Utah State University, Logan UT; 2015
Ph.D., Ecology
Dissertation title: A data-intensive assessment of the species-abundance distribution
Advisor: Dr. Ethan White
Fort Hays State University, Hays, KS; 2010
M.S., Biology
Thesis title: Nested subsets, scale, and the distribution of abundance: A macroecological approach.
Advisor: Dr. Rob Channell
Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS; 2007
B.S., Wildlife Ecology and Management
Fall 2012- Fall 2014 | *Graduate teaching assistant* Utah State University, Logan UT. |
Summer 2011- 2012 | *Graduate research assistant* Utah State University, Logan UT. |
Fall 2010-Spring 2011 | *Graduate teaching assistant* Utah State University, Logan UT. |
Fall 2009-Spring 2010 | *Fleharty Fellow* Fort Hays State University, Hays, KS. |
Summer 2009 | *Kansas Wetlands Education Center assistant* Kansas Wetlands Education Center, Cheyenne Bottoms, KS. |
Fall 2008-Spring 2009 | *Graduate teaching assistant* Fort Hays State University, Hays KS |
####Introductory Biology Laboratory, Biology 1610 and 1620, one credit hour (Fall 2010, 2012, 2014 Spring 2011, 2013)
Taught introductory biology course for biology majors, covering evolution, basic genetics, diversity of life, and ecology.
####Ecology Laboratory, one credit hour (Spring 2009)
Taught ecology laboratory for majors, covering diversity indices, life tables, foraging, distributions, and mark/recapture.
####Microbiology for Allied Health Laboratory, one credit hour (Fall 2008, Spring 2009)
Assisted with laboratory preparation for non-majors course, making microbiological media and culturing bacteria, as well as assisting student with laboratory activities.
####Laboratory Experiences in Biology, one credit hour (Fall 2008)
Taught introductory biology course for non-majors, covering evolution, basic genetics, diversity of life, and ecology.
Commonness and rarity
Community ecology
###Publication and Research Product Impacts:
Impact Story
Google Scholar
[OA]: The published paper is open access (or at least free to read) [OA version]: Link to an open or free version of the paper if the published version is not open access. Myhrvold, N.P., E. Baldridge, B. Chan, D. Sivam, D.L. Freeman, S.K.M. Ernest. In Press. An Amniote Life History Database to Perform Comparative Analyses with Birds, Mammals, and Reptiles. Ecology (Ecological Archives Data Paper) [OA]
E. Baldridge, X. Xiao, E.P. White. 2015. An extensive comparison of species-abundance distribution models. [OA] preprint, bioRxiv http://dx.doi.org/10.1101/024802
White, E.P, E. Baldridge+, Z.T. Brym+, K.J. Locey+, D.J. McGlinn+, S.R. Supp+. 2013. Nine simple ways to make it easier to (re)use your data. Ideas in Ecology and Evolution. 6(2): 1–10. [OA] http://library.queensu.ca/ojs/index.php/IEE/article/view/4608/4898
(+: Authors contributed equally to the work.)
E. Baldridge. 2010. Nested subsets, scale, and the distribution of abundance: A macroecological approach. Master's thesis, Fort Hays State University. [OA version]http://files.figshare.com/1701415/Nested_Subsets_Master_s_Thesis.pdf
Doctoral defense 2015, Logan UT Elita Baldridge "A data-intensive assessment of the species-abundance distribution." http://www.slideshare.net/embaldridge/a-dataintensive-assessment-of-the-species-abundance-distribution
Ecological Society of America 2013 Meeting, Minneapolis MN
Elita Baldridge & Ethan White, organizers. Ignite session "Constraints in Ecology".
Ecological Society of America 2011 Meeting, Austin TX
Elita Baldridge & Rob Channell. Testing the assumptions of the nested subset pattern.
Southwestern Association of Naturalists 2010 Meeting, Junction TX
Elita Baldridge & Rob Channell. Nested subset analysis: Examining geographic scale and abundance.
Kansas Ornithological Society 2009 Meeting, Hutchison KS
Elita Baldridge & Rob Channell. Effects of environmental conditions and distance from the geographic range center on the abundance of avian species.
