sudo add-apt-repository ppa:jonathonf/vim
sudo apt update
sudo apt install vim
My vimrc
$ cd
$ mv .vimrc .vimrcbak
$ ln -s .vim/vimrc .vimrc
VIM using plugins PATHOGEN to load automatically all plugins
Nerdtree (:NERDTreeToggle) : file manager for VIM. you can made some operation (copy cut past etc) with key 'm'
Fugitive : GIT wrapper
Nextval : use CTRL+a to increment a value or a change a boolean (from true to false to true etc)
Tabular : useful to line up text
Colorizer : colorize the color code starting with #FFFFFF
:VimGameCodeBreak > boring code
ctrl+a > increment a value or a change a boolean (from true to false to true etc)
F5 : undo windows (q to quit) and 'ctrl+w w' to switch windows
F6 : tree windws
:Tab /= > align text to '='
:Tab /:\zs > align text to ':' but exclude the ':' character
gg > end of line
cw > replace word
$ > go to end of line
a > go to begining of the line
:set list : show hidden character (tabulation, space, end of line ...)
split windows:
^w s = partage l'écran en deux horizontalement
^w v = partage l'écran en deux verticalement
Se déplacer dans les splits :
^w w = change de split
^w j = sélectionne le split d'en bas
^w k = sélectionne le split d'en haut
^w + = agrandit le split actif d'une ligne
^w - = réduit le split actif d'une ligne
ctrl+v to put in visual column mode
up or down
enter text to prefixe