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MetalImageView render issue #1

binarysai opened this issue Oct 3, 2019 · 5 comments

MetalImageView render issue #1

binarysai opened this issue Oct 3, 2019 · 5 comments


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Great job
but i found something wired

the texture rendered by MetalImageView does not look good

If i change the MetalImageView to MTKView, and implement the drawRect
It works perfectly

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jzting commented Dec 7, 2019

Does this happen for all filters or just some of them? I'm also noticing something weird with MIJFAVoronoiFilter.

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Does this happen for all filters or just some of them? I'm also noticing something weird with MIJFAVoronoiFilter.

The filters work as expected, i guess it's the MetalImageView problem.
Change the MetalImageView subclass to MTKView, and render texture in drawRect method
It works perfectly

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jzting commented Dec 7, 2019

Are you able to create a Gist of what your MetalImageView.m looks like after your changes? Thanks!

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Are you able to create a Gist of what your MetalImageView.m looks like after your changes? Thanks!

#import "MetalImageView.h"
#import "MetalImageContext.h"
#import "MetalImageTypes.h"
#import "MetalImageFunction.h"
#import "MetalDevice.h"
#import "UIImage+Texture.h"

@import AVFoundation;

@interface MetalImageView () {
MTLFloat4 imageScalingVertics[4];
MTLUInt2 inputImageSize;

@Property (nonatomic, strong) id verticsBuffer;
@Property (nonatomic, strong) id coordBuffer;
@Property (nonatomic, strong) id pipelineState;
@Property (nonatomic, strong) id depthStencilState;
@Property (nonatomic, strong) MTLRenderPassDescriptor *renderPassDescriptor;

  • (void)buildUp;
  • (void)tearDown;


@implementation MetalImageView

// return [CAMetalLayer class];

  • (instancetype)init {
    if (self = [super init]) {
    [self buildUp];
    return self;

  • (instancetype)initWithFrame:(CGRect)frame device:(nullable id)device{
    if (self = [super initWithFrame:frame device:device]) {
    [self buildUp];
    return self;

  • (instancetype)initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)aDecoder {
    if (self = [super initWithCoder:aDecoder]) {
    [self buildUp];

    return self;

  • (void)dealloc {
    [self tearDown];

  • (void)buildUp {
    self.opaque = YES;
    self.backgroundColor = [UIColor clearColor];
    self.bgClearColor = MTLClearColorMake(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);

    id device = [MetalDevice sharedMTLDevice];
    self.device = device;
    self.paused = YES;
    self.enableSetNeedsDisplay = NO;
    // CAMetalLayer *metalLayer = (CAMetalLayer )self.layer;
    // metalLayer = (CAMetalLayer
    ) self.layer;
    // metalLayer.device = device;
    // metalLayer.pixelFormat = MTLPixelFormatBGRA8Unorm;
    // metalLayer.framebufferOnly = YES;

    inputRotationMode = kMetalImageNoRotation;

    _fillMode = kMetalImageFillModePreserveAspectRatio;
    [self fillTextureVerticsWithWidthScaling:1.0f heightScaling:1.0f];

    [self updateTextureVertics];
    [self updateTextureCoordinates];
    [self prepareRenderPipeline];
    [self prepareRenderDepthStencilState];
    [self prepareRenderPassDescriptor];

  • (void)tearDown {


  • (void)updateTextureVertics {
    id device = [MetalDevice sharedMTLDevice];
    _verticsBuffer = [device newBufferWithBytes:imageScalingVertics
    if(!_verticsBuffer) {
    NSLog(@">> ERROR: Failed creating a vertex buffer for a quad!");
    return ;
    _verticsBuffer.label = @"quad vertices";

  • (void)updateTextureCoordinates {
    id device = [MetalDevice sharedMTLDevice];
    const MTLFloat2 textureCoordinates = TextureCoordinatesForRotation(inputRotationMode);
    _coordBuffer = [device newBufferWithBytes:textureCoordinates
    if (!_coordBuffer) {
    NSLog(@">> ERROR: Failed creating a 2d texture coordinate buffer!");
    _coordBuffer.label = @"quad texcoords";

  • (BOOL)prepareRenderPipeline
    id device = [MetalDevice sharedMTLDevice];
    id renderLibrary = [MetalDevice MetalImageLibrary];
    if (!renderLibrary && device) {
    NSError *liberr = nil;
    renderLibrary = [device newLibraryWithFile:@"CommonStruct.metallib" error:&liberr];
    NSAssert(liberr == nil, @"Create library failed...%@", liberr);

    id vertexProgram = [renderLibrary newFunctionWithName:@"vertex_common"];
    id fragmentProgram = [renderLibrary newFunctionWithName:@"fragment_common"];
    if (!vertexProgram || !fragmentProgram) {
    return NO;

    MTLRenderPipelineDescriptor *pQuadPipelineStateDescriptor = [MTLRenderPipelineDescriptor new];
    pQuadPipelineStateDescriptor.depthAttachmentPixelFormat = MTLPixelFormatInvalid;
    pQuadPipelineStateDescriptor.stencilAttachmentPixelFormat = MTLPixelFormatInvalid;
    pQuadPipelineStateDescriptor.colorAttachments[0].pixelFormat = MTLPixelFormatBGRA8Unorm;
    pQuadPipelineStateDescriptor.sampleCount = 1;
    pQuadPipelineStateDescriptor.vertexFunction = vertexProgram;
    pQuadPipelineStateDescriptor.fragmentFunction = fragmentProgram;

    NSError *pError = nil;
    _pipelineState = [device newRenderPipelineStateWithDescriptor:pQuadPipelineStateDescriptor error:&pError];
    if(pError) {
    NSLog(@">> ERROR: Failed acquiring pipeline state descriptor: %@", pError);

    return _pipelineState != nil;

