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xDS protocol - CDS/EDS

Connect to upstream server

Now, we are ready to connect to upstream server and let others know the established connections.

Connect endpoint

This is the third article of EDS processing. Please see Start connection to get more background about this stage. In this stage, we continue the discussion of xDS protocol: connect to upstream server. xDS will create the transport connection with endpoint and notify the connection state to gRPC core. Here is the map for this stage. In this map:

xDS protocol: 8

  • Yellow box represents the important type and method/function.
  • Green box represents a function run in a dedicated goroutine.
  • Arrow represents the call direction and order.
  • Grey bar and arrow represents the channel communication for ccb.scBuffer.
  • Left red dot represents the box is a continue part from other map.
  • Right red dot represents there is a extension map for that box.

xDS endpoint connect is very similar to Dial process part II. We will not repeat the similar process. The main difference of xDS endpoint connect is how ccBalancerWrapper.watcher() notify xDS. We will focus on this notification, that is the key point of this article.

You should remember the result of xDS endpoint connect: After the calling of addrConn.connect(), ac.resetTransport() goroutine will runs in the background (asynchronously) and connects with the specified endpoint. The established connection is stored in ac.transport for later using.

During the discussion, you can refer to xDS wrappers to find the type relationship.

Now we have connected with the upstream server. gRPC need to be notified. There are two phases:

  • UpdateSubConnState() is called by gRPC when the state of a SubConn changes.
  • UpdateState() notifies gRPC that the balancer's internal state has
// connect starts creating a transport.
// It does nothing if the ac is not IDLE.
// TODO(bar) Move this to the addrConn section.
func (ac *addrConn) connect() error {
    if ac.state == connectivity.Shutdown {
        return errConnClosing
    if ac.state != connectivity.Idle {
        return nil
    // Update connectivity state within the lock to prevent subsequent or
    // concurrent calls from resetting the transport more than once.
    ac.updateConnectivityState(connectivity.Connecting, nil)

    // Start a goroutine connecting to the server asynchronously.
    go ac.resetTransport()
    return nil

Update sub-connection state

The cluster manager has a balancer group, which contains CDS balancers. Each CDS balancer has a EDS balancer. The EDS balancer also has a balancer group, which contains endpoint balancers. See xDS wrappers for detail. The connection state update will be very complex. All the above mentioned balancers and balancer group will get involved.

In this stage, xDS will updates the connection state and generates picker to gRPC core. Here is the map for this stage. In this map:

xDS protocol: 9

  • Yellow box represents the important type and method/function.
  • Green box represents a function run in a dedicated goroutine.
  • Arrow represents the call direction and order.
  • Pink arrow represents the channel communication for b.updateCh.
  • Green arrow represents the channel communication for x.childPolicyUpdate and x.grpcUpdate.
  • Left red dot represents the box is a continue part from other map.
  • Right red dot represents there is a extension map for that box.

Let's start our discussion from ccBalancerWrapper.watcher().

  • ccBalancerWrapper.watcher() is waiting on channel ccb.scBuffer.

  • Upon receive the scStateUpdate message, ccBalancerWrapper.watcher() calls ccb.balancer.UpdateSubConnState() to notify xDS.

  • In this case, ccb.balancer is cluster manager. See Create cluster manager for detail.

  • Which means ccb.balancer.UpdateSubConnState() is actually bal.UpdateSubConnState().

  • watcher() calls ccb.balancer.UpdateSubConnState() and passes the SubConn and SubConnState.

// watcher balancer functions sequentially, so the balancer can be implemented
// lock-free.
func (ccb *ccBalancerWrapper) watcher() {
    for {
        select {
        case t := <-ccb.scBuffer.Get():
            if ccb.done.HasFired() {
            su := t.(*scStateUpdate)
            ccb.balancer.UpdateSubConnState(, balancer.SubConnState{ConnectivityState: su.state, ConnectionError: su.err})
        case <-ccb.done.Done():

        if ccb.done.HasFired() {
            scs := ccb.subConns
            ccb.subConns = nil
            for acbw := range scs {
      , errConnDrain)
            ccb.UpdateState(balancer.State{ConnectivityState: connectivity.Connecting, Picker: nil})

// scStateUpdate contains the subConn and the new state it changed to.
type scStateUpdate struct {
    sc    balancer.SubConn
    state connectivity.State
    err   error

// SubConnState describes the state of a SubConn.
type SubConnState struct {
    // ConnectivityState is the connectivity state of the SubConn.
    ConnectivityState connectivity.State
    // ConnectionError is set if the ConnectivityState is TransientFailure,
    // describing the reason the SubConn failed.  Otherwise, it is nil.
    ConnectionError error

// State indicates the state of connectivity.
// It can be the state of a ClientConn or SubConn.
type State int

+-- 17 lines: func (s State) String() string {···········································································································

const (
    // Idle indicates the ClientConn is idle.
    Idle State = iota
    // Connecting indicates the ClientConn is connecting.
    // Ready indicates the ClientConn is ready for work.
    // TransientFailure indicates the ClientConn has seen a failure but expects to recover.
    // Shutdown indicates the ClientConn has started shutting down.

bal.UpdateSubConnState() calls and forwards SubConn, SubConnState to BalancerGroup.

func (b *bal) UpdateSubConnState(sc balancer.SubConn, state balancer.SubConnState) {, state)

BalancerGroup.UpdateSubConnState() calls config.updateSubConnState() and forwards SubConn, SubConnState to subBalancerWrapper.

// Following are actions from the parent grpc.ClientConn, forward to sub-balancers.

// UpdateSubConnState handles the state for the subconn. It finds the
// corresponding balancer and forwards the update.
func (bg *BalancerGroup) UpdateSubConnState(sc balancer.SubConn, state balancer.SubConnState) {
    config, ok := bg.scToSubBalancer[sc]
    if !ok {
    if state.ConnectivityState == connectivity.Shutdown {
        // Only delete sc from the map when state changed to Shutdown.
        delete(bg.scToSubBalancer, sc)

    config.updateSubConnState(sc, state)

subBalancerWrapper.updateSubConnState() calls b.UpdateSubConnState() and forwards SubConn, SubConnState to csdBalancer.

func (sbc *subBalancerWrapper) updateSubConnState(sc balancer.SubConn, state balancer.SubConnState) {
    b := sbc.balancer
    if b == nil {
        // This sub-balancer was closed. This can happen when EDS removes a
        // locality. The balancer for this locality was already closed, and the
        // SubConns are being deleted. But SubConn state change can still
        // happen.
    b.UpdateSubConnState(sc, state)

cdsBalancer.UpdateSubConnState() wraps SubConn, SubConnState into scUpdate and sends it to b.updateCh.

