diff --git a/build.fsx b/build.fsx
index 1cf5005..6d97467 100755
--- a/build.fsx
+++ b/build.fsx
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ let projects =
!! "src/**.fsproj"
++ "netstandard/**.fsproj"
|> Array.skip 2 // fsi.exe; build.fsx
|> Array.toList
|> Context.FakeExecutionContext.Create false __SOURCE_FILE__
@@ -128,9 +128,10 @@ Target.create "Publish" ignore
==> "Meta"
==> "Restore"
==> "Build"
+ ==> "Test"
==> "Package"
==> "PublishNuget"
==> "Publish"
// start build
-Target.runOrDefault "Build"
+Target.runOrDefault "Test"
diff --git a/tests/Fable.Elmish.Browser.Tests.fsproj b/tests/Fable.Elmish.Browser.Tests.fsproj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4948107
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/Fable.Elmish.Browser.Tests.fsproj
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+ net6.0
+ runtime; build; native; contentfiles; analyzers; buildtransitive
+ all
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/ParserTests.fs b/tests/ParserTests.fs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dacb139
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/ParserTests.fs
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+module Elmish.ParserTests
+open Swensen.Unquote
+open NUnit.Framework
+open UrlParser
+let log (state: State<_>) : State<_> =
+ NUnit.Framework.TestContext.WriteLine("UrlParser state:",
+ {|
+ unvisited = state.unvisited |> Array.ofList
+ visited = state.visited |> Array.ofList
+ queryParams = state.args |> Map.toArray
+ |})
+ state
+/// Created using `document.location` on url:
+/// https://github.com/elmish/src/parser.fs?key1=value1&key2&key3=value3#L16-L33
+let testPathLocation =
+ { new Browser.Types.Location with
+ member this.assign(url: string): unit = raise (System.NotImplementedException())
+ member this.hash
+ with get (): string = "#L16-L33"
+ and set (v: string): unit = raise (System.NotImplementedException())
+ member this.host
+ with get (): string = "github.com"
+ and set (v: string): unit = raise (System.NotImplementedException())
+ member this.hostname
+ with get (): string = "github.com"
+ and set (v: string): unit = raise (System.NotImplementedException())
+ member this.href
+ with get (): string = "https://github.com/elmish/src/parser.fs?key1=value1&key2&key3=value3#L16-L33"
+ and set (v: string): unit = raise (System.NotImplementedException())
+ member this.origin
+ with get (): string = "https://github.com"
+ and set (v: string): unit = raise (System.NotImplementedException())
+ member this.password
+ with get (): string = raise (System.NotImplementedException())
+ and set (v: string): unit = raise (System.NotImplementedException())
+ member this.pathname
+ with get (): string = "/elmish/src/parser.fs"
+ and set (v: string): unit = raise (System.NotImplementedException())
+ member this.port
+ with get (): string = ""
+ and set (v: string): unit = raise (System.NotImplementedException())
+ member this.protocol
+ with get (): string = "https:"
+ and set (v: string): unit = raise (System.NotImplementedException())
+ member this.reload(forcedReload: bool option): unit = raise (System.NotImplementedException())
+ member this.replace(url: string): unit = raise (System.NotImplementedException())
+ member this.search
+ with get (): string = "?key1=value1&key2&key3=value3"
+ and set (v: string): unit = raise (System.NotImplementedException())
+ member this.toString(): string = raise (System.NotImplementedException())
+ member this.username
+ with get (): string = raise (System.NotImplementedException())
+ and set (v: string): unit = raise (System.NotImplementedException()) }
+/// Created using `document.location` on url:
+/// https://github.com/root/#/elmish/src/parser.fs?key1=value1&key2&key3=value3
+let testHashLocation =
+ { new Browser.Types.Location with
+ member this.assign(url: string): unit = raise (System.NotImplementedException())
+ member this.hash
+ with get (): string = "#/elmish/src/parser.fs?key1=value1&key2&key3=value3"
+ and set (v: string): unit = raise (System.NotImplementedException())
+ member this.host
+ with get (): string = "github.com"
+ and set (v: string): unit = raise (System.NotImplementedException())
+ member this.hostname
+ with get (): string = "github.com"
+ and set (v: string): unit = raise (System.NotImplementedException())
+ member this.href
+ with get (): string = "https://github.com/root/#/elmish/src/parser.fs?key1=value1&key2&key3=value3"
+ and set (v: string): unit = raise (System.NotImplementedException())
+ member this.origin
+ with get (): string = "https://github.com"
+ and set (v: string): unit = raise (System.NotImplementedException())
+ member this.password
+ with get (): string = raise (System.NotImplementedException())
+ and set (v: string): unit = raise (System.NotImplementedException())
+ member this.pathname
+ with get (): string = "/root/"
+ and set (v: string): unit = raise (System.NotImplementedException())
+ member this.port
+ with get (): string = ""
+ and set (v: string): unit = raise (System.NotImplementedException())
+ member this.protocol
+ with get (): string = "https:"
+ and set (v: string): unit = raise (System.NotImplementedException())
+ member this.reload(forcedReload: bool option): unit = raise (System.NotImplementedException())
+ member this.replace(url: string): unit = raise (System.NotImplementedException())
+ member this.search
+ with get (): string = ""
+ and set (v: string): unit = raise (System.NotImplementedException())
+ member this.toString(): string = raise (System.NotImplementedException())
+ member this.username
+ with get (): string = raise (System.NotImplementedException())
+ and set (v: string): unit = raise (System.NotImplementedException()) }
+type GitHubUrl =
+ | GitHubUrl of key1: string option * key3: string option
+let ``parseHash works``() =
+ let parser : Parser GitHubUrl, GitHubUrl> =
+ log >>
+ oneOf [
+ (s "elmish" > s "src" > s"parser.fs" > stringParam "key1" > stringParam "key3")
+ |> map (fun key1 key3 -> GitHubUrl(key1, key3))
+ ]
+ let parsedHash = Elmish.UrlParser.parseHash parser testHashLocation
+ parsedHash =! Some (GitHubUrl(Some "value1", Some "value3"))
+let ``parsePath works``() =
+ let parser : Parser GitHubUrl, GitHubUrl> =
+ log >>
+ oneOf [
+ (s "elmish" > s "src" > s"parser.fs" > stringParam "key1" > stringParam "key3")
+ |> map (fun key1 key3 -> GitHubUrl(key1, key3))
+ ]
+ let parsedHash = Elmish.UrlParser.parsePath parser testPathLocation
+ parsedHash =! Some (GitHubUrl(Some "value1", Some "value3"))