  • (BOOL)prepareRenderDepthStencilState
    id device = [MetalDevice sharedMTLDevice];
    MTLDepthStencilDescriptor *pDepthStateDesc = [MTLDepthStencilDescriptor new];

    NSLog(@">> ERROR: Failed creating a depth stencil descriptor!");

    pDepthStateDesc.depthCompareFunction = MTLCompareFunctionAlways;
    pDepthStateDesc.depthWriteEnabled = NO;
    _depthStencilState = [device newDepthStencilStateWithDescriptor:pDepthStateDesc];

    return _depthStencilState != nil;

  • (BOOL)prepareRenderPassDescriptor {

    _renderPassDescriptor = [[MTLRenderPassDescriptor alloc] init];
    MTLRenderPassColorAttachmentDescriptor *colorAttachment = _renderPassDescriptor.colorAttachments[0];
    colorAttachment.loadAction = MTLLoadActionClear;
    colorAttachment.clearColor = _bgClearColor;
    colorAttachment.storeAction = MTLStoreActionStore;

    return _renderPassDescriptor != nil;


#pragma mark - Fill mode

  • (void)setFillMode:(MetalImageFillModeType)newValue;
    _fillMode = newValue;
    [self updateViewGeometry];

  • (void)updateViewGeometry
    __block CGRect frame;
    __block CGSize currentViewSize;
    frame = self.bounds;
    currentViewSize = self.bounds.size;
    CGFloat heightScaling, widthScaling;
    CGSize imageSize = CGSizeMake(inputImageSize.x, inputImageSize.y);
    CGRect insetRect = AVMakeRectWithAspectRatioInsideRect(imageSize, frame);

          case kMetalImageFillModeStretch:
              widthScaling = 1.0;
              heightScaling = 1.0;
          case kMetalImageFillModePreserveAspectRatio:
              widthScaling = insetRect.size.width / currentViewSize.width;
              heightScaling = insetRect.size.height / currentViewSize.height;
          case kMetalImageFillModePreserveAspectRatioAndFill:
              widthScaling = currentViewSize.height / insetRect.size.height;
              heightScaling = currentViewSize.width / insetRect.size.width;
      [self fillTextureVerticsWithWidthScaling:widthScaling heightScaling:heightScaling];


  • (void)fillTextureVerticsWithWidthScaling:(CGFloat)widthScaling heightScaling:(CGFloat)heightScaling {
    imageScalingVertics[0] = MTLFloat4Make(-widthScaling, -heightScaling, 0.0f, 1.0f);
    imageScalingVertics[1] = MTLFloat4Make( widthScaling, -heightScaling, 0.0f, 1.0f);
    imageScalingVertics[2] = MTLFloat4Make(-widthScaling, heightScaling, 0.0f, 1.0f);
    imageScalingVertics[3] = MTLFloat4Make( widthScaling, heightScaling, 0.0f, 1.0f);

  • (void)updateInputImageSize {
    if (firstInputTexture) {

      MTLUInt2 newSize = [firstInputTexture size];
      if (MetalImageRotationSwapsWidthAndHeight(inputRotationMode)) {
      if (!MTLUInt2Equal(inputImageSize, newSize)) {
          inputImageSize = newSize;
          if (!MTLUInt2IsZero(newSize)) {
              [self updateViewGeometry];
              [self updateTextureVertics];


#pragma mark - MetalImageInput Protocol

  • (void)setInputRotation:(MetalImageRotationMode)newInputRotation atIndex:(NSInteger)textureIndex {
    if (inputRotationMode != newInputRotation) {
    inputRotationMode = newInputRotation;
    [self updateTextureCoordinates];

      NSLog(@"update rotaion mode:%ld", (unsigned long)newInputRotation);


  • (void)setInputTexture:(MetalImageTexture *)newInputTexture atIndex:(NSInteger)textureIndex {
    firstInputTexture = newInputTexture;
    [firstInputTexture lock];
    [self updateInputImageSize];

  • (void)drawRect:(CGRect)rect{
    if (firstInputTexture == nil)

    CAMetalLayer *metalLayer = (CAMetalLayer *)self.layer;
    id commandBuffer = [MetalDevice sharedCommandBuffer];
    id currentDrawable = [metalLayer nextDrawable];
    if (currentDrawable == nil) {
    NSLog(@"Obtain drawable failed...");

    MTLRenderPassColorAttachmentDescriptor *colorAttachment = _renderPassDescriptor.colorAttachments[0];
    colorAttachment.texture = [currentDrawable texture];

    id renderEncoder = [commandBuffer renderCommandEncoderWithDescriptor:_renderPassDescriptor];
    [renderEncoder setDepthStencilState:_depthStencilState];
    [renderEncoder setRenderPipelineState:_pipelineState];
    [renderEncoder setVertexBuffer:_verticsBuffer offset:0 atIndex:0];
    [renderEncoder setVertexBuffer:_coordBuffer offset:0 atIndex:1];
    [renderEncoder setFragmentTexture:[firstInputTexture texture] atIndex:0];
    [renderEncoder drawPrimitives:MTLPrimitiveTypeTriangleStrip vertexStart:0 vertexCount:MetalImageDefaultRenderVetexCount instanceCount:1];
    [renderEncoder endEncoding];

    [commandBuffer presentDrawable:currentDrawable];

    [MetalDevice commitCommandBufferWaitUntilDone:NO];

    currentDrawable = nil;

    [firstInputTexture unlock];
    firstInputTexture = nil;

  • (void)newTextureReadyAtTime:(CMTime)frameTime atIndex:(NSInteger)textureIndex {
    [self draw];

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jzting commented Dec 8, 2019

Thanks! I'm still seeing issues with the voronoi filter, so it must be an issue particular to that.

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