// UpdateSubConnState handles subConn updates from gRPC.
func (b *cdsBalancer) UpdateSubConnState(sc balancer.SubConn, state balancer.SubConnState) {
    if b.closed.HasFired() {
        b.logger.Warningf("xds: received subConn update {%v, %v} after cdsBalancer was closed", sc, state)
    b.updateCh.Put(&scUpdate{subConn: sc, state: state})

// scUpdate wraps a subConn update received from gRPC. This is directly passed
// on to the edsBalancer.
type scUpdate struct {
    subConn balancer.SubConn
    state   balancer.SubConnState
} receives scUpdate from b.updateCh, splits it into SubConn and SubConnState and calls b.edsLB.UpdateSubConnState().

  • b.edsLB is edsBalancer.
// run is a long-running goroutine which handles all updates from gRPC. All
// methods which are invoked directly by gRPC or xdsClient simply push an
// update onto a channel which is read and acted upon right here.
func (b *cdsBalancer) run() {
    for {
        select {
        case u := <-b.updateCh.Get():
            switch update := u.(type) {
            case *ccUpdate:
            case *scUpdate:
                // SubConn updates are passthrough and are simply handed over to
                // the underlying edsBalancer.
                if b.edsLB == nil {
                    b.logger.Errorf("xds: received scUpdate {%+v} with no edsBalancer", update)
                b.edsLB.UpdateSubConnState(update.subConn, update.state)
            case *watchUpdate:

        // Close results in cancellation of the CDS watch and closing of the
        // underlying edsBalancer and is the only way to exit this goroutine.
        case <-b.closed.Done():
            b.cancelWatch = func() {}

            if b.edsLB != nil {
                b.edsLB = nil
            // This is the *ONLY* point of return from this function.
  • edsBalancer.UpdateSubConnState() wraps SubConn, SubConnState into subConnStateUpdate.
  • edsBalancer.UpdateSubConnState() sends update to channel x.grpcUpdate.
type subConnStateUpdate struct {
    sc    balancer.SubConn
    state balancer.SubConnState

func (x *edsBalancer) UpdateSubConnState(sc balancer.SubConn, state balancer.SubConnState) {
    update := &subConnStateUpdate{
        sc:    sc,
        state: state,
    select {
    case x.grpcUpdate <- update:
    case <-x.closed.Done():
} receives the subConnStateUpdate from channel x.grpcUpdate and calls edsBalancer.handleGRPCUpdate().

// run gets executed in a goroutine once edsBalancer is created. It monitors
// updates from grpc, xdsClient and load balancer. It synchronizes the
// operations that happen inside edsBalancer. It exits when edsBalancer is
// closed.
func (x *edsBalancer) run() {
    for {
        select {
        case update := <-x.grpcUpdate:
        case update := <-x.xdsClientUpdate:
        case update := <-x.childPolicyUpdate.Get():
            u := update.(*balancerStateWithPriority)
            x.edsImpl.updateState(u.priority, u.s)
        case <-x.closed.Done():

edsBalancer.handleGRPCUpdate() calls x.edsImpl.handleSubConnStateChange() for subConnStateUpdate.

  • edsBalancer.handleGRPCUpdate() splits the message into SubConn and connectivity.State as the parameter for x.edsImpl.handleSubConnStateChange().
  • x.edsImpl is edsBalancerImpl.
func (x *edsBalancer) handleGRPCUpdate(update interface{}) {
    switch u := update.(type) {
    case *subConnStateUpdate:
        x.edsImpl.handleSubConnStateChange(, u.state.ConnectivityState)
    case *balancer.ClientConnState:
        x.logger.Infof("Receive update from resolver, balancer config: %+v", u.BalancerConfig)
        cfg, _ := u.BalancerConfig.(*EDSConfig)
        if cfg == nil {
            // service config parsing failed. should never happen.

        if err := x.handleServiceConfigUpdate(cfg); err != nil {
            x.logger.Warningf("failed to update xDS client: %v", err)

        x.edsImpl.updateServiceRequestsConfig(cfg.EDSServiceName, cfg.MaxConcurrentRequests)

        // We will update the edsImpl with the new child policy, if we got a
        // different one.
        if !cmp.Equal(cfg.ChildPolicy, x.config.ChildPolicy, cmpopts.EquateEmpty()) {
            if cfg.ChildPolicy != nil {
                x.edsImpl.handleChildPolicy(cfg.ChildPolicy.Name, cfg.ChildPolicy.Config)
            } else {
                x.edsImpl.handleChildPolicy(roundrobin.Name, nil)
        x.config = cfg
    case error:
        x.handleErrorFromUpdate(u, true)
        // unreachable path
        x.logger.Errorf("wrong update type: %T", update)

edsBalancerImpl.handleSubConnStateChange() calls bg.UpdateSubConnState() with SubConn and SubConnState as parameters.

  • handleSubConnStateChange() find bgwc with sc.
  • handleSubConnStateChange() generates balancer.SubConnState with ConnectivityState is s.
  • bg is BalancerGroup. It's the priority balancer group.
// handleSubConnStateChange handles the state change and update pickers accordingly.
func (edsImpl *edsBalancerImpl) handleSubConnStateChange(sc balancer.SubConn, s connectivity.State) {
    var bgwc *balancerGroupWithConfig
    if p, ok := edsImpl.subConnToPriority[sc]; ok {
        if s == connectivity.Shutdown {
            // Only delete sc from the map when state changed to Shutdown.
            delete(edsImpl.subConnToPriority, sc)
        bgwc = edsImpl.priorityToLocalities[p]
    if bgwc == nil {
        edsImpl.logger.Infof("edsBalancerImpl: priority not found for sc state change")
    if bg :=; bg != nil {
        bg.UpdateSubConnState(sc, balancer.SubConnState{ConnectivityState: s})

BalancerGroup.UpdateSubConnState() calls config.updateSubConnState() with SubConn, SubConnState as parameters.

  • UpdateSubConnState() finds the subBalancerWrapper based on the sc parameter, and calls config.updateSubConnState().
  • UpdateSubConnState() deletes sub-connection from the map when state changed to Shutdown.
  • config is subBalancerWrapper.
// Following are actions from the parent grpc.ClientConn, forward to sub-balancers.

