The purpose of this app is to obtain information from interviewing various women in the tech field and posting the results of that interview in a blog-ish style format.
Users will be able to comment and ask questions.
- Homepage with featured post and view all posts
- Ability to filter front page posts based on industry type or name
- Ability to search for specific interviewee
- Individual post page that highlights individual and displays interview
- About creators page
- Admin login to create, edit, or delete posts (corresponding form)
- Backend user login
- New post template
- Main page - animations
- MEAN Stack
- NodeJS
- ExpressJS back-end - utilize mostly RESTful routes that serve JSON
- Angular front-end
- MongoDB (along with Mongoose or Monk)
- Gulp
- PassportJS for Authentication
- Bootstrap
- We will be creating our own data.
- Form for creating, editing, or deleting posts (admin only)
- Comments
- Filtering
- Search bar
- Twitter API for current feed of relevant data
- User login to make comments on posts
- Image upload
- Social links - tweet this line