* Add preserve_time to preserve the mtime of uploaded file to download operation * Add follow_symlinks to follow the symlinks to download operation * Add dont_overwrite_if_same_file compare mtime && size to not download an existing file to download operation * Add preserve_time to preserve the mtime of uploaded file to upload operation * Add dont_overwrite_if_same_file compare mtime && size to not download an existing file to upload operation
Fixed missing StringIO exception in download! [Toby Bryans, Delano Mandelbaum]
Fixed frozen string issue in StatusException.message [appoxy]
Reference the correct Exception class when rescuing errors [Scott Tadman]
Avoid using ‘ensure’ in Net::SFTP.start since it causes unfriendly behavior when exceptions are raised [Jamis Buck]
Open files in binary mode to appease Windows [Jamis Buck]
Make Net::SSH::Connection::Session#sftp accept an argument determining whether or not to block while the SFTP subsystem initializes (defaults to true) [Jamis Buck]
Allow Session#connect to be useful even in the open/opening states by invoking or queuing the callback block [Jamis Buck]
Allow custom properties to be set on upload/download initiation via the :properties option [Jamis Buck]
Custom properties on Download instances [Jamis Buck]
Add #abort! method to Upload and Download operations [Jamis Buck]
More complete support for file-type detection in protocol versions 1-3 [Jamis Buck]
Custom properties on Upload instances [Jamis Buck]
Rewritten! (Never, ever, do this at home.) New and improved API.