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Running decentralized ganache

In this tutorial we are going to create a simple ganache instance with running mokka consensus behind.


First of all, let's install mokka, ganache and other required stuff (via npm):

$ npm install mokka ganache-core tweetnacl bunyan web3 --save

Prepare keys

As mokka use asymmetric cryptography, we have to create the key pairs for each member of cluster.


import crypto from 'crypto';

for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
  const node = crypto.createECDH('secp256k1');
  console.log(`pair[${i + 1}] {publicKey: ${node.getPublicKey('hex', 'compressed')}, secretKey: ${node.getPrivateKey('hex')}`);

Now let's call the gen_keys: bash $ node src/gen_keys.ts The output should be similar to this one:

pair[1] {publicKey: d6c922bc69a0cc059565a80996188d11d29e78ded4115b1d24039ba25e655afb, secretKey: 4ca246e3ab29c0085b5cbb797f86e6deea778c6e6584a45764ec10f9e0cebd7fd6c922bc69a0cc059565a80996188d11d29e78ded4115b1d24039ba25e655afb
pair[2] {publicKey: a757d4dbbeb8564e1a3575ba89a12fccaacf2940d86c453da8b3f881d1fcfdba, secretKey: 931f1c648e1f87b56cd22e8de7ed235b9bd4ade9696c9d8c75f212a1fa401d5da757d4dbbeb8564e1a3575ba89a12fccaacf2940d86c453da8b3f881d1fcfdba
pair[3] {publicKey: 009d53a3733c81375c2b5dfd4e7c51c14be84919d6e118198d35afd80965a52c, secretKey: 7144046b5c55f38cf9b3b7ec53e3263ebb01ed7caf46fe8758d6337c87686077009d53a3733c81375c2b5dfd4e7c51c14be84919d6e118198d35afd80965a52c

Mokka implementation

As mokka is agnostic to protocol, we have to implement it, or take exciting one from implementations (in our case we will take TCP). Also we will need to install the a socket lib for messages exchange (used by TCP implementation):

$ npm install axon --save

Cluster implementation

Each node in cluster will represent the ganache instance with mokka's client. In order to make the ganache decentralized, we have to think about 3 things:

  1. an ability to broadcast pending changes (like unconfirmed tx)
  2. an ability to mine and broadcast the blocks
  3. concurrency and sync issues

In order to overcome the first problem, we will override the send method in ganache instance, so in case the node (which accepts the request) is follower, it rebroadcast the request to the leader node. This logic only touch send_transaction request.

The second problem will be resolved thanks to mokka consensus engine: once the leader receive the pending transaction, it applies it and mint new block. This block will be broadcasted with mokka to all followers. Then each follower apply this block to its state.

The third issue will be resolved thanks to previous two.

First of all, we have to create the config, where we will specify all options for each node src/config.ts:

export default {
  nodes: [
      balance: '10'.padEnd(20, '0'),
      ganache: 8545,
      port: 3000,
      publicKey: '0263920784223e0f5aa31a4bcdae945304c1c85df68064e9106ebfff1511221ee9',
      secretKey: '507b1433f58edd4eff3e87d9ba939c74bd15b4b10c00c548214817c0295c521a'
      balance: '10'.padEnd(20, '0'),
      ganache: 8546,
      port: 3001,
      publicKey: '024ad0ef01d3d62b41b80a354a5b748524849c28f5989f414c4c174647137c2587',
      secretKey: '3cb2530ded6b8053fabf339c9e10e46ceb9ffc2064d535f53df59b8bf36289a1'
      balance: '10'.padEnd(20, '0'),
      ganache: 8547,
      port: 3002,
      publicKey: '02683e65682deeb98738b44f8eb9d1840852e5635114c7c4ef2e39f20806b96dbf',
      secretKey: '1c954bd0ecc1b2c713b88678e48ff011e53d53fc496458063116a2e3a81883b8'

Now we need a code, which will boot up the Mokka and ganache with certain params. Also, for demo purpose, we will write the logic, where mokka bootup peer based on first free port among specified in config. Todo that, we need to install a lib, which will detect if certain port is free:

$ npm install detect-port --save

Now we need to write the cluster implementation src/server.ts

import bunyan from 'bunyan';
import detect = require('detect-port');
import ganache from 'ganache-core';
import Tx from 'ganache-core/lib/utils/transaction';
import Block from 'ganache-core/node_modules/ethereumjs-block';
import * as MokkaEvents from 'mokka/dist/consensus/constants/EventTypes';
import MessageTypes from 'mokka/dist/consensus/constants/MessageTypes';
import * as MokkaStates from 'mokka/dist/consensus/constants/NodeStates';
import NodeStates from 'mokka/dist/consensus/constants/NodeStates';
import {PacketModel} from 'mokka/dist/consensus/models/PacketModel';
import TCPMokka from 'mokka/dist/implementation/TCP';
import semaphore = require('semaphore');
import Web3 = require('web3');
import config from './config';

const logger = bunyan.createLogger({name: 'mokka.logger', level: 60});
const sem = semaphore(1);

