A Metalsmith plugin to render Vega and Vega Lite visualizations in files.
From the official Vega documentation:
Vega is a visualization grammar, a declarative language for creating, saving, and sharing interactive visualization designs. With Vega, you can describe the visual appearance and interactive behavior of a visualization in a JSON format, and generate web-based views using Canvas or SVG.
Vega supports a number of different visualizations including bar charts, line charts, pie charts, scatter plots, distributions, geographic maps, network diagrams, heatmaps, and more. See the examples section below for a few of these.
This plugin works by finding all ```vega
and ```vega-lite
(more concise and convenient) code blocks in Markdown files, rendering them to SVG, and replacing them with the SVG in-place.
You should run this plugin before any Markdown rendering plugins such as @metalsmith/markdown
npm install --save metalsmith-vega
This plugin requires ES6 syntax:
import path from 'path';
import Metalsmith from 'metalsmith';
import vega from 'metalsmith-vega';
// options here
.build((err) => {
if (err) {
throw err;
Type: string
Default: "**/*.md"
A micromatch
glob pattern to find Markdown files.
Type: object
"padding": 1,
"width": 200,
"height": 200,
"background": "white"
An object of Vega options that get passed to the vega.parse()
"vega": {
"background": "orange",
"width": 1280,
"height": 720,
"padding": 10
Type: object
Default: undefined
If vegaLite
isn't defined, then the vega
option (above) will attempt to be used.
An object of Vega-Lite options that get passed to the vegaLite.compile()
"vegaLite": {
"background": "orange",
"padding": 10,
"view": {
"fill": "yellow",
"width": 1280,
"height": 720
Here are a few examples from the Vega and Vega Lite official documentation to get an idea of what types of visualizations are possible.
A line chart with Vega:
"$schema": "https://vega.github.io/schema/vega/v5.json",
"description": "A basic line chart example.",
"width": 500,
"height": 200,
"padding": 5,
"signals": [
{"name": "interpolate","value": "linear","bind": {"input": "select","options": ["basis","cardinal","catmull-rom","linear","monotone","natural","step","step-after","step-before"]}}
"data": [
"name": "table",
"values": [
{"x": 0,"y": 28,"c": 0},
{"x": 0,"y": 20,"c": 1},
{"x": 1,"y": 43,"c": 0},
{"x": 1,"y": 35,"c": 1},
{"x": 2,"y": 81,"c": 0},
{"x": 2,"y": 10,"c": 1},
{"x": 3,"y": 19,"c": 0},
{"x": 3,"y": 15,"c": 1},
{"x": 4,"y": 52,"c": 0},
{"x": 4,"y": 48,"c": 1},
{"x": 5,"y": 24,"c": 0},
{"x": 5,"y": 28,"c": 1},
{"x": 6,"y": 87,"c": 0},
{"x": 6,"y": 66,"c": 1},
{"x": 7,"y": 17,"c": 0},
{"x": 7,"y": 27,"c": 1},
{"x": 8,"y": 68,"c": 0},
{"x": 8,"y": 16,"c": 1},
{"x": 9,"y": 49,"c": 0},
{"x": 9,"y": 25,"c": 1}
"scales": [
{"name": "x","type": "point","range": "width","domain": {"data": "table","field": "x"}},
{"name": "y","type": "linear","range": "height","nice": true,"zero": true,"domain": {"data": "table","field": "y"}},
{"name": "color","type": "ordinal","range": "category","domain": {"data": "table","field": "c"}}
"axes": [
{"orient": "bottom","scale": "x"},
{"orient": "left","scale": "y"}
"marks": [
"type": "group",
"from": {"facet": {"name": "series","data": "table","groupby": "c"}},
"marks": [
{"type": "line","from": {"data": "series"},"encode": {"enter": {"x": {"scale": "x","field": "x"},"y": {"scale": "y","field": "y"},"stroke": {"scale": "color","field": "c"},"strokeWidth": {"value": 2}},"update": {"interpolate": {"signal": "interpolate"},"strokeOpacity": {"value": 1}},"hover": {"strokeOpacity": {"value": 0.5}}}}
A bar chart with Vega Lite:
"$schema": "https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v5.json",
"description": "A simple bar chart with embedded data.",
"data": {
"values": [
{"a": "A", "b": 28}, {"a": "B", "b": 55}, {"a": "C", "b": 43},
{"a": "D", "b": 91}, {"a": "E", "b": 81}, {"a": "F", "b": 53},
{"a": "G", "b": 19}, {"a": "H", "b": 87}, {"a": "I", "b": 52}
"mark": "bar",
"encoding": {
"x": {"field": "a", "type": "nominal", "axis": {"labelAngle": 0}},
"y": {"field": "b", "type": "quantitative"}
A scatter plot with Vega Lite:
"$schema": "https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v5.json",
