- Diamond nugget for use with TE recipes.
- Thermal Expansion recipes.
- Missing recipe for Fluid Module Upgrade.
- Ender-Infused metal recipe.
- Reverted transparent frame blocks.
- Thermal Expansion recipes.
- [#184] Ability to disable Thermal Expansion and Vanilla crafting recipes independently.
- Ability to use transparent blocks for portal frames.
- Featherfall now works as a Potion Effect that lasts for 10 seconds after you hit the portal that contains the module.
- [#174] Update check every time a player joins a server for both the client and server.
- [#183] Module Manipulator incorrectly syncing data to client.
- Tiny buttons on Dimensional Bridge Stabilizer GUI.
- Graphical issues on guide book.
- Memory leak on guide book item information pages.
- Direct redstone issues. Redstone torches can now be placed directly onto the Redstone Interface and redstone wire now works directly.
- Chat messages will now always correctly display [Success] or [Error].
- Cleaned out code referring to Buildcraft's old Mj API, should now work fine with 6.3+
- #165
- #156
- #139
- Entity rotation with a module manipulator installed, but no rotation module.
- Odd looking slider on the colour tabs.
- Can now change UID from saved destinations in the dialing device.
- Lang file in CZ - Thanks Nalimleinad
- Lang file in CH - Thanks Mazdallier
- Lang file in FR - Thanks Mrkwtkr
- OpenComputers updated to 1.4 - Thanks fnuecke
- Lang file in RU - Thanks Merkaba5
- Temporary fix for #142, lengthening the # of blocks checked by the controller to see the other side of a portal frame before giving up on verifying if a portal can be established.
- NEI fix for the nasty #140 bug - Thanks RoyCurtis
- Reinstated the instability effects. The chance of the effect happening is proportional to the % of instability.