// UpdateSubConnState handles the state for the subconn. It finds the
// corresponding balancer and forwards the update.
func (bg *BalancerGroup) UpdateSubConnState(sc balancer.SubConn, state balancer.SubConnState) {
    config, ok := bg.scToSubBalancer[sc]
    if !ok {
    if state.ConnectivityState == connectivity.Shutdown {
        // Only delete sc from the map when state changed to Shutdown.
        delete(bg.scToSubBalancer, sc)

    config.updateSubConnState(sc, state)

subBalancerWrapper.updateSubConnState() calls b.UpdateSubConnState() with SubConn and SubConnState as parameters.

  • b is baseBalancer.
func (sbc *subBalancerWrapper) updateSubConnState(sc balancer.SubConn, state balancer.SubConnState) {
    b := sbc.balancer
    if b == nil {
        // This sub-balancer was closed. This can happen when EDS removes a
        // locality. The balancer for this locality was already closed, and the
        // SubConns are being deleted. But SubConn state change can still
        // happen.
    b.UpdateSubConnState(sc, state)

Round-robin picker

baseBalancer.UpdateSubConnState() calls b.regeneratePicker() first.

  • b.regeneratePicker() filters out all ready sub-connections.
  • b.regeneratePicker() calls b.pickerBuilder.Build() to generates a picker.
  • From xDS wrappers, we know b.pickerBuilder is rrPickerBuilder.
  • rrPickerBuilder.Build() generates a rrPicker, which contains all ready state sub-connections.
  • b.regeneratePicker() assigns the rrPicker to b.picker.
  • rrPicker.Pick() uses round-robin policy to decide which sub-connection is picked.

baseBalancer.UpdateSubConnState() calls to forward balancer.State to subBalancerWrapper.

  • Note the SubConn and SubConnState parameters is transformed into balancer.State.
  • balancer.State contains only ConnectivityState and Picker.

baseBalancer.UpdateSubConnState() finishes the UpdateSubConnState() phase and starts the UpdateState() phase.

func (b *baseBalancer) UpdateSubConnState(sc balancer.SubConn, state balancer.SubConnState) {
    s := state.ConnectivityState
    if logger.V(2) {
        logger.Infof("base.baseBalancer: handle SubConn state change: %p, %v", sc, s)
    oldS, ok := b.scStates[sc]
    if !ok {
        if logger.V(2) {
            logger.Infof("base.baseBalancer: got state changes for an unknown SubConn: %p, %v", sc, s)
    if oldS == connectivity.TransientFailure && s == connectivity.Connecting {
        // Once a subconn enters TRANSIENT_FAILURE, ignore subsequent
        // CONNECTING transitions to prevent the aggregated state from being
        // always CONNECTING when many backends exist but are all down.
    b.scStates[sc] = s
    switch s {
    case connectivity.Idle:
    case connectivity.Shutdown:
        // When an address was removed by resolver, b called RemoveSubConn but
        // kept the sc's state in scStates. Remove state for this sc here.
        delete(b.scStates, sc)
    case connectivity.TransientFailure:
        // Save error to be reported via picker.
        b.connErr = state.ConnectionError

    b.state = b.csEvltr.RecordTransition(oldS, s)

    // Regenerate picker when one of the following happens:
    //  - this sc entered or left ready
    //  - the aggregated state of balancer is TransientFailure
    //    (may need to update error message)
    if (s == connectivity.Ready) != (oldS == connectivity.Ready) ||
        b.state == connectivity.TransientFailure {
    }{ConnectivityState: b.state, Picker: b.picker})

// regeneratePicker takes a snapshot of the balancer, and generates a picker
// from it. The picker is
//  - errPicker if the balancer is in TransientFailure,
//  - built by the pickerBuilder with all READY SubConns otherwise.
func (b *baseBalancer) regeneratePicker() {
    if b.state == connectivity.TransientFailure {
        b.picker = NewErrPicker(b.mergeErrors())
    readySCs := make(map[balancer.SubConn]SubConnInfo)

    // Filter out all ready SCs from full subConn map.
    for addr, scInfo := range b.subConns {
        if st, ok := b.scStates[scInfo.subConn]; ok && st == connectivity.Ready {
            addr.Attributes = scInfo.attrs
            readySCs[scInfo.subConn] = SubConnInfo{Address: addr}
    b.picker = b.pickerBuilder.Build(PickerBuildInfo{ReadySCs: readySCs})

// PickerBuildInfo contains information needed by the picker builder to
// construct a picker.
type PickerBuildInfo struct {
    // ReadySCs is a map from all ready SubConns to the Addresses used to
    // create them.
    ReadySCs map[balancer.SubConn]SubConnInfo

// SubConnInfo contains information about a SubConn created by the base
// balancer.
type SubConnInfo struct {
    Address resolver.Address // the address used to create this SubConn

type subConnInfo struct {
    subConn balancer.SubConn
    attrs   *attributes.Attributes

// PickerBuilder creates balancer.Picker.
type PickerBuilder interface {
    // Build returns a picker that will be used by gRPC to pick a SubConn.
    Build(info PickerBuildInfo) balancer.Picker

type rrPickerBuilder struct{}

func (*rrPickerBuilder) Build(info base.PickerBuildInfo) balancer.Picker {
    logger.Infof("roundrobinPicker: newPicker called with info: %v", info)
    if len(info.ReadySCs) == 0 {
        return base.NewErrPicker(balancer.ErrNoSubConnAvailable)
    var scs []balancer.SubConn
    for sc := range info.ReadySCs {
        scs = append(scs, sc)
    return &rrPicker{
        subConns: scs,
        // Start at a random index, as the same RR balancer rebuilds a new
        // picker when SubConn states change, and we don't want to apply excess
        // load to the first server in the list.
        next: grpcrand.Intn(len(scs)),

type rrPicker struct {
    // subConns is the snapshot of the roundrobin balancer when this picker was
    // created. The slice is immutable. Each Get() will do a round robin
    // selection from it and return the selected SubConn.
    subConns []balancer.SubConn

    mu   sync.Mutex
    next int

func (p *rrPicker) Pick(balancer.PickInfo) (balancer.PickResult, error) {
    sc := p.subConns[] = ( + 1) % len(p.subConns)
    return balancer.PickResult{SubConn: sc}, nil

// State contains the balancer's state relevant to the gRPC ClientConn.
type State struct {
    // State contains the connectivity state of the balancer, which is used to
    // determine the state of the ClientConn.
    ConnectivityState connectivity.State
    // Picker is used to choose connections (SubConns) for RPCs.
    Picker Picker

Update state

subBalancerWrapper.UpdateState() calls

  • Besides balancer.State parameter, subBalancerWrapper.UpdateState() adds parameter.
  • From this point, helps to identify which subConn is used.
// UpdateState overrides balancer.ClientConn, to keep state and picker.
func (sbc *subBalancerWrapper) UpdateState(state balancer.State) {
    sbc.state = state, state)

Load report picker

BalancerGroup.updateBalancerState() adds load reporting feature to the original picker if loadStore was set.

