- Take a screen shot of an example haiku to include in the read me.
- Demo gif of each component of the haiku app.
- What else needs to be in the ReadMe?
- Get the poems to show up in each card.
- line up each card in a fixed scroll on the side?
- Make the syllable box bigger?
- Make the syllable counter reset to empty if the input fields are empty.
- put more space between the new poem form and the existing user poem container
App Decisions
- Refactor functions to so that you're not recalling same function three different times.
- Get rid of the user sign in function and just have a poems model in the backendß
Then you also need to add an event listener to the submit button, if the user is not logged in, they get an alert that says they need to login.
The syllable counter turns to 1 when you enter a title
create custom route so you can access the current user's poems instead of filtering through all poems.