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File metadata and controls

316 lines (245 loc) · 11.4 KB

Archer Configuration Langauge

The Archer Configuration Language is compatible with "JSON plus comments" and is meant to be UCL -ish more or less. The major benefit over JSON is allowing for comments, a relaxed structure, and some syntactic sugar here and there. The advantage of ACL over HCL from HashiCorp is that HCL isn't actually documented well, and it uses a model where in your go code you would define a go data structure, and then would parse a single file into that structure.

In contrast to HCL, ACL is based on the concept that you parse one or more strings (which are probably loaded from files), into a configuration object (a single AclNode root object) and then in your code you query for known values from this common root. We could implement the HCL style "fill out this data structure" functionality using an ACL root node, but have not yet done that as of yet. The main advantage of the pull approach implemented by ACL is that it allows loading multiple files into one structure and then consumption by different modules which don't know about each others configuration needs.

In ACL the basic expression is a key/value tuple. Keys are identifiers. They can be unqouted, in which they must start with an alpha or underscore character and can only contain alphanumeric and underscore characters. If they are quoted with single or double quotes they can contain anything. (There is a case where keys may begin with a ! character for a special meaning which is discussed in more detail below.)

Values are written as ints, floats, strings, or hexadecimal ints. Booleans are written as strings that can be interpretted by strconv.ParseBool(), which means there is a wide range of 1, t, T, TRUE, true, True type expressions that are valid.

Keys are separated from values by either : or = (this separator is optional for object values, see below).

Comments can be C, C++, bash, or sql style

A simple example

	Multi-line C comment
port: 1234
seed: 0xfeedface

// A C++ style comment
tcpEndpoint: ''  // Also at the end of a line

# Bash style
name = "Bob"

message = "Hello there bob" -- sql style comments for funsies
"reply to" = me

Quotes are optional for alphanumeric string values, but mandatory if the values contain spaces or punctuation. Hence the need for quotes on the tcpEndpoint above.

In addition to the simple key/value syntax, any value may be an array where values are separated by whitespace and terminated by either a newline or a ; character. Enclosing [ and ] braces are optional, as are separating commas within the braces. If arrays are going to span more than one line, they must be enclosed in []'s, otherwise the array terminates at the fist newline.

an_array = one two three
another_one = [80,81,82,83]
a_third = [ "fred" "wilma" "barney" ]

As with UCL, arrays can be specified simply by specifying the same value multiple times as follows

# This 

ports = 80
ports = 90
ports = 100

# is equivalent to

ports = 80 90 100

# is equivalent to

ports = [80, 90, 100];

Note: Because of this additive nature, if you parse the configuration above you will get the following canonical result

	"ports": [

This additive cascade is the default to keep the language inline with the way UCL works. If this is not what you want, the key name can be prefixed by a ! to indicate that any previous values should be overwritten starting with that instance of the key.

# Build an array
key = a
key = b
key = c

# Right now, key = [a,b,c]

# Then overwrite it
!key = d
key = e

# Now, key = [d, e]

In practice this functionality is probably most useful when values are expected to be defined in multiple files. The default additive cascade is necessary so that a cascaded file can be allowed to define a small portion of an object without needing to redefine the other values. This reset features allows the additive cascade to be the default while still allowing a later file to simply redefine something that was previously defined in an earlier file.


The third form of a value is an object which itself contains keys and values. As with JSON, objects are identified by wrapping a set of key/value definitions in enclosing curly { and } brackets. There is an implicit object at the top level. Expressing a second unnamed object immediately inside a previous one is ignored, thus the following three examples evaluate to the same thing:

Implicit Only

one = 1
two = 1

Top Level Object

	one = 1
	two = 2

Duplicate Object

		one = 1
	two = 2

Objects are values, with or without the : or = character between the name and the definition. They can of course be embedded anywhere a value can appear, including inside arrays.

redis {
	server: ""
	password: "abcdefgh"
	prefix: "cyril-production"

endpoints = [
	{ host: "", port: 80 }
	{ host: "", port: 800 }

Objects are used to namespace key names as with the examples above.

Multi-level objects can also be specified by simply listing key names as arrays of identifiers, albeit without the [] braces and without commas. Quoting is fine. This makes the most sense when one of the names is a type name, typically the earlier name, followed by an instance name.

server cyril {
	port : 9771
	hostname : ""

server ray port = 9772
server ray "instance count" = 4

server sterling port = 9772

Canonically the above is expressed as

	"server": {
		"cyril": {
			"hostname": "",
			"port": 9771,
		"ray": {
			"instance count": 4,
			"port": 9772,
		"sterling": {
			"port": 9772,


The base object of the API is the AclNode struct. The configuration file(s) is parsed into a tree of AclNode's with a single root. Each AclNode either has values or children, but not both. While the data structure technically allows both, nodes produced by the parser will never contain both, and if such a structure is encountered, the Children map will be ignored.

