📚 Booklist Machine Leraning Computer Science Math Other Resources Machine Learning Index Title 1 An Introduction to Natural Language Processing(Third Edition).pdf 2 An Introduction to Statistical Learning.pdf 3 Building Machine Learning Projects with TensorFlow.pdf 4 Deep Learning Tutorial 李宏毅 Hung-yi Lee.pdf 5 Deep Learning.pdf 6 Deep Learning_cn.pdf 7 Designing.Data-Intensive.Applications.pdf 8 MLAPP original.pdf 9 Machine Learning A Probabilistic Perspective.pdf 10 Machine Learning for the Web.pdf 11 Neural Network Design.pdf 12 Neural Networks and Learning Machines (3rd Edition).pdf 13 PRML_Chinese_vision.pdf 14 Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning.pdf 15 Rules of Machine Learning Best Practices for ML Engineering.pdf 16 TensorFlow for Machine Intelligence_ A Hands-On Introduction to Learning Algorithms-Bleeding Edge Press (2016).pdf 17 The Elements of Statistical Learning.pdf 18 统计学习方法, 李航.pdf 19 数据科学实战.pdf 20 统计自然语言处理(第二版).pdf 21 自然语言处理综论中文版.pdf 22 Reinforcement Learning An Introduction, Richard S. Sutton and Andrew G. Barto.pdf 23 Deep Reinforcement Learning Hands-On.pdf 24 Neural.Networks.Tricks.of.the.Trade.pdf 25 Statistics for Machine Learning.pdf 26 Deep Learning with PyTorch.pdf 27 An Introduction to Graphical Models, Michael I. Jordan.pdf 28 Graphical Models, Exponential Families, and Variational Inference.pdf 29 Machine Learning Algorithms.pdf 30 Deep+Learning+in+Natural+Language+Processing.pdf 31 Deep Learning with PyTorch.pdf 32 Machine Learning Yearning, Andrew Ng.pdf 33 Building Machine Learning Projects with TensorFlow.pdf 34 Bayesian Analysis with Python.pdf 35 Machine_Learning_A_Bayesian_and_Optimization_Perspective.pdf 36 TensorFlow Machine Learning Cookbook.pdf 37 What You Need to Know about Machine Learning.pdf 38 Tensorflow-internals(TensorFlow 内核剖析).pdf 39 Foundations of Data Science, Avrim Blum, John Hopcroft, and Ravindran Kannan.pdf 40 An Introduction to Probabilistic Programming.pdf 41 The Matrix Calculus You Need For Deep Learning.pdf 42 Handbook_of_Data_Visualization.pdf 43 neural-networks-deep-learning-textbook-charu aggarwal.pdf 44 Causal Inference.pdf 45 Information Theory, Inference, and Learning Algorithms.pdf Computer Science Index Title 1 A Byte of Python3(中文版).pdf 2 Advanced Penetration Testing for Highly-Secured Environments Second Edition.pdf 3 Android Programming for Beginners.pdf 4 Arduino Development Cookbook.pdf 5 Building Websites with VB.NET and DotNetNuke 4.pdf 6 Creative Greenfoot.pdf 7 Flask By Example.pdf 8 Git Best Practices Guide.pdf 9 IPython Interactive Computing and Visualization Cookbook.pdf 10 Java Deep Learning Essentials.pdf 11 Learning AWS.pdf 12 Learning C# by Developing Games with Unity 5.x Second Edition.pdf 13 Learning C++ by Creating Games with UE4.pdf 14 Learning Data Mining with Python.pdf 15 Learning Java Functional Programming.pdf 16 Learning Object-Oriented Programming.pdf 17 Learning PHP 7.pdf 18 Learning Raspberry Pi.pdf 