Ecologial Society of America 2015 Meeting, Baltimore MD Elita Baldridge & Ethan White. Ecologist in silico: Facilitating access for chronically ill/disabled ecologists. [OA] http://files.figshare.com/2201245/ESA_2015.pdf
Gordon Research Conference 2014 "Unifying Ecology Across Scales", Boston MA
Nathan Myrhvold, Elita Baldridge, Benjamin Chan, Dan Freeman, and Morgan Ernest. An Amniote Life History Database to Perform Comparative Analyses with Birds, Mammals, and Reptiles. Presented by Morgan Ernest [OA] http://files.figshare.com/1587021/Ernest_Gordon_2014.pptx
Ecological Society of America 2012 Meeting, Portland OR
Elita Baldridge, Nathan Myrhvold, and Morgan Ernest. Macroecological life-history trait database for birds, mammals, and reptiles. [OA] http://files.figshare.com/98378/BaldridgeESA2012_poster.pdf
Research & Creative Activities Week 2010, Fort Hays State University, Hays KS
Elita Baldridge. Niche position, range position, and the distribution of abundance.
Research & Creative Activities Week 2009, Fort Hays State University, Hays KS
Elita Baldridge. Nested Subsets: A pattern of community assembly.
Outreach Coordinator, Ecological Society of American Open Science section, 2015-2016.
Guest post, Jabberwocky Ecology,http://jabberwocky.weecology.org/ Elita Baldridge.Sciencing with a chronic illness: Tips, tricks, & technology. Jabberwocky Ecology. 31 August 2015. http://jabberwocky.weecology.org/2015/08/31/sciencing-with-a-chronic-illness-tips-tricks-technology/
Guest post, Jabberwocky Ecology,http://jabberwocky.weecology.org/ Elita Baldridge.External challenges of chronic illness (in graduate school). Jabberwocky Ecology. 6 July 2015. http://jabberwocky.weecology.org/2015/07/06/external-challenges-of-chronic-illness-in-graduate-school/
Guest post, Jabberwocky Ecology,http://jabberwocky.weecology.org/ Elita Baldridge.Successfully completing a dissertation with a chronic illness. Jabberwocky Ecology, 25 May 2015. http://jabberwocky.weecology.org/2015/05/25/successfully-completing-a-dissertation-with-a-chronic-illness/
Guest post, Jabberwocky Ecology,http://jabberwocky.weecology.org/ Elita Baldridge. How technology can help scientists with chronic illnesses (or Technology FTW!) Jabberwocky Ecology, 13 October 2014. http://jabberwocky.weecology.org/2014/10/13/how-technology-can-help-scientists-with-chronic-illnesses-or-technology-ftw//
Guest post, Jabberwocky Ecology,http://jabberwocky.weecology.org/ Elita Baldridge. I am a graduate student. I have fibromyalgia. Jabberwocky Ecology, 13 January 2014. http://jabberwocky.weecology.org/2014/01/13/i-am-a-graduate-student-i-have-fibromyalgia/
Guest post, PhD(isabled), http://phdisabled.wordpress.com/ Elita Baldridge. Developing a mystery illness in grad school. PhD(isabled), 5 November 2013. http://phdisabled.wordpress.com/2013/11/05/developing-a-mystery-illness-in-grad-school/
Guest post, Jabberwocky Ecology,http://jabberwocky.weecology.org/ Elita Baldridge. Four basic skills areas for a macroecologist. Jabberwocky Ecology, 19 August 2013. http://jabberwocky.weecology.org/2013/08/19/four-basic-skill-areas-for-a-macroecologist-guest-post/
####MiscAbundanceDB: Community abundance data for a variety of mostly vertebrate taxa.
Available on figshare at the following links:
Metadata: http://dx.doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.95841
Sites table: http://dx.doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.95842x
Main data table: http://dx.doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.95843x
Citations table: http://dx.doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.95844
####GitHub repositories at https://github.com/embaldridge
Fleharty Fellowship, Department of Biological Sciences, Fort Hays State University, $7,000
###Database SQL- SQLite & postgres
Python (primary language)
Visual Basic