- Functions
- Predicate Schemas
- Function Schemas
- Defn Schemas
- Development Instumentation
- Defn Schemas via metadata
In Clojure, functions are first-class. Here's a simple function:
(defn plus [x y]
(+ x y))
(plus 1 2)
; => 3
Simplest way to describe function values with malli is to use predefined predicate schemas fn?
and ifn?
(require '[malli.core :as m])
(m/validate fn? plus)
; => true
(m/validate ifn? plus)
; => true
Note that ifn?
also accepts many data-structures that can be used as functions:
(m/validate ifn? :kikka)
; => true
(m/validate ifn? {})
; => true
But, neither of the predefined function predicate schemas can validate function arity, function arguments or return values. As it stands, there is no robust way to programmatically check function arity at runtime.
Enter, function schemas.
Function values can be described with :=>
and :function
schemas. They allows description of both function arguments (as sequence schemas) and function return values.
Examples of function definitions:
;; no args, no return
[:=> :cat :nil]
;; int -> int
[:=> [:cat :int] :int]
;; x:int, xs:int* -> int
[:=> [:catn
[:x :int]
[:xs [:+ :int]]] :int]
;; multi-arity function
[:=> [:cat :int] :int]
[:=> [:cat :int :int [:* :int]] :int]]
Function definition for the plus
looks like this:
(def =>plus [:=> [:cat :int :int] :int])
Let's try:
(m/validate =>plus plus)
; => true
But, wait, as there was no way to know the function arity & other information at runtime, so how did the validation work? Actually, it didn't. By default. :=>
validation just checks that it's a fn?
, so this holds too:
(m/validate =>plus str)
; => true
Enter, generative testing.
Like clojure.spec demonstrated, we can use test.check to check the functions at runtime. For this, there is :malli.core/function-checker
(require '[malli.generator :as mg])
(def =>plus
[:=> [:cat :int :int] :int]
{::m/function-checker mg/function-checker}))
(m/validate =>plus plus)
; => true
(m/validate =>plus str)
; => false
Explanation why it is not valid:
(m/explain =>plus str)
;{:schema [:=> [:cat :int :int] :int],
; :value #object[clojure.core$str],
; :errors (#Error{:path [],
; :in [],
; :schema [:=> [:cat :int :int] :int],
; :value #object[clojure.core$str],
; :check {:total-nodes-visited 0,
; :depth 0,
; :pass? false,
; :result false,
; :result-data nil,
; :time-shrinking-ms 1,
; :smallest [(0 0)],
; :malli.generator/explain-output {:schema :int,
; :value "00",
; :errors (#Error{:path []
; :in []
; :schema :int
; :value "00"})}}})}
Smallest failing invocation is (str 0 0)
, which returns "00"
, which is not an :int
. Looks good.
But, why mg/function-checker
is not enabled by default? The reason is that it uses generartive testing, which is orders of magnitude slower than normal validation and requires an extra dependency to test.check
, which would make malli.core
much heavier. This would be expecially bad for CLJS bundle size.
We can also generate function implementations based on the function schemas. The generated functions check the function arity and arguments at runtime and return generated values.
