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Reduction Types

Flow implements a number of reduction strategies for use within schemas, which tell Flow how two instances of a document can be meaningfully combined together.


In Flow, documents having the same collection key and written to the same logical partition have a "total order", meaning that one document is universally understood to have been written before the other.

This doesn't hold for documents of the same key written to different logical partitions. These documents can be considered "mostly" ordered: Flow uses timestamps to understand the relative ordering of these documents, and while this largely does the "Right Thing", small amounts of re-ordering are possible and even likely.

Flow guarantees exactly-once semantics within derived collections and materializations (so long as the target system supports transactions), and a document reduction will be applied exactly one time.

Flow does not guarantee that documents are reduced in sequential order, directly into a "base" document. For example, documents of a single Flow ingest transaction are combined together into one document per collection key at ingestion time -- and that document may be again combined with still others, and so on until a final reduction into the base document occurs.

Taken together, these "total order" and "exactly-once" guarantees mean that reduction strategies must be associative [e.g. (2 + 3) + 4 = 2 + (3 + 4) ], but need not be commutative [ 2 + 3 = 3 + 2 ] or idempotent [ S u S = S ]. They expand the palette of strategies which can be implemented, and allow for more efficient implementations as compared to, e.g., CRDTs.

In documentation, we'll refer to the "left-hand side" (LHS) as the preceding document, and the "right-hand side" (RHS) as the following one. Keep in mind that both the LHS and RHS may themselves represent a combination of still more ordered documents (e.g, reductions are applied associatively).


See append.flow.yaml.

append works with arrays, and extends the left-hand array with items of the right-hand side. The right-hand side must always be an array. The left-hand side may be null, in which case the reduction is treated as a no-op and its result remains null. This can be combined with schema conditionals to "toggle" whether reduction reduction should be done or not.

firstWriteWins / lastWriteWins

See fww_lww.flow.yaml.

firstWriteWins always takes the first value seen at the annotated location. Likewise lastWriteWins always takes the last. Schemas which don't have an explicit reduce annotation default to lastWriteWins behavior.


See merge.flow.yaml.

merge reduces the LHS and RHS by recursively reducing shared document locations. The LHS and RHS must either both be objects, or both be arrays.

If both sides are objects then it performs a deep merge of each property. If LHS and RHS are both arrays then items at each index of both sides are merged together, extending the shorter of the two sides by taking items of the longer.

merge With Key

See merge_key.flow.yaml.

Merge may also take a key, which is one or more JSON pointers that are relative to the reduced location. If both sides are arrays and a merge key is present, then a deep sorted merge of the respective items is done, as ordered by the key. Arrays must be pre-sorted and de-duplicated by the key, and merge itself always maintains this invariant.

Note that a key of [""] can be used for natural item ordering, e.g. when merging sorted arrays of scalars.

As with append, the left-hand side of merge may be null, in which case the reduction is treated as a no-op and its result remains null.

minimize / maximize

See min_max.flow.yaml.

minimize and maximize reduce by taking the smallest (or largest) seen value.

minimize / maximize With Key.

See min_max_key.flow.yaml.

Minimize and maximize can also take a key, which is one or more JSON pointers that are relative to the reduced location. Keys make it possible to min/max over complex types, by ordering over an extracted composite key.

In the event that a RHS document key equals the current LHS minimum (or maximum), then documents are deeply merged. This can be used to, for example, track not just the minimum value but also the number of times it's been seen.

set With Object.

See set.flow.yaml.

set interprets the document location as an update to a set. The location must be an object having only "add", "intersect", and "remove" properties. Any single "add", "intersect", or "remove" is always allowed.

A document with "intersect" and "add" is allowed, and is interpreted as applying the intersection to the LHS set, followed by a union with the additions.

A document with "remove" and "add" is also allowed, and is interpreted as applying the removals to the base set, followed by a union with the additions.

"remove" and "intersect" within the same document is prohibited.

Set additions are deeply merged. This makes sets behave like associative maps, where the "value" of a set member can be updated by adding it to set again, with a reducible update.

set With Array

See set_array.flow.yaml.

Sets can also be sorted arrays, which are ordered using a provide key extractor. Keys are given as one or more JSON pointers, each relative to the item. As with "merge", arrays must be pre-sorted and de-duplicated by the key, and set reductions always maintain this invariant

Use a key extractor of [""] to apply the natural ordering of scalar values.

Whether array or object types are used, the type must always be consistent across the "add" / "intersect" / "remove" terms of both sides of the reduction.


See sum.flow.yaml. sum reduces two numbers or integers by adding their values.

Composing with Conditionals

Reduction strategies are JSON Schema annotations, and as such their applicability at a given document location can be controlled through the use of conditional keywords within the schema like oneOf or if/then/else. This means Flow's built-in strategies below can be combined with schema conditionals to construct a wider variety of custom reduction behaviors.

For example, see reset_counter.flow.yaml for a reset-able counter.