diff --git a/esx_policejob.sql b/esx_policejob.sql index 9f4267f..514912f 100644 --- a/esx_policejob.sql +++ b/esx_policejob.sql @@ -1,3 +1,5 @@ +USE `es_extended`; + INSERT INTO `addon_account` (name, label, shared) VALUES ('society_police', 'Police', 1) ; @@ -11,15 +13,24 @@ INSERT INTO `addon_inventory` (name, label, shared) VALUES ; INSERT INTO `jobs` (name, label) VALUES - ('police', 'Police') + ('police', 'ORFK') ; INSERT INTO `job_grades` (job_name, grade, name, label, salary, skin_male, skin_female) VALUES - ('police',0,'recruit','Recruit',20,'{}','{}'), - ('police',1,'officer','Officer',40,'{}','{}'), - ('police',2,'sergeant','Sergeant',60,'{}','{}'), - ('police',3,'lieutenant','Lieutenant',85,'{}','{}'), - ('police',4,'boss','Chief',100,'{}','{}') + ('police',0,'r0','Kadét',3000,'{}','{}'), + ('police',1,'r1','Rendőrtiszt',3500,'{}','{}'), + ('police',2,'r2','Szolgálatparancsnok',4000,'{}','{}'), + ('police',3,'r3','Őrmester',4500,'{}','{}'), + ('police',4,'r4','Törzsörmester',5500,'{}','{}'), + ('police',5,'r5','Főtörzsörmester',6000,'{}','{}'), + ('police',6,'r6','Zsászlós',6500,'{}','{}'), + ('police',7,'r7','Törzsászlós',7000,'{}','{}'), + ('police',8,'r8','Főtörsászlós',7500,'{}','{}'), + ('police',9,'r9','Hadnagy',8000,'{}','{}'), + ('police',10,'r10','Főhadnagy',8500,'{}','{}'), + ('police',11,'r11','Őrnagy',9000,'{}','{}'), + ('police',12,'boss','Ezredes',9500,'{}','{}'), + ('police',13,'boss','Vezérezredes',10000,'{}','{}') ; CREATE TABLE `fine_types` ( @@ -33,56 +44,56 @@ CREATE TABLE `fine_types` ( INSERT INTO `fine_types` (label, amount, category) VALUES - ('Misuse of a horn', 30, 0), - ('Illegally Crossing a continuous Line', 40, 0), - ('Driving on the wrong side of the road', 250, 0), - ('Illegal U-Turn', 250, 0), - ('Illegally Driving Off-road', 170, 0), - ('Refusing a Lawful Command', 30, 0), - ('Illegally Stopping a Vehicle', 150, 0), - ('Illegal Parking', 70, 0), - ('Failing to Yield to the right', 70, 0), - ('Failure to comply with Vehicle Information', 90, 0), - ('Failing to stop at a Stop Sign ', 105, 0), - ('Failing to stop at a Red Light', 130, 0), - ('Illegal Passing', 100, 0), - ('Driving an illegal Vehicle', 100, 0), - ('Driving without a License', 1500, 0), - ('Hit and Run', 800, 0), - ('Exceeding Speeds Over < 5 mph', 90, 0), - ('Exceeding Speeds Over 5-15 mph', 120, 0), - ('Exceeding Speeds Over 15-30 mph', 180, 0), - ('Exceeding Speeds Over > 30 mph', 300, 0), - ('Impeding traffic flow', 110, 1), - ('Public Intoxication', 90, 1), - ('Disorderly conduct', 90, 1), - ('Obstruction of Justice', 130, 1), - ('Insults towards Civilans', 75, 1), - ('Disrespecting of an LEO', 110, 1), - ('Verbal Threat towards a Civilan', 90, 1), - ('Verbal Threat towards an LEO', 150, 1), - ('Providing False Information', 250, 1), - ('Attempt of Corruption', 1500, 1), - ('Brandishing a weapon in city Limits', 120, 2), - ('Brandishing a Lethal Weapon in city Limits', 300, 2), - ('No Firearms License', 600, 2), - ('Possession of an Illegal Weapon', 700, 2), - ('Possession of Burglary Tools', 300, 2), - ('Grand Theft Auto', 1800, 2), - ('Intent to Sell/Distrube of an illegal Substance', 1500, 2), - ('Frabrication of an Illegal Substance', 1500, 2), - ('Possession of an Illegal Substance ', 650, 2), - ('Kidnapping of a Civilan', 1500, 2), - ('Kidnapping of an LEO', 2000, 2), - ('Robbery', 650, 2), - ('Armed Robbery of a Store', 650, 2), - ('Armed Robbery of a Bank', 1500, 2), - ('Assault on a Civilian', 2000, 3), - ('Assault of an LEO', 2500, 3), - ('Attempt of Murder of a Civilian', 3000, 3), - ('Attempt of Murder of an LEO', 5000, 3), - ('Murder of a Civilian', 10000, 3), - ('Murder of an LEO', 30000, 3), - ('Involuntary manslaughter', 1800, 3), - ('Fraud', 2000, 2); + ('Usage abusif du klaxon',30,0), + ('Franchir une ligne continue',40,0), + ('Circulation à contresens',250,0), + ('Demi-tour non autorisé',250,0), + ('Circulation hors-route',170,0), + ('Non-respect des distances de sécurité',30,0), + ('Arrêt dangereux / interdit',150,0), + ('Stationnement gênant / interdit',70,0), + ('Non respect de la priorité à droite',70,0), + ('Non-respect à un véhicule prioritaire',90,0), + ('Non-respect d\'un stop',105,0), + ('Non-respect d\'un feu rouge',130,0), + ('Dépassement dangereux',100,0), + ('Véhicule non en état',100,0), + ('Conduite sans permis',1500,0), + ('Délit de fuite',800,0), + ('Excès de vitesse < 5 kmh',90,0), + ('Excès de vitesse 5-15 kmh',120,0), + ('Excès de vitesse 15-30 kmh',180,0), + ('Excès de vitesse > 30 kmh',300,0), + ('Entrave de la circulation',110,1), + ('Dégradation de la voie publique',90,1), + ('Trouble à l\'ordre publique',90,1), + ('Entrave opération de police',130,1), + ('Insulte envers / entre civils',75,1), + ('Outrage à agent de police',110,1), + ('Menace verbale ou intimidation envers civil',90,1), + ('Menace verbale ou intimidation envers policier',150,1), + ('Manifestation illégale',250,1), + ('Tentative de corruption',1500,1), + ('Arme blanche sortie en ville',120,2), + ('Arme léthale sortie en ville',300,2), + ('Port d\'arme non autorisé (défaut de license)',600,2), + ('Port d\'arme illégal',700,2), + ('Pris en flag lockpick',300,2), + ('Vol de voiture',1800,2), + ('Vente de drogue',1500,2), + ('Fabriquation de drogue',1500,2), + ('Possession de drogue',650,2), + ('Prise d\'ôtage civil',1500,2), + ('Prise d\'ôtage agent de l\'état',2000,2), + ('Braquage particulier',650,2), + ('Braquage magasin',650,2), + ('Braquage de banque',1500,2), + ('Tir sur civil',2000,3), + ('Tir sur agent de l\'état',2500,3), + ('Tentative de meurtre sur civil',3000,3), + ('Tentative de meurtre sur agent de l\'état',5000,3), + ('Meurtre sur civil',10000,3), + ('Meurte sur agent de l\'état',30000,3), + ('Meurtre involontaire',1800,3), + ('Escroquerie à l\'entreprise',2000,2) ;