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Javascript 7 - Object-Oriented Programming

Projected Time

3.5 hours



  • Principles of object-oriented programming (aka "OO") help developers to organize and abstract their code. It's really a way of thinking, about how code and data can interact, and how to write code to make it more reusable.


Participants will be able to:

  • Understand some of the main concepts of object-oriented programming
  • Start developing an understanding of objects and classes

Specific Things To Teach

  • Classes and objects
  • OOP (Object-Oriented Programming)



Refresher: What is an Object?

If you recall from Javascript 6 - Object Literals-

An object is a thing that has properties. This sounds simple, but it's actually very abstract! To help flesh this out, think of an example software application that keeps track of books, such as for a library. In this application, a book can be thought of as an object that has certain properties like title and author.

For example:

let book = {
  "id": "827392838",
  "authorFirstName": "Jane",
  "authorLastName": "Doe",
  "title": "The Wonderful World of JavaScript",

In the same example software application, we might also want to keep track of people who will borrow library books:

let borrower = {
  "id": "9002",
  "firstName": "Syma",
  "middleInitial": "N",
  "lastName": "Tec",
  "phoneNumber": "(415) 123-1234",

Properties on an object are sometimes also referred to as "key-value pairs." Every property has a name (aka the key) and a value.

What is a Class?

You can think of a class as a blueprint, or template, for creating an object. In the example above, the book object could be created from this class:

class Book {
  constructor(id, title, authorFirstName, authorLastName) { = id;
    this.title = title;
    this.authorFirstName = authorFirstName;
    this.authorLastName = authorLastName;
  summary() {
    return this.title + " ("+this.authorLastName+", "+this.authorFirstName+")";

A class is the set of properties that describe an item, properties that make sense belonging all together in a single object. In the example above, all the information about a book is contained in the book object and all the information about a borrower is contained in the borrower object. Properties about a book are not stored inside a borrower object, and vice versa.

Methods (aka functions) can be part of objects too, you can think of them as functions that are attached (or bound) to the object. For example, a method called summary() can return a one-line summary about a book. Or, a method called checkOut() would make sense on a borrower object. It would not be relevant for a book object to have that method, because the book object would never check anything out of the library.

This process of deciding what properties and methods belong to a particular class is sometimes called "abstraction" and is all part of the object-oriented programming experience. It is very similar to the thought process by which we decide the columns that go into a database table. A table called books would probably have very similar columns as the properties found in the Book class.

Creating objects from a class

When you instantiate an object from a class, using the "new" keyword, that means you are creating a new object, using the class as a template, like this:

let myBook = new Book(55234, "Principles of OO Design", "Barbara", "Liskov");

Notice the function named "constructor" in the class definition, above? That is the function which is called when you use the "new" keyword with a class name. The values that you pass in parentheses become available as the named parameters list in the constructor function (id, title, authorFirstName, authorLastName).

After instantiating the Book as myBook, you can inspect it from the console-

> console.log(myBook.authorLastName);

The this keyword

this is a special keyword in JavaScript which refers to the current object instance. When you create an object with the new keyword, and after, the code in your methods (functions) can refer to properties on the current instance using this. In the example above, in the Book class, the constructor method uses this to refer to the object being constructed (via new) and the summary method refers to the object that the code is currently working with.

Why this matters: you may have an many Book objects, and want to print the summary for each one-

> let books = [];
> books[0] = new Book(12345, "Why Didn't They Ask Evans?", "Agatha", "Christie");
> books[1] = new Book(12346, "The Long Goodbye", "Raymond", "Chandler");
> books[2] = new Book(12347, "Decline and Fall", "Evelyn", "Waugh");

Now, test the result-

> console.log(books[0].summary());
'Why Didn\'t They Ask Evans? (Christie, Agatha)'
> for(let i=0; i<3; i++) {
...   console.log(books[i]);
... }

Because the books array contains three Book definitions, and we asked to refer to just one (books[0]), inside the .summary() method the this keyword "knows" to point to the correct instance of the Book class.

Concepts of Object-Oriented Programming


Encapsulation is the practice of protecting, or hiding, some or all of the properties defined by a class. We do this sometimes to prevent other code from changing properties on the objects our code provides, or because we want developers to only access or change properties through methods.

