The Collection in Java is a framework that provides an architecture to store and manipulate the group of objects.
- ArrayList
- LinkedList
- Stack
- HashMap
- HashMap
- ArrayList
Data structure is a way of organizing data in the computer so that it can be used effectively. The data structures used in this project are:
Linked List
The array data structure is implemented using ArrayList class which is a resizable array.It stores data in contiguous memory locations.
Hashmap data structure is used to store key-value pairs.
The stack data structure required by the algorithm is implemented using linked list.It follows the principle Last In First Out(LIFO)
Heap is implemented with the help of ArrayList and HashMap.It is a tree based data structure where all elements of the tree are in a particular order.
Graph is a complex data structure containing vertices and edges connecting these vertices.This is implemented in the project with the help of ArrayList and HashMap.