19 Learning Reactive Programming with Java 8.pdf 20 Learning Scrapy.pdf 21 Learning jQuery Fourth Edition.pdf 22 MEAN Web Development.pdf 23 Machine Learning with R Second Edition.pdf 24 Magento 2 Developer's Guide.pdf 25 Mastering C# Concurrency.pdf 26 Mastering Docker.pdf 27 Mastering Embedded Linux Programming.pdf 28 Mastering R for Quantitative Finance.pdf 29 Mastering Responsive Web Design.pdf 30 Mastering Windows PowerShell Scripting.pdf 31 Mastering Wireshark.pdf 32 Mastering matplotlib.pdf 33 Node.js Design Patterns.pdf 34 OpenCV Computer Vision with Python.pdf 35 OpenCV for Secret Agents.pdf 36 PYTHON_GAME_PROGRAMMING_BY_EXAMPLE.pdf 37 PostgreSQL 9 Administration Cookbook.pdf 38 Practical Data Science Cookbook.pdf 39 Practical DevOps.pdf 40 Practical Digital Forensics.pdf 41 Practical Linux Security Cookbook.pdf 42 Procedural Content Generation for C++ Game Development.pdf 43 Python 3 Object-oriented Programming Second Edition.pdf 44 Python Game Programming By Example.pdf 45 Python Machine Learning.pdf 46 Raspberry Pi Projects for Kids.pdf 47 Raspberry Pi for Secret Agents Second Edition.pdf 48 Scientific Computing with Python 3.pdf 49 Switching to Angular 2.pdf 50 The Game Jam Survival Guide.pdf 51 Think Python How to Think Like a Computer Scientist.pdf 52 Thinking in CSS.pdf 53 Thinking in HTML.pdf 54 Unity 5 Game Optimization.pdf 55 Unity AI Game Programming Second Edition.pdf 56 What You Need To Know About Node.js.pdf 57 What You Need to Know about Docker.pdf 58 Industrial Cybersecurity.pdf 59 What You Need to Know about Python.pdf 60 What you need to know about R.pdf 61 WordPress 4.x Complete.pdf 62 Advanced Machine Learning with Python.pdf 63 Building Business Websites with Squarespace 7.pdf 64 Docker Cookbook.pdf 65 Effective Python Penetration Testing.pdf 66 GitHub Essentials.pdf 67 Learning JavaScript Data Structures and Algorithms.pdf 68 Learning Robotics Using Python.pdf 69 Mastering Blockchain.pdf 70 OpenCV By Example.pdf 71 Raspberry Pi By Example.pdf 72 TypeScript Design Patterns.pdf 73 Unity 5.x Shaders and Effects Cookbook.pdf 74 Python GUI Programming Cookbook Second Edition.pdf 75 Mastering Embedded Linux Programming, Second Edition.pdf 76 Deep Learning with Python, François Chollet.pdf 77 Python Data Structures and Algorithms.pdf 78 Mastering Python Networking.pdf 79 Expert Delphi.pdf 80 Modern Python Cookbook.pdf 81 Doing Bayesian Data Analysis.pdf 82 Foundations of Data Science.pdf 83 Foundations of Computer Science.pdf 84 Vue.js 2 Cookbook.pdf 85 算法图解.pdf 86 Algorithhms 4th Edition by Robert Sedgewick, Kevin Wayne.pdf 87 Cracking the Coding Interview, 4 Edition, 150 Programming Interview Questions and Solutions.pdf 88 编程之美——微软技术面试心得.pdf 89 Vulkan Cookbook.pdf 90 Building Microservices with Go.pdf 91 Python for Finance.pdf 92 Docker on Windows.pdf 93 Mastering Kubernetes.pdf 94 Python Web Scraping.pdf 95 ROS Robotics Projects.pdf 96 Mastering PHP 7.pdf 97 Learning Concurrency in Python.pdf 