"description": "A scatterplot showing body mass and flipper lengths of penguins.",
"data": {
"values": [
{"Species": "Adelie","Island": "Torgersen","Beak Length (mm)": 39.1,"Beak Depth (mm)": 18.7,"Flipper Length (mm)": 181,"Body Mass (g)": 3750,"Sex": "MALE"},
{"Species": "Adelie","Island": "Torgersen","Beak Length (mm)": 39.5,"Beak Depth (mm)": 17.4,"Flipper Length (mm)": 186,"Body Mass (g)": 3800,"Sex": "FEMALE"},
{"Species": "Adelie","Island": "Torgersen","Beak Length (mm)": 40.3,"Beak Depth (mm)": 18,"Flipper Length (mm)": 195,"Body Mass (g)": 3250,"Sex": "FEMALE"},
{"Species": "Adelie","Island": "Torgersen","Beak Length (mm)": null,"Beak Depth (mm)": null,"Flipper Length (mm)": null,"Body Mass (g)": null,"Sex": null},
{"Species": "Adelie","Island": "Torgersen","Beak Length (mm)": 36.7,"Beak Depth (mm)": 19.3,"Flipper Length (mm)": 193,"Body Mass (g)": 3450,"Sex": "FEMALE"},
{"Species": "Adelie","Island": "Biscoe","Beak Length (mm)": 37.8,"Beak Depth (mm)": 18.3,"Flipper Length (mm)": 174,"Body Mass (g)": 3400,"Sex": "FEMALE"},
{"Species": "Adelie","Island": "Biscoe","Beak Length (mm)": 37.7,"Beak Depth (mm)": 18.7,"Flipper Length (mm)": 180,"Body Mass (g)": 3600,"Sex": "MALE"},
{"Species": "Adelie","Island": "Biscoe","Beak Length (mm)": 35.9,"Beak Depth (mm)": 19.2,"Flipper Length (mm)": 189,"Body Mass (g)": 3800,"Sex": "FEMALE"},
{"Species": "Adelie","Island": "Biscoe","Beak Length (mm)": 38.2,"Beak Depth (mm)": 18.1,"Flipper Length (mm)": 185,"Body Mass (g)": 3950,"Sex": "MALE"},
{"Species": "Adelie","Island": "Biscoe","Beak Length (mm)": 38.8,"Beak Depth (mm)": 17.2,"Flipper Length (mm)": 180,"Body Mass (g)": 3800,"Sex": "MALE"},
{"Species": "Adelie","Island": "Dream","Beak Length (mm)": 39.5,"Beak Depth (mm)": 16.7,"Flipper Length (mm)": 178,"Body Mass (g)": 3250,"Sex": "FEMALE"},
{"Species": "Adelie","Island": "Dream","Beak Length (mm)": 37.2,"Beak Depth (mm)": 18.1,"Flipper Length (mm)": 178,"Body Mass (g)": 3900,"Sex": "MALE"},
{"Species": "Adelie","Island": "Dream","Beak Length (mm)": 39.5,"Beak Depth (mm)": 17.8,"Flipper Length (mm)": 188,"Body Mass (g)": 3300,"Sex": "FEMALE"},
{"Species": "Adelie","Island": "Dream","Beak Length (mm)": 40.9,"Beak Depth (mm)": 18.9,"Flipper Length (mm)": 184,"Body Mass (g)": 3900,"Sex": "MALE"},
{"Species": "Adelie","Island": "Dream","Beak Length (mm)": 36.4,"Beak Depth (mm)": 17,"Flipper Length (mm)": 195,"Body Mass (g)": 3325,"Sex": "FEMALE"},
{"Species": "Chinstrap","Island": "Dream","Beak Length (mm)": 46.5,"Beak Depth (mm)": 17.9,"Flipper Length (mm)": 192,"Body Mass (g)": 3500,"Sex": "FEMALE"},
{"Species": "Chinstrap","Island": "Dream","Beak Length (mm)": 50,"Beak Depth (mm)": 19.5,"Flipper Length (mm)": 196,"Body Mass (g)": 3900,"Sex": "MALE"},
{"Species": "Chinstrap","Island": "Dream","Beak Length (mm)": 51.3,"Beak Depth (mm)": 19.2,"Flipper Length (mm)": 193,"Body Mass (g)": 3650,"Sex": "MALE"},
{"Species": "Chinstrap","Island": "Dream","Beak Length (mm)": 45.4,"Beak Depth (mm)": 18.7,"Flipper Length (mm)": 188,"Body Mass (g)": 3525,"Sex": "FEMALE"},
{"Species": "Chinstrap","Island": "Dream","Beak Length (mm)": 52.7,"Beak Depth (mm)": 19.8,"Flipper Length (mm)": 197,"Body Mass (g)": 3725,"Sex": "MALE"},
{"Species": "Gentoo","Island": "Biscoe","Beak Length (mm)": 46.1,"Beak Depth (mm)": 13.2,"Flipper Length (mm)": 211,"Body Mass (g)": 4500,"Sex": "FEMALE"},
{"Species": "Gentoo","Island": "Biscoe","Beak Length (mm)": 50,"Beak Depth (mm)": 16.3,"Flipper Length (mm)": 230,"Body Mass (g)": 5700,"Sex": "MALE"},
{"Species": "Gentoo","Island": "Biscoe","Beak Length (mm)": 48.7,"Beak Depth (mm)": 14.1,"Flipper Length (mm)": 210,"Body Mass (g)": 4450,"Sex": "FEMALE"},
{"Species": "Gentoo","Island": "Biscoe","Beak Length (mm)": 50,"Beak Depth (mm)": 15.2,"Flipper Length (mm)": 218,"Body Mass (g)": 5700,"Sex": "MALE"},
{"Species": "Gentoo","Island": "Biscoe","Beak Length (mm)": 47.6,"Beak Depth (mm)": 14.5,"Flipper Length (mm)": 215,"Body Mass (g)": 5400,"Sex": "MALE"}
"mark": "point",
"encoding": {
"x": {"field": "Flipper Length (mm)","type": "quantitative","scale": {"zero": false}},
"y": {"field": "Body Mass (g)","type": "quantitative","scale": {"zero": false}},
"color": {"field": "Species","type": "nominal"},
"shape": {"field": "Species","type": "nominal"}