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react-native-branch version 3.0

This version is maintained to support versions of react-native < 0.60. If you are using react-native >= 0.60, please update to version 4.0 of this SDK.


  1. yarn add react-native-branch
  2. (Optional) Add a branch.json file to the root of your app project. See
  3. react-native link react-native-branch
  4. Install the native Branch SDK using CocoaPods or Carthage.
  5. Follow the setup instructions.

iOS imports

Use the following to import the react-native-branch SDK depending on your configuration:

Objective-C (static library, including Swift bridging header):

#import <react-native-branch/RNBranch.h>

Objective-C (framework):

@import react_native_branch;

Swift (framework):

import react_native_branch

Version 4.0 provides one import for each language, independent of other configuration and settings.

Gradle dependency

If you use react-native link, no further change is necessary to your app/build.gradle.

In a native app, import the react-native-branch project like this:

implementation project(':react-native-branch')

If you're using an older version of Gradle, you may need compile rather than implementation. If you are already using the native Branch SDK in your app, it will now be imported from Maven via react-native-branch as a dependency. Remove any reference to from your dependencies to avoid conflicts.

Also add the project to your settings.gradle:

include ':react-native-branch'
project(':react-native-branch').projectDir = new File(rootProject.projectDir, '../node_modules/react-native-branch/android')

The location of your node_modules folder may vary.