  • For, BalancerGroup.loadStore is set to edsImpl.loadReporter, which is actually edsBalancer.lsw, a loadStoreWrapper.
  • For, BalancerGroup.loadStore is set to nil.
  • Here the loadStore is set.
  • newLoadReportPicker() generates loadReportPicker.
  • loadReportPicker.Pick() calls lrp.p.Pick() to let the original picker does the job.
  • loadReportPicker.Pick() performs load reporting for this RPC. We will not discuss load reporting in this article.

BalancerGroup.updateBalancerState() calls bg.stateAggregator.UpdateState() to send new state to the Aggregator.

// updateBalancerState: forward the new state to balancer state aggregator. The
// aggregator will create an aggregated picker and an aggregated connectivity
// state, then forward to ClientConn.
func (bg *BalancerGroup) updateBalancerState(id string, state balancer.State) {
    bg.logger.Infof("Balancer state update from locality %v, new state: %+v", id, state)
    if bg.loadStore != nil {
        // Only wrap the picker to do load reporting if loadStore was set.
        state.Picker = newLoadReportPicker(state.Picker, id, bg.loadStore)

    // Send new state to the aggregator, without holding the incomingMu.
    // incomingMu is to protect all calls to the parent ClientConn, this update
    // doesn't necessary trigger a call to ClientConn, and should already be
    // protected by aggregator's mutex if necessary.
    if bg.stateAggregator != nil {
        bg.stateAggregator.UpdateState(id, state)

type loadReportPicker struct {
    p balancer.Picker

    locality  string
    loadStore load.PerClusterReporter

func newLoadReportPicker(p balancer.Picker, id string, loadStore load.PerClusterReporter) *loadReportPicker {
    return &loadReportPicker{
        p:         p,
        locality:  id,
        loadStore: loadStore,

func (lrp *loadReportPicker) Pick(info balancer.PickInfo) (balancer.PickResult, error) {
    res, err := lrp.p.Pick(info)
    if err != nil {
        return res, err

    oldDone := res.Done
    res.Done = func(info balancer.DoneInfo) {
        if oldDone != nil {
        lrp.loadStore.CallFinished(lrp.locality, info.Err)

        load, ok := info.ServerLoad.(*orcapb.OrcaLoadReport)
        if !ok {
        lrp.loadStore.CallServerLoad(lrp.locality, serverLoadCPUName, load.CpuUtilization)
        lrp.loadStore.CallServerLoad(lrp.locality, serverLoadMemoryName, load.MemUtilization)
        for n, d := range load.RequestCost {
            lrp.loadStore.CallServerLoad(lrp.locality, n, d)
        for n, d := range load.Utilization {
            lrp.loadStore.CallServerLoad(lrp.locality, n, d)
    return res, err

Weighted picker group

Aggregator.UpdateState() first updates the state in wbsa.idToPickerState[id].

Aggregator.UpdateState() calls to update the aggregator state.

  • checks wbsa.idToPickerState to set aggregatedState.
  • sets new picker based on aggregatedState.
  • For aggregatedState is connectivity.Ready, calls newWeightedPickerGroup() to set the picker. We will discuss newWeightedPickerGroup() in the following section.
  • generates balancer.State based on aggregatedState and picker.

Aggregator.UpdateState() calls to propagate the state to edsBalancerWrapperCC.

After the single sub-connection state is transformed into aggregated state.

// UpdateState is called to report a balancer state change from sub-balancer.
// It's usually called by the balancer group.
// It calls parent ClientConn's UpdateState with the new aggregated state.
func (wbsa *Aggregator) UpdateState(id string, newState balancer.State) {
    oldState, ok := wbsa.idToPickerState[id]
    if !ok {
        // All state starts with an entry in pickStateMap. If ID is not in map,
        // it's either removed, or never existed.
    if !(oldState.state.ConnectivityState == connectivity.TransientFailure && newState.ConnectivityState == connectivity.Connecting) {
        // If old state is TransientFailure, and new state is Connecting, don't
        // update the state, to prevent the aggregated state from being always
        // CONNECTING. Otherwise, stateToAggregate is the same as
        // state.ConnectivityState.
        oldState.stateToAggregate = newState.ConnectivityState
    oldState.state = newState

    if !wbsa.started {

// Aggregator is the weighted balancer state aggregator.
type Aggregator struct {
    cc     balancer.ClientConn
    logger *grpclog.PrefixLogger
    newWRR func() wrr.WRR

    mu sync.Mutex
    // If started is false, no updates should be sent to the parent cc. A closed
    // sub-balancer could still send pickers to this aggregator. This makes sure
    // that no updates will be forwarded to parent when the whole balancer group
    // and states aggregator is closed.
    started bool
    // All balancer IDs exist as keys in this map, even if balancer group is not
    // started.
    // If an ID is not in map, it's either removed or never added.
    idToPickerState map[string]*weightedPickerState

type weightedPickerState struct {
    weight uint32
    state  balancer.State
    // stateToAggregate is the connectivity state used only for state
    // aggregation. It could be different from state.ConnectivityState. For
    // example when a sub-balancer transitions from TransientFailure to
    // connecting, state.ConnectivityState is Connecting, but stateToAggregate
    // is still TransientFailure.
    stateToAggregate connectivity.State

// build combines sub-states into one.
// Caller must hold
func (wbsa *Aggregator) build() balancer.State {
    wbsa.logger.Infof("Child pickers with config: %+v", wbsa.idToPickerState)
    m := wbsa.idToPickerState
    var readyN, connectingN int
    readyPickerWithWeights := make([]weightedPickerState, 0, len(m))
    for _, ps := range m {
        switch ps.stateToAggregate {
        case connectivity.Ready:
            readyPickerWithWeights = append(readyPickerWithWeights, *ps)
        case connectivity.Connecting:
    var aggregatedState connectivity.State
    switch {
    case readyN > 0:
        aggregatedState = connectivity.Ready
    case connectingN > 0:
        aggregatedState = connectivity.Connecting
        aggregatedState = connectivity.TransientFailure

    // Make sure picker's return error is consistent with the aggregatedState.
    var picker balancer.Picker
    switch aggregatedState {
    case connectivity.TransientFailure:
        picker = base.NewErrPicker(balancer.ErrTransientFailure)
    case connectivity.Connecting:
        picker = base.NewErrPicker(balancer.ErrNoSubConnAvailable)
        picker = newWeightedPickerGroup(readyPickerWithWeights, wbsa.newWRR)
    return balancer.State{ConnectivityState: aggregatedState, Picker: picker}

newWeightedPickerGroup() creates a weightedPickerGroup.