Protecting properties is one way that you can communicate to coworkers and other developers on open source projects the best way to use your source code.

The common JavaScript language, used in web browsers and Node.js, offers private properties through the constructor, but you need to define methods -which access such private variables- in the constructor itself. In this example, the summary() method is defined using the this keyword, instead of as its own function-

class Book {
  constructor(id, title, authorFirstName, authorLastName, wholesalePrice, retailPrice) {
    let _wholesalePrice = wholesalePrice;
    let _retailPrice = retailPrice; = id;
    this.title = title;
    this.authorFirstName = authorFirstName;
    this.authorLastName = authorLastName;
    this.summary = function() {
      return this.title + " (" + this.authorLastName + ", " + 
             this.authorFirstName + "), price: " + _retailPrice;

Defining methods like summary() in the constructor grants them access to variables defined in the constructor with the var keyword.

let limits the visibility of the variable(s) you create with it to only the function, method or file it exists in. However, those variables are also visible to functions or methods defined by that function, as you see above with this.summary.

Here's an example using our redefined class above-

> books = [];
> books[0] = new Book(12345, "Why Didn't They Ask Evans?", "Agatha", "Christie", 15.00, 23.95);
> books[0].summary();
'Why Didn\'t They Ask Evans? (Christie, Agatha), price: 23.95'
> books[0]._retailPrice

See how retail price is undefined? _retailPrice is inaccessible from outside the constructor method. That's encapsulation. You decided that you wanted that value to have limited or no accessibility. If you want to protect a property from being either accessed or modified by outside code, define it in the constructor method.

(Depending on the version of JavaScript you're programming with, there may be additional means by which properties can be protected, such as the private or protected access modifiers. These become available in later versions of JavaScript (EcmaScript ), and spinoff languages such as TypeScript).

Note that private properties defined in this way are not inheritable by subclasses of your class (see next section), although they may be accessed if you provided a method that returns them.

Private read-only properties: inside a constructor function, you can declare a property to be both private and read-only by using the const statement-

class Book {
  constructor(id, title, authorFirstName, authorLastName, wholesalePrice, retailPrice) {
    const _wholesalePrice = wholesalePrice;
    const _retailPrice = retailPrice;

This would allow functions defined within the constructor to access the values of _wholesalePrice and _retailPrice, but not to change them.


Inheritance is a way for objects to inherit properties and methods from other objects.

For example, let's say that our library doesn't just have books, but they also have audiobooks on CD to loan out. It's possible we can create an AudioBook class, and this will have properties like title, authorFirstName and authorLastName just like the Book class:

class AudioBook {
  constructor(id, title, authorFirstName, authorLastName) { = id;
    this.title = title;
    this.authorFirstName = authorFirstName;
    this.authorLastName = authorLastName;
    this.lengthInMinutes = 90;

You'll see that the AudioBook class is exactly like the Book class but with a lengthInMinutes property added. Rather than constructing it this way, we can reuse code in the Book class instead by making AudioBook a child, or subclass, or Book:

class AudioBook extends Book {
  constructor(id, title, authorFirstName, authorLastName, lengthInMinutes) {
    super(id, title, authorFirstName, authorLastName);
    this.lengthInMinutes = 90;

let myAudioBook = new AudioBook(55234, "Principles of OO Design", "Barbara", "Liskov", 206);

The relationship between AudioBook as the parent class and Book as the child class comprises a class hierarchy. A class hierarchy can go on for multiple levels of parents and children, and parents can have many children. For example the library might have e-books--an ElectronicBook class which is also a child of Book, making it a sibling of AudioBook.

And what if our library has special items, like telescopes, to lend out? We might want to add a parent above Book, called LoanItem. Telescope would be a subclass of LoanItem, at the same level as Book.

The entire class hierarchy would then look like this:

        /  \
       /    \
      /      \
Telescope    Book
             /  \
            /    \
           /      \
     AudioBook   ElectronicBook

Overriding happens when a subclass changes a value or behavior inherited from its parent class. For example, let's say that in our library application, every object that can be borrowed has a renewalLimit property, which is the maximum amount of times one borrower can renew a loan.

