, short for "ANE CoreML converter/compiler", cuts the middleman to let you directly run a CoreML MLModel on the Neural Engine with my reverse-engineered Linux driver.
From pip:
pip install anecc
From source:
git clone
cd anecc
make install
Verify installation:
Usage: anecc [OPTIONS] PATH
-n, --name TEXT Model name
-o, --out TEXT Output file name (default $name.anec)
-w, --write Write anec.
-p, --print Print struct.
-f, --force Bypass warnings.
--help Show this message and exit.
On macOS, an MLModel file would be loaded with:
import coremltools as ct
model = ct.models.MLModel("yolov5.mlmodel")
converts the MLModel into a custom anec
format that's even easier to load on Linux:
import ane
model = ane.model("yolov5.anec")
You'll notice load times are a lot faster than CoreML. And the Python "library" being a mere 50 LOC wrapper around the lightweight gnu99 C userspace driver library. That's because you actually own your own model.
#include "ane.h"
int main(void) {
struct ane_nn *nn = ane_init("yolov5.anec");
if (nn == NULL) {
return -1;
// ...
return 0;
Compile with gcc
or g++
g++ -I/usr/include/libane main.c -o main -lane
To create or convert your own MLModel, you need to start in macOS, where a CoreML runtime is available. You do not need macOS to run a pre-converted ".anec" model.
TLDR at the bottom.
Starting in macOS-land. You should have a "*.mlmodel" file ready. Do not use "mlpackages".
Still in macOS-land.
I kinda lied about the MLModel part. When an MLModel is loaded,
mlmodel = ct.models.MLModel("yolov5.mlmodel")
the CoreML backend is called to deserialize, convert, and compile the model into a microcode executable on the ANE. Every. Time. I'm unsure whether the concept of "caching" is absent out of apathy, inability, or secrecy. The compiled model, which we must extract, is embedded in a macho suffixed "*.hwx". My guess is "hardware executable".
Extract the hwx under macOS using tohwx
, a slimmed down version of freedomtan's obj-c conversion script. Install tohwx
git clone
cd anecc
make -C tohwx
make -C tohwx install
Use tohwx
to convert mlmodel -> hwx:
$ tohwx yolov5.mlmodel
tohwx: input mlmodel: /Users/eileen/yolov5.mlmodel
tohwx: output hwx: /Users/eileen/yolov5.hwx
If it fails, sorry, I don't know. Make a pull, attach the mlmodel, and I'll take a look at it.
is platform independent. You can also use it to check conversion ability or debug the model.
anecc yolov5.hwx -o yolov5.anec
In macOS:
tohwx yolov5.mlmodel
In macOS or Linux or Windows or whatever:
anecc yolov5.hwx -o yolov5.anec
Use the yolov5.anec with libane.