diff --git a/compact/tracking/support_service_craterlake.xml b/compact/tracking/support_service_craterlake.xml
index 06c34a45a7..aa82aaebd4 100644
--- a/compact/tracking/support_service_craterlake.xml
+++ b/compact/tracking/support_service_craterlake.xml
@@ -330,6 +330,7 @@
+ rmax="TrackerSupportCyl_rmin1+TrackerSupportCylN_thickness1A"
@@ -341,6 +342,7 @@
+ rmax="TrackerSupportCyl_rmin1+TrackerSupportCylP_thickness1A"
diff --git a/src/SupportServiceMaterial_geo.cpp b/src/SupportServiceMaterial_geo.cpp
index 45aa081c49..b79502f16a 100644
--- a/src/SupportServiceMaterial_geo.cpp
+++ b/src/SupportServiceMaterial_geo.cpp
@@ -71,12 +71,48 @@ namespace {
const double rmin2 = base_rmin2 + transverse_offset;
const double rmax1 = rmin1 + transverse_thickness;
const double rmax2 = rmin2 + transverse_thickness;
- if (x_child.hasAttr(_Unicode(phimin)) || x_child.hasAttr(_Unicode(phimax))) {
- const double phimin = getAttrOrDefault(x_child, _Unicode(phimin), 0.0 * deg);
- const double phimax = getAttrOrDefault(x_child, _Unicode(phimax), 360.0 * deg);
- solid = ConeSegment(length / 2, rmin1, rmax1, rmin2, rmax2, phimin, phimax);
+ // Allow for optional hard rmin/rmax cutoffs
+ const double rmin = getAttrOrDefault(x_child, _U(rmin), getAttrOrDefault(x_support, _Unicode(rmin), min(rmin1,rmin2)));
+ const double rmax = getAttrOrDefault(x_child, _U(rmax), getAttrOrDefault(x_support, _Unicode(rmax), max(rmax1,rmax2)));
+ if (rmin > min(rmax1,rmax2)) {
+ printout(ERROR, x_det.nameStr(), "%s: rmin (%f mm) must be smaller than the smallest rmax (%f %f mm)", x_support.nameStr().c_str(), rmin/mm, rmax1/mm, rmax2/mm);
+ std::exit(1);
+ }
+ if (rmax < max(base_rmin1,base_rmin2)) {
+ printout(ERROR, x_det.nameStr(), "%s: rmax (%f mm) must be larger than the largest rmin (%f %f mm)", x_support.nameStr().c_str(), rmax/mm, base_rmin1/mm, base_rmin2/mm);
+ std::exit(1);
+ }
+ const double zmin = - length / 2 + length * (rmin - rmin1) / (rmin2 - rmin1);
+ const double zmax = + length / 2 - length * (rmax2 - rmax) / (rmax2 - rmax1);
+ const auto rmin_at = [&](const double z) { return rmin1 + (z + length/2) * (rmin2 - rmin1) / length; };
+ const auto rmax_at = [&](const double z) { return rmax1 + (z + length/2) * (rmax2 - rmax1) / length; };
+ // Allow for optional phimin/phimax
+ const double phimin = getAttrOrDefault(x_child, _Unicode(phimin), getAttrOrDefault(x_support, _Unicode(phimin), 0.0 * deg));
+ const double phimax = getAttrOrDefault(x_child, _Unicode(phimax), getAttrOrDefault(x_support, _Unicode(phimax), 360.0 * deg));
+ const double deltaphi = phimax - phimin;
+ if (fabs(zmin) >= length / 2 - std::numeric_limits::epsilon() &&
+ fabs(zmax) >= length / 2 - std::numeric_limits::epsilon()) {
+ if (fabs(phimax - phimin - 360*deg) < std::numeric_limits::epsilon()) {
+ solid = Cone(length / 2, rmin1, rmax1, rmin2, rmax2);
+ } else {
+ solid = ConeSegment(length / 2, rmin1, rmax1, rmin2, rmax2, phimin, phimax);
+ }
} else {
- solid = Cone(length / 2, rmin1, rmax1, rmin2, rmax2);
+ std::vector
+ v_rmin{max(rmin1, rmin), max(rmin2, rmin)},
+ v_rmax{min(rmax1, rmax), min(rmax2, rmax)},
+ v_z{-length / 2, +length / 2};
+ if (- length / 2 < zmax && zmax < +length / 2) {
+ v_rmin.insert(std::next(v_rmin.begin()), rmin_at(zmax));
+ v_rmax.insert(std::next(v_rmax.begin()), rmax_at(zmax));
+ v_z.insert(std::next(v_z.begin()), zmax);
+ }
+ if (- length / 2 < zmin && zmin < +length / 2) {
+ v_rmin.insert(std::next(v_rmin.begin()), rmin_at(zmin));
+ v_rmax.insert(std::next(v_rmax.begin()), rmax_at(zmin));
+ v_z.insert(std::next(v_z.begin()), zmin);
+ }
+ solid = Polycone(phimin, deltaphi, v_rmin, v_rmax, v_z);
} else {
printout(ERROR, x_det.nameStr(), "Unknown support type: %s", type.c_str());