The common / easy / what you should do way of accessing values in the configuration is to use one of the ChildAsXXXX() functions.

  • node.ChildAsInt(names ...string) int
  • node.ChildAsFloat(names ...string) float64
  • node.ChildAsString(names ...string) string
  • node.ChildAsBool(names ...string) bool

For instance with the last example configuration:

hostname := cfg.ChildAsString("server", "cyril", "hostname")
// = ""

count := cfg.ChildAsint("server", "ray", "port")
// = 4

A limited amount of type coercision will be performed, primarily attempting to convert to and from string and the requested type. The AsBool methods in particular rely on the use of strconv.ParseBool() to turn strings into booleans. The ACL file format does not include an explicit boolean syntax, but the API does include AsBool methods that parse strings because this is such a common occurrence.

While those are the most common methods for simple use of the API, AclNode values also have the following for more verbose usage. All methods operate safely on nil or uninitialized / zero value AclNode pointers.

  • node.Child(names ...string) *AclNode - walks down the tree and finds a specific child or returns nil if the child is not found. Used as the basis for the ChildAsXXX() functions.
  • node.Len() int - convenient and safe method for accessing len(node.Values)
  • node.AsInt() int - convenience for AsIntN(0)
  • node.AsFloat() float64 - convenience for AsFloatN(0)
  • node.AsString() string - convenience for AsStringN(0)
  • node.AsBool() bool - convenience for AsBoolN(0)
  • node.AsIntN(ix int) int - attempt to coerce node.Values[ix] into an int returning the zero value if non-existent or if coercision fails
  • node.AsFloatN(ix int) float64 - attempt to coerce node.Values[ix] into a float64 returning the zero value if non-existent or if coercision fails
  • node.AsStringN(ix int) float64 - attempt to coerce node.Values[ix] into a string returning the zero value if non-existent or if coercision fails
  • node.AsBoolN(ix int) float64 - attempt to coerce node.Values[ix] into a bool returning the zero value if non-existent or if coercision fails
  • node.StringTo(writer *bufio.Writer, indentStr string, level int) - Writes the value of the node to a bufio.Writer with the given indention level and indention string. This method recurses into AclNode's it encounters and is the mechanism by which the String() method creates as string.
  • node.String() string - Implementation of the Stringer interface. Calls StringTo() with an indention string of \t and a level of 0.

The node.String() method can be interpretted as producing a canonical form of the configuration structure contained in memory. This structure includes ignoring the children of nodes which have both Values and Children. It doesn't produce redundant object definitions, and it does always explicitly list each object level with a single key name instead of using arrays as key names. It will explictly include the root level curly braces.

Thus, while canonical, the output produced by node.String() isn't really what you want to use when writing a configuration file meant to be easily interpretted by humans. Not only will it not contain any comments, the syntatic sugar of the language is meant to make things more concise and readable. The node.String() method is meant for debugging and for test cases - which is why it alphabetizes the results so that they stay the same from test run to test run.

Test Files

There is an acl_test.go file which will run a non-exhaustive set of tests, primarily oriented towards the parser. Because of the nature of trying to test configuration files that can become complex quickly, there is a test utility meant for intepretation by a human in /sandbox/acl_t.go

The sandbox test has an array of here documents that are run through the parser and then dumped in canonical form. If you need to work on the parser, it's probably going to be really useful for debugging / fixing / implementing more complex syntax that might not have gotten tested otherwise.


To be able to run go generate in this module you need both ragel and graphviz installed to build the parser.

brew install ragel graphviz

The go generate commands are at the top of acl.go. They turn acl_parser.rl into acl_parser.go and also acl_parser.png which is a diagram of the state machine the parser uses to interpret the input file. It's a little difficult to disect because it lists characters by ascii value, but at least it's there if you wish to consult it.

The parse is actually a combination of a state machine created and executed by the ragel code, with a couple of state flags and a stack of names that are maintained by the action code. This dual nature might be a little confusing to work on, but seemed like the clearest implementation as opposed to embedding absolutely everything into the ragel machine.

More information about ragel can be found at The Ragel Website