A command line power tool for fast scanning of GH repos and their git trees, via the graphQL API.
gh-repo-scan --help
export GITHUB_PAT=xxx
gh-repo-scan [ls|cat] [OPTIONS]
> gh-repo-scan --help
usage: gh-repo-scan [ls|list|cat|total] [OPTIONS]
--org GitHub organisation to scan. Uses GITHUB_ORG env if not given
--all Include all repos, archived and active. Default is only active.
--archived Include only archived repos in the scan
--top, --limit Only return first limit results. Default is all of them.
-l, --long Long list format
--count Show count on repo matches and total at the end
--json Output the JSON returned for each repo instead of normal list output
--task-list Markdown task list format list
--version Print the version
--help Print usage message and option docs
File scanning. Set --path:
--path File path in the repo to scan
--grep File contents match this regex
--grep-exclude File contents do not match this regex
-C, --context Lines of files context to show in cat. Default is all.
--file-header Show file header above contents in cat
--line-prefix Prefix lines with repo name in cat
--line-numbers Prefix lines line line number in cat
You need to be on ruby 2.7+ Install locally:
gem install github-scanner --source "https://rubygems.pkg.github.com/fac"
You need a GitHub Personal Access Token (PAT) with perms to read all the orgs and repos you want to scan. Set that in the env as GITHUB_PAT
export GITHUB_PATH=xxx
If your going to be quering the same organisation over and over,instead of having to pass --org to all calls you can set the GITHUB_ORG
env var. e.g.
export GITHUB_ORG=fac
Running gh-repo-scan ls
(or list
), lists repos and matched files. Use the options to change the filter. Note, by default archived repos are ignored.
List all repos with a Gemfile on the default branch:
gh-repo-scan ls --path=Gemfile
All repos with a Jenkinsfile that runs the gem build pipeline, with extra info and counts:
gh-repo-scan ls --path=Jenkinsfile --grep='freeagentGem' --long --count
1 fac/rchardet-omer-fork Jenkinsfile ae916c4f0 2020-04-15T15:07:13Z Mark Pitchless
26 fac/nulldb Jenkinsfile a4d529688 2021-02-24T14:00:12Z James Bell
26 repos matched, 422 scanned, 422 total
The cat
command is for catting (dumping to STDOUT) the contents of files in the git tree of the repo (on the defualt branch).
It is useful for reviewing files, say the headers on our README.md files:
gh-repo-scan cat -C2 --path=README.md
1: # banksy
1: FreeAgent API Templating
2: ========================
You can control the line numbering (--line-numbers
), line prefixing (--line-prefix
) and file header line (--file-header
). Context, -C
is the amount to cat of the file, context like grep.
It's other use is for piping into grep and friends. When not outputting to a tty, by default the output changes to be more pipeline friendly. e.g. to (somewhat randomly) find all the repos we use a ruby table gem in:
gh-repo-scan cat -C1000 --path=Gemfile | grep table
fac/freeagent:139: gem "terminal-table"
fac/jenkins-aws-images:4: gem 'table_print'
After checking out the repo, run bundle install
to install dependencies. Then, run bundle exec rake
to run all the tests. You can also run bin/console
for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.
Run bundle exec gh-repo-scan
to test your changes.
The repo includes a bats (bash automated test system) test suite to do high level integration tests of the command line tool. First install bats and export GITHUB_PAT with a token that can see this repo at minimum. Then you can run the tests:
export GITHUB_PAT=xxx
bats -r test.bats
To use the lib in your own code, add this line to your application's Gemfile:
source "https://rubygems.pkg.github.com/fac" do
gem 'github-scanner'
then run:
bundle install
now you can:
require 'github/scanner'
GitHub::Scanner.scan(:repo, org: @opts[:org]).run.each do |repo|
puts repo[:name]
To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install
. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb
and push to GitHub and get the PR merged to main. GitHub actions will then release the gem to the fac GH package repo.
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/fac/github-scanner. Find those responsible and willing to help in #dev-platform
Gem graphql-client - The gem we use to do all the API heavy lifting.
GitHub GraphQL Intro - If you going to work on the scanner, you will need some graphql, enough to work on github queries.
GitHub GraphQL Explorer - Use the explorer to test queries (that is why they are in separate files!).
- FreeAgent [email protected]
- @dev-platform
- @markpitchless
- @dgholz
Copyright 2021 FreeAgent Central Ltd.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.