  • The newWRR parameter of newWeightedPickerGroup() is wbsa.newWRR.
  • newWeightedPickerGroup() calls newWRR() to initialize w.
  • newWeightedPickerGroup() adds all the ready picker to w.
  • Note wrr.WRR is an interface.
  • What is wbsa.newWRR? Please read next section.
  • weightedPickerGroup.Pick() uses weighted round robin algorithm to return the pick result.
type weightedPickerGroup struct {
    w wrr.WRR

// newWeightedPickerGroup takes pickers with weights, and groups them into one
// picker.
// Note it only takes ready pickers. The map shouldn't contain non-ready
// pickers.
func newWeightedPickerGroup(readyWeightedPickers []weightedPickerState, newWRR func() wrr.WRR) *weightedPickerGroup {
    w := newWRR()
    for _, ps := range readyWeightedPickers {
        w.Add(ps.state.Picker, int64(ps.weight))

    return &weightedPickerGroup{
        w: w,

func (pg *weightedPickerGroup) Pick(info balancer.PickInfo) (balancer.PickResult, error) {
    p, ok := pg.w.Next().(balancer.Picker)
    if !ok {
        return balancer.PickResult{}, balancer.ErrNoSubConnAvailable
    return p.Pick(info)

// WRR defines an interface that implements weighted round robin.
type WRR interface {
    // Add adds an item with weight to the WRR set.
    // Add and Next need to be thread safe.
    Add(item interface{}, weight int64)
    // Next returns the next picked item.
    // Add and Next need to be thread safe.
    Next() interface{}
  • wbsa.newWRR is initialized in New().
  • New() is called in edsBalancerImpl.handleEDSResponse() with newRandomWRR as parameter.
  • newRandomWRR is wrr.NewRandom.
  • Which means wbsa.newWRR is actually wrr.NewRandom.
  • wrr.NewRandom() generates randomWRR.
  • randomWRR implements WRR interface.
func New(cc balancer.ClientConn, logger *grpclog.PrefixLogger, newWRR func() wrr.WRR) *Aggregator {
    return &Aggregator{
        cc:              cc,
        logger:          logger,
        newWRR:          newWRR,
        idToPickerState: make(map[string]*weightedPickerState),

func (edsImpl *edsBalancerImpl) handleEDSResponse(edsResp xdsclient.EndpointsUpdate) {
+-- 45 lines: TODO: Unhandled fields from EDS response:··································································································
    for priority, newLocalities := range newLocalitiesWithPriority {
        if !priorityLowest.isSet() || priorityLowest.higherThan(priority) {
            priorityLowest = priority

        bgwc, ok := edsImpl.priorityToLocalities[priority]
        if !ok {
+--  4 lines: Create balancer group if it's never created (this is the first·············································································
            ccPriorityWrapper := edsImpl.ccWrapperWithPriority(priority)
            stateAggregator := weightedaggregator.New(ccPriorityWrapper, edsImpl.logger, newRandomWRR)
            bgwc = &balancerGroupWithConfig{
                bg:              balancergroup.New(ccPriorityWrapper, edsImpl.buildOpts, stateAggregator, edsImpl.loadReporter, edsImpl.logger),
                stateAggregator: stateAggregator,
                configs:         make(map[internal.LocalityID]*localityConfig),
            edsImpl.priorityToLocalities[priority] = bgwc
            priorityChanged = true
            edsImpl.logger.Infof("New priority %v added", priority)
        edsImpl.handleEDSResponsePerPriority(bgwc, newLocalities)
+-- 20 lines: edsImpl.priorityLowest = priorityLowest····································································································

var newRandomWRR = wrr.NewRandom

// randomWRR is a struct that contains weighted items implement weighted random algorithm.
type randomWRR struct {
    mu           sync.RWMutex
    items        []*weightedItem
    sumOfWeights int64

// NewRandom creates a new WRR with random.
func NewRandom() WRR {
    return &randomWRR{}

var grpcrandInt63n = grpcrand.Int63n

func (rw *randomWRR) Next() (item interface{}) {
    if rw.sumOfWeights == 0 {
        return nil
    // Random number in [0, sum).
    randomWeight := grpcrandInt63n(rw.sumOfWeights)
    for _, item := range rw.items {
        randomWeight = randomWeight - item.Weight
        if randomWeight < 0 {
            return item.Item

    return rw.items[len(rw.items)-1].Item

func (rw *randomWRR) Add(item interface{}, weight int64) {
    rItem := &weightedItem{Item: item, Weight: weight}
    rw.items = append(rw.items, rItem)
    rw.sumOfWeights += weight

// weightedItem is a wrapped weighted item that is used to implement weighted random algorithm.
type weightedItem struct {
    Item   interface{}
    Weight int64

Let's continue the discussion of Aggregator.UpdateState(). Aggregator.UpdateState() calls

edsBalancerWrapperCC.UpdateState() calls ebwcc.parent.enqueueChildBalancerStateUpdate() with an extra ebwcc.priority parameter.

func (ebwcc *edsBalancerWrapperCC) UpdateState(state balancer.State) {
    ebwcc.parent.enqueueChildBalancerStateUpdate(ebwcc.priority, state)

ebwcc.parent.enqueueChildBalancerStateUpdate() is initialized in newEDSBalancerImpl().

