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JSON validator derived from AJV supporting ontology and taxonomy validation.


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JSON Schema Validator service

Build Status Codacy Badge tested with jest

This repository contains a deployable and/or executable JSON Schema validator service. This validator can run as a standalone node server or as a command line application that receives validation requests and gives back it's results.

The validation is done using the AJV library version ^7.0.0 that supports the JSON Schema draft-06/07/2019-09.


Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.


To be able to run this project you'll need to have Node.js and npm installed on your machine. npm is distributed with Node.js which means that when you download Node.js, you automatically get npm installed on your computer. If you don't want to install these dependencies, you can use our docker container.


Node.js / npm

brew install node

After installation check that everything is correctly installed and which versions you are running:

node -v
npm -v


Clone project and install dependencies:

git clone
cd biovalidator
npm install

Running the tests

npm test

Using biovalidator as a server

Start the server by executing following command:

node src/server

The web interface

The web interface will available at http://localhost:3020/. This has a low level of difficulty but is not suited for batch validations.

The validation API

This validator exposes one single endpoint that will accept POST requests. When running on your local machine, the endpoint will be available at http://localhost:3020/validate.

The endpoint will expect the body to have the following structure:

  "schema": {},
  "object": {}

Where the schema should be a valid json schema to validate the object against. You also have to add this value to the header of the request:

Content-Type: application/json

Example: Sending a POST request with the following body:

  "schema": {
    "$schema": "",
    "type": "object",
    "properties": {
      "alias": {
        "description": "A sample unique identifier in a submission.",
        "type": "string"
      "taxonId": {
        "description": "The taxonomy id for the sample species.",
        "type": "integer"
      "taxon": {
        "description": "The taxonomy name for the sample species.",
        "type": "string"
      "releaseDate": {
        "description": "Date from which this sample is released publicly.",
        "type": "string",
        "format": "date"
    "required": ["alias", "taxonId" ]
  "object": {
    "alias": "MA456",
    "taxonId": 9606

will produce a response like:

HTTP status code 200


An example of a validation response with errors:

HTTP status code 200

    "errors": [
        "should have required property 'value'"
    "dataPath": ".attributes['age'][0].value"
    "errors": [
        "should NOT be shorter than 1 characters",
        "should match format \"uri\""
    "dataPath": ".attributes['breed'][0].terms[0].url"

Where errors is an array of error messages for a given input identified by its path on dataPath. There may be one or more error objects within the response array. An empty array represents a valid validation result.

API Errors

Sending malformed JSON or a body with either the schema or the submittable missing will result in an API error (the request will not reach the validation). API errors have the following structure:

HTTP status code 400

  "error": "Malformed JSON please check your request body."

Read more about our additional server settings in the Advanced settings section.

Using biovalidator as a CLI (Command Line Interface)

There is a validator-cli.js script provided in the repository's root folder for the user if they would like to validate from the command line without setting up a running server.

Simply type node ./validator-cli.js --help to get the usage of this script:

node ./validator-cli.js --help

Bio-validator CLI (Command Line Interface)
usage: node ./validator-cli.js [--schema=path/to/schema] [--json=path/to/json]

      --help     Show help                                             [boolean]
      --version  Show version number                                   [boolean]
  -s, --schema   path to the schema file                              [required]
  -j, --json     path to the json file to validate                    [required]

  node ./validator-cli.js                   Validates 'valid.json' with
  --json=valid.json                         'test_schema.json'.

Advanced server settings

Startup arguments

  • logPath

If provided with a log path argument, the application will write the logs to a file on the specified directory with a 24h rotation. To provide the log path add a logPath property after the startup statement:

node src/server --logPath=/log/directory/path
  • pidPath

If provided with a pid file path argument, the application will write the pid into the specified file. If no pid file argument is provided, the application will still create a pid file on the default path: ./ To provide the pid file path add a pidPath property after the startup statement:

node src/server --pidPath=/pid/file/path/

Note: This is the file path and not just the directory it will be written to.

Custom keywords

The AJV library supports the implementation of custom json schema keywords to address validation scenarios that go beyond what json schema can handle.