98 Progressive Web Apps with React.pdf 99 Pandas Cookbook.pdf 100 Kali Linux - An Ethical Hacker's Cookbook.pdf 101 Augmented Reality for Developers.pdf 102 Architecting Modern Java EE Applications.pdf 103 Modern R Programming Cookbook.pdf 104 Python for Everybody.pdf 105 Mastering Swift 4 Fourth Edition.pdf 106 Mastering OpenCV 3 Second Edition.pdf 107 Computer Vision-Principles,Algorithms,Applications,Learning,5ed.pdf 108 Algorithms, Jeff Erickson.pdf 109 Linux 就该这么学.pdf Math Index Title 1 Calculus I,II,III 2 Devore - Probability and Statistics (第7版及完整答案) 3 卓里奇 数学分析 4 An Introduction to Optimization 4th edition solution manual.pdf 5 An Introduction to Optimization.pdf 6 An Introduction to Probability Theory and Its Applications, Vol. 1, 3rd Edition(不清晰).pdf 7 An Introduction to Optimization, 4th Edition.pdf 8 Basic Classes of Linear Operators.pdf 9 Convex Optimization,Stephen Boyd,Lieven Vandenberghe.pdf 10 Convex Optimization_ Algorithms and Complexity.pdf 11 Erwin Kreyszig Introductory functional analysis with applications.pdf 12 FUNCTIONAL ANALYSIS NOTES.pdf 13 Foundations of Modern Probability - Olav Kallenberg.pdf 14 Introduction to Hilbert spaces with applications-Lokenath Debnath, Piotr Mikusinski.pdf 15 Introduction to Linear Algebra 4th Edition.PDF 16 Linear Algebra and Its Applications (Peter Lax) 2nd Ed.pdf 17 Linear algebra done right, 3rd Edition, 2015.pdf 18 Linear_Algebra_and_Its_Applications_5th.pdf 19 Lokenath Debnath, Piotr Mikusinski Introduction to Hilbert spaces with applications.pdf 20 Numerical_Optimization.pdf 21 WilliamFeller-An IntroductionTo Probability Theory And Its Applications.VolII.pdf 22 常用不等式 匡继昌 第三版.pdf 23 数学分析中的典型问题和方法(第2版)裴礼文.pdf 24 数学分析习题集(第3版)-[俄]Б.П.吉米多维奇-高等教育出版社-1953.pdf 25 美国大学微积分教材James Stewart课本以及习题解.pdf 26 Abstract algebra--The Basic Graduate Year, Robert B. Ash.pdf 27 Complex Analysis,Christian Berg,2012.pdf 28 Probability - Theory and Examples, Rick Durrett, Edition 4.1.pdf 29 Probability and Random Processes 3rd Edition, Geoffrey Grimmett David Stirzaker.pdf 30 Probability and Random Processes,Venkatarama Krishnan.pdf 31 Probability and Random Processes.pdf 32 Topology,James Munkres, 2nd ed.pdf 33 概率论与数理统计(陈希孺).pdf 34 概率论与数理统计(茆诗松).pdf 35 Blitzstein J.K., Hwang J.-Introduction to Probability-CRC (2015).pdf 36 Introduction to Mathematical Statistics _7th .pdf 37 Probability and Statistics-Morris H.Degroot, 4th Edition.pdf 38 Probability theory the logic of science-概率论沉思录.pdf 39 凸优化_Stephen_Boyd(王书宁翻译).pdf 40 Introduction to Probability, Charles M. Grinstead & J. Laurie Snell.pdf 41 概率论基础教程_(美)Sheldon.M.Ross.pdf 42 A FIRST COURSE IN PROBABILITY.pdf Other Resources Index Title 1 Asking the Right Questions (11th Edition) .pdf 2 Beyond Feelings (A Guide to Critical Thinking).pdf 3 Beyond Feelings中文版.pdf 4 LaTeX Beginner's Guide.pdf 5 Word.Power.Made.Easy.[Norman.Lewis].scanned and bookmarked.pdf 6 latexshort-cn.pdf 7 图像处理、分析与机器视觉(第三版).pdf 8 艾格纳-齐格勒 - 数学天书中的证明(第三版).pdf