func newEDSBalancerImpl(cc balancer.ClientConn, bOpts balancer.BuildOptions, enqueueState func(priorityType, balancer.State), lr load.PerClusterReporter, logger *grpclog.PrefixLogger) *edsBalancerImpl {
    edsImpl := &edsBalancerImpl{
        cc:                 cc,
        buildOpts:          bOpts,
        logger:             logger,
        subBalancerBuilder: balancer.Get(roundrobin.Name),
        loadReporter:       lr,

        enqueueChildBalancerStateUpdate: enqueueState,

        priorityToLocalities:   make(map[priorityType]*balancerGroupWithConfig),
        priorityToState:        make(map[priorityType]*balancer.State),
        subConnToPriority:      make(map[balancer.SubConn]priorityType),
        serviceRequestCountMax: defaultServiceRequestCountMax,
+--  4 lines: Don't start balancer group here. Start it when handling the first EDS··········································································
    return edsImpl

enqueueState parameter is initialized in newEDSBalancer.

var (
    newEDSBalancer = func(cc balancer.ClientConn, opts balancer.BuildOptions, enqueueState func(priorityType, balancer.State), lw load.PerClusterReporter, logger *grpclog.PrefixLogger) edsBalancerImplInterface {
        return newEDSBalancerImpl(cc, opts, enqueueState, lw, logger)
    newXDSClient = func() (xdsClientInterface, error) { return xdsclient.New() }

enqueueState parameter is initialized by x.enqueueChildBalancerState which is edsBalancer.enqueueChildBalancerState. This means ebwcc.parent.enqueueChildBalancerStateUpdate is edsBalancer.enqueueChildBalancerState.

edsBalancer.enqueueChildBalancerState() sends balancerStateWithPriority to channel x.childPolicyUpdate.

  • balancerStateWithPriority contains priorityType and balancer.State.
// Build helps implement the balancer.Builder interface.
func (b *edsBalancerBuilder) Build(cc balancer.ClientConn, opts balancer.BuildOptions) balancer.Balancer {
    x := &edsBalancer{
        cc:                cc,
        closed:            grpcsync.NewEvent(),
        grpcUpdate:        make(chan interface{}),
        xdsClientUpdate:   make(chan *edsUpdate),
        childPolicyUpdate: buffer.NewUnbounded(),
        lsw:               &loadStoreWrapper{},
        config:            &EDSConfig{},
    x.logger = prefixLogger(x)

    client, err := newXDSClient()
    if err != nil {
        x.logger.Errorf("xds: failed to create xds-client: %v", err)
        return nil

    x.xdsClient = client
    x.edsImpl = newEDSBalancer(, opts, x.enqueueChildBalancerState, x.lsw, x.logger)
    return x

func (x *edsBalancer) enqueueChildBalancerState(p priorityType, s balancer.State) {
        priority: p,
        s:        s,

Upon receives balancerStateWithPriority from channel x.childPolicyUpdate.Get(), calls x.edsImpl.updateState() to forward priorityType, balancer.State to edsBalancerImpl.

// run gets executed in a goroutine once edsBalancer is created. It monitors
// updates from grpc, xdsClient and load balancer. It synchronizes the
// operations that happen inside edsBalancer. It exits when edsBalancer is
// closed.
func (x *edsBalancer) run() {
    for {
        select {
        case update := <-x.grpcUpdate:
        case update := <-x.xdsClientUpdate:
        case update := <-x.childPolicyUpdate.Get():
            u := update.(*balancerStateWithPriority)
            x.edsImpl.updateState(u.priority, u.s)
        case <-x.closed.Done():

Drop picker

edsBalancerImpl.updateState() calls edsImpl.handlePriorityWithNewState() to start/close priorities based on the connectivity state. It returns whether the state should be forwarded to parent ClientConn. If edsImpl.handlePriorityWithNewState() returns true, edsBalancerImpl.updateState() forwards the state to

  • edsImpl.handlePriorityWithNewState() updates edsImpl.priorityToState[priority].
  • For connectivity.Ready, edsImpl.handlePriorityWithNewState() calls edsImpl.handlePriorityWithNewStateReady().
  • edsImpl.handlePriorityWithNewStateReady() handles state and decides whether to forward update or not.
  • For connectivity.Ready, edsImpl.handlePriorityWithNewStateReady() return true.

edsBalancerImpl.updateState() calls newDropPicker() to generates a dropPicker. We will discuss newDropPicker() in the following section.

edsBalancerImpl.updateState() calls to forward the state and new drop picker to ccWrapper.

// updateState first handles priority, and then wraps picker in a drop picker
// before forwarding the update.
func (edsImpl *edsBalancerImpl) updateState(priority priorityType, s balancer.State) {
    _, ok := edsImpl.priorityToLocalities[priority]
    if !ok {
        edsImpl.logger.Infof("eds: received picker update from unknown priority")

    if edsImpl.handlePriorityWithNewState(priority, s) {
        defer edsImpl.pickerMu.Unlock()
        edsImpl.innerState = s
        // Don't reset drops when it's a state change.{ConnectivityState: s.ConnectivityState, Picker: newDropPicker(s.Picker, edsImpl.drops, edsImpl.loadReporter, edsImpl.serviceRequestsCounter, edsImpl.serviceRequestCountMax)})

// handlePriorityWithNewState start/close priorities based on the connectivity
// state. It returns whether the state should be forwarded to parent ClientConn.
func (edsImpl *edsBalancerImpl) handlePriorityWithNewState(priority priorityType, s balancer.State) bool {
    defer edsImpl.priorityMu.Unlock()

    if !edsImpl.priorityInUse.isSet() {
        edsImpl.logger.Infof("eds: received picker update when no priority is in use (EDS returned an empty list)")
        return false

    if edsImpl.priorityInUse.higherThan(priority) {
        // Lower priorities should all be closed, this is an unexpected update.
        edsImpl.logger.Infof("eds: received picker update from priority lower then priorityInUse")
        return false

    bState, ok := edsImpl.priorityToState[priority]
    if !ok {
        bState = &balancer.State{}
        edsImpl.priorityToState[priority] = bState
    oldState := bState.ConnectivityState
    *bState = s

    switch s.ConnectivityState {
    case connectivity.Ready:
        return edsImpl.handlePriorityWithNewStateReady(priority)
    case connectivity.TransientFailure:
        return edsImpl.handlePriorityWithNewStateTransientFailure(priority)
    case connectivity.Connecting:
        return edsImpl.handlePriorityWithNewStateConnecting(priority, oldState)
        // New state is Idle, should never happen. Don't forward.
        return false