Currently, in this repository four custom keywords are implemented: graph_restriction, isChildTermOf, isValidTerm and isValidTaxonomy.

If the user would like to add a new custom keywords then they have to add it to the validator when it is being instantiated:

// get all the custom extensions
const { newCustomKeyword, isChildTermOf, isValidTerm, isValidTaxonomy } = require("./keywords");

const validator = new BioValidator([
    new CustomKeyword(param1, param2),
    new isChildTermOf(null, ""),
    new isValidTerm(null, ""),
    new isValidTaxonomy(null)

// only use the new custom keyword
let validator = new BioValidator([CustomKeyword])


This custom keyword evaluates if an ontology term is child of another. This keyword is applied to a string (CURIE) and passes validation if the term is a child of the term defined in the schema. The keyword requires one or more parent terms (classes) and ontology ids (ontologies), both of which should exist in OLS - Ontology Lookup Service.

This keyword works by doing an asynchronous call to the OLS API that will respond with the required information to know if a given term is child of another. Being an async validation step, whenever used in a schema, the schema must have the flag: "$async": true in its object root.


    "$schema": "",
    "$id": "",
    "$async": true,
    "properties": {
        "ontology": {
            "description": "A term from the ontology [UBERON]( for an organ or a cellular bodily fluid such as blood or lymph.",
            "type": "string",
            "graph_restriction":  {
                "ontologies" : ["obo:hcao", "obo:uberon"],
                "classes": ["UBERON:0000062","UBERON:0000179"],
                "relations": ["rdfs:subClassOf"],
                "direct": false,
                "include_self": false

JSON object:

    "ontology": "UBERON:0000955"


This custom keyword also evaluates if an ontology term is child of another and is a simplified version of the graph_restriction keyword. This keyword is applied to a string (url) and passes validation if the term is a child of the term defined in the schema. The keyword requires the parent term and the ontology id, both of which should exist in OLS - Ontology Lookup Service.

This keyword works by doing an asynchronous call to the OLS API that will respond with the required information to know if a given term is child of another. Being an async validation step, whenever used in a schema, the schema must have the flag: "$async": true in its object root.


  "$schema": "",
  "$async": true,
  "properties": {
    "term": {
      "type": "string",
      "format": "uri",
      "isChildTermOf": {
        "parentTerm": "",
        "ontologyId": "pato"

JSON object:

  "term": ""


This custom keyword evaluates if a given ontology term url exists in OLS (Ontology Lookup Service). It is applied to a string (url) and passes validation if the term exists in OLS. It can be applied to any string defined in the schema.

This keyword works by doing an asynchronous call to the OLS API that will respond with the required information to determine if the term exists in OLS or not. Being an async validation step, whenever used in a schema, the schema must have the flag: "$async": true in its object root.


  "$schema": "",
  "$async": true,

  "properties": {
    "url": {
      "type": "string",
      "format": "uri",
      "isValidTerm": true

JSON object:

  "url": ""


This custom keyword evaluates if a given taxonomy exists in ENA's Taxonomy Browser. It is applied to a string (url) and passes validation if the taxonomy exists in ENA. It can be applied to any string defined in the schema.

This keyword works by doing an asynchronous call to the ENA API that will respond with the required information to determine if the term exists or not. Being an async validation step, whenever used in a schema, the schema must have the flag: "$async": true in its object root.


  "$schema": "",
  "title": "Is valid taxonomy expression.",
  "$async": true,
  "properties": {
    "value": { 
      "type": "string", 
      "minLength": 1, 
      "isValidTaxonomy": true

JSON object:

  "metagenomic source" : [ {
    "value" : "wastewater metagenome"
  } ]

Development tip

For development purposes using nodemon is useful. It reloads the application every time something has changed on save time.

nodemon src/server

Running in Docker

A Dockerized version of biovalidator is available on These images can be used to run the validator without cloning this repository.

Pull docker image from

docker pull

Run in server mode

docker run -p 3020:3020 -d --server

Run in onetime mode

docker run --schema /path/to/schema.json --json /path/to/json.json


For more details about licensing see the LICENSE.


JSON validator derived from AJV supporting ontology and taxonomy validation.








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