfish - + japanese butterfish - + Japanese pears - + japanese pear, japanese pears - + Japanese spanish mackarel - + japanese spanish mackerel, japanese spanish mackerels - + Japanese summer oranges - + japanese summer orange, japanese summer oranges - + Jute mallow - + jute mallow, jew\'s mallow, jute leaves - + Kabosu - + kabosu - + Kelp - + kelp - + King trumpet mushrooms - + king trumpet mushrooms - + Kiwi kiwi, kivi - + Large white oriental radish - + large white oriental radish - + Largehead hairtail - + largehead hairtail - + Laver - + laver - + Zenzero zenzero, ginger - + Leaf mustard - + leaf mustard - + Leaf pepper - + leaf pepper, leaf peppers - + Lattuga lattuga, incappucciata - - - + Loach - + loach, loaches - + Loquats - + loquats - + Lotus root - + lotus root - + Mackarel - + mackerel, mackarels - + Malabar spinach - + malabar spinach - + Mandarins mandarin, mandarins - + Mango mango - + Manila clams - + manila clams - - - + Matsutake - + matsutake - + Melone melone - + Myoga - + Myoga, myoga ginger, japanese ginger - - - + Mustard spinach - + mustard spinach - + Nameko - + nameko - - - - - + Northern shrimps - + northern shrimps - - - + Okra - + okra - + Cipolle cipolla, cipolle - - - + Oysters - + oysters - + Pacific flying squids - + pacific flying squids - + Pacific herring - + pacific herring, pacific herring - + Pacific saury - + pacific saury, pacific sauries - + Prezzemolo prezzemolo - + Pesche pesca, pesche - + Arachidi arachide, arachidi, spagnolette, noccioline americane, bagigi, nocelle - - - + Persimmons persimmon, persimmons - + Pilchard - + pilchard - + Ananas ananas - + Pond smelt - + pond smelt, pond smelts - + Patate patata, patate - + Potherb mustard - + potherb mustard - + Pesce palla - + pesce palla, pesci palla - - - + Rape - + rape - + Rape blossoms - + rape blossoms - + Small red beans - + small red beans - + Red gurnard - + red gurnard - + Red king crabs - + red king crabs - + Rice - + rice - + Righteye flounder - + righteye flounder, righteye flounders - + Rocket - + rocket - - - + Sailfin sandfish - + sailfin sandfish - + Saled salmon roe - + saled salmon roe - + Salmone - + salmone - + Sea bass - + sea bass - - - + Sea squirt - + sea squirts - + Sea urchin - + sea urchin - + Sesamo - + sesamo - + Shimeji - + shimeji - + Shishamo smelt - + shishamo smelt, shishamo smelts - + Shishito peppers - + shishito pepper, shishito peppers - + Shitake - + shitake - + Sichuan peppers - + sichuan pepper, sichuan peppers - + Sillago - + sillago - + Silver-stripe round herring - + silver-stripe round herring, silver-stripe round herrings - + Skipjack tuna - + skipjack tuna - + Snow crabs - + snow crabs - + Snow peas - + snow peas - - - + Spear squids - + spear squids - + Spiny lobster - + spiny lobster, spiny lobsters - + Splendid alfonsino - + splendid alfonsino - + Striped mullet - + striped mullet, striped mullets - + Sudachi - + sudachi - - - - - + Sweetfish - + sweetfish - + Thread sail filefish - + thread sail filefish - + Threeleaf arrowheads - + threeleaf arrowheads - + Tiger prawns - + tiger prawns - + Tree onion - + tree onion, tree onions - + Trough shells - + trough shells - + Tonno - + tonno - + Turban shells - + turban shells - + Udo - + udo - - - + Wakame - + wakame - + Watercress - + watercress, water cress - + Water dropwort - + water dropwort - + Watermelons watermelon, watermelons - + Wax gourd - + wax gourd - + Whelsh onions - + whelsh onion, whelsh onions - - - - - - - + Yam - + yam - - - + Yuzu - + yuzu