const logsStorage: Array<{ key: string, value: string }> = [];
const knownPeersState = new Map<string, number>();

class ExtendedPacketModel extends PacketModel {
  public logIndex: number;

const startGanache = async (node) => {

  const accounts = => ({
    balance: node.balance,
    secretKey: `0x${node.secretKey.slice(0, 64)}`

  const server = ganache.server({
    default_balance_ether: 500,
    network_id: 86,
    time: new Date('12-12-2018')

  await new Promise((res) => {
    server.listen(node.ganache, () => {

  return server;

const startMokka = async (node, server) => {

  // @ts-ignore
  const web3 = new Web3(server.provider);

  const reqMiddleware = async (packet: ExtendedPacketModel): Promise<ExtendedPacketModel> => {
    knownPeersState.set(packet.publicKey, packet.logIndex);

    if (
      packet.state === NodeStates.LEADER &&
      packet.type === MessageTypes.ACK && &&
      packet.logIndex > logsStorage.length) {

      sem.take(async () => {
        const block = new Block(Buffer.from(, 'hex'));
        block.transactions = => new Tx(tx));
        // @ts-ignore
        const replyPacket: ExtendedPacketModel = mokka.messageApi.packet(16);

        const savedBlock = await web3.eth.getBlock(;

        if (savedBlock) {
          replyPacket.logIndex = logsStorage.length;
          await mokka.messageApi.message(replyPacket, packet.publicKey);
          return sem.leave();

        await new Promise((res, rej) => {
            (err, data) => err ? rej(err) : res(data)
        });`new block added ${block.hash().toString('hex')}`);

        replyPacket.logIndex = logsStorage.length;
        await mokka.messageApi.message(replyPacket, packet.publicKey);

    return packet;

  const resMiddleware = async (packet: ExtendedPacketModel, peerPublicKey: string): Promise<ExtendedPacketModel> => {
    packet.logIndex = logsStorage.length;
    const peerIndex = knownPeersState.get(peerPublicKey) || 0;

    if (mokka.state === NodeStates.LEADER && packet.type === MessageTypes.ACK && peerIndex < logsStorage.length) { = {...logsStorage[peerIndex], index: peerIndex + 1};

    return packet;

  const customVoteRule = async (packet: ExtendedPacketModel): Promise<boolean> => {
    return packet.logIndex >= logsStorage.length;

  const mokka = new TCPMokka({
    address: `tcp://${node.port}/${node.publicKey}`,
    electionTimeout: 300,
    heartbeat: 200,
    privateKey: node.secretKey,
    proofExpiration: 30000,
  mokka.on(MokkaEvents.default.STATE, () => {`changed state ${mokka.state} with term ${mokka.term}`);

  config.nodes.filter((nodec) => nodec.publicKey !== node.publicKey).forEach((nodec) => {

  await mokka.connect();
  return mokka;

const init = async () => {

  const allocated = await Promise.all( (node) =>
      node.ganache === await detect(node.ganache)

  const index = allocated.indexOf(true);

  if (index === -1)
    throw Error('all ports are busy');

  const node = config.nodes[index];

  const server = await startGanache(node);
  const mokka = await startMokka(node, server);

  server.provider.engine.on('rawBlock', async (blockJSON) => {

    const block: Block = await new Promise((res, rej) => {
      server.provider.manager.state.blockchain.getBlock(blockJSON.hash, (err, data) => err ? rej(data) : res(data));

    if (mokka.state !== MokkaStates.default.LEADER)

    logsStorage.push({key: blockJSON.hash, value: block.serialize().toString('hex')});

  const bound = server.provider.send;

  server.provider.send = async (payload, cb) => {

    if (mokka.state !== MokkaStates.default.LEADER && payload.method === 'eth_sendTransaction') {

      const node = config.nodes.find((node) => node.publicKey === mokka.leaderPublicKey);

      // @ts-ignore
      const web3 = new Web3(`http://localhost:${node.ganache}`);

      let hash;

      try {
        hash = await new Promise((res, rej) =>
          web3.eth.sendTransaction(...payload.params, (err, result) => err ? rej(err) : res(result))
      } catch (e) {
        return cb(e, null);

      // await until tx will be processed
      await new Promise((res) => {
        const intervalPid = setInterval(async () => {

          const tx = await new Promise((res, rej) =>
              (err, result) => err ? rej(err) : res(result)

          if (tx) {

        }, 200);

      const reply = {
        jsonrpc: payload.jsonrpc,
        result: hash

      return cb(null, reply);

    return, payload, cb);

module.exports = init();


Now we can run out cluster. So, you have to open 3 terminals and type in each terminal the appropriate command: terminal 1: npm start terminal 2: npm start terminal 3: npm start

Now you can connect to any node (i.e. ports 8545, 8546 or 8547) via web3, or geth client and start using the cluster. All source code is available under the current directory. In case, you are going to run the demo from mokka's repo, then first run: npm run build_dist for generating mokka dist folder.