1. How much space you should give to Ubuntu while dual booting ?
Ans: If you are dual booting Ubuntu only for this workshop, you can give around 100 GB space. Allocate 30 GB for Root ( / ), 8-10 GB for swap area, remaining for Home.
If you are planning to use Ubuntu furthur, dedicate full D ( E or F ) drive to it ( 300 GB in most of the cases ). Give 30 GB for Root, 10 GB for swap area, reamining for Home.
1. I am getting the following error message after running sudo apt update
. What to do ?
Ans: Refer to the methods in this link and hopefully the issue should be resolved.
2. I am getting error message after running sudo apt install ros-humble-desktop-full
. What to do ?
Ans: Run sudo apt-get update
and WAIT ! It takes time for this step to completely finish and it might seem like nothing is happening. Be patient.
3. I am getting the following error message. What to do ?
Ans: Refer to the methods in this link and hopefully the issue should be resolved.