// handlePriorityWithNewStateReady handles state Ready and decides whether to
// forward update or not.
// An update with state Ready:
// - If it's from higher priority:
//   - Forward the update
//   - Set the priority as priorityInUse
//   - Close all priorities lower than this one
// - If it's from priorityInUse:
//   - Forward and do nothing else
// Caller must make sure priorityInUse is not higher than priority.
// Caller must hold priorityMu.
func (edsImpl *edsBalancerImpl) handlePriorityWithNewStateReady(priority priorityType) bool {
    // If one priority higher or equal to priorityInUse goes Ready, stop the
    // init timer. If update is from higher than priorityInUse,
    // priorityInUse will be closed, and the init timer will become useless.
    if timer := edsImpl.priorityInitTimer; timer != nil {
        edsImpl.priorityInitTimer = nil

    if edsImpl.priorityInUse.lowerThan(priority) {
        edsImpl.logger.Infof("Switching priority from %v to %v, because latter became Ready", edsImpl.priorityInUse, priority)
        edsImpl.priorityInUse = priority
        for i := priority.nextLower(); !i.lowerThan(edsImpl.priorityLowest); i = i.nextLower() {
            bgwc := edsImpl.priorityToLocalities[i]
        return true
    return true

dropPicker wraps the original picker and provides dropping connection feature.

  • The drops field is initialized by edsImpl.drops.
  • dropPicker.Pick() adds drop policies support.
  • dropPicker.Pick() also provides counter service for this RPC.
  • Here we will not go deeper into drop.
type dropPicker struct {
    drops     []*dropper
    p         balancer.Picker
    loadStore load.PerClusterReporter
    counter   *client.ServiceRequestsCounter
    countMax  uint32

func newDropPicker(p balancer.Picker, drops []*dropper, loadStore load.PerClusterReporter, counter *client.ServiceRequestsCounter, countMax uint32) *dropPicker {
    return &dropPicker{
        drops:     drops,
        p:         p,
        loadStore: loadStore,
        counter:   counter,
        countMax:  countMax,

func (d *dropPicker) Pick(info balancer.PickInfo) (balancer.PickResult, error) {
    var (
        drop     bool
        category string
    for _, dp := range d.drops {
        if dp.drop() {
            drop = true
            category = dp.c.Category
    if drop {
        if d.loadStore != nil {
        return balancer.PickResult{}, status.Errorf(codes.Unavailable, "RPC is dropped")
    if d.counter != nil {
        if err := d.counter.StartRequest(d.countMax); err != nil {
            // Drops by circuit breaking are reported with empty category. They
            // will be reported only in total drops, but not in per category.
            if d.loadStore != nil {
            return balancer.PickResult{}, status.Errorf(codes.Unavailable, err.Error())
        pr, err := d.p.Pick(info)
        if err != nil {
            return pr, err
        oldDone := pr.Done
        pr.Done = func(doneInfo balancer.DoneInfo) {
            if oldDone != nil {
        return pr, err
    // TODO: (eds) don't drop unless the inner picker is READY. Similar to
    return d.p.Pick(info)

Let's continue the discussion of edsBalancerImpl.updateState(). edsBalancerImpl.updateState() calls

  • is ccWrapper.
  • The ccWrapper doesn't have a UpdateState() method. ccWrapper has a embedded balancer.ClientConn field.
  • The embedded balancer.ClientConn is subBalancerWrapper. subBalancerWrapper has a UpdateState().

That means is subBalancerWrapper.UpdateState().

  • subBalancerWrapper.UpdateState() stores the state in sbc.state.
  • subBalancerWrapper.UpdateState() calls to forward the state and to BalancerGroup.
// UpdateState overrides balancer.ClientConn, to keep state and picker.
func (sbc *subBalancerWrapper) UpdateState(state balancer.State) {
    sbc.state = state, state)

updateBalancerState() wraps the picker to do load reporting if loadStore was set.

For, BalancerGroup.loadStore is set to nil. BalancerGroup.updateBalancerState() calls bg.stateAggregator.UpdateState() to send new state to the balancerStateAggregator.

// updateBalancerState: forward the new state to balancer state aggregator. The
// aggregator will create an aggregated picker and an aggregated connectivity
// state, then forward to ClientConn.
func (bg *BalancerGroup) updateBalancerState(id string, state balancer.State) {
    bg.logger.Infof("Balancer state update from locality %v, new state: %+v", id, state)
    if bg.loadStore != nil {
        // Only wrap the picker to do load reporting if loadStore was set.
        state.Picker = newLoadReportPicker(state.Picker, id, bg.loadStore)

    // Send new state to the aggregator, without holding the incomingMu.
    // incomingMu is to protect all calls to the parent ClientConn, this update
    // doesn't necessary trigger a call to ClientConn, and should already be
    // protected by aggregator's mutex if necessary.
    if bg.stateAggregator != nil {
        bg.stateAggregator.UpdateState(id, state)

Picker group

balancerStateAggregator.UpdateState() first updates the state in bsa.idToPickerState[id].

balancerStateAggregator.UpdateState() calls to update the state.

  • checks bsa.idToPickerState to set aggregatedState.
  • calls newPickerGroup() to build a wrapper Picker.
  • generates balancer.State based on aggregatedState and Picker.
  • We will discuss newPickerGroup() in the following section.

balancerStateAggregator.UpdateState() calls to propagate the state to ccBalancerWrapper.

// UpdateState is called to report a balancer state change from sub-balancer.
// It's usually called by the balancer group.
// It calls parent ClientConn's UpdateState with the new aggregated state.
func (bsa *balancerStateAggregator) UpdateState(id string, state balancer.State) {
    pickerSt, ok := bsa.idToPickerState[id]
    if !ok {
        // All state starts with an entry in pickStateMap. If ID is not in map,
        // it's either removed, or never existed.
    if !(pickerSt.state.ConnectivityState == connectivity.TransientFailure && state.ConnectivityState == connectivity.Connecting) {
        // If old state is TransientFailure, and new state is Connecting, don't
        // update the state, to prevent the aggregated state from being always
        // CONNECTING. Otherwise, stateToAggregate is the same as
        // state.ConnectivityState.
        pickerSt.stateToAggregate = state.ConnectivityState
    pickerSt.state = state

    if !bsa.started {

type balancerStateAggregator struct {
    cc     balancer.ClientConn
    logger *grpclog.PrefixLogger

    mu sync.Mutex
    // If started is false, no updates should be sent to the parent cc. A closed
    // sub-balancer could still send pickers to this aggregator. This makes sure
    // that no updates will be forwarded to parent when the whole balancer group
    // and states aggregator is closed.
    started bool
    // All balancer IDs exist as keys in this map, even if balancer group is not
    // started.
    // If an ID is not in map, it's either removed or never added.
    idToPickerState map[string]*subBalancerState

type subBalancerState struct {
    state balancer.State
    // stateToAggregate is the connectivity state used only for state
    // aggregation. It could be different from state.ConnectivityState. For
    // example when a sub-balancer transitions from TransientFailure to
    // connecting, state.ConnectivityState is Connecting, but stateToAggregate
    // is still TransientFailure.
    stateToAggregate connectivity.State

