- Drop official support for Python version 3.5 and 3.6, which have reached end-of-life.
- Remove pytz dependency (#49)
- Switch Persian calendar to astronomical computation (was non-canonical algorithmic method)
- Fix inappropriate uses of trunc, which caused several errors before the Julian Day epoch (#39, #40, #42)
- Fix bug in julian.leap (#43)
- Add official suppport and tests for Python 3.9
- Raise ValueError for attempted conversion of dates before the Mayan epoch
- Adjust requirements to avoid a broken release (pymeeus 0.3.8)
Fix bug in Bahai calculations during Ayyám-i-Há (#32). Thanks @chiuczek
Regularize variable names:
- coptic: rename MONTH_NAMES to MONTHS, rename DAY_NAMES to WEEKDAYS
- french_republican: add MONTHS
- mayan: rename HAAB_MONTHS to HAAB, rename TZOLKIN_NAMES to TZOLKIN
Add some Jewish and Islamic holidays to holidays: shemini_azeret, lag_baomer, tu_beshvat, tisha_bav, ramadan, ashura, eid_alfitr, eid_aladha
Add docs. See https://convertdate.readthedocs.io/
Fix December 31st bug in ordinal (#34)
Add Indigenous Peoples' Day and Juneteenth to holidays, deprecate Columbus day
Additional format methods for expressing dates as strings (#37, thanks @philosp)
- Add observed argument to the functions for several American holidays (#30)
- Add orthodox/eastern Easter calculations and docs
- Add module for Armenian and Sarkawag regularisation
- Bump pytz requirement
- Repair Bahai intercalary days bug (#13, thanks @bchurchill)
- Replace pyephem, which is now in maintenance mode, with pymeeus.
- Remove shebangs and regularize licenses (thanks @fabaff)
- Convert readme to ascii (#16)
- Bump requirements
- Additional Jewish holidays (thanks, @ohadeytan)
- Upload source distributions to Pypi (#10)
- Add Coptic (Alexandrian) calendar converter.
- Add explicit support for Python 3.6.
- Change Exception thrown on illegal dates to ValueError.
- Add Comte's Positivist calendar.
- Bump requirement versions.
- Fix Persian weekday order (thanks, @meyt)
- Better Python 2/3 compatibility
- Improve tests
- bump pytz requirement
- Executing holidays module returns class with current year, not '2014'.
- Expand tests for French Republican, Bahai, Persian, holidays
- Add Travis CI testing
Bug fixes:
- Fix edge case when detecting the day of fall equinox in French Republican calendar
- Fix minor methods of calculating French Republican leap years.
- Change holidays.holidays.fathers_day from a method to a property
- Add pulaski_day to holidays.holidays
- Add pytz is dependency list
- Fix Yom Kippur error in holidays.py (issue #3)
- Typo in name of holidays.independence_day method
- Fix major bug in ordinal.from_gregorian
- Expand and organized tests
- Add ordinal module, for counting the day of year
- Added Mexican national holidays
- Add monthcalendar functions
Other changes:
- Simplified logic in ISO module
- Add list of day names and day_name function to French Republican converter
- Add multiple conversion methods to the French Republican calendar
- Add Dublin day count and Julian day count converters
- Add month names to Bahai and Hebrew calendars.
Other changes:
- Clarify that weekdays run Monday=0 to Sunday=6 (#2)
- Change Julian converter to use astronomical notation (0 = 1 BCE, -1 = 1 BCE)
- Expanded tests
- Add support for Python 3 (#1)