The Book class might look like this:

class Book {
  constructor(id, title, authorFirstName, authorLastName) { = id;
    this.title = title;
    this.authorFirstName = authorFirstName;
    this.authorLastName = authorLastName;
    this.renewalLimit = 5;

Let's say that audiobooks, however, are in high demand and in short supply. So, the library might only want to let borrowers renew an audiobook loan once. In this case, the AudioBook class, which still extends (inherits from) the Book class, can look like this:

class AudioBook extends Book {
  constructor(id, title, authorFirstName, authorLastName, lengthInMinutes) {
    super(id, title, authorFirstName, authorLastName);
    this.lengthInMinutes = 90;
    this.renewalLimit = 1;

Here the AudioBook class is overriding the renewalLimit property that it inherited from Book. While Book objects have a renewalLimit value of 5, AudioBook objects have a renewalLimit of just 1.


Polymorphism is the ability to get different behaviors from objects even when the same method is being called. When we use polymorphism, we may not even know the subclass of the object we are accessing. This is because of inheritance: an object created from a subclass will have all the properties and methods inherited from any parent class in the hierarchy. And as long as we use a property or method that exists in a parent class, we don't need to actually know the subclass of the object.

To explore this, let's say that our Borrower class has a method called checkOut(). It takes a single argument, which is an object of type Book or any subclass of Book. The purpose of this method is to check out a book from the library by creating a new loan object.

class Borrower {
  constructor(id, firstName, middleInitial, lastName, phoneNumber) { = id;
    this.firstName = firstName;
    this.middleInitial = middleInitial;
    this.lastName = lastName;
    this.phoneNumber = phoneNumber;

  checkOut(book) {
    let loan = new Loan(this, book);

Here is the Loan class:

class Loan {
  constructor(borrower, book) { = autoincrement();  // autoincrement is a method we defined elsewhere in the application
    this.bookId =;
    this.borrowerId =;
    this.borrowedDate = new Date();
    this.dueDate = book.calculateDueDate(borrowedDate);

Notice that the loan's dueDate property is populated by a method called calculateDueDate() which belongs to the book object. The Book and AudioBook classes both implement this method. But let's say the calculation is different, because a book can be lent out for 3 weeks while an audiobook can be lent out for two weeks.

class Book {
  calculateDueDate(borrowedDate) {
    return borrowedDate.setDate(borrowedDate.getDate() + 21);  // 21 days is 3 weeks

class AudioBook {
  calculateDueDate(borrowedDate) {
    return borrowedDate.setDate(borrowedDate.getDate() + 14);  // 14 days is 2 weeks

In this case, when the loan object is being created, the Loan class constructor has no idea what subclass is being passed in. It could be an object from the Book class, or it could be an object from the AudioBook class. Yet the Loan constructor knows that whatever object is passed in has a calculateDueDate() method, because all subclasses of Book will either inherit that method as is, or override it, as in the case of AudioBook.

The Loan constructor is using the calculateDueDate() method polymorphically. It's the same method name, regardless of the subclass. But the behavior differs: in the case of a Book object, the value returned will be 3 weeks from borrowedDate; in the case of an AudioBook object, the value return will be 2 weeks from borrowedDate.

Things to Remember

  • If a property name is composed of multiple words, the convention is to use CamelCase.
  • If a property name with spaces is absolutely required, then you'll only be able to use braket notation to access it's associated value. You won't be able to use dot-notation.
  • Accessing the value of an Object Literal's properties with dot-notation makes the code easier to read and requires less typing. But bracket-notation allows for dynamic accessing, like what you do when you use a loop
  • An Object Literal's values can be any data type, but its properties can only be strings
  • Object Literals can be nested in complex ways
  • All Object Literals come with some default methods, such as .hasOwnProperty()
  • Never use reserved keywords for property names (like function, var, switch, etc.)


Instructor demonstrates in the video walkthrough how to work with a Class in JavaScript.

Independent Practice

Come up with an idea of a somewhat complex software application. Brainstorm/diagram what class hierarchies you might use when writing the application.


Extend the "Independent Practice" exercise above by brainstorming the different properties and methods that might exist in your classes. Write the code fo these classes. Write some code that instantiates the classes.

Check for Understanding

Explain the diagram of your classes to a partner. Discuss if there are other classes that might make more sense.