// build combines sub-states into one. The picker will do a child pick.
// Caller must hold
func (bsa *balancerStateAggregator) build() balancer.State {
    // TODO: the majority of this function (and UpdateState) is exactly the same
    // as weighted_target's state aggregator. Try to make a general utility
    // function/struct to handle the logic.
    // One option: make a SubBalancerState that handles Update(State), including
    // handling the special connecting after ready, as in UpdateState(). Then a
    // function to calculate the aggregated connectivity state as in this
    // function.
    var readyN, connectingN int
    for _, ps := range bsa.idToPickerState {
        switch ps.stateToAggregate {
        case connectivity.Ready:
        case connectivity.Connecting:
    var aggregatedState connectivity.State
    switch {
    case readyN > 0:
        aggregatedState = connectivity.Ready
    case connectingN > 0:
        aggregatedState = connectivity.Connecting
        aggregatedState = connectivity.TransientFailure

    // The picker's return error might not be consistent with the
    // aggregatedState. Because for this LB policy, we want to always build
    // picker with all sub-pickers (not only ready sub-pickers), so even if the
    // overall state is Ready, pick for certain RPCs can behave like Connecting
    // or TransientFailure.
    bsa.logger.Infof("Child pickers: %+v", bsa.idToPickerState)
    return balancer.State{
        ConnectivityState: aggregatedState,
        Picker:            newPickerGroup(bsa.idToPickerState),

newPickerGroup() creates a pickerGroup. newPickerGroup() adds all the idToPickerState to pickers field.

  • pickerGroup.Pick() finds the cluster name from the Context parameter.
  • pickerGroup.Pick() finds the picker which name is the cluster name that we just found.
  • pickerGroup.Pick() calls p.Pick() to return the balancer.PickResult.
// pickerGroup contains a list of pickers. If the picker isn't ready, the pick
// will be queued.
type pickerGroup struct {
    pickers map[string]balancer.Picker

func newPickerGroup(idToPickerState map[string]*subBalancerState) *pickerGroup {
    pickers := make(map[string]balancer.Picker)
    for id, st := range idToPickerState {
        pickers[id] = st.state.Picker
    return &pickerGroup{
        pickers: pickers,

func (pg *pickerGroup) Pick(info balancer.PickInfo) (balancer.PickResult, error) {
    cluster := getPickedCluster(info.Ctx)
    if p := pg.pickers[cluster]; p != nil {
        return p.Pick(info)
    return balancer.PickResult{}, status.Errorf(codes.Unavailable, "unknown cluster selected for RPC: %q", cluster)

type clusterKey struct{}

func getPickedCluster(ctx context.Context) string {
    cluster, _ := ctx.Value(clusterKey{}).(string)
    return cluster

Prepare for picker

ccBalancerWrapper.UpdateState() updates picker befoe updating state. The pickerWrapper needs pw.picker to be set when the connection state changed.

  • ccBalancerWrapper.UpdateState() calls to set s.Picker.
  • ccBalancerWrapper.UpdateState() calls to set the s.ConnectivityState.
func (ccb *ccBalancerWrapper) UpdateState(s balancer.State) {
    if ccb.subConns == nil {
    // Update picker before updating state.  Even though the ordering here does
    // not matter, it can lead to multiple calls of Pick in the common start-up
    // case where we wait for ready and then perform an RPC.  If the picker is
    // updated later, we could call the "connecting" picker when the state is
    // updated, and then call the "ready" picker after the picker gets updated.

// updatePicker is called by UpdateBalancerState. It unblocks all blocked pick.
func (pw *pickerWrapper) updatePicker(p balancer.Picker) {
    if pw.done {
    pw.picker = p
    // pw.blockingCh should never be nil.
    pw.blockingCh = make(chan struct{})

connectivityStateManager.updateState() updates csm.state and notifies ClientConn by close(csm.notifyChan).

// updateState updates the connectivity.State of ClientConn.
// If there's a change it notifies goroutines waiting on state change to
// happen.
func (csm *connectivityStateManager) updateState(state connectivity.State) {
    if csm.state == connectivity.Shutdown {
    if csm.state == state {
    csm.state = state
    channelz.Infof(logger, csm.channelzID, "Channel Connectivity change to %v", state)
    if csm.notifyChan != nil {
        // There are other goroutines waiting on this channel.
        csm.notifyChan = nil

func (csm *connectivityStateManager) getState() connectivity.State {
    return csm.state

func (csm *connectivityStateManager) getNotifyChan() <-chan struct{} {
    if csm.notifyChan == nil {
        csm.notifyChan = make(chan struct{})
    return csm.notifyChan

Please refer to Determine resolver builder. That section explains how to wait for a blocking dial via cc.GetState() and cc.WaitForStateChange().

  • ClientConn.WaitForStateChange() waits until the connectivity.State of ClientConn changes from sourceState or context expires.
  • ClientConn.WaitForStateChange() communicates with connectivityStateManager.updateState() through channel csm.notifyChan.
  • Calling connectivityStateManager.getNotifyChan() returns csm.notifyChan.
// GetState returns the connectivity.State of ClientConn.
// Experimental
// Notice: This API is EXPERIMENTAL and may be changed or removed in a
// later release.
func (cc *ClientConn) GetState() connectivity.State {
    return cc.csMgr.getState()

// WaitForStateChange waits until the connectivity.State of ClientConn changes from sourceState or
// ctx expires. A true value is returned in former case and false in latter.
// Experimental
// Notice: This API is EXPERIMENTAL and may be changed or removed in a
// later release.
func (cc *ClientConn) WaitForStateChange(ctx context.Context, sourceState connectivity.State) bool {
    ch := cc.csMgr.getNotifyChan()
    if cc.csMgr.getState() != sourceState {
        return true
    select {
    case <-ctx.Done():
        return false
    case <-ch:
        return true

Now we have connected with the upstream servers and the state & picker is ready to go. It's time to discuss xDS picker.