Ranjeet Mallipeddi (Frontend)
Syama Vangmayi Vydyula (Frontend)
Vishnuvardhan Reddy Jammula (Backend)
Sai Sneha Paruchuri (Backend)
Github repository link: https://github.com/flash29/this.jobs
this.jobs is a platform where people can build their profile, connect with other users who share similar interests in careers and find/ apply or post new jobs
Complete demo is here
Backend demo can be found here
Frontend demo can be found here
Technical stack, their pre-requisites and how to setup and run both frontend and backend can be found at this wiki
- Created REST API's to register user, login, update the user profile details like Bio and Display Picture, add and update education details, add and update job deatils and project details. Api's accept json as data input and produces json responses
- User registration takes basic details like user name, email and password. All the other details in the profile can be updated using the update APIs
- User Login and registration are public APIs and all other APIs are protected and authorized based on the JSON Web Token which is created after successful login.
- Defined the data models for user, education, job and projects. GORM is used to automigrate the model schema to SQLite tables.
- All the data is persisted and fetched from SQLite tables related to the application.
- Unitests are created for all the APIs in the appropriate controller files.
- More about REST api's documentation can be found at this wiki
URL: <base_url>/auth/register
Request Method: POST
Id associated to the user is an auto-incrementing value and is assigned directly in the database. userName, userEmail
and password
are required fields to register any user. All other user related details can be updated later in the profile section.
Possible Response status : 201, 400
Example: Response status 201 The user has been registered and the response with status 201 shows the newly created user details.
URL: <base_url>/auth/login
Request Method: POST
and password
are required.
Possible Response status : 200, 400
Response status : 200
URL: <base_url>/userprofile/:id
Request Method: GET
Possible Response status:
200, 404
Message format: json
Code: 200 OK
URL: <base_url>/updatepic
Request Method: PUT
Possible Response status: 200, 400
Message format: json
Code: 200 OK
"message": "Profile photo uploaded successfully"
URL: <base_url>/updatebio
Request Method: PUT
Possible Response status: 200, 400
Message format: json
Code: 200 OK
URL: <base_url>/addeducation
Request Method: POST
Possible Response status: 201, 400
Message format: json
Code: 200 OK
"educationId" : 1,
"insName": "UF",
"timeline": "string format of time",
"gpa" : "",
"userId" : 1
URL: <base_url>/addjob
Request Method: POST
Possible Response status: 201, 400
Message format: json
Code: 200 OK
URL: <base_url>/addproject
Possible Response status: 201, 400
Message format: json
Code: 201 Created
URL: <base_url>/updateducation
Request Method: PUT
educationId and userId are mandatory
Possible Response status: 201, 400
Message format: json
Code: 200 OK
"educationId" : 1,
"insName": "UF",
"timeline": "string format of time",
"gpa" : "",
"userId" : 1
URL: <base_url>/updatejob
Request Method: PUT
jobHistoryId and userId are mandatory
Possible Response status: 201, 400
Message format: json
Code: 200 OK
URL: <base_url>/updateproject
Request Method: PUT
projectId and userId are mandatory
Possible Response status: 201, 400
Message format: json
Code: 200 OK
A mock database is created and unit tests are performed on the data from mock DB. The below sections show the unit testing output along with their coverage
Test cases include User registartion with valid and invalid details and also registering the same user twice.
Test cases include user login with valid and invalid credentials
Test cases are included to check the addition and updation of education details, projects and jobs along with bio and display picture updation.
Test cases are included to check the retrieval of feed, posting of new feed, comments ,likes etc.
Main (Goals reached):
Integrated front-end and back-end
Created Tests using Cypress
Created Unit Tests using jest
Details :
Created the login page where the user can login to their account if it already exists or click the register button to go to the registration page
Created the registration page where the user can register. They have to enter their name, email and password. An already existing user cannot register again.
Created the myProfile page which contains all the details that the user can update at any point. This page would consist of User's name, display picture, Education, Work Experience and projects. Each of these sections further contain more details which the user can update whenever they want.
Created unit tests for the Login Page using jest -
- LoginPage title shows
- Input fields - email, password
- Buttons - login, registration
- Component rendering - LoginPage, LoginForm (snapshot tests)
- Routes - /auth/login, /registration
Created unit tests for the registration page using jest-
- Title
- Input fields - name, email, password
- component rendering - RegPage, RegForm (snapshot tests)
- Routes - /auth/login, /auth/register, /
Created unit tests for the home page using jest -
- component rendering (snapshot tests) - Home, NavBar, PostBox, PostCard
- Routes from home - /feed
- NavBar tests :
- title
- Routes - /home, /connections, /jobs, /settings, /login
- PostBox commentBox working
Cypress tests : For integration testing
More details about frontend documentation can be found at -> wiki