- First release on PyPI.
- Improved testing and stability
- Added feature to align coordinate system of different images
- Major design update
- minor update to facilitate options without lensing
- ellipticity parameter handling changed
- time-delay distance sampling included
- parameter handling for sampling more flexible
- removed redundancies in the light and mass profiles
- updated documentation
- improved sub-sampling of the PSF
- improved parameter handling
- minor bugs with parameter handling fixed
- improved GalKin module
- minor improvements in PSF reconstruction
- mass-to-light ratio parameterization
- subgrid psf sampling for inner parts of psf exclusively
- minor stability improvements
- cleaner likelihood definition
- additional Chameleon lens and light profiles
- minor updates, better documentation and handling of parameters
- various multi-band modelling frameworks added
- lens models added
- Improved fitting sequence, solver and psf iteration
- Workflow module redesign
- improved parameter handling
- improved PSF subsampling module
- relative astrometric precision of point sources implemented
- Simulation API module for mock generations
- Multi-source plane modelling
- New design of Likelihood module
- Updated design of FittingSequence
- Exponential Shapelets implemented
- New design of Numerics module
- New design of PSF and Data module
- New design of multi-band fitting module
- PSF numerics improved and redundancies removed.
- psf_construction simplified
- parameter handling for catalogue modelling improved
- faster fft convolutions
- re-design of multi-plane lensing module
- re-design of plotting module
- nested samplers implemented
- Workflow module with added features
- non-linear solver for 4 point sources updated
- new lens models added
- updated Workflow module
- implemented differential extinction
- non-linear solver for 4 point sources updated
- Moffat PSF for GalKin in place
- Likelihood module for point sources and catalogue data improved
- Design improvements in the LensModel module
- minor stability updates
- improvements in SimulationAPI design
- improvements in astrometric uncertainty handling of parameters
- local arc lens model description and differentials
- marking version as 5 - Stable/production mode
- compatible with emcee 3.0.0
- removed CosmoHammer MCMC sampling
- plotting routines split in different files
- curved arc parameterization and eigenvector differentials
- numerical differentials as part of the LensModel core class
- Analysis module re-designed
- GalKin module partially re-designed
- Added cosmography module
- parameterization of cartesian shear coefficients changed
- First implementation of a LightCone module for numerical ray-tracing
- Improved cosmology sampling from time-delay cosmography measurements
- TNFW profile lensing potential implemented
- image position likelihood description improved
- Major re-design of GalKin module, added new anisotropy modeling and IFU aperture type
- Updated design of the Analysis.kinematicsAPI sub-module
- Convention and redundancy in the Cosmo module changed
- NIE, SIE and SPEMD model consistent with their ellipticity and Einstein radius definition
- added cored-Sersic profile
- dependency for PSO to CosmoHammer removed
- MPI and multi-threading for PSO and MCMC improved and compatible with python3
- adaptive numerics improvement
- multi-processing improvements
- bug fix in Hession of POINT_SOURCE model
- EPL model from Tessore et al. 2015 implemented
- multi-observation mode for kinematics calculation
- SLITronomy integration
- observation configuration templates and examples
- lens equation solver arguments in single sub-kwargs
- adapted imports to latest scipy release
- iterative PSF reconstruction improved
- multipole lens model
- cosmo.NFWParam mass definition changed
- QuadOptimizer re-factored
- interpol light model support for non-square grid
- add functionality to psf error map
- fix in multiband reconstruction
- observational config for ZTF
- short-hand class imports
- EPL numba version
- numba configuration variables can be set globally with configuration file
- Series of curved arc models available
- single plane hessian return all for differentials
- elliptical density slice lens model
- vectorized lens and light interpolation models
- updated installation description
- fast caustic calculation replacing matplotlib with skitlearn
- multi-patch illustration class and plotting routines
- updated PSF iteration procedure with more settings
- illustration plots for curved arcs updated
- documentation of elliptical lens models updated
- JOSS paper added
- improved testing documentation and tox compatibility
- TNFW_ELLIPSE lens model implemented
- ULDM lens model implemented
- re-defined half light radius in Sersic profile
- re-named parameter in 'CONVERGENCE' profile
- improved numerics in Galkin
- configuration import design changed
- re-defined amplitude normalization in NIE and CHAMELEON light profiles
- bug fix in sky brightness errors (SimulationAPI)