(def plus-gen (mg/generate =>plus))
(plus-gen 1)
; =throws=> :malli.core/invalid-arity {:arity 1, :arities #{{:min 2, :max 2}}, :args [1], :input [:cat :int :int], :schema [:=> [:cat :int :int] :int]}
(plus-gen 1 "2")
; =throws=> :malli.core/invalid-input {:input [:cat :int :int], :args [1 "2"], :schema [:=> [:cat :int :int] :int]}
(plus-gen 1 2)
; => -1
Multi-arity functions can be composed with :function
;; multi-arity fn with function checking always on
(def =>my-fn
[:function {:registry {::small-int [:int {:min -100, :max 100}]}}
[:=> [:cat ::small-int] :int]
[:=> [:cat ::small-int ::small-int [:* ::small-int]] :int]]
{::m/function-checker mg/function-checker}))
([x] x)
([x y & z] (apply - (- x y) z))))
; => true
([x] x)
([x y & z] (str x y z))))
; => false
([x] x)
([x y & z] (str x y z))))
;{:schema [:function
; {:registry {::small-int [:int {:min -100, :max 100}]}}
; [:=> [:cat ::small-int] :int]
; [:=> [:cat ::small-int ::small-int [:* ::small-int]] :int]],
; :value #object[malli.core_test$eval27255$fn__27256],
; :errors (#Error{:path [],
; :in [],
; :schema [:function
; {:registry {::small-int [:int {:min -100, :max 100}]}}
; [:=> [:cat ::small-int] :int]
; [:=> [:cat ::small-int ::small-int [:* ::small-int]] :int]],
; :value #object[malli.core_test$eval27255$fn__27256],
; :check ({:total-nodes-visited 2,
; :depth 1,
; :pass? false,
; :result false,
; :result-data nil,
; :time-shrinking-ms 0,
; :smallest [(0 0)],
; :malli.generator/explain-output {:schema :int,
; :value "00",
; :errors (#Error{:path []
; :in []
; :schema :int
; :value "00"})}})})}
Generating multi-arity functions:
(def my-fn-gen (mg/generate =>my-fn))
; =throws=> :malli.core/invalid-arity {:arity 0, :arities #{1 :varargs}, :args nil, :input nil, :schema [:function {:registry {::small-int [:int {:min -100, :max 100}]}} [:=> [:cat ::small-int] :int] [:=> [:cat ::small-int ::small-int [:* ::small-int]] :int]]}
(my-fn-gen 1)
; => -3237
(my-fn-gen 1 2)
; => --543
(my-fn-gen 1 2 3 4)
; => -2326
Besides testing function schemas as values, we can also intrument functions to enable runtime validation of arguments and return values.
Simplest way to do this is to use m/-instrument
which takes options map and a function and returns a instrumented function. Valid options include:
key | description |
:schema |
function schema |
:scope |
optional set of scope definitions, defaults to #{:input :output} |
:report |
optional side-effecting function of key data -> any to report problems, defaults to m/-fail! |
:gen |
optional function of schema -> schema -> value to be invoked on the args to get the return value |
Instrumentig a function with input & return constraints:
(def pow
{:schema [:=> [:cat :int] [:int {:max 6}]]}
(fn [x] (* x x))))
(pow 2)
; => 4
(pow "2")
; =throws=> :malli.core/invalid-input {:input [:cat :int], :args ["2"], :schema [:=> [:cat :int] [:int {:max 6}]]}
(pow 4)
; =throws=> :malli.core/invalid-output {:output [:int {:max 6}], :value 16, :args [4], :schema [:=> [:cat :int] [:int {:max 6}]]}
(pow 4 2)
; =throws=> :malli.core/invalid-arity {:arity 2, :arities #{{:min 1, :max 1}}, :args [4 2], :input [:cat :int], :schema [:=> [:cat :int] [:int {:max 6}]]}
Example of a multi-arity function with instrumentation scopes and custom reporting function:
(def multi-arity-pow
{:schema [:function
[:=> [:cat :int] [:int {:max 6}]]
[:=> [:cat :int :int] [:int {:max 6}]]]
:scope #{:input :output}
:report println}
([x] (* x x))
([x y] (* x y)))))
(multi-arity-pow 4)
; =prints=> :malli.core/invalid-output {:output [:int {:max 6}], :value 16, :args [4], :schema [:=> [:cat :int] [:int {:max 6}]]}
; => 16
(multi-arity-pow 5 0.1)
; =prints=> :malli.core/invalid-input {:input [:cat :int :int], :args [5 0.1], :schema [:=> [:cat :int :int] [:int {:max 6}]]}
; =prints=> :malli.core/invalid-output {:output [:int {:max 6}], :value 0.5, :args [5 0.1], :schema [:=> [:cat :int :int] [:int {:max 6}]]}
; => 0.5
With :gen
we can omit the function body. Here's an example to generate random values based on the return schema:
(def pow-gen
{:schema [:function
[:=> [:cat :int] [:int {:max 6}]]
[:=> [:cat :int :int] [:int {:max 6}]]]
:gen mg/generate}))
(pow-gen 10)
; => -253
(pow-gen 10 20)
; => -159
(pow-gen 10 20 30)
; =throws=> :malli.core/invalid-arity {:arity 3, :arities #{1 2}, :args (10 20 30), :input nil, :schema [:function [:=> [:cat :int] [:int {:max 6}]] [:=> [:cat :int :int] [:int {:max 6}]]]}
Function Vars (e.g. defn
) can be annotated with function schemas using m/=>
macro, which stores the var -> schema mappings in a global registry.
A simple function (Var) and schema for it:
(defn plus1 [x] (inc x))
(m/=> plus1 [:=> [:cat :int] [:int {:max 6}]])
The order doesn't matter, so this also works:
(m/=> plus1 [:=> [:cat :int] [:int {:max 6}]])
(defn plus1 [x] (inc x))
Listing the current accumulation of function (Var) schemas:
;{user {plus1 {:schema [:=> [:cat :int] [:int {:max 6}]]
; :meta nil
; :ns user
; :name plus1}}}
The function (Var) registry is passive and doesn't do anything by itself. To instrument the Vars based on the registry, there is the malli.instrument
namespace. Var instrumentations focus is for development time, but can also be used for production builds.
(require '[malli.instrument :as mi])
Vars can be instrumented with mi/instrument!
and the instrumentation can be removed with mi/unstrument!
(plus1 6)
; => 7
;; instrument all registered vars
(plus1 6)
; =throws=> :malli.core/invalid-output {:output [:int {:max 6}], :value 9, :args [8], :schema [:=> [:cat :int] [:int {:max 6}]]}
(plus1 6)
; => 7
Instrumentation can be configured with the same options as m/-instrument
and with a set of :filters
to select which Vars should be instrumented.
{:filters [;; everything from user ns
(mi/-filter-ns 'user)
;; ... and some vars
(mi/-filter-var #{#'plus})
;; all other vars with :always-validate meta
(mi/-filter-var #(-> % meta :always-validate))]
;; scope
:scope #{:input :output}
;; just print
:report println})
(plus1 8)
; =prints=> :malli.core/invalid-output {:output [:int {:max 6}], :value 9, :args [8], :schema [:=> [:cat :int] [:int {:max 6}]]}
; => 9
We can also check the defn schemas against their function implementations using mg/check!
. It takes same options as mi/instrument!
Checking all registered schemas:
;{user/plus1 {:schema [:=> [:cat :int] [:int {:max 6}]],
; :value #object[user$plus1],
; :errors (#Error{:path [],
; :in [],
; :schema [:=> [:cat :int] [:int {:max 6}]],
; :value #object[user$plus1],
; :check {:total-nodes-visited 12,
; :depth 4,
; :pass? false,
; :result false,
; :result-data nil,
; :time-shrinking-ms 0,
; :smallest [(6)],
; :malli.generator/explain-output {:schema [:int {:max 6}],
; :value 7,
; :errors (#Error{:path [],
; :in [],
; :schema [:int {:max 6}],
; :value 7})}}})}}
It reports that the plus1
is not correct. It accepts :int
but promises to return [:int {:max 6}]
. Let's fix the contract by constraining the input values.
(m/=> plus1 [:=> [:cat [:int {:max 5}]] [:int {:max 6}]])
; => nil
All good! But, it's still wrong as the actual implementation allows invalid inputs resulting in invalid outputs (e.g. 6
-> 7
). We could enable instrumentation for the function to fail on invalid inputs at runtime - or write similar range checks ourselves into the function body.
A pragmatically correct schema for plus1
would be [:=> [:cat :int] [:int]]
. It also checks, but would fail on Long/MAX_VALUE
as input. Fully correct schema would be [:=> [:cat [:int {:max (dec Long/MAX_VALUE)}] [:int]]]
. Generative testing is best effort, not a silver bullet.
We redefined plus1
function schema and the instrumentation is now out of sync. We have to call mi/instrument!
to re-instrument it correctly.
;; the old schema & old error
(plus1 6)
; =throws=> :malli.core/invalid-output {:output [:int {:max 6}], :value 9, :args [8], :schema [:=> [:cat :int] [:int {:max 6}]]}
;; the new schema & new error
(plus1 6)
; =throws=> :malli.core/invalid-input {:input [:cat [:int {:max 5}]], :args [6], :schema [:=> [:cat [:int {:max 5}]] [:int {:max 6}]]}
This is not good developer experience.
We can do better.
For better DX, there is malli.dev
(require '[malli.dev :as dev])
It's main entry points is dev/start!
, taking same options as mi/instrument!
. It runs mi/instrument!
once and starts watching the function registry for changes. Any change that matches the filters will cause automatic re-instrumentation for the functions. dev/stop!
removes all instrumentation and stops watching the registry.
(defn plus1 [x] (inc x))
(m/=> plus1 [:=> [:cat :int] [:int {:max 6}]])
; =prints=> ..instrumented #'user/plus1
; =prints=> started instrumentation
(plus1 "6")
; =throws=> :malli.core/invalid-input {:input [:cat :int], :args ["6"], :schema [:=> [:cat :int] [:int {:max 6}]]}
(plus1 6)
; =throws=> :malli.core/invalid-output {:output [:int {:max 6}], :value 9, :args [8], :schema [:=> [:cat :int] [:int {:max 6}]]}
(m/=> plus1 [:=> [:cat :int] :int])
; =prints=> ..instrumented #'user/plus1
(plus 6)
; => 7
; =prints=> ..unstrumented #'user/plus1
; =prints=> stopped instrumentation
Running malli.dev
instrumentation also emits clj-kondo type configs for all defn
s, enabling basic static type checking/linting for the instrumented functions.
Here's the above code in Cursive IDE with clj-kondo enabled:
Another option to define defn
schemas is to use standard Var metadata. It allows defn
schema documentation and instrumentation without dependencies to malli itself from the functions. Itä's just data.
(defn minus
"a normal clojure function, no dependencies to malli"
{:malli/schema [:=> [:cat :int] [:int {:min 6}]]}
(dec x))
To enable instrumentation for the defn
, we need to call mi/collect!
. It reads all public vars from a given namespace and registers function schemas from :malli/schema
; => #{#'user/minus}
; =prints=> ..instrumented #'user/minus
(minus 6)
; =throws=> :malli.core/invalid-output {:output [:int {:min 6}], :value 5, :args [6], :schema [:=> [:cat :int] [:int {:min 6}]]}
All keys with malli
namespace are read. The list of relevant keys:
key | description |
:malli/schema |
function schema |
:malli/scope |
optional set of scope definitions, defaults to #{:input :output} |
:malli/report |
optional side-effecting function of key data -> any to report problems, defaults to m/-fail! |
:malli/gen |
optional value true or function of schema -> schema -> value to be invoked on the args to get the return value |
Setting :malli/gen
to true
while function body generation is enabled with mi/instrument!
allows body to be generated, to return valid generated data.
Example of using malli.dev
instrumentation with var meta-data:
(ns domain)
;; just data
(def User
[:name :string]
[:age [:int {:min 0, :max 120}]]
[:address [:map
[:street :string]
[:country [:enum "fi" "po"]]]]])
;; empty function
(defn get-user
"given an id, returns a user or nil"
{:malli/schema [:=> [:cat :int] [:maybe User]]
:malli/scope #{:input :output}
:malli/gen true}
;; inject malli (at develpoment time)
(require '[malli.dev :as dev])
(require '[malli.instrument :as mi])
(require '[malli.generator :as mg])
; #{#'domain/get-user}
(dev/start! {:gen mg/generate})
; =prints=> ..instrumented #'domain/get-user
; =prints=> started instrumentation
(get-user "1") ;; <- static checking
; =throws=> :malli.core/invalid-input {:input [:cat :int], :args ["1"], :schema [:=> [:cat :int] [:maybe [:map [:name :string] [:age [:int {:min 0, :max 120}]] [:address [:map [:street :string] [:country [:enum "fi" "po"]]]]]]]}
(get-user 1)
;{:name "7YL9cHGy"
; :age 76
; :address {:street "Zia1u8V8r58P8Cs6Xb1GF2Hd1C"
; :country "fi"}}
; =prints=> ..unstrumented #'domain/get-user
; =prints=> stopped instrumentation
Here's the same code in Cursive IDE with clj-kondo enabled:
- pretty printer for schema errors
- support Schema defn syntax
- better integration with clj-kondo and